
Story by Reserved Rodent on SoFurry

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There is a reason why there's not much activity on the streets near the tower.

Here are some things to consider before reading this story.

First, this has sex in it, so if you are not old enough to read about such activities, don't read this. A quick look at the tags would have you already aware that rape is involved, as well as M/solo, M/F, and M/M flavors. Most of the focus is on the last one, so don't be disapointed if the other two are less involved.

The second big thing to consider is that, while I do not see the deaths as Snuff, which is why I didn't put that tag in the list, some may consider it to be so though I don't make the deaths part of the act of sex itself. Which is why there is certainly death still in the tag list. If you think you may be offended, and don't want to be offended, I would rather you not risk reading my story. Which is why I included this second warning.

Finally, as with all my fiction... The characters, locations, and events in this story are fictional creations of Reserved Rodent. Any resemblances found within this chapter to other works are accidental as well as coincidental, so try not to get all mental about them. In whole and part, original characters in this story belong to Reserved Rodent, so please make your own characters. This work was written with the intention of posting it on If you must take it and post it elsewhere, at least leave it fully intact, including these warnings to give credit and blame where it is due.

_ Guardian_

by Reserved Rodent

From his perch on the rooftop of his maker's sixty foot tall tower, Corte could see all the way to each of the nine city gates if he so desired. But as midnight grew close, with two moons shining in the night sky, the humanoid manticore's glowing blue eyes focused closer.

Frustrated at how empty the courtyard and streets around the tower remained, Corte rubbed a paw over his large, furry balls.

Several streets over, as always, whores of multiple species and both sexes were plying their trade. So long as they were not trying to damage his master's tower, they did not interest the vigilant, red furred humanoid. Certainly, their antics had revealed the world of sex to the lab grown guardian, but until three nights ago, he had seen nothing that excited him that way.

As the wind changed direction, the muscular male shifted his black leathery wings to keep them still and folded tight. His long, feline tail swung to keep him perfectly balanced, glints of moonlight reflecting from the bush of poisoned quills at its end.

Three nights ago had been the first time one of the prostitute's activities had actually caused Corte to get aroused. Just remembering that night caused the manticore's black, barbed tip to slide out of his sheath.

Truthfully, the tower's guardian remained unsure if the gazelle had been a prostitute. She certainly had the curves and beauty to attract the right kind of clients, but her actions and clothes had not suggested she traded sex for money or drugs. In fact, her response to the burly bear that had fucked her on the street below, had been one of fear.

She had screamed no. She had sobbed and begged for the bear to stop. Her struggles to escape had been pointless and had only caused the male to treat her more harshly - but not the rough play that some whores agreed to for a better payment.

Certainly no prostitute would have agreed to what had happened after the burly male had finished with her. The bear had killed her after recovering from his orgasm, but to Corte, the gazelle had seemed broken, mentally and physically long before then.

While the event had excited him in new ways - making him hard and leaky like the males he had watched during previous public couplings - the winged feline remained unsure why.

As he stroked his growing shaft tonight, he peered into the streets below, wishing for a third appearance of the rough grizzly. Corte wanted to get answers from him.

That first night, the manticore had been too overwhelmed by the new emotions and sensations to act. By the time Corte had recovered from the first orgasm of his life, the bear was long gone and the winged feline had to dispose of the gazelle's body before it brought unwanted attention from the city guard to his master's neighborhood.

Two nights ago, the bear had returned and raped a vixen. She had screamed even more shrilly as the grizzly ripped her clothes off and forced himself on her. She had even bitten her attacker on his arm.

Frustratingly, Corte had been unable to watch the whole scene, as his maker had called him inside to deal with an experiment that had gotten out of its containment. By the time he had finished cleaning up his master's mess and returned to his rooftop viewpoint, there had only been more cleanup to do in the street. The fox's body had shown signs of having been much more brutally killed, perhaps because of the level of fight she had shown, though there was no way to know for sure.

A snarl revealed the manticore's shark-like teeth as he remembered what last night's aggravation.

With his master having left town to procure new subjects for his magic experiments, Corte had believed he would have plenty of time to grab the ursine and figure out what about his actions excited him so much more than the other acts of copulation he had seen. Sadly, the entire night had passed without the rapist striking in the area again.

So today, after Master's daytime guardian took over the duty of watching the tower, Corte had gone three streets to the north, looking to see if he could find a prostitute to reenact some of what the bear had done.

The manticore had no interest in killing her after he finished. Not that he couldn't kill - the experiment he had slain two nights ago had not been the first threat to his master that had required lethal force to negate. But while bringing death to other intelligent beings did not bother him, it brought him no pleasure either. Since pleasure was what he had sought to find, he decided to focus on the new experience of sex without the added burden of disposing of another body.

Licking his lips and continuing to stroke his hard, black shaft on the top of his master's tower tonight, Corte had no regrets about leaving the female snow leopard alive after she had shown him such amazing pleasure.

She had purred to him that she was happy to see him come down off his master's tower for once. Her soft touches had been accompanied by assurances that she was very happy to teach a strong guardian of such a powerful mage the softer joys of passion. There would be no charge, she had insisted.

Her lessons about how two adults could please each other sensually had lasted all almost six hours. While he would have loved to continue, the manticore knew he needed to get some sleep before his nightly guard duty, so he did not argue when the grey spotted feline had suggested they both get some rest so as not to lessen the experience with fatigued and hungry bodies.

Corte now understood so much better why the men would pay for such services if they could not get them otherwise. Yet, as wonderful as it had been, there had been something missing from the coupling, he decided. Certainly, it had been wonderful and enlightening to finally experience sex, but the manticore, remembering the feelings he got watching the bear force himself on unwilling partners, wanted to try something different tonight.

Just as Corte was beginning to think the grizzly would not return tonight either, he heard a woman's scream. Focusing his glowing blue eyes on the neighboring alley they seemed to come from, he saw his prey, trying to restrain the same snow leopard he had been with just twelve hours ago.

Standing up his full height of eight and a quarter feet, arms spread wide, the humanoid manticore let forth a massive, multi-toned roar, sounding like a full orchestra of trumpets and flutes. His leathery black wings blotted out the large blue moon in the sky behind him as they unfurled with a snap. The wind ruffled his thick, ebony mane.

Below him, he saw his prey freeze and look over his shoulder, eyes wide in shock. The burly grizzly was looking in completely the wrong dirrection.

Smiling wide, silver moonlight gleaming off the serration of his sharp, white teeth, Corte flicked his tail, flinging a poisoned quill to embed in the large paw that had been reaching from where it had unfastened the ursine's belt to grab a blade.

As the rusty dagger slipped from the ursine's grip, the manticore dove off the rooftop, folding his wings for an extra push while streamlining his wide, furry torso. He sped through the air at such great speed that his midnight black tiger stripes blurred with the rest of his blood red fur to darken into a crimson, like of clotted blood.

The dagger clanged once against the stones paving the dark alley before Corte reached his target, but the manticore's swoop had carried him in to snatch the heavy bear up before the blade finished it's rattling bounce.

In an instant, all that was left of the bear on the street by the heavily panting leopardess he had attacked was the dropped blade and the pants the grizzly had just unfastened.

With his huge wings beating powerfully to take the manticore and his prey back towards the tower's roof, Corte let out another roar, announcing a victorious hunt. As they rose higher, the manticore felt the bear trembling in his grip. He tightened his grip on his squirming prey, feeling aroused enough to make his barbed cock fully extend from its sheath.

Coming to a landing on the roof of his master's tower, Corte released the seven foot Grizzly to stumble forward and fall on his knees. While the wide, stubby ursine tail was tucked tightly over the bear's pucker, seeing the bare, furry cheeks made the bigger male lick his lips as he folded his wings safely against his back.

"What in the burning pits of damnation do you think you're doing?" the bear screamed, a little more shrill than Corte would have expected from such a large, masculine brute. Of course, the level of tangy fear now mixed in with the heavy, sweaty scent of the bruin suggested that this might not be the male's normal voice.

The grizzly started to turn around, trying to rise to his feet, though his numb arm made things awkward for him.

With a deep growl, the winged male forced him down further with a strong grip on the back of the ursine's thick neck. His barbed cock was now fully aroused, the scent of fear and the sight of the strong male on his knees making Corte's blood pump more fiercely.

The bear's powerful build kept him from landing face first on the surface of the roof despite having only one hand and arm to support against the increasing pressure Corte applied.

"Fucking beast " the struggling male snarled. "Let me go before I tear your arms and legs off "

Sliding the claws of his free hand through the fabric of the tattered shirt that his prey had been wearing, Corte calmly replied, voice like a trumpet, "No." Tossing the scraps he had reduced that last bit of clothing either of them was wearing aside, the manticore lay his chest against the thick, brown fur of the bear's back and purred at the warm feel of their fur touching.

"Yes Get the fuck off " the burly bear screamed slamming his head back into his kidnapper's muzzle.

Corte let out a deep grow, but didn't pull back, instead, he swung his tail round to prick the elbow of the arm his prey was using to keep his shoulders up.

Unable to hold himself up any more, the bear's chin cracked against the stone of the roof's surface, making the male grunt in pain and let out a growl of his own. When that sound caused a squirt of pre to shoot from the manticore's hard member and hit the inside of his brown furred thighs, the bear let out a surprised wine. "You can't do this to me. I'll kill you if you don't stop now "

"You want me to stop?" the larger male asked, shifting his hips forward, wiggling his thick, wet shaft between his prey's plump, muscular ass cheeks and under his short tail. More pre flowed out to spread over the clenched anus of the snarling bear.

"Stop No, no, NO " the ursine screeched and began panting as a firm thrust from Corte began prying open the bear's tight sphincter.

Running his raspy tongue over the back of the grizzly's neck, the larger male tried to spread his prey's legs a little wider. "I now understand why you made the two women scream those very words. It makes me want to fuck you so much more."

"I'm male You can't fuck me " The bear hollered, throwing the weight of his hips to the side, trying to get his ass away from Corte's hot cock. He managed to twist over onto his back without full use of his arms and kicked at the manticore who hoped to rape him.

The winged feline pushed the flailing kick to the side and leaned down to snap his mouth full of sharp, serrated teeth in the air next to the bruin's ball sack. The bear's cock was even further out of it's sheath than it had been when Corte had snatched him from the alley.

Purring, the manticore smiled as he shifted the bear's flailing legs over his shoulders. "You look excited by the prospect of me forcing my seed deep inside your bowls, prey."

Corte then licked the underside of the bear's balls, taking a deep whiff of the musk of the ursine's crotch. The bear's legs went limp and the grizzly groaned.

The manticore loved the taste of the male's sweaty musk, tinged with fear. It made him feel powerful as he used his tongue to bring one of the heavy orbs past the rows of his sharp teeth to safely suck on the full, flavorful fruit.

"Stop, please," the bear begged softly, between moans. "Just let me go. I'm not into males."

Spitting the furry scrotum out, Corte's paws spread his prey's legs out while pushing them up. The manticore then shook his head a little to work his nose under the bear's balls. After taking another deep whiff of delicious, panic laced musk, Corte began running his rough tongue over the hole he knew he would soon use to breed the burly male he had grabbed.

The rich taste of the pink skin around the pucker almost distracted the manticore too long, yet he managed to grip the bear's thighs in his paws and push them further back before the panicked male started thrashing, kicking, and screaming, "NO Stop Don't touch me there I'm a male, see my dick? Stop touching me "

By this time, Corte was tasting the hot, tight insides of his prey's rectum and leaking pre steadily at the futile resistance he was facing. He sat up, meeting the thrashing male's brown eyes with his own blue ones.

"You taste perfectly fuckable to me," the larger male said, licking the traces of liquid from his lips.

"No. Please, don't," The bear begged as Corte crept closer, resting his slick hard shaft against the bear's moist, winking orifice.

"You're not even using your stubby tail to block me, you needy whore," the red furred male growled, then thrust four inches of barbed, black cock into his prey's ass, purring as the smaller male screamed in shock and pain.

The tightness of the unwilling bear's rectum felt perfect as it's slick velvety walls pushed and gripped his thick barbed shaft. This fuck would be even better than Corte had dreamed.

Tears ran down the bruin's face as the manticore started pulling out and pushing in, going deeper with each thrust. He sobbed at the pain the barbed cock caused his virgin hole. "Please stop... no, no... don't do... don't fuck... no... not me" he begged between grunts of pain as he kicked at the air in the larger male's steel grip on his legs.

Corte loved hearing the strong male whimper under his steady assault into his tight ass. The struggles of the male as he was taken against his will made the manticore's balls feel like they were rapidly filling to the bursting point. The smell of the weaker male's pre as it leaked from the bear's fully hard shaft, flopping up and down with every thrust Corte made into the clenching bowels of the bruin, fueled the next push to be harder and faster.

Sweat matted both males' fur. At the eight inch mark, the manticore's hot, barbed shaft started bumping and grinding against the ursine's prostate, causing both of them to start groaning and grunting to the rhythm of the rut.

Instinct drove the winged feline to speed up and push harder to get all eleven inches as deep inside the hot refines of his mate before his inevitable orgasm. His paws released the bruin's thighs, allowing the legs to wrap around his waist and help pull him in deeper.

The grizzly still grunted out a "no" or "stop" from time to time, but with his eyes rolled back and his tongue hanging out in mindless bliss, they had lost all force. The fur of his face and muzzle was matted with sweat, tears and drool.

Finally pushing so deep within his prey's ass that his sheath ground against the bear's rectum, Corte paused to wiggle his hips, stirring up the precum and ass juices all along his thick, eleven inch, black shaft. Smiling, the manticore looked down at the grizzly's eight and a half inch cock, standing tall and happily leaking natural lubricant down it's length to wet his stomach and balls.

"This is where you belong, grizzly, wrapped around my dick, isn't it?" the larger male asked.

The bear shook his head from side to side, murmuring, "no."

Corte slowly pulled out, his large, barbed head tickling the velvety insides of his prey over eleven inches, the bruin moaning lustfully the entire way, letting out a whimper as the head popped out of the sloppily wet hole.

"Please... please don't... please..." the grizzly panted, unable to catch his breath.

"Please don't what?" Corte asked slamming his full eleven inches back into the bear in one quick thrust.

The only answer given was a long moan as the burly, brown fur writhed under the manticore's rapid-fire thrusts for almost half a minute.

Finally, drawing in a deep breath, the grizzly screamed as he came, covering both male's stomachs with thick, musky ursine seed. "Please don't kill me "

Corte roared as the bear's insides clenched around his thick shaft during his prey's orgasm. The pressure and scent of the weaker male's seed pushed the manticore over the edge himself, causing him to shoot a heavy load deep inside the grizzly's gut.

As both came down from their rutting peak, the smaller male shivered under the large, blood red feline.

Now, sated for the moment, Corte felt he could get answers to his questions.

"Why did you kill the gazelle and the vixen on the streets near my master's tower?" the manticore asked, having to repeat himself twice and box the bear's ears once to get him to both hear and understand what was asked.

Stinking of fear and stuttering, the bear managed to get out a choked, "S-s-sso th-they could n-n-not t-tell the g-g-guards what I d-did."

"Wasteful, but not the point of my question," Corte growled. "Why did you kill them here?" The manticore got up, dragging the smaller male by the scruff of his neck to the side of the roof to point at the streets around the tower.

"I w-w-was told f-folks av-v-voided the mage's tower. N-n-no guards. F-f-f-few people. S-sounded perf-f-ferect," the bear admitted. "N-n-no one s-said anything ab-b-bou-about you. I th-th-thought it was sup-p-p-sup-perst-t..."

"Superstition?" Corte asked, mostly to keep the grizzly from choking on the word.

The bear nodded affirmative, eyes wide and locked on the ground far below.

"Well," The manticore started, pausing when he realized he didn't have a name for the male he had just fucked. After a few seconds, he decided the grizzly's name was unimportant, so continued. "You either need to start asking more questions and making less assumptions, or - if you think your sources were trying to cause you to fall into a bad situation with faulty information - you may need to have a discussion with them about what I just did to you."

"NO " the bear screamed, shaking. "I can't tell anyone I got fu- wait..." The brown eyes looked up into the glowing blue one. "You're not going to kill me? You're going to let me go?"

"Yes, I will be taking you back down to where your pants are shortly. Killing you now would be a waste." Corte said, then grinned. "Besides, I had to clean up two bodies you left behind. I've only taken you once as payment so far. You still owe me one fuck."

The grizzly shook and looked over at the manticore's half hard shaft, shining with pre and cum and other liquids from his sore rear and whined, "I can't do that again."

Corte smiled as he saw his prey's eyes focus on his manhood while licking his lips. "Clean me off and we will be done for the night," the manticore said.

Ears down tight against his head, the grizzly carefully and slowly licked his rapist's cock, balls and groin clean, blushing heavily.

Corte rubbed the bear's head while the tongue wiped away all the sticky juices of his fucking the other male. "It is a shame that my master keeps such a tight leash on me. I would reward you well for being such a good fuck if not for him. He would probably have me kill you, but so long as you do not kill any more prostitutes near my master's tower, you will avoid his attention."

Feeling clean and growing tired of the bear's timid licking, Corte decided he was done with the male. He picked the bruin up, getting another obnoxious, shrill scream as he dove over the side of the tower to fly down to the ally.

After being set down, the grizzly just huddled near his pants, shifting his shoulders to try and get his numb arms to respond, "Wait. You can't leave me like this, I can't survive without my hands and arms."

"The toxin isn't permanent," Corte said, looking up to gage haw much time had passed. "You should start getting feeling back in the next quarter hour and be fine shortly thereafter. Just remember, if you kill anyone around here and Master finds out, you will wish I had treated you like you treated the vixen."

Bobbing his head in quick agreement, the subdued grizzly tumbled out words of agreement, "I remember. I know. You'll never see me again."

As Corte leapt into the sky, to fly back to his rooftop watch, he looked back down and gave a wicked, sharp toothed smile, "Oh, I will see you at least once more, friend. I cleaned up two of your victims, but have only received one fuck in payment from you so far. You're way too good a fuck to not collect the second one."

The grizzly's whimpers made Corte's smile grow larger as he flew back to his position on top of his master's tower.

Worth the Wait

_A few quick notes about this story. First, this is my entry for the [third writing contest]( for the [Writing Challenge group]( Second, this story was...

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For Every Door that Closes -- Fourteen

_Some fine print, in normal sized, italic letters._ _The characters, locations, and events in this story are fictional creations of Reserved Rodent. Certainly, names of locations and entities from the real world are referenced in this chapter. This is...

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For Every Door that Closes -- Thirteen

_Some fine print, in normal sized, italic letters._ _The characters, locations, and events in this story are fictional creations of Reserved Rodent. Certainly, names of_ _locations and entities from the real world are referenced in this chapter. This...

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