Royal Succession - Nidodragon TFs

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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The sun was starting to set over the horizon as Alex and Peter were hiking through the woods, headed for the mountains. They'd need to stop for the night soon, as climbing in the dark made little sense to either of them, and it was starting to cool down anyhow. While neither of them had seen any Pokémon they'd wanted, the trip had still gone smoothly. Stopping for a moment, Alex sat down on a fallen log, facing his friend. "Do you feel like going on a few more miles, or is this a good spot to start looking for a place to set up shop for the night?" In the dusk sky, various flying-types could be seen returning to their roosts for the night, while others were just starting to awaken.

"This feels like a good enough place to stop - we've been walking for a while now, and I could do with a break." Peter said as he sat down beside him. "Besides, this seems to be a nice enough spot - nice clear area, and a great view of the sky and the mountains"

"Sounds like a plan to me, then. Maybe we'll have better luck finding some good mon tomorrow, right?" Alex nodded and began hauling out the tent to begin setting it up. Doing so would take a while and the both of them, but he'd at least get what was needed out. Peter was right, though - the view was spectacular from where they were. All they needed was a nice breeze, and it'd be perfect.

"Sure. Most of the Pokémon that we'd be looking for won't show up until the morning anyway, so we might as well try to get an early start"

"Yup. Hopefully we won't need to worry about anything big trying to steal our food during the night, eh?" Alex chuckled as the two began the slow work of setting up the tent. Digging a firepit and other things could wait a little while longer. After all, they were the only ones up there, and no vicious Pokémon had been reported in the area.

"Ahhh, this is nice." Peter smiled as he managed to light the fire, a nice cosy warmth surrounding them.

"Isn't it, though? Still, I wonder what we'll find tomorrow..." Alex chuckled and leaned backwards, looking up at the night sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight, so the moon was quite visable from where they were, as were the mountains. Off in the distance, something stirred and began to hunt, but not for the reasons one usually hunted, though a hunger was quite present.

"Who knows, but I heard that there are some rare Pokémon that usually show up in the daytime around this area, so I'm sure we won't be dissapointed." He said as he began to unpack the food for the two of them.

"Always a new adventure, that's for sure. Hoping for a Skarmory or something myself." Alex nodded, hopeful that Peter was right. The food was your usual camping fare, including some hotdogs and popcorn, which Alex put over the fire. Their relaxation was interrupted, however, by a loud cry that neither of them quite recognized. Looking around, Alex frowned. "That's...odd."

"Tell me about it...perhaps it's a rare Pokémon, or a completly new species!" He said with a bit of glee, looking around for the source of the cry

"We'll be famous if that's the case! Hell, even a rare one would be awesome." There was more than a bit of glee in Alex's voice as the sound got even closer, accompanied by the sound of beating wings - and going by the sound, whatever it was, it was large, so it'd be quite the fight to capture...whatever it was, assuming the Pokémon didn't flee on them.

"Well we better be might not be overly friendly." He warned Alex as he reached for one of his Pokeballs.

"I wouldn't expect so, with a cry like that..." Alex did the same, looking around as the source of the sound landed right in front of them, stark naked and obviously in the mood for...something. Oddly, it was both something they knew and was something new at the same time. Visually, it was a Nidoqueen, only red instead of blue, and alongside some powerful looking wings, her tail ended in a stinger. "What" Alex gasped - this was new.

"What the hell?" Peter blinked, looking on at the creature in amazement. "That...that can't be normal."

"I've heard rumors of shiny Pokémon, but...not like this." The Nidoqueen actually chuckled in response to this - she seemed to be able to speak, given that most Pokémon didn't chuckle like a human would, and looked at Peter with a wry grin. "I'm not normal...but that's okay, isn't it? Not often that I see visitors in this neck of the males at that."

"Ok...and it talks too...This is just plain weird...A draconic Nidoqueen...a Nidodragon." Peter said, trying but failing to form coherent words

"I suppose you could call me that...hehehee..and am I really that odd, hmmm?" She seemed to be primarily focused on Peter, circling around the human and occasionally poking him gently with a claw. It almost seemed like she was sizing him up or something close to that. At the very least, the odd Nidodragon didn't seem hostile.

"Well yeah... I've never seen anything like you before... You're really amazing." He said, looking over the gargantuan female mon

"Why thank you...and I am one of a kind as far as I know...which is rather lonely..." She mock-pouted for a moment before pulling Peter in close with her tail for a kiss. It was rapidly becoming obvious she hadn't stopped by for a chat and a cup of tea - but she seemed to be taking her time. Alex tilted his head, trying to wrap his head around it. "You live in the mountains or something?"

Peter turned bright red as he was kissed, looking into the violet eyes of the creature. "Yeah, I live around this area, but I do travel around a lot."

"'re looking for some company? We can't really stay forever, but we could come and visit..." Alex looked at the creature and noted that she seemed to be holding onto Peter fairly tight, like she was going to take off or something. He didn't seem to mind too much, though, even returning the kiss, noting that the draconic woman's lips were surprisingly soft.

He stared at her with a soft smile, placing a hand on her side, gently stroking it. "Mmm...I have a feeling that we'll get to know eachother soon enough...but for now..."

"I must bid you adieu!" With a surprising amount of speed for a creature of her size, the Nidodragon wrapped her other arm around Peter and began to take off, with him not seeming to resist too much, though he likely realized it'd be pointless. As Alex ran at her, trying to make some kind of difference, her tail lashed out, the stinger hitting him in the sides, causing him to fall on his side.

"I wonder where you're taking me?" He said as he watched Alex dissappear under him as they kept going higher and higher, holding tight to the Nidodragon

"Just my place, silly. It's not too don't mind, do you?" She grinned as she propelled herself higher, moving towards the mountains, taking care not to drop Peter in the process, though if all else failed, she could grab hold of him with her tail. It was rare to have company, and she was going to make sure both of them were alive.

"Not at all - i bet you live in a very nice place." He grinned

"It's not much to look at,'s all I need." She grinned as she touched down at the cave, letting Peter down at the same time. It was obvious that she'd made a bed out of old scraps, so the cave actually looked like someone lived there, instead of a wild animal. " you know what I want?"

"Well let's see...from your expression, the curious scent in the air, and your reason for bringing me're looking for someone to have some fun with."

"Exactly...I hate beating around the bush when it comes to this. Are you willing, though? You'll need to...leave your old life behind, just so you know. I'm letting you know because your friend isn't getting much choice...I reacted automatically back there." She actually seemed regretful for a few moments - it was obvious she wanted him badly, but forcing someone wasn't in her.

"Well I'm willing to give up my old life...I mean it seems so sudden, but you're friendly and beautiful...a very mysterious creature." He placed a hand on her muzzle, stroking it gently. "But a very majestic one at that, one of great beauty." He placed a soft kiss on her lips. "But what do you mean that Alex won't have a choice?"

"My venom can transform as well as having sex with me...I just hope he won't be upset with me. It won't take him long to find us when he changes. But if you're certain...and I'm Rubira, by the way." She stepped closer to Peter, gesturing to him to remove his clothing. His friend would probably change alone - she just hoped he wouldn't blame her for anything.

"I'm sure he won't mind, don't worry." He told her as he undressed himself. "My previous statements about you still stand, though." He laughed.

"Aww...I'm flattered! I'm happy you're accepting, come and take me when you're ready..." Rubira chuckled, then lay down on the ground, exposing her cunny to Peter, happy to have someone who actually seemed likely to stick around, for once.

He smirked a little as he approachd the Nidodragon, looking over her eagerly, taking in her curved, voluptuous form. "Before we do this though, I should at least give you my name...I'm Peter."

"Such a beautiful name...may need a new one before long, though." Rubira chuckled as Peter approached her, both of them enjoying the moment. Soon Peter would be able to keep up with her pretty much all night if needed, once he shed his humanity in the heat of passion. "Mmmrr...oh yeah...this is going to be fun." He grinned, grasping her sides as he brought his head to her chest

"Aouhhh...just you wait...your friend will hear us from the forest..." Rubira snickered as the two continued to thrust and buck, watching with pride as Peter's eyes turned a feral yellow, pupils narrowing into slits while a massive surge of energy swept through him, purple scales sprouting down the back of his neck.

"Grraaahh.... is that a bad thing?" He grinned, starting to thrust in harder as he latched onto one of her breasts

"Of course...ouugh...not, silly..." There was some pride in her tone - she was taking a lover and making him something more than he was, and he would stay with her, which was all she wanted. As Peter began to suckle at her breast, his body swelled with muscles as the scales raced down his arms, which expanded rapidly. "Mmmmghrahha..."

"Mmmururhaha...." He snarled, taking in as much of her sweet milk as he could in one gulp, his pace quickening as he continued to screw her, pinning her down hard

" good..." Peter grinned widely as their pace quickened, becoming more animalistic as a pair of spikes erupted from his elbows, while his rapidly swelling hands grew easily able to hold onto Rubira, claws sprouting from his fingertips, all the while a six-pack throbbed into existance on his chest, now covered in grey scales.

"Mooorrre...." He hissed through gritted teeth, already pratically hilting the dragoness as they continued to screw. "Mmm...oh my're starting to look much more beautiful..." She grinned

"And.....fuckghr..yourrr'ee...looking sexier by the....minute..." Peter leaned in and kissed her on the lips, their heights now more or less equal now, a massive, thick tail extending out into the air behind him, snaps and cracks punctuating the stinger-tipped appendage, thick spikes growing out of his back, tips gleaming with venom. Rubira just grinned. "Why..oughhh...thank you..."

He just growled and hissed as his tail thrashed against the rocky ground, leaving huge indentations in the stone as he continued to drill her.

" how to bring...out the...beeeast..." Peter knew on instinct that his venom was like hers, but changing someone else was the last thing on his mind, continuing to drill into Rubira, growling happily as his legs and feet swelled dramatically with muscle, toes merging into three thickly taloned versions, a fourth on the back. However, a warmth soon flooded into his groin, causing him to pull out for a brief moment.

"Uuhrh...this...this is going to be good..." He panted, looking down at his crotch eagerly, watching his cock pulse and throb, spraying pre and cum over his mate's chest.

"You'" Rubira snickered, watching as Peter's cock swelled in size, easily over several feet long, coming to a barbed point with a knot puffing out at the base, and as a black and purple color washed over it, his dick split into two, spraying even more cum all over the cave's walls. "Unghhtrrraaa! Fuck yressss...hahaha!" With an animalistic growl, Peter jammed both back into her, all pretenses of a slow lovemaking session long-since discarded by now.

GRRAHAHAHHH!!" He roared as he drilled her twice as hard now, his twin cocks spreading her wide, her cunny dripping eagerly as it struggled to contain her lover's massive spears.

"Rahaha! I...ragha...think you me...Enmos now..." The transforming human growled lustfully as the changes continued to obliterate his humanity, very little of it left now, a massive pair of wings making their presence known as they erupted from his shoulderblades, scales starting to envelop his face now.

"Yesss...Uhhh...Niiii..." He snarled, biting down onto her shoulder gently as his wings flapped eagerly. He felt his hair beginning to fall away from his head, landing around him.

"Ooughga...such a...unnnhhh!...nice name..." Rubira's pace picked up even more, the Queen smiling as Enmos's head pushed out into a broad muzzle, teeth sharpening while his nose vanished, a large horn growing out from the center of it, while his ears grew large and rounded, a ring of spikes surrounding the outside, a few more growing on it, while his eyes moved to the sides, finishing the change with an explosion of cum, "RAGHAAAHAHA! NIIIIIDDOOOOOOOKIIINGRHAHAAA!" Enmos bellowed loud enough to shake the room as he exploded within Rubira's cunny, rivers of fluids leaking out of it in the process as the last of his humanity was annihilated.

"Uuhhrhrahah!" He snarled, filling her right up

" were the right...choice..." Rubira panted, pulling Enmos in for a long, passionate kiss, holding it for several seconds before the two broke it off, grinning. The 'Queen smirked at her mate as she remembered something. "Your friend...should have the beast emerge you think he' it?"

"There's only one way to find out...I wonder how he's doing right now?"

"HNghhhraaahga! Nnnigddhaa...." Elsewhere in the forest, Alex had been jacking himself off, a burning lust having filled his mind after being stung. Already, his eyes were feral slits, a yellow coloring in them, and his frame was swelling by the second. Purple scales were already present on him - he didn't know what the sting had done, but he was lost in lust, and with no females around, he'd had to make do on his own.

As he kept on pumping, he noticed that his cock was starting to slowly swell in size, leaking pre madly as his clothing tore apart.

"Niiiddrra...hahaharrragha! Thisrrraa...isss...awesome..." His arms swelled rapidly in size, scales racing down them as spikes emerged at his elbows and large claws twisted themselves out of his old fingernails, his pumping becoming more rapid as the changes progressed and his equipment grew even larger.

"There he is" Enmos chuckled as he and Rubira tracked him down, hovering above him.

"Nghtrhaaa! Hahaha...come...ttorragha...see me?" Alex looked up, not bothering to wave at his friends as his chest swelled with new muscles, the pair getting a bird's-eye view of a six-pack throbbing into exsistance as his chest was covered in grey scales, even more pre spurted out like a sprinker.

"Oh yeah" They said, landing either side of him. His muscles throbbed larger and larger as his legs began to grow, feet bursting out of his shoes as massive claws broke free.

"Ghrahaha...don'trrrr...know what...rrryou did...butraahga..thhhanks..." His toes merged into three massive talons, with a fourth shooting out of the heel, all the while a long, thick tail snapped and cracked out of his tailbone, ending in a deadly-looking stinger as a burning sensation filled his groin. "Ahhuurghaha...."

They watched as his cock turned a deep black and purple, the head growing to a spiky point as a large, fat knot grew around the base. Just as that happened, his cock split into two, forcing him into an early orgasm

"NIIDIDDHRAHHGAHA!" Alex bellowed loudly as cum erupted from both of his cocks, blanketing the area around him with his own fluids, all the while an impressive set of wings broke free of his shoulderblades, his balls swelling to supply his new equipment at the same time.

"Mmmrrr....perhals I should help him clean himself up." Rubira grinned as she took them both in her mouth, starting to lick over them hard as his neck thickened a little

"" Alex tilted his neck back in pleasure as Rubira began to service him, his head slowly becoming enveoped in purple scales, his ears growing much larger and ringed with spikes. At that same moment, more spikes erupted from his back, further erasing any connection he had to humanity. His soaked hair also began to fall out.

His jaws slowly pushed out, growing larger and broader as his nose sank into his upper jaw, nostrils flaring wide. As razor sharp fangs repaced his teeth, his eyes moved to the sides, a large horn appearing between them to end it as his tongue grew long and forked.

"Yessss...hahaha...I can call me...Nidhogg now..." The new Nidodragon was still in the throes of pleasure as Rubira continued her work on his cocks, both gentle and rough at the same time. His friend stood over him, looking quite pleased, or at least that was the impression he gave off from where Nidhogg was sitting.

"Indeed...Alex doesn't fit you anymore." Enmost chuckled as Rubira was quick to bring Nidhogg to another orgasm

" dddoesn't..NIIIIDDOOOOKKINGGHRAHAHA!" Sure enough, the dragoness's machinations on his cocks soon led Nidhogg to orgasm once more, sending a massive amount of cum down Rubira's throat as he bellowed loudy, signalling his departure from humanity for good. It wasn't much longer after that moment that Enmos joined in with mating once more, the trio of Nidodragon fucking for what seemed like an eternity. And for many years afterwards, reports of travellers going missing in the mountainside seemed to go up, oddly tied hand-in-hand with reports of more odd looking Nidokings and Queens. It was later established that an entire colony of them had appeared, practically overnight, with a particular trio ruling over them all.