Soldiers of War pt 2 Rangers Lead The Way!

Story by Wolf Trooper on SoFurry

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#3 of Soldiers of War


Soldiers of War pt 2

Soldiers of War pt 2

Rangers Lead the Way!

Here's were some of the action begins as the United States Army Rangers are deployed to help out the Canadians. Also, there's a reference to the movie Predator (actually two). Bonus points to whoever finds out. (hint: It's real easy.)


The radio was blasting Little Richard throughout the entire hold of the C-130. There were about twenty soldiers in the hold, all of them wolves. But these weren't just any soldiers, they were Rangers from the United States Army 75th Ranger Regiment; one of the best direct action shock troops in the world. Captain Merrick Svenningsen was sitting on his seat gripping his M4A1 carbine. It had an eotech sight and a vertical foregrip. He was a wolf in his early thirties and he had been with the Rangers for over ten years now. He was wearing dark green camo attire. A Sig Saur P226 was nestled in his right holster. The hangar of the C-130 was pretty crowded too. Not only were the seats lined with several wolves, there were weapons cache holding M4s and M16s and crates which held ammunition and supplies. Merrick was just laying back thoroughly checking his M4 when one of his men called to him.

"Scared mate?" a desert wolf asked in his thick Australian accent. His name was Nathan Owen and he was about thirty years old. Even though he was born and raised in San Diego, both his parents were from Australia and he inherited their accent. He was cleaning and polishing his M110 semi automatic sniper rifle (his favorite rifle). He was the team's sniper and a damn good one too. Prior to joining the Army Rangers, he was sent to the US Army Sniping School at Fort Benning where he graduated top of his class after learning to shoot the M24, the SR-25, and even the badass M82 .50 rifle. While serving in Afghanistan, he had a two hundred body kill count ninty-five percent of which were headshots. He wasn't bad with an M16 either. And prior to joining the army, he'd been shooting rifles with his dad and hunting with his uncle since he was eight years old.

"Nah," Merrick shook his head "Just thinking."

Nathan gave a small laugh. "'bout what? How many enemies we gonna kill today?"

"I'll tell you how many we're gonna kill," Lucas, a 7'4" foot wolf with a body built like a gunship, said as he picked up his Mk 48 machine gun. "ALL OF THEM! IS THAT RIGHT BOYS!"

"FUCK YEAH!" Most of the Rangers yelled back as they raised their fists in the air.

Just then the music stopped. Everyone wondered who turned it off. The cargo door which led to the cockpit and the cargo door opened and a black wolf emerged from it. Every Ranger stood up and saluted. His name was Colonel Robert Dennison. Not only was he also a former Army Ranger himself, he served over twenty years in the Combat Applications Group (known more commonly as Delta Force). Although he was in his mid fifties, when he was present, he commanded respect.

"I'm proud that you are all pumped up and can't wait to go to work," he said nodding his head "But these are not some wetback Iraqi soldiers or some teenage Taliban insurgents, the North Koreans are a highly organized and highly trained fighting force. Besides, this mission is deep reconnaissance."



Nathan immediately calmed down. If there was anything he was personally bad at, it was holding his temper. This was not the first shouting match he had with a superior officer. It also would most likely not be his last.

"Sir, yes, sir." he said feebly. Dennison then looked back at the rest of the Rangers like nothing ever happened.

"Like I said, our mission for right now is not intercept and eliminate." his explained. "We have enough equipment and men to fight a small war. More than a dozen Marine divisions have our backs covered, and our Air Force is ready to bomb the KPA straight to hell where they belong. But we need to know how big the situation is BEFORE we just rush in guns a 'blazing like John Wayne."

Just then, Jerry McGuire, a young wolf who just joined the Rangers less than a month ago, interrupted the Colonel.

"With all due respect sir," he said "If we're not fighting anyone right now, why us? Shouldn't this be a job for Marine Force Recon?"

The Colonel nodded his head in acknowledgement and gave a smile.

"Because we're the best of the best!" he replied. "And OWEN didn't let me finish my speech."

Nathan bared his teeth and gave a small growl. He didn't disrespect the Colonel, he just didn't like it when his pride was dented. The Colonel pulled out a topographic map and showed it to the team.

"One of our surveillance satellites detected an NK communications outpost in this vicinity," the Colonel said as he pointed to a circled dot on the map "Although it is lightly guarded, intelligence believes it might contain some intel about the NK military operations and command wants us to monitor it and if possible, capture it."

"This is Night Wolf," the pilot said over the intercom "We're approaching the drop zone."

The Rangers immediately got their gear and parachutes on. The cargo door began to open. The air came rushing out making it difficult to hear. Merrick, being in charge of Alpha team, was to jump first.

"ALL RIGHT RANGERS!" the colonel shouted "READY TO BE HEROES?"

Merrick and the rest of the Rangers just nodded their heads. The Colonel smiled.


With that, Merrick jumped out of the C-130 with the wind rushing through his fur. The other Rangers followed him. Merrick spread his arms and legs out as he fell through the sky at incredibly fast rates.

"CHUTES DEPLOY!" he yelled into his headset after freefalling for a few minutes. He and his men immediately released their parachutes. The after several more minutes, Merrick and his team landed in the heavily wooded area. Even though they were trained to land on all kinds of terrain, the thick Canadian woods made the landing very tough. Merrick's parachute actually got caught in one of the trees. He tugged and jerked on it but it wouldn't come loose.

"God damn it!" he cussed to himself. His team was already on the ground and they had just taken off their chutes. Nathan was laughing at him.

"What's matter mate?" the Aussie-American wolf laughed "Got yourself tied in a knot?"

"Oh shut up!" Merrick said back "And keep your voices down. The North Koreans cannot know we're here."

Finally, he got out his 8-inch Cold Steel combat knife and cut himself loose. He hit the ground with a hard thud.

"Damn!" he cussed and he rubbed his hindquarters. The fall really smarted. Nathan was still smiling and shaking his head.

"Okay we've all had our laugh but now it's back to business," Merrick said as he held his M4. He then pointed at Michaels, the grey wolf in charge of Bravo team. "I want you and Bravo team to head to the highway about two clicks north of here and secure our rendezvous point." Michaels nodded and signaled his men to follow him. They then headed north to the highway. "The rest of you follow me."

They made their way through the thick Canadian wilderness; M4s and SAWs in tow. Jared had a Milkor MGL grenade launcher which was a gift from the United States Marines. "Just in case" they said. Nathan was also holding an M4, his M110 rifle strapped to his back. It sure was radically different than Iraq or Afghanistan where you were lucky if you saw a single tree. Another thing that was different from Afghanistan was the cold. Canada during this time of the year was freezing and their hot breaths were visible in the cold air. All their weapons were drawn in case they ran into the enemy. Merrick was on point. The cold air nipped at his nose. With the exception of their footsteps and a few woodland creatures, there wasn't a single sound. A loud snap made him jump. Merrick looked in all directions to check to see if it was his men, or the enemy. That was when he spotted a lone soldier walking towards a nearby tree. He turned to his men and hand signaled them to get down. He then pulled out his binoculars and took a look. Sure enough, it was a North Korean soldier. He wasn't very far from their position and they were damn lucky he didn't see them. The Korean leopard was walking to a nearby tree, an AK-74m clutched in his paws, a bayonet was attached to the barrel. He then set the rifle against the tree. Nathan crept up alongside Merrick.

"What'd think he's doing mate?" he barely whispered. Merrick quietly shushed him. The North Korean soldier then looked in all directions. Fortunately he didn't see the Rangers. He then (to the surprise of both Merrick and Nathan) unzipped his camo pants and proceeded to urinate on the tree. Merrick ordered his team to stay put as he carefully crept through the trees he then hit behind one, pulled out his Cold Steel knife and made a small whistle. The Korean leopard jumped up and grabbed his gun without even bothering to zip his fly. He carefully approached the tall grass. He aimed his gun and fire a few short bursts into the tall grass. Several squirrels quickly sprinted out of the wooded area. The Korean laughed at himself and lowered his weapon. Just then Merrick rushed out and slit the North Korean's throat before he could do anything. Blood gushed from the slit neck as the NK soldier slumped to the ground, his face, fur, and uniformed covered in his own blood. Merrick cleaned of his knife and signaled his team to come out. His men came to him. Nathan whistled in amazement.

"Poor bloke picked a wrong time to take a pee brake," he said shaking his head. Merrick picked up the AK-74 and handed it to Jose, another one of his men. He then reached into the dead Korean's holster and pull out his pistol. He was shocked. The pistol was not standard issued to the KPA. It looked more of a Russian design. Come to think of it, why was this North Korean soldier using an AK-74m rifle rather than the usual Type 68 AKM rifle? Something wasn't making sense. He signaled Lucas.

"Hey Luke do you recognize this pistol?" he asked as he held it. Lucas nodded his head and took the pistol carefully examining it.

"It's a Russian made MP-443 pistol," he answered "nine by nineteen millimeter parabellum. So what?"

Merrick took the pistol back. "This pistol is only used by the Russian Army. What's it doing in the hands of a North Korean soldier?"

Lucas shrugged his shoulders "Maybe it's one of those Chinese copies."

Merrick shook his head. There were no Chinese symbols on the pistol nor any North Korean. Something was telling him that the situation was much bigger than the US government thought. They continued to trek through the thick forest. They heard the distant sound of people speaking Korean. About several meters from where Merrick killed the North Korean soldier, they came across the communication outpost. It was pretty small from the distance they saw it from. There were a few tents and a couple of troops. The only thing that had Merrick worried was the machine gun nest. He noticed a nearby hill and signaled Nathan to take position there. Nathan took out his M110 and reached the top of the hill. He had zeroed in his rifle and his scope prior to entry. He got into a prone position and looked around the base with his scope. There were about fifteen troops. Two of them were manning a Chinese-made QIJ-88 light machine gun. There were also two husky soldiers who didn't even look Korean or even Canadian. They were talking to the outpost's CO and they were not bound or tied up so they definitely were not POWs. Just then Nathan noticed something move in one of the nearby trees. He looked through his scope and saw a North Korean sniper, a PSL sniper rifle in his paws. He would cause trouble. Nathan took and deep breath and focused. A good sniper never thinks about anything else except the target he was about to take out. He zoomed his scope in on the enemy sniper focusing the crosshairs on the Korean soldier's head. He put his finger on the trigger and gently fired his weapon. The 7.62 round struck the enemy sniper in his left eye nearly cleaving his head in two and his body slumped out of the tree and fell to the ground. Nathan examined the body through his scope. The sniper was dead.

"One bloke down." he whispered to himself. He then focused his rifle on the machine gun nest. He zoomed in on the back of the machine gunner's head and fired, his bullet striking the back of the leopard's neck. Nathan then immediately shot the spotter in the head too. He then readjusted his sniper rifle to search for the commanding officer he had spotted earlier. Yes! The tiger bastard was still there. Nathan quickly zeroed in and shot the NK officer in the head. He put a few more rounds in, just to be sure. Nathan could hear screaming and yelling from the outpost. He couldn't help but smile at his own work.

"That ought to keep them NK blokes busy," he said to himself. He then took his rifle and left. His position was no longer secret.

Merrick had seen the confusion Nathan had caused among the North Korean outpost. He then pulled out two M67 frag grenades and pulled their pins.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" he shouted to his men to take cover as he tossed them to the outpost. The grenades exploded killing two Korean soldiers and disorienting the others. Merrick then took his M4 and signaled his men to assault. They rushed in opening fire. Merrick opened fire with his M4 shooting at any enemy soldiers. A husky soldier was shouting in what sounded like Russian. He was struggling to get his pistol loaded. Merrick fired several 5.56 rounds into the husky soldier's chest killing him. A Korean soldier, with a bayoneted AK-74 desperately charged at Merrick trying to stab him. Merrick bashed the Korean leopard with his M4's buttstock. He then shot the North Korean while he was on the ground. Now some would say that was wrongful execution, but North Korean soldiers were notorious for fighting to the death. The only true way to stop a North Korean was to kill. Two more Koreans tried to shoot Merrick while his back was turned, but Lucas came out with his Mk 48 machine gun and killed the two soldiers, ripping apart the bodies with 7.62x51 NATO ammo.

"Thanks man." Merrick nodded back. Gun fire continued to tear apart the outpost. Merrick and Lucas then proceeded to one of the command tents and approached the door. Lucas put his back to the outside of wall while Merrick kicked open the door. Inside was a Korean tiger officer talking to another husky soldier. Lucas immediately followed behind Merrick.

"Room Service!" he shouted with a cocky smirk on his face. Both he and Merrick then opened fired and killed both the husky and the tiger. They then exited the tent and found that the entire enemy outpost had been cleared.

"Area cleared!" Merrick heard the rest of his men shout. This was perfect, all the enemy hostiles were dead and he didn't lose any of his men. It was almost too easy. Just then Nathan came down from the hill, still holding his M110.

"Well that was easy." he said with a smile. Merrick and his men then proceeded to set up their equipment. They also searched for any valuable intel on KPA movements. But the problem was that there was barely any data on any movements. All they found were a bunch of documents of patrol reports.

"FUCK!" Merrick shouted. This wasn't a communications outpost! It was a fucking useless scout camp!

His anger was quickly suppressed when Jerry tapped him on the shoulder.

"Captain," he said with eager concern "Something's not right."

"What is it?" Merrick immediately responded. Being the team leader, if something wasn't right, he wanted to know. Jerry led them to the two bodies of the husky soldiers. Merrick got a better look at them. They were wearing very dark camouflaged uniforms even darker than the ones the Rangers were wearing. They were also wearing red berets. These guys weren't North Korean soldiers. They were Russian military advisors!

"What the fuck are the Ruskies doing here?" Lucas practically shouted. Merrick then turned on his headset radio to the Colonel's signal.

"White Fang to Wolfden," he called the Colonel's call signal "Repeat White Fang to Wolfden over!"

A clicking sound came from his head set followed by static.

"Wolfden to White Fang," the colonel's voice came on "Did you secure the outpost? Over."

Merrick's headset clicked again. "Roger Wolfden, all hostiles eliminated. Area secured. Over" he responded. "But there's something wrong."

The Colonel's voice came back. "What is it?"

Merrick looked back at his team. "Two of the soldiers we killed were not North Korean, they were Russian military advisors. Over."

There was a brief pause. Merrick was a little concern. If the Russian military was getting involved this whole counter attack could escalate into World War Three. Merrick shuddered at the thought. His headset then came back on as he heard the Colonel talk again.

"Regular military or spetsnaz?" he asked. Merrick shook his own head, even though he was only talking to the Colonel via radio.

"No," he replied "They appear to be FSB agents." Merrick had seen the uniforms before when he met an FSB operative during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. There was another long pause. Just then, Michaels came on the signal.

"This is Bravo leader," he said "Highway secure." He then checked off. Merrick then heard the Colonel speak again.

"You did your job." he blankly stated "Head towards the highway and reunited with Bravo team. I'll report this to HQ. Over."

Merrick nodded his head. "Understood." His headset then clicked again and he switched the signal off. He then turned back at his team. They were just standing there waiting for a command. Nathan was the one to break the silence.

"Well?" he asked as he shrugged his shoulder. Merrick then looked at the rest of his team. They were alright.

"Okay," he told his team of wolves. "Let's head to the highway and reunited with Bravo team."

His team picked up their weapons and gear and headed to the rendezvous point.

Michaels and Bravo team had just secured the highway. It was easy for them to do. Way too easy. There was no signs of the enemy. It was odd. They were waiting for their orders when Merrick and his team emerged from the bushes.

"Captain Svenningsen!" he shouted. Merrick had signaled to them. The two Ranger teams were united. Michaels shouldered his M4 and approached Merrick. "What do we do now?"

Merrick turned on his headset. "Hold on. White Fang to Wolfden." All he got was static.

"White Fang to Wolfden." Again only static.

Merrick looked at Michaels and shook his head. "I can't reach him."

Michaels just calmly shrugged his shoulders.

"It must be interference. Our radio's not working either." he replied. Merrick looked at his team.

"Well guys I guess we stay put." he said. They took cover in the nearby woods next to the highway and covered it so if any KPA convoys came by, they wouldn't be spotted. Nathan had set down his rifle and was drinking from his water bottle. Lucas was checking his machine gun and Alpha team's tech wolf was trying to get their radio working. Merrick kept trying to contact the Colonel.

"White Fang to Wolfden do you copy?" he said. Once again there was only static. "White Fang to Wolfden to you copy?" Again, static.

Just then Bravo team's radio started coming on. The Rangers huddled around the radio to see who it was. Merrick stepped forward and adjusted the settings.

"White Fang to Wolfden do you copy?" he said into the radio. But just like his headset, the radio was only giving static. Merrick shook his head and stood up.

"Well, I guess we're on our own." he said to them. Suddenly the radio came back on, this time there was a signal. But it wasn't from the Colonel.

"You copy Tank! I've been trying to contact you all day! I'm heading to the highway but I've got fuckin' North Koreans on my ass!" the voice said in a distinctive Canadian accent. "I'll meet you two clicks south of the highway, hurry!"

Merrick immediately rushed to the radio and began readjusting it trying to get into contact with the unlucky man.

"Who is this?" he said into the radio. "This is Captain Merrick Svenningsen of the United States 75th Ranger Regiment do you copy?" But the signal was gone. Merrick's headset then came back online. It was the Colonel.

"Sorry we couldn't get in contact sooner," he said. "There's a lot of interference. The signal's pretty weak."

Merrick didn't care anymore he had to help the unknown soldier.

"Wolfden," he answered back "We intercepted an emergency transmission from a non North Korean signal about two clicks south of our current position."

The Colonel instantly replied. "One of ours?"

"Negative, I believe he might be a stranded Canadian soldier." he answered back. "Request permission to investigate."

There was a long pause. Then the Colonel came back on.

"Permission not granted White Fang," he responded "Two US Marine Battalions have already arrived. You are to head down the highway for about a mile. The US Marines will pick you up from there."

Merrick couldn't do that. "Sir with all due respect, I can't just let an innocent person be stranded alone. Besides he could have information about the situation."

Merrick couldn't leave someone to the mercy of the North Koreans. He knew that if they captured them, they were going to interrogate them and rumor has it, the methods the North Koreans used for interrogation were extremely unpleasant. The Colonel came back on line.

"Something tells me that even if I say no you're still going to go after him." Merrick heard the Colonel chuckle over the line. He couldn't help but smile to himself.

"That I will sir," he replied. There was another long pause.

"Alright," the Colonel said.

Merrick then pointed to Nathan and Lucas. "I want you two to come with me."

"All right!" Nathan cheered as he reloaded his sniper rifle "Some more bloody action!"

Merrick then looked at Michaels. "I want you and the team to head to the pickup zone. If none of us contact you in an hour, tell the Marines to take off and continue to wait for orders from the Colonel."

Michaels nodded his head. "Yes sir."

Merrick then went back to Nathan and Lucas. Merrick tapped both of them on the shoulder.

"What are you guys staring at?" he ordered "We've got lives to save. C'mon!"

Lucas grabbed his Mk 48 and nodded. The three Rangers headed south toward the distress signal. Help was on its way.

The road was covered in a small layer of fog in the dark night. A distant sound of chirping birds and crows flying through the sky and landing on the trees. The elk were calling their mating calls trying to get lucky as the Canadian geese kept honking their obnoxious song. All of this was shattered by the sound of a Russian made- APC as it came to a screeching halt on the highway. A KPA flag was painted on its side. It was followed by two KPA military jeeps one of which included General Hong-Seon-Fat. General Fat had an interesting history. He wasn't actually Korean, he was born in Bangkok, Thailand. His father was failed Thai entrepreneur while his mother was a North Korean mail-order "comfort women". At the young age of ten, the young tiger fled from Thailand to Cambodia, where he then moved to North Korea where he was indoctrinated into the NK army. He changed most of his name to adjust to his new home but kept the "Fat" in his name because he didn't want to forget his Thai heritage. The APC's door opened and a bound up Canadian ferret was kicked out of the vehicle as General Fat got out of his jeep. The ferret's name was Philip Adrians. He was a soldier in Canada's legendary Princess Patricia Infantry. They had caught him trying to send a distress signal. General Fat approached the bound prisoner and untied him. The ferret tried to get up and run away but a NK leopard soldier bashed him with his rifle butt. General Fat knelt down and stared at the young Canadian soldier. With a menacing laugh, the tiger general ripped the Canadian's dog tags off his neck and read them.

"Congratulations my young foe," he said with a snickering jest "You've found the Korean's People Army."

He then circled around Adrians with his hands behind his back. A few days prior, he had done the same thing to a poor unfortunate Canadian airman. General Fat then took a close look at this young Canadian. He was shaking uncontrollably and he was breathing heavily. The General laughed.

"He's afraid of us!" he shouted to his men in Korean. All the leopard soldiers laughed with him. Philip was struggling to get words out.

"The... " he was stuttering from fear "The Americans will STOP YOU!"

The general and his men stopped laughing. Before Adrians could react, the General grabbed him by his throat.

"Stop us!" the general said with a snickering grin on his face "STOP US! THEY PRACTICALLY INVITED US!"

The general then proceeded to pull his pistol and pressed the barrel against the ferret's head.

"You think the Americans are your best friend eh!" he taunted "To them you are nothing but pawns."

The general pulled the hammer on his pistol back and pushed the gun's safety off. Philip tried to struggle with all his might to break free but the North Korean tiger's grip was too strong. With a final laugh, the KPA general pulled the trigger, executing the Canadian soldier. He then dropped the body and wiped the blood off his paws. All of his soldiers were laughing. He turned around and viciously yelled at them.

" Babo __dagchyeo!" he shoutedin Korean ("Shut up you idiots!").

The soldiers stopped laughing almost instantly. General Fat looked at them with ferocity and anger.

"Geuneun jonan sinho leul bonae," he scolded ("He sent a distress signal").

"Ulineun jiyeog-eul cheongso haeya," he shouted ("We have to sweep the area!")

One of his soldiers, a female snow leopard officer came to him. The leopard had a very worried look on her face.

"Jang-gun, uliga olae jeon-e uliui jeoncho giji Jung hana wa jeobchog haji ilh-eoss-eoyo," the leopardess soldier addressed. ("General, we've lost contact with one of our outposts not too long ago.").

The general responded by punching the leopardess in her muzzle so hard, that she hit the ground with a loud crack. She staggered back to her feet, her nose slightly broken and gushing out blood. The general was shouting and cussing.

"Nugu!" he demanded ("Who!")

The leopardess cupped her bloody nose and spoke.

"Migug" she spoke back ("The Americans.")

General Fat swore at this statement.

_How can this be?_He thought to himself. It is true that the North Korean military knew that the United States would catch on and respond eventually. The problem is that they weren't expected to respond to the invasion of Canada this quickly.

"Bikyeo!" he shouted to the rest of his soldiers. ("Move out!")

He and his soldiers got into their vehicles and drove down the rest of the road. Little did he know, that the United States military had sent in the Rangers. As the old Ranger saying goes: You mess with the best, you die like the rest!

Soldiers of War pt 3 Three Rangers and a Princess

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