Day of Xisk

Story by Anakashar on SoFurry

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Xisk - Mid-twenties lizard prosecuting attorney. Married to Rela, mid-twenties lizard computer engineer.

Written by Muddobbers.

Day of Xisk

"This case is taking too long to conclude, and I must make a motion to cease this frivolity," Xisk said. The Arbiter of Trials could not agree more, but the defending party continued to throw in comments attempting to throw the trial into disarray and confusion using baseless "What ifs." Every attempt that was legally possible to prolong the trial was used, and it appeared to work as the Arbiter grew frustrated. "I must pause this trial at this moment and must call for it to be resumed tomorrow. Maybe then the defense can come up with solid proof that this trial must be judged in their favor, otherwise I must find for the prosecution. Until then, good day," the Arbiter concluded as he stepped down from the podium.

When Xisk got home, Rela asked him how his day went. "No worse than any other trial. The best part," Xisk grinned, "Is if the defense can't come up with a decent argument, then the trial is as good as mine! At any rate, how are you today?"

"Better than ever. The headache's gone and this company's computer layout was completed and installed without too many issues," Rela smiled, "This almost calls for celebration.. but you still have to complete your trial, otherwise you won't be able to concentrate."

"I won't be able to concentrate? There isn't really a need to concentrate on this trial anymore, unless the defense creates the best comeback to ever happen in the history of law!" exclaimed Xisk.

Rela grinned, "That's what I wanted to hear." She moved closer to Xisk, her emotions releasing pheromones causing Xisk to become excited.

He leaned in to nuzzle her neck saying, "Ah.. so that's what you meant by not being able to concentrate.." Rela began to purr and moved her hands all over his back while he fondled her tail and ass. They massaged each other's bodies for a few minutes, before she leaned up and they began to kiss, their long tongues wrapping out around each other. After a minute, she broke away and walked to their bedroom, flicking her tail side to side while looking back to persuade Xisk to follow. It did not take too long for him to oblige!

Once in the bedroom, facing each other for a moment, Xisk began to slide the straps of Rela's dress from her shoulders. With her dress on the floor, she kicked it off and he began to lick the smooth scales of her chest. Her head shot up and a long purr came from her throat as he grabbed her ass and moved ever closer to her panties. He grabbed her panties and pulled them down, revealing her glistening, soft-scale pussy. He lightly flicked his tongue out and went back and forth over her slit, invoking guttural moans and deep purrs from Rela. However, she looked down and pulled him up.

Rela looked at his wet snout and giggled, "Not yet, I want this time to be.. different."

"Different? I thought I was always doing so well.." Xisk said, turning his head when she said that.

"You'll see," she replied.

She moved closer to him, wrapping one leg around him and unbuttoning his shirt. After removing his shirt, she rubbed her hands over his chest and licked his neck. She moved her hands down toward his pants and released his belt and dropped his pants to the floor. Stepping out of them, she began to stroke the entrance to his sheath, eliciting a low growl from Xisk. She cupped his crotch and massaged it back and forth until his cock started to slide out from it's inner compartment.

Rela grasped his cock and stroked it a few times, getting it to its full size. She stopped stroking and looked at him in the eyes and said, "Every time we make love you do it nicely and wonderfully. I have no complaints about your style. This time, however, I want it to be different. Be forceful like you are in the trial room! Give it to me as rough as you can!"

Xisk was shocked for a brief moment, then smiled a rather dark smile. "I can do that..," he growled. His eyes changed colors, becoming tinged with red. Without hesitation he grabbed Rela and threw her on her back onto the bed and leapt on top of her. He grabbed her wrists and spread them apart, pinning them to the bed. He bit her shoulder enough to cause her to grimace with a pleasured pain.

"I'll give you what you need..," he growled out.

"Then give it to me!" Rela screamed.

Xisk forced her legs apart and nestled his crotch against hers, his cock between them, and he began to heavily grind into her pussy. Rela groaned loudly and moved her hips to meet with the rhythm of her altered husband's thrusts. The tension inside of her was building up and she was close to an orgasm, when Xisk sensed this and stopped his thrusts.

"When you orgasm, it will only be around my cock!" he shouted.

With this, he moved back and lined up his cock to her slit and thrust in as hard as he could. Rela immediately exploded into orgasm as her juices began to drip down. Her constricting pussy caused Xisk to thrust in and out with great strength, grinding against her sensitive clit and causing her to achieve yet another orgasm. Both of them were growling deep, instinctive growls as Xisk continued his pounding into her pussy.

Rela was fast approaching another orgasm, when Xisk stopped short. With his cock still buried deep into her, he released her wrists, grabbed her around the waist, and flipped her over onto her stomach and raised her ass up into the air. He grabbed her wrists again, held them tightly to her waist and began fucking her with renewed vigor. The noises they were making could only be described as pure lust. His cock was sliding in and out of her pussy, fucking her intently. Her juices were dripping down from his cock every time he pulled out, as well as oozing down their legs.

"Fuck me!" shouted Rela.

With that, Xisk took her wrists, and went forward, stretching both of them out onto their stomachs with this cock still buried inside of her. His thrusts were slower and shorter, but they were more penetrating and he was able to rub all of Rela's sensitive spots inside her pussy. This immediately triggered another orgasm for Rela, who was becoming exhausted and succumbed to the forceful fucking.

Xisk let out a long, deep growl signaling his impending orgasm. Rela began to do a same deep growl and she clenched her pussy to provide a grip on Xisk's cock. Their growls got louder and louder until it was practically a roar.

"Raghh.. I'm cumming!" Xisk bellowed

"Nggnngh... I'm.. cumming!" Rela hissed out.

Both of their orgasms hit at the same time, Rela's pussy pulsing around Xisk's cock as he emptied his load into her, mixing their juices inside of her. Both of them made no noise as their orgasms continued for a period of time, each time her pussy twitched, his cock twitched until they finally finished.

Xisk's eyes returned to normal as he looked down at Rela. His cock started to slide back into his sheath from her pussy and he turned her over back on to her back. They looked at each other for a long time before he went into to kiss his wife. They both kissed each other deeply, basking in the rekindling glow of their newly branched love life. They got close together in bed and lied there, not saying anything.

Suddenly, the phone rang. "Oh for crying out loud," Xisk said with dismay, "Now what?" He picked up the phone and answered it.

"Prosecutor Xisk? This is the Arbiter of Trials. The defense proclaimed defeat. You've won the trial. Enjoy your break!"

"Well, that was convenient," Xisk said. He looked over at Rela and smiled the previous dark smile, "It looks like we have a few days to do whatever we want.."