The Story of Captain Padfoot, Part 1

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#1 of The Story of Captain Padfoot

The Story of Captain Padfoot

Part 1

By: Wolfie Steel.

Just one more hour of Space Academy and I will finally be able to call myself a captain. The idea though gives me two thoughts; the first is "Great I finally get my own ship" the second, "Holy shit I finally get my own ship" , let me try to explain the difference between the two, the first thought is great because I have worked my ass off for five years to get this chance, so naturally I'm excited. The second thought is not quite so good, you see with me becoming a captain and gaining my own ship it also means that I gain the added responsibility of a crew, what kind of crew will I get? Will they respect me enough to follow my orders?

Oh my sweet heaven, where are my manners, I haven't even introduced myself yet, please forgive me, but I'm a little pre-occupied, anyway my name is Toby Padfoot, soon to become Captain Tobias Padfoot, man I hate using my full name, it makes me seem like a stuffed shirt, when in reality I'm anything but, which is why when I finally take command of whatever ship Star Command decide to give me, I will only use the name Captain Toby Padfoot, I will reserve the Tobias bit for if and when I meet Royal dignitaries. I'm just your standard five foot five inch Rottweiler, distinguishing features I only have one, when I was born I kept my full tail, no docking nonsense for me.

So here I am waiting for that final bell to ring, but when it rings I won't have a loving family to wrap me up in their arms to congratulate me on graduating from Space Academy, the reason, they have all but disowned me because I'm gay, oops did I forget to mention that, well now you know, I'm nothing more than a common tail raiser, but I digress, I don't want to appear bitter and twisted because the way I look at it is that it's my life and at twenty five years old, I'm old enough to live it my way. I look up at the clock on the wall, damn still twenty minutes until that bell rings, I look silently around the room, I look at all the various furs both male and female, young and not so young who are taking the same route as me.

I know full well that most of the furs in the room, I will never cross paths with again, which is why I haven't made many friends, in fact I have made no friends, I'm a loner, but for now that kind of works for me, because then I don't have any emotional attachment to anyone which means that if they get hurt or killed it will mean very little to me, kind of makes me sound heartless right? Well when you have had your heart broken as many times as I have it makes you that way.

At long last the final bell sounds and I slowly stand from my seat and begin to pack my back pack, everyone else leaves the room leaving just me and a tired looking teacher behind. Suddenly a tall and imposing looking Wolf enters the room, oh my fucking god it's Admiral Jackson from Star Command, he makes his way towards me, and my fear begins to grow. He stands before my desk and clears his throat, I instantly salute him and chastise myself inside for not observing proper protocol sooner, and the Admiral's deep voice comes next.

"Captain Padfoot, I have been watching your progress with some interest, it is not many Captains in training who can ace the supposedly no win situation the way that you did, and it is because of that that you are getting your first command so soon"

I look at the Admiral and give him all the respect that he deserves, there have been many days where I have thought what it would be like to be so well liked and admired as Admiral Jackson, the Admiral continues.

"Normally you would be getting a refurbished ship for your first command, but they have all been assigned to your fellow newly graduated classmates, I have, however, saved a ship for you, it will be more of a challenge for you, as it still hasn't had its maiden voyage, in fact it is still under construction, though it is built enough to be allowed to go into service. Captain Padfoot, you will be the new Captain of our flagship Star Com One, your new crew are already aboard and are waiting for you to join them"

It is now official, my legs have turned to jelly and feel as though they will not support my weight. The Admiral lets out a small chuckle and then continues to talk.

"Captain Padfoot, Toby, I'm going to be absolutely candid with you, I will admit that at the beginning of your training, whereas your fellow classmates were well on the way to the second level of their training, you were quite obviously struggling to grasp even the basics of command, but then suddenly, you seemed to shift up quite a few gears, it has all culminated here today with you graduating with honours and becoming the first newbie Captain of an as yet un-tested ship, not just any ship, but the flagship of our fleet, so there is no real pressure"

Admiral Jackson giggles again as he gives me a solid pat on the back.

"Well Captain Padfoot, it is time for you to join your crew, but just before I lead you to the space dock, I will add just a little more pressure to you, you see, as the flagship will be taking its maiden voyage under your command, you will be flying under the Admiral's colours, yes my friend, I will be on board for the very first flight"

Today just seems to get heavier and heavier, not only will I be taking command of a ship that is having its maiden flight, the ship in question just so happens to be the flagship of the fleet, and to cap it all I have the Admiral to impress.

We walk to the space dock where the ship, Star Com One, is being moored, I stand and look at it in admiration for a few seconds, just trying to take it all in until I feel a gentle but firm paw on my shoulder.

"Captain Padfoot, your crew awaits"

The Admiral activates his watch com.

"Star Com One this is Admiral Jackson, two to beam up"

A split second later and we are standing on the teleportation pad of Star Com One, as we make our way from the pad we are piped aboard in true naval tradition. The transporter room is lined with the crew members that I will be dealing most with, my first officer, a black Stallion by the name of Commander Travis, through to my communications officer, a young Fox by the name of Daniel Link. As we walk past each of the crew, they all salute both me and the Admiral, we arrive at the end of the line and Commander Travis yells out an order to the crew.

"Crew of the star ship Star Com One, to your duties"

The crew hurriedly file out from the transporter room and head to their stations while the Stallion approaches me. I'm ready to step out of the way to allow the horse to talk with the Admiral, but instead he turns to me and offers a hoofed right hand.

"Commander Paul Travis at your service Captain, if it pleases you and the Admiral, I will take you both on a tour of the ship"

I shake the commander's hand and make my reply.

"Captain Toby Padfoot, and please, lead the way commander"

As the stallion leads us on the tour of the ship, the Admiral gives me a thumbs up gesture and whispers to me.

"Handled like a true pro Captain"

We are about half way through the tour when the communications officer calls me on my com.

"Captain Padfoot, we have just received an emergency call from a ship calling itself Dog Star Three, they are under attack and in need of assistance"

I now begin to panic, as I know that we are in no state to go into battle.

"Coms, this is Captain Padfoot, see if there are any other ships in the vicinity who can offer their help, as we are in no fit state to offer assistance"

A few seconds later and the coms officer is calling me again.

"Sir, I have put a call out to all available ships, but I have had no response, I fear we are the only ship within distance"

Admiral Jackson's face takes on a serious look.

"Well Captain Padfoot, it's time for you to prove your metal"

I look towards Commander Travis.

"Commander Travis, I would like to hear your input"

"Well Captain, our shields are operable, our weapons are minimal, but they can be made ready in the time that it takes us to get to Dog Star Three, but our engines are as yet un-tested so I would advise against going to full power as yet"

I consider my options and then I make my first command decision.

"Ok Commander, I want our weapons brought up to scratch, because I guess we are going on our first mission"

The Stallion nods his head and quickly heads off to see to the upgrades, I then contact my coms officer again.

"Coms, alert Dog Star Three that we are on the way to their assistance, and call all personnel to make ready for battle stations"

I then call the helmsman.

"Helm, set our course for interception of Dog Star Three at maximum impulse power"

The helmsman, a golden furred Labrador named Jason Miles, acknowledges my order and sets our course and speed. Suddenly the alarms go off all around us as the ship is made ready for its maiden mission; a mission that I hope won't be its last.

The Story of Captain Padfoot, Part 2

**The Story of Captain Padfoot** **Part 2** **By: Wolfie Steel.** Admiral Jackson and I quickly head to the turbo lift that will take us to the main bridge of the ship, well after all at the beginning of a mission whether it is a maiden...

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The Equalizer, Episode 2

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The Equalizer, Episode 1

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