The Campus Tales-Cleansing Workout

Story by Bearzerker01 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Campus Tales

I know, I know I did a gay themed story. I figured that since most of the community is gay, or bi or pan or tras or anything that isn't straight, I should make something for the rest of the community to enjoy. I'm also straight so writing a gay story was a challenge for me.

This is also the beginning of a new series for me. It's based on my experiences at the various colleges I have attented and worked at. It will incloude some repeat characters and story lines but mostly it will center on the various sorted lives of students at the same college.

Please read and review and as always, enjoy!

James sighed as he placed the weights back on to the rack and wiped his brow clean of the sweat. The Tiger had tried to get over his recent break up by throwing himself back into the gym but it only served as a distraction for so long. Each night the memories of them together, wrapped in each other's arms kept him lying awake and every time he visited the cafeteria every female giggle reminded him of his former feline lover. He pushed the depressing thoughts from his head as he made his way to the locker room.

The Tiger entered the locker room and made a b-line for the showers. He didn't pay attention to anything around him as he stripped down while walking. As he had nothing but his boxers on he ran face first into a solid object. James stumbled for a moment and hit the ground of the shower room hard. To make things worse as he hit the ground he lost his grip on his sweaty clothes and they went flying all over the slick floor.

The Tiger grumbled at his own absent mindedness and started to pick up his clothes, but before he could grab the spilled clothes a paw was offered to help him up. As he looked up he recognized a friend of his, an Otter by the name of Ben. What surprised the Tiger wasn't his friend offering to help but the fully nude state he was in.

The Tiger was mesmerized by Ben's physique. The Otter was slightly shorter than him but had a much more toned body from years of competitive swimming. Ben's fur also a fur appearance to keep his body streamlined and a handsome face that was equal parts warm and friendly. What was very intriguing to James was the flaccid, yet semi erect member that was hanging out of his pouch. After a few minutes of the Tiger obviously checking out his nude form, Ben was becoming a bit concerned.

Ben didn't mind the attention at all, James was rather attractive. But the stare was going from admiring to creepy. After a few seconds he withdrew his paw and spoke with concern in his voice, "Hey James, you ok?" When he realized that James was not really staring at him but his exposed rod he quickly flopped it back into his pouch. He had forgotten that he was cleaning off the chlorine both in his pouch and on his member when the Tiger ran into the stall wall. "I'm sorry, I forgot about that," He offered his paws once more "if you're gonna stare at me all night you might as well come back to my room with me."

The Tiger snapped out of the stare, realizing he was being rather inappropriate. He chuckled and took the Otter's hand. "Sorry, I guess it's been a while since I've seen a handsome male naked." James had mostly dated females his life but had, on occasion, had a fling with a male or two. It had been a while since he'd had one of those flings though and he didn't expect those feelings to come back, especially not that strong or fast.

James finished picking up his clothes and hanging them up before shuffling into the stall next to the Otter. Ben went back to his stall but not before he checked out the Tiger. The shower stalls were little more than waist high privacy screens which left nothing to the imagination. Ben hadn't really thought of James as a possibility, he knew he was Bi but for as long as he had known him he was dating one female or another. Now that he had the Tiger, slightly pudgy as he was, in the buff he liked what he saw.

For a few moments they gave each other awkward glances but remained, for the most part, silent. After what seemed like an eternity Ben broke the silence. "Getting back into shape?"

James looked over and nodded, "Kinda, the exercise helps me stop from thinking."

Ben looked concerned at the Tiger's response, "You still having trouble with the break up?"

The Tiger gave a terse smile and continued washing himself. "I was with her for two years. I gave up so many things to be with her and she dumps me like a pile of trash. Yeah I'd say I'm still having some trouble."

"I'm sorry..." Ben trailed off as he thought to himself the best way to proceed, "...but I'm glad to hear it's not because of a poor self image. You know you're a catch, anyone would be lucky to spend a night with you let alone to have and to hold you." The Otter finished his statement with a wink and a suggestive smile.

James turned and looked at the Otter who still wore a smug smile and a 'come hither' expression. The Tiger was taller than the Otter, not by much, but it was abundantly clear that the Otter was yards more confident. The Tiger stated with a neutral expression for a moment, trying to figure out what he should do. It was then that he realized he hadn't felt the pain that had been tormenting him ever since this awkward flirting dance began. The Tiger cracked a smile and nodded, "Thanks, but let's be honest here you have the body of a Greek god, if there is someone here who is guaranteed to get lucky it's Ben 'the fish' Williams." They both shared a chuckle at the nickname, given to him more because of his bedroom behavior then his swimming skills.

"Well you know, the whole gay dating scene here isn't that big. Most of the males here are either too young and inexperienced or too old and looking for a house wife. It's harder and harder to find a guy who just wants to date. I mean we're in college, we're supposed to get wasted, have sex and have casual relationships while avoiding class's right?" The Otter said, admitting to his difficulties with his own love life.

The Tiger leaned closer, his smile still on his face. "So you're saying you want to go out with me?"

Ben scoffed and shook his head, "I didn't say that."

"No, but you implied it and I know the thought of feeling a firm paw around your cock, the moistness of a warm mouth and the tight bliss of a nice well lubed ass is causing him to come out to play." James pointed down at the rising member of the Otter who had, in all fairness, been aroused by the thought of embracing the Tiger for a romp in the shower. "You'd better not tell me you were cleaning it because that thing couldn't be cleaner if you vacuumed, waxed and spit shined it."

Ben felt a twinge of embarrassment and a thrill of excitement. He leaned close to the Tiger, barely a breath away from him. They hesitated for a moment before they both broke down and embraced each other in a kiss. The kiss was slow at first but it built in passion quickly.

Soon their tongues were exploring each other's mouths with adept precision. Their furious pent up passion expressed full force with one another as their arms reached over the barrier and brought their bodies as close to each other as possible. After what seemed like hours of passionate kissing James broke away, as he suddenly realized there may be more people in the locker room.

The confused Otter tried to bring James back into the kiss but the Tiger simply placed a few digits over Ben's lips as he scanned the area. When he had entered the place had been deserted, he hadn't even heard the water running from Ben's shower. Now, with senses tuned, he hardly heard an insect crawling in the place, it was nearly midnight on a weekend after all.

With a smile the Tiger turned back to Ben and, this time, slipped over into the Otter's stall. "Just needed to make sure..."

"What? Are you already embarrassed to be seen with me?" The Otter gave a mock expression of being hurt as the Tiger shook his head.

Wordlessly he embraced the Otter once more, this time pushing him against the shower wall and letting his passion erupt all over Ben's well toned body. He nibbled , kissed and licked down the Otter's neck and explored his chest as Ben gasped with each exploratory nip. Slowly and carefully the Tiger worked his way down until he felt the poking of his jaw by the still rising member of the Otter.

As James inspected his lovers firm malehood he was actually quite impressed. The Otter had some size and girth to him, not too surprising considering his height but very surprising considering his species. Continuing his exploration of his new lovers body the Tiger gave a short lick of the head, tasting the bland saltiness of the Otter's pre. He smiled as he heard the yelp and shiver of Ben as he teased the tip of his dick. 'This is going to be easy,' though James as he wrapped his lips around the head and, using a paw to stroke the base, began a slow bobbing up and down the large wet organ.

Ben's eyes rolled as the Tiger worked his shaft. The Otter knew he was easier to get off than most because he was usually bottom in relationships and had trained himself to enjoy every little nicety that came with the position. Jame's skill, though rusty, was making the Otter's knees weak. 'This pussy's a keeper' the Otter thought as a paw gripped the back of the Tigers short head fur for support.

The Tiger worked over the Otter cock with some hesitation, since it had been a while since he'd gone down on a male. But it became apparent, as Ben gripped his head and held on for dear life, that he was doing much better then he thought he was. James decided that he had enough fun teasing the poor Otter and went to work driving the rod deeper into his mouth while his free paw worked the sizeable balls. He then added the last piece to the puzzle as his sandpaper like tongue began to swirl and lick the base of the Otter causing Ben's eyes to shoot wide open.

Ben couldn't stand up to the assault of the dry sandpaper tongue and the massage of his base and balls for long and with a shout he released his seed into the Tiger's waiting mouth. James was taken a little off guard as thick ropes of seaman shot into the back of his throat causing him to gag slightly, but after a few moments his instincts kicked back in and he was able to manage and swallow the odd tasting fluid. The Tiger licked his lips and marveled at the sheer amount of cum the Otter had built up in him. "You must have been waiting for that for weeks."

As James stood up and cleaned the reminants of their fun off his body Ben was leaning against one of the stall walls with half lidded expression of rapture on his face. Half heartedly he mumbled, "Maybe a few..." James chuckled and wrapped the Otter into an embrace as they kissed once more under the flowing water.

Soon they broke their embrace and turned off the shower. They dried eachother off and were in the process of getting dressed when Ben turned to James, gave him a swat on the butt and said "Where did you learn to do that?" James smiled as he put on a clean shirt, "Years of experience, I might be able to teach you a thing of two if you want." The Tiger gave his lover a sly smirk as he picked up his gym bag.

Ben returned the smile and gave James a wink. "Of course, then maybe I can show you why they call me the fish." James's expression changed to one of mock disgust as he joked, "Do they call you 'the fish' or the 'the cold fish,' because if it's the latter I don't know if I want to find that out."

The Otter shot the Tiger a terse expression as he whacked him playfully before strutting out of the locker room with his nose in the air, acting as if James had hurt his pride. The Tiger chuckled as he followed after his indignant lover, leaving the scene of their passion behind and the thoughts of love lost as well.