Neighbor pt. 2

Story by malepolarbear on SoFurry

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#2 of The Neighbor

Neighbor pt. 2

I woke up to my alarm buzzing and I quickly shut it off, plunging my room back into silence. 5:05 am the clock read, really, really early. I got up and ready for school quickly, wiping the sleep from my eyes with a paw, and made my way to the bathroom. After finishing in the bathroom, I took out my toothbrush and began my long tedious ritual of getting ready for school. A tired looking

polar bear brushed his teeth in the mirror. I watched myself and saw my messed up head fur and droopy eyes. I rinsed my mouth out and fixed my head fur.

"Erf..." I said out loud as I tried to slip on some jeans as I fell over.

"You ok there bro?" I looked up to see Kelly standing at my door. "you silly little polar bear..." she gave a little giggle.

"I'm not little..." I growl playfully as I finish getting dressed.

"Come on, or I'll drive off without you." Kelly twirled the keys around her finger while turning and walking away. I quickly gathered my school things and tossed them in my bag while running down the stairs. I heard the car start up.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" I yelled but as I opened the frond door, Kelly was pulling out of the driveway and I ran to her as fast as I could.

"STOP!" I yelled out and she slammed on the brakes, she grinned toothily and waited for me to get in. "I hate you..." I said through clenched teeth.

"I love you too bro." She replied before starting down the street. I'm looking out the window and watch our house pull away. I glance at the neighbor's house to watch it pull away as well and saw the neighbor sitting on his porch. I smiled and waved as he watched us pull away and Kelly shoved me against the door which gained an oof from me as my head hit the glass lightly.

"What was that for?" I asked angrily, rubbing the top of my head.

"Because you're flirting." She snickered keeping her eyes on the road.

"Yeah, whatever..." I say and lean my head against the window. We arrive at school and like typical students; we drudge off to our respective classes. The bell rings and my ear flicks at the sound.

"Oh shit..." I began to take the stairs two at a time, my tail twitching as I reach the top. I turn to my right and take off down the hall. A door swings out in my path before me and I run right into it and land on my ass. I shake my head and begin running to class. I slide to stop in front of my first period and I scramble in.

"Mr. Clark, so pleasant to see you join us." I hear Mr. Barnes, my math teacher say.

"Yeah...I umm, was attacked by a door." I say and made my way to my seat and Mr. Barnes looked at me quizzically, his glasses resting at the end of his canine muzzle.

"Please don't let it happen again." He said.

"I'm pretty sure it will happen on my way to second period, Mr. Barnes." I replied sarcastically.

"Back to the, when calculating the surface area of a conic..." Mr. Barnes began. I let my mind drift off to what my current situation was. I broke my neighbor's window and can't pay for it unless I work for him, and my mom would kill me if she found out. I shake my head and close my eyes, thinking to myself silently.

"So you don't agree with this example Mr. Clark?" I hear, I sigh and open my eyes, taking in the problem.

"No sir, I was shaking my head because I didn't understand." I said rolling my eyes.

"Is that so Mr. Clark? Well, will you see me after class? So we can discuss your tardy and this problem at once?" He responded. 'here we go again' I said to myself. Mr. Barnes is openly gay. Everyone knows, teachers, students, staff, and even a lot of parents. What they didn't know was his interest in the students. I knew seeing him after class would bring; more obvious advances from the teacher, failed seduction, and excessive hit-ons toward the young polar bear. I decided that I would actually indulge my teacher's interests. Perhaps tease him a little ad get free tutoring out of it. The rest of the class went along smoothly and when the bell rang I went to the teacher and sat on the end of a desk, putting on my cutest look.

"You had a bone to pick with me sir?" I said, sounding slightly submissive.

"Yes," he said "you seem to be distracted in class and haven't been doing well with your homework." I decided to be a little more "distracting" to Mr. Barnes by sliding a little closer, casually, and sighing.

"I have been distracted sir...with other classes and home." I said looking down slightly.

"What's wrong at home?" he asked.

"My mom is never I'm usually alone and its hard for me to study alone." I said.

"Well, I do offer study courses out of school."

"You mean like tutoring?"

"In a sense, yes, and I think it would benefit you."

"Ok Mr. Barnes," I said with a grin. "I'll have to think about it a bit."

"I'm just asking you to give it a try so you can get to where you wanna go in life." He said with a smile. The bell then rang for the next class.

"Umm..perhaps you can write me a pass to my next class?" I say grinning stupidly.

"Oh! Of course." He scribbled out a quick note explaining my tardiness and I said thanks and ran off to my next class. I went to my next classes throughout the day with nothing eventful happening. Finally the last bell of the day rang and I hurried out of the class.

I started walking towards my sister's car by going through the gauntlet of moving cars filled with parents picking up their kids. Also know as the parking lot. I approached the car and looked in.

"Lesbians...please detach yourselves so I can go home." I said through the open window. Kelly stiffened and perked an ear, which twitched a little in annoyance. She turned slowly to look at me.

"You wanna walk home?" She said.

", that's why I'm here." I said meekly. Not reveling in the option to walk home.

"Then get in back and don't complain." She responded coldly. I jumped in the back of the car and listened to my music, from my handy mp3 player. To my surprise Kelly actually began to head home, I rolled down my window and let the wind blow gently against my face. I closed my eyes and listened to the song Echo going through my head. I open my eyes and watch the familiar scenery go by until we get home.

"Tell mom I'm hanging out at the mall." Kelly tells me.

"Uhh...ok Kelly." I turn and walk into the house and head straight to my room. I flopped onto my bed and sighed. I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard a loud knock at the front door. I silently thought to myself eating and had just decided to order a pizza when I opened the door and the neighbor looked down at me.

"Are you ready to get to work little bear?" He said grinning slightly and dressed to work.

"Wuh?..." I said looking at him and feeling my stomach growl.

"You didn't forget our deal did you?" he said, slightly towering over me all menacing looking.

"Uhh, no sir, I just wanna get something to eat" I responded, half of which was true, I may have forgotten about the deal but I was actually very hungry.

"I'm sure we can figure something out after we get started." He turned and started walking towards his house and I sighed, closed the door and ran off to catch up with him. I tried to keep his pace but couldn't really stay next to him with his rather long strides but I only stayed a step behind him. Walking through the frond door with him, I half expected to hear the scraping click of the lock sliding into place but my slight day dream passed and we walked down the hall.

"Now here's the kitchen...I'll make you something to eat and you..." he looked around the kitchen. "How about wiping down the table and putting away those dishes?" I looked to the dishes he mentioned and then moved my gaze to the table.

"Umm...ok." I said and stood there a moment.

"Towels are in the drawer under the dish drainer." He said idly as he stuck his head in the fridge looking around. I took in everything in the kitchen, the counter on the left connected to the sink. The fridge next to the stove on the right. The kitchen extended to the dining room which had a heavy red wood table. I grabbed a towel from the drawer and wet it using water from the sink and approached the table. A window to the left let sunshine through to glance off the table and brighten its reddish color. I started wiping down the table and heard a crackle of oil in a pan and turned to see the neighbor slap a newly made hamburger patty in a pan. He covered it and went on preparing lettuce and onions for hamburgers. My stomach ached and growled when the scent of the frying meat reached my twitching nose and I sighed closing my eyes halfway and imagined biting into one.

"Don't be slacking little bear." The older bear said and I flicked an ear and opened my eyes.

"I, umm...wasn't sir..." I said and looked up at him licking my lips still thinking about the burger.

"Well the food is almost done...why don't you put away the dishes and then we can get to eating?" He said politely and I began putting the dishes away. It took a few minutes to figure out where everything goes but I put them all away and the neighbor ushered me to the table and set a plate with burgers in the center of the table a few minutes later. Then he set a glass of some fizzing soda next to it.

"Thank you, umm..." I drew a blank on what I should call him. Being hungry didn't help any.

"Just call me Overbear." He said and took a bite from a burger.

"Ok, I will." I said smiling picking up a burger with a shaky paw. "Thank you...I was starving." I sunk my teeth into it and a rush of flavor hit me. I kept chewing then began to pick up speed on my eating. I began my second burger and Overbear wasn't even halfway through his first.

"Slow down little one, they aren't going anywhere." He clucked and I looked up slowly, a bit of cheese hanging on my bottom lip. I licked the cheese off and swallowed my mouthful of food and gave a blushing smile and ate the rest of my food slower than before. We finished eating and I sat there feeling stuffed while I watched him clean up. His large frame moved from the table to the sink taking the dishes with him. I began to daydream a bit and in the dream, Overbear stopped washing the dishes and approached me. I looked up at him and he looked back down at me. I sat in his shadow and he wrapped his arms around me. I smelled the heavy scent of a male. I inhaled deeply and let my mind continue daydreaming, in my mind I felt him carrying me to a bedroom and laying me upon a bed. I felt him next to me and I curled up to him with eyes closed. He kissed me hard and wrapped me closer to him. I then felt him move above me without breaking the kiss. He positioned my legs to wrap around his hips as he pressed against me hard, and something gave. I opened my eyes again and I was gazing at a ceiling. I snapped up and looked around, the dream still fresh in my mind.

"Guess I must have fallen asleep..." I said to no one in particular. I looked around the room and stretched. I felt my now hard member pressing against my shorts. I rubbed it through the fabric lightly and let slip a moan. "I don't know..." I said to myself as I reached into my shorts to grip my warm, throbbing shaft which sent a shiver of pleasure up my spine. "Guess that settles it." I mumbled and leaned back against the couch, I unbuckled and unzipped my shorts and after pulling my boxers down some, my dripping member stood, proudly throbbing, in the cool air. I wrapped my right paw around it gingerly and sighed at the smooth touch of my paw pads on the sensitive flesh. I stroked my member, slowly working up a rhythm as I imagined Overbear again. In the bed he was on top of me, sliding slowly into me as I writhed in pleasure underneath him. The thought of him deeply in me, pressing against such a sensitive spot so hard made me shiver and stroke faster, pre making my shaft slick. I moaned out in pleasure as I could feel an orgasm approaching when I heard wood creak under paw and my eyes snapped open. Standing in the doorway in front of me was the neighbor.

"Well would you look at that." He said taking in the view of me splayed out on the couch with a paw wrapped around my bearhood. I stared at him for a moment, perplexed at the situation. I eep loudly and jump up, pulling up my pants quickly.

"I...I'm sorry Overbear." I began, fastening my pants. "I should go..."

"Coming back tomorrow then? After school?" He said rather strangely. Like he was holding something back. All I could do was blush deeply and look down from his face. My eyes traveled down his body before I could think of what I was doing and I got a full view of the neighbors tented pants. My mouth dropped open slightly and I blushed even more, though it sounds undoable due to my shade of blushing as it was. I stood there a moment just staring at his crotch and thought I was it throb before I turned quickly.

"Umm...yes, tomorrow." I mumbled quickly, but loud enough for him to hear. I rushed out before he could say anything else and went home. Closing the door, I leaned against it pondering what happened and what to do next.

"Well...first I need a shower..." I said and I felt my still hard member throb against my shorts. "Ok...paw off and shower." I said to correct myself before I headed upstairs to lay down in my bed. I pawed off imagining what Overbear's crotch would look like without the pants to tent in front of it, and my thoughts pushed me over the edge in a matter of minutes as I sprayed my seed over me head and hit the wall, the smaller spurts landing on the side of my muzzle, then my chest, then my member gave its final throbs to drip seed into my own crotch fur. I laid there a few moments before cleaning up and completely forgetting about my shower, I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about what might happen the next day.