Fates of the Unicorns - Echo

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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Fates of the Unicorns - Echo

_This is a short story written for the winner of my 10,000 pageview Kirban. Darkleigh won and asked for a story about her character Echo serving a dragoness in my world. _

This short story takes place in the dragon capital of my Fates of the Unicorns universe. The dragon race had fought the invading insect armies to a standstill for generations now, using their narrow mountain pass to hold them off, and keeping the entire surviving furry population safe in the lands beyond. Safe from being slaughtered and exterminated by the invading insect armies, but not safe from the dragons themselves which sent raiding parties to capture furry slaves as servants and sexual service, knowing the furries need their protection, and so the leaders look the other way over the minor raids. But not all furries captured and enslaved are unwilling...

Loeshkel gave a dragoness hiss as she was attacked by her slave. She saw the chinchilla diving at her moments before the large girl landed on the floor, wrapping her slave arms around dragon ankles and bringing her open jaws down at her feet.

"Mistress!" cried Echo as she hugged the dragons ankles, pressing her rodent muzzle to her feet and licking in long, firm strokes.

Loesh let out a growl of pleasure at the greeting and closed the door to her moderate lair behind her. "What brought this on, slave? If your not careful, you might break my floor."

Echo squirmed in embarrassment at the reference to her weight. She wasn't morbidly obese, but was very plump, even for her nearly six foot height. She wagged her tail harder and continues licking and worshiping the feet of her dragon Mistress. She said between licks, "You were gone so long!"

Loesh pulled a foot loose so she could walk further into the room, her tail wrapping around her slaves neck and pulling her along. "Hush, slave. We had some urgent matters to deal with, so I stayed late to deal with them." She saw that Echo had chosen to wear her brightest and most colorful harem outfit today, scarves and silks wrapped around her to compliment her curves and shape. Just like her Mistress liked.

Echo nodded and let herself be led along. Her Mistress was an important dragoness. She studied dragons and furries and those horrible insects and made predictions and estimates of how they would react. She had even been involved in those big unicorn slave raids, helping to decide how many they could take and how to deal with the political issues it would cause. It was a complex problem, and her Mistress often talked about how the dragons dealt with it. Echo knew that all races were a little different. Furries that came from prey species like rabbits and mice tended to be more submissive than ones descended from predatory animals like wolves and bears. Dragons were in a class of their own. They were not really lizards, being warm blooded for starters, but their minds behaved in subtle but important ways. They had an extremely powerful instinct to fit into a hierarchal structure. Every dragon 'knew their place' with respect to other dragons, as they put it. They all naturally dominated anyone they saw as being lower than they were, and would submit to anyone higher.

Echo stopped as her Mistress did, waiting for further instructions. She locked at an ankle as she thought more about the strange, and fascinating mind of her Mistresses' race. Most furries didn't share her opinions. She didn't really blame them. To a dragon, furries were out of control and a confusing mess. To a dragon, most furries were clearly beneath them, but to a dragons intense frustration they rarely ACTED like it. A dragon thought little of kneeling and licking the toes of a superior to show their place, but to a furry it was a terrible, humiliating act. To a dragon, the average furry needed to be put in their place, trained and broken. Echo knew she was a lucky girl to have been deeply submissive well before her capture and sale to her Mistress. She enjoyed serving, loved to be dominated. Back in the furry lands it was a tolerated kink, but here it was real.

Loesh said, "Get your fat ass off the floor and prepare me a bath, slave." She had indeed had a long day. Yet another attempt by the unicorn leadership to try and negotiate the return of some of the more higher ranking and important unicorns that had been captured and enslaved. Didn't they know it was pointless? What made it worse was their demands that those deemed 'important' were returned. Furries simply had no idea how to judge importance. Being born to royalty or wealth seemed to be their only care. An individuals worth was in what they DID. Loesh valued Echo far more than any noble born unicorn. Echo served well and with distinction and Loesh wouldn't trade her for a dozen unicorns.

Echo said, "Yes Mistress!" She flushed at the insult and scampered into the large bathing room. She was still amazed at what it could do. Her Mistress had a small lair, but it's true value was in the luxurious furnishings. The dragons capital was OLD and built with long lost magics and skills. Not even the most wealthy furry home could come close to this. Running water, magical lighting in every room, stoves that needed no wood. And an endless supply of hot water. She began to fill the bath, adjusting the temperature to what she knew her dragon Mistress liked. Hot. She then knelt and waited.

Loesh entered a few minutes later, naked and tail wishing behind her. Her blue-green scales sparkled iridescently as she moved and regarded her slave. "Off with the silks, slave. They make you look fat."

Echo obeyed, striping down to her bare fur and blushing, head bowed and eager to be be given orders or to be used.

Loesh said, "That looks hot, good... now get your Mistress warmed up too." She spread her feet, opening her thighs and patting the side of her leg with a hand,

Echo nodded, "Yes Mistress!" She shuffled forward and buried her face in her Mistresses' crotch. Her nose rubbed against the dragons soft clit, her tongue sliding in to lick and lap. her hands caressed the dragons thighs, the skin soft and warm, the scales being a colored pattern rather than actual plated scales. Her fingers soon slid up to pry the dragons nether lips wide apart as she licked and sucked and kissed with devotion.

Loesh groaned and stroked the hair on her slaves head, feeling her expert tongue lick and tease. Her slave had a lot of practice, and was always trying to learn more. She slid her tail between the legs of the kneeling chinchilla, tail tip probing and sliding up expertly. She was good at what SHE did too. She pushed with her tail, parting the girl's sex and felt the rodent moan into her own dragon sex. "Mmmmm... you like a big fat tail up your cunt, do you slave?"

Echo moaned again and nodded, licking and slurping noisily. She shudders at the feel of the tail probing her pussy. It wasn't smooth like a dildo or a most furry cocks, but rough and hard. She loved it.

Loesh said, "That's a good little rat... you love to eat pussy... is that what makes you such a chubby rat? All the pussy you eat making you so big?"

Echo groaned in humiliation and shuddered, feeling the tail driving deeper and harder into her. "Mmmmppphh... yeshhhh misssshtress..." she said, the wet sex muffling her mouth as she pressed into it.

The dragoness grabbed the hair on the back of her slaves head and ground her nose harder into her own pussy, hissing at the pleasure. To a dragon, domination and submission were as erotic as a good fucking. She grunted and panted as she felt her slave doing what she did best, serving her Mistress and she returned the favor with a rough tail-fucking... jamming her muscled limb deep and hard into the furry's sex.

Echo yelped into her Mistresses' cunt, crying out at the hard and wonderful fucking. She gasped and licked, feeling her Mistress react, tasting her arousal and soaking her muzzle in it.

Loesh arched her back, driving her tail all the way into the tender sex of her slave and screamed, "Eat me you fat rat! Uuuurrrgghgh!" She shuddered as she came, her body wracked with pleasure, tail trembling like an over-sized vibrator in the furry girl before her.

Echo cried out and came as well, the roughness of the tail causing pain, but that pain only added to her pleasure, and the words send her into spasms of embarrassment and erotic submission. She shuddered and gasped, letting out a few yells before slumping down, sitting on her heels. OOoooh....

Loesh hissed, rocking back on her feet and let out a deep, satisfied sigh. She slid her tail from her slaves sex, getting moans and cries in return, then stepped into the comfy bathing pool and slid gratefully into it. Ahhhhhh! Hot.. almost too hot. Exactly how she preferred it.

Echo still felt the aftershocks of her own orgasm as she leaned against the side of the bathing pool, picking up a sponge and beginning to bathe her Mistress, happy and content.

Loesh looked at her slave and smiled, relaxing. Most furries could be properly trained, given time. They all learned to obey and serve, to know their place. But many never fully accepted it, never learning to enjoy knowing you had found your place in the world. They obeyed grudgingly, or fearfully. They never really understood the gift they were being given. But Echo did. She arched her back as Echo rubbed and washed her breasts, enjoying the sensation. Furries thought dragons were all cruel and cold. It wasn't true at all. She reached out and stroked one of Echo's breasts, then took the nipple between her hard talons and pinched, twisting.

Echo nnnnghed at the pinch and pressed her legs together, panting and struggling not to drop the sponge. The pressure released, but only so the dragon could pinch her other nipple. "Aaaahhhhnnnnnggg!"

Loesh smiled and released her pets tender nipple, giving each breast a firm smack, sending the large mounds swaying. Dragons were capable of kindness and love, even for furries... once they learned their place. Until then, they were not deserving of any consideration. A furry newly captured wasn't even a person... they were like... a feral animal. Insane. You might pity them, or put them down out of kindness, but there were simply not anything you could love. Not until they learned to obey and submit, then they were part of dragon society. Echo... she had been submissive from the start. Loesh had always treated her well, and in time, even grew to love her. She could admit that now. Dragons didn't often talk about it, but she knew she was not the only one to love a slave. Once they were civilized and trained they could be vary caring and devoted. She picked up a brush lying on the side of the tub and smirked, "Bend over, lets see that big ass of yours..."

Echo set the sponge aside and obeyed, lifting her tail as she got onto all fours. She had hardly gotten her tail out of the way before the back of the brush smacked into her ass. Errrrf! Then again, and again, her ass heating up from the painful spanks. Squeak! Squeak!

Loesh smiled as she spanked her slave. Like all dragons, she enjoyed physical force as a way to show her dominance. She knew Echo liked it too. The submissive little rodent enjoyed pain. She simply couldn't take the kind of punishment a dragon could give or receive, but she liked to have her limits pushed. The name calling... that she did for Echo's pleasure. She liked the look of her girl. She always felt like she was going to break little skinny furries, their bodies so small. Having a nice big slave to beat was a pleasure to her. But she had discovered Echo's guilty pleasure soon after buying her. The kinky slave loved to be humiliated, especially teased about her weight. She finished spanking and ordered, "Continue, slave... maybe if you scrub hard enough you will loose some weight."

Echo whined, her ass sore, but it felt so good. She shivered in humiliation at the words her Mistress used, wishing she could touch herself right now.. that talk was making her horny, even after the rough tail fucking. She scrubbed and washed her Mistress, getting her arms and front wet from the hot bath water. It hurt to put her hands into it for very long, but she endured. She had always been a slave. Slavery wasn't legal in the furry lands, but that didn't mean it did not go on in secret. She had been born to slaves, raised to serve. It was all she knew, and unlike most of her brothers and sisters, she loved it. She couldn't imagine being free... she wouldn't know what to do with herself. She liked being ordered around, used. Useful. Furries that liked to keep slaves were worse than dragons. For them it was just a kink. The never cared about their slaves. Ever. Dragons could be cruel, and lots of furries suffered terribly.. but if they would just learn to obey it would be so much better! Not all dragons were like her Mistress she knew. They came in all kinds, just like furries. Some better than others, and some much much worse.

Loesh yawned in the tub. It had been an extremely tiring day, and there would be more work tomorrow. She stretched in pleasure, muscles relaxed in the tub and stood, dripping. Her slave quickly layed out towels for her and had more to dry her off with. Loesh held her arms out and let her slave dry her off, shivering a bit at the cool air. She took her slave by the nipple and dragged her out of the bathing room.

Echo eeeped as she was pulled by her nipple, following meekly to the bedroom. She soon was pulled into the bed and let out a breath as the dragoness rolled atop her, using her as a large pillow. She mmmmed.. enjoying it.. the pressure and touch telling her she was wanted and being useful. Serving even as she lay there. She squeaked and whined at several pinches to tender areas, claws roaming her body at will.

Loesh whispered, "Goodnight love..." as she snuggled up with her furry slave.

Echo sighed and relaxed, her tail curling around the much larger dragon tail of her Mistress. She thought of all the places she had been, the Masters and Mistresses she had served. She was lucky to have such a good dragon as her owner.. and female too. She would serve males of course, it was her place, but she didn't LIKE it and wanted nothing more than to be the pet of a strict dragoness. Like Mistress Loeshkel. She sighed happily, and slept.