Seven Years - Conclusion

Story by Raserei on SoFurry

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His hand moved out towards the Digimon carefully, shaking a bit, but then steadied as WereGarurumon's paw closed over his own. "Alex, it's all right, go ahead." Courage and confidence building, his hand gently touched the wolf's well defined stomach, lightly brushing his abdomin. "Ooh..." There was a smile, "Yes, go ahead, do as you wish." Another hand joined the first, both of them now rubbing the creature's stomach.

"I... I don't know what to say." Alex gasped as he felt the surprisingly soft fur under his fingertips. "You're so soft." He leaned over, resting his head and upper body on the Digimon's chest, "Not to mention, you're very fluffy. I should've drawn you with longer fur." A coy smile crossed his lips, the same with the wolf. "I can feel your heart beat." He looked up, and WereGarurumon's cold nose was to his own again. It was quickly followed by a lick, one that seemed to caress his face with liquid silk.

"Alex, you're not the only one who has dreamed for seven years." The Digimon's tail began to wag, "I remember my first day, seven years ago, as little Tsunomon." A moment of silence. "Those sucked." A laugh passed, but then, WereGarurumon spoke again, "Being Gabumon was easier, but Garurumon was much better."

"What do you mean?" This was something he didn't understand. "Being...? Tsu... Tsunomon? Gabumon? Garurumon?" He shook his head, "I don't understand." He sat up, confusion evident.

"Oh..." The Digimon smirked, "It's called Digi-volving."

"Digi... volving?"

His tail wagged, "Yes, Digi-volving. It's a process by which a Digital Monster goes from one level of ability to another." The wolf's body remained motionless under the attention of the boy. A shiver, but then a light growl. "Hey Alex, do that again."

"Do what? This?" His hands lightly caressed a bit of fur just below Garu's stomach, with a bit of fingernail to scratch with. The beast began kicking his leg lightly, a whining growl escaping his lips. "Oh, you like that, don't you boy?" A snicker hit the air as the other hand joined the first, both of them scratching the wolf's lower abdomin. "A good boy..." His hand brushed against the wolf's sheath accidentally, who groaned, and then yipped.

"Again... Please, please do that again..." A whine, Alex had the large pup wrapped about his finger, and he'd only touched the surface, literally. A pink tip had emerged from the steel grey and white protective covering, and was quickly swelling in size. A quick whimper as the wolf sat up, his paws wrapping about Alex's back and pulling him back down. "You don't know how good that feels, coming from you, please... again." The delicate human hands did so, reaching down between the wolf's legs, starting down at his testicles.

"Y-you mean... like this?" A careful touch, and WereGarurumon sighed, "Oh, so that's how..." A smile played across the boy's face again, being pleased to know that he could give such simple pleasure to his new friend, all of... not even ten minutes. Within the span of so little time, he felt that he had, in-fact, met the only one who could ever care for him, who was willing to lay their life down, should the need call for it. He had met his soul-mate.


It was very late indeed. The clock read 2:30am. It was a good thing that his parents were out for the weekend, away on a business trip, supposivly. A lick on his cheek brought Alex back to the here and now, where he was in the warmth of this new furry friend. "Tell me... what you want me to do." His hands began to gently, lightly prance and dance their way about WereGarurumon's groin, a mixture of blissful sighs, and moans of delight emitting from the wolf's mouth.

"You've never done this before?" The beast grinned, but it was quickly replaced by a smile, and then a look of pure estacy. "And to think, you're still a virgin," A small giggle, "I wouldn't have believed it from the way you're--" He was cut off as the boy kissed his nose.

"Talk later," Alex said, sitting down on the Digimon's stomach, "I want to know how to make you happy now." The boy's hands fell to his still worn shorts, which were undone, and then unzipped, beginning to fall from his lower body. They reached his knees, at which point he stood up.

He certainly is a good looking human, there's not an ounce of fat on him... The beast grinned as Alex kicked his shorts off, and the room was silent till WereGarurumon giggled again. "What is that?" A claw came up and traced along the waist string of his undergarment, which turned out to be a tie-on-the-sides thong. "What is this...?"

The boy turned his head away slightly and then undid one of the strings, "This is my wildside." A rose color was evident as he undid the otherside and let them fall, displaying himself to his Digimon. A pair of paws rose and then grasped Alex's hips. "I-I... I don't know what to do..." He wasn't ashamed, "I think I know what I want though, but-" He was cut off when the wolf tugged him down, a leg falling to either side of the creature's stomach, making to it where he sat down on Garu's abs.

"Go with it..." The wolf smiled, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." As Alex continued to caress the beast's stomach, a scent filled the air, quickly followed by WereGarurumon's pride. His eyes went wide, watching it quickly grow, it seemed to shoot out of the sheath. Alex himself was quite at attention, not meaning to, it just... seemed to happen. "Alex, I'm going to do something, and it will hurt a lot, but just for a little while."

Alex merely smiled, "I want you to." The pair of them sat silent for a moment, feeling the warmth of the other. He lowered himself down onto WereGarurumon, till he felt something. A shudder, but then, a determined look crossed the boy's face. He lowered himself a tad more onto the Digimon, when the beast stopped him.

"Alex..." The wolf's paws grapsed his hips again, and then pulled him down gently upon himself. He watched as the tip of his member sank into the young man's ass hole. Alex bit his lips, but then smiled, "Are you sure?" The lupine said, halting. He nodded, and no more was spoken. The Digimon began to lower the human down again, who grunted in pain every few seconds, but the pace had slowed considerably. About half of WereGarurumon was inside of him as he forced a smile.

"It doesn't hurt." A shudder passed, "Oh, it feels so good." He began to scratch the Digimon's chest lightly, a small moan as he leaned forward onto Garu and kissed his nose again. "I can't believe it, I've only known you a short time, but... I feel as if I've known and loved you forever."

"So," WereGarurmon licked Alex's cheek, and then pulled a tad more, the boy moaning again., this was continued till the human was rested on the Digimon's knot. "Do you know what I'm about to do?" It was answered to with a nod and a kiss. "This will hurt you."

"I'm aware of that, and I don't care." He smiled down at the wolf, "I know what this means, in more ways that one." Alex kissed him again, this time, dragging it out into a moan, pulling on Garu's wrists. "Please... I wish to be with you." Strong paws pulled down at the wolf thrusted up, tying himself and the boy together. Both screamed out, a duet of half pleasure, half pain, as the human felt himself stretch to take the wolf.

The Digimon couldn't understand why he felt this, it was a sensation that he had never felt before. He had willing been given the right to take something from another, and the satisfaction, the happiness wasn't what he had expected, it was more. He felt the fire burning in his lions, the rush of the moment, as he then began filling his tamer. The tied whimpered for a moment, and then began crying, not tears of pain, but joy. WereGarurumon leaned forward, sitting the boy up, and then grinned, his tongue spilling out of his mouth and about the hardened member of his human.

"Yes..." Alex moaned, "Please..." His mind was being blown away, he loved his Digimon, his friend, his life. "Oh..." That tongue, he couldn't help it as he began thrusting towards the muzzle, also aiding the wolf with his own. A whine left his mouth, feeling near, needing release.

"Go ahead, you need to, go!" Garu yelped, his tongue and mouth more than eager to take what was being spilled onto it. Alex's hands fell onto the top of the wolf's head as he began kissing him, hugging him, moaning in pleasure, and whimpering in pain.

All of these things happened a week ago. The two have been practically inseperable since then.

WereGarurumon and Alex are happy being with one another, and continue to share that happiness. Perhaps more tales will come, but for now, this is the end.

(This two part story was done for my friend, and I hope they like it. More may come, but for now, I will allow these two to be.)