Care for some Cocoa? - Chapter 1 [complete]

Story by akro on SoFurry

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Written by: Akro

With the overwhelming positive response to the teaser, I continued working on it to finish the first chapter. I hope you all enjoy Cocoa as much as I do. ;3

Chapter 1

I was numb with fear, but I could tell my legs were shaking intensely. A thick metal collar had been attached to my neck, and an equally large chain connected me to the captured wolf in front of me. A blaring alarm sounded from above, making my ears fold back in pain.

I was a prisoner. The only problem was that I had no idea why. All I could remember was Voltra's police force storming into my house, and a strong thud at the base of my skull. My teeth clenched at the memory and a firm yank brought me back to my abysmal reality. The line was moving. I trudged towards the massive iron entrance of the prison with my tail tucked between my legs. Both of the furs I was attached to were easily twice my size and pure muscle.

We were guided into the desolate courtyard of the prison. All the grass inside the twenty foot razor wire fence was a gross shade of brown, and four sentry towers dotted the corners of the complex. We stopped moving.

"What now..?" I whispered to myself. I craned my neck up to see how truly giant the door was, the black metal of it dark as the night.

My heart jumped as the gate grated open slowly with a deep rumble. A tall, muscular red dragon walked out casually, surrounded by a couple of smaller guards. He stood in front of the line, which was now horizontal to the door. With a smirk and a gleam in his piercing, blood red eyes, he opened his powerful muzzle.

"Welcome to hell, boys," he said with confidence. Yelling wasn't necessary because there were only a few groups of convicts this time around. "I am the warden of this fine prison... However, I prefer to be called Master." He walked up to a husky and grabbed him by the black jumpsuit and almost lifted him off the ground. "You all belong to me now, understand?" He stared into the eyes of the trembling dog. He was big by my standards, yet he looked like nothing but a whimpering pup in the paw of the dragon.

He dropped him and paced in front of us, examining each piece of fresh meat. When he stood in front of me, the dragon had to drop his gaze to see my unimpressive form. His eyes glowed with some strange excitement as he scanned me.

"Well aren't you a cutie," he said with a growing smile.

I growled and glared at him. I was so tired of everyone treating me like a fag. It was like a curse to have my body. For one, I gained recessive genes from my mother's side, causing my vulpine fur to not be a normal orangish-red and black. Instead, I'd been given a creamy white color with rich, dark chocolate brown coating on my tail, paws, and the tip of my left ear. Also, no matter how hard I tried, I could never put on any significant muscle, only further tone my body. Weeks of work outs and I was still trapped in a petite 5'8", 110 pound form with soft features. People often guess my age around 16 despite being almost 20.

"Oh, feisty aren't you." The dragon flicked me in the nose, causing a slight yip. "I think I'll call you Cocoa." The other inmates started snickering, and I reached my limit.

"Don't call me that you fucking-" I was stopped in my words by a searing pain in my muzzle as his hidden claws raked against it. Next thing I knew I was only held up by the chain wrapped around my neck, and the creamy fur was being soiled by slow trickles of blood.

"You were saying?" He smirked.

My body's alarm was shouting, shouting at me to get away. My head was reeling, and my whimpering was audible. I had to fight to focus on staying conscious in the heavy atmosphere.

"Hmph... He's about to black out." He snapped and a guard ran to his side. "Take him inside while I finish here, and be gentle. He's delicate, like a flower."

Almost as if to prove his point, everything started fading. The world was swirling and sinking in my vision. The last thing I was able to see was the dragon whispering to the guard and his deep, glowing eyes drawing me in further and further into darkness.....


"...Hello?" I was seated on the couch watching TV alone when a loud knock disturbed me. Another knock, louder this time, and I was up with a growl. I was feet from the door when the door was broken down with the vicious snap of the wood and metal frame, making me quickly jump back while shielding my face from the sharp splinters sprayed towards me.

"What the hell?!" I shouted and looked with fright to see a team of police storming my house and surrounding me.

"Is your name -----?" They shouted at me. When the police captain, a powerful wolf, said the name, no sound came forth. I folded my ears back in confusion.

"Is my name what?" I responded instantly

"Don't fuck with us! Are you -----?!?" This time I whined in fright. It was as if he didn't know there was no sound. Was it something wrong with me?

"What's going on!" I looked at the ground, shaking my head hard and shutting my eyes and hoping this was all a nightmare. The next thing I heard was the wolf snap and before I could open my eyes, I felt that butt end of that solid club against my skull...


"Shit!" I jumped up with a start, drenched in sweat and gasping for air as if I had been holding my breath for minutes. I scanned my surroundings, fur on end from my natural fight-or-flight mode. I was in a small enclosure, maybe the size of a bedroom, only a lot barer. Nothing graced the room except for the bit-to-small mat in the corner that I found myself on, and a suspicious looking surveillance camera hanging conspicuously from the corner opposite the bed.

However, one thing about the room did make me nervous: The color of the walls. Every inch was a light pink metal, with large darker pink hearts decorating the wall at set intervals. It was only once I gulped that I realized that something was tight around my neck. At first I assumed it was the metal chain used to bring me here, but it was far too light. Nervously, I stood and noticed that the walls reflected light well; however, once I looked at my reflection I wished I hadn't. Wrapped around my neck was a hot pink collar, a circular medal dangling from the central like a dog tag.

I whined in terror before I heard the door behind me, also light pink metal, open and the Draconian ruler of my nightmares sauntering in as if he were a high school hotshot. I took a second to study him, and noticed how handsome he actually was. He wore an expression on his face that was reminiscent of a bully who had just trapped his prey in a corner. He wore nothing but a loose lab coat, and as my eyes drifted down they widened when I realized his cock was exposed, the tip poking out of an excessively large sheath, below which hung a pair of orbs that could probably unleash a heavy torrent of cum on a moment's notice.

"Well, it looks like you're nice and perky now." He folded his arms across his chest, each one muscular and each paw ending in claws blacker than the night sky. They were sharp enough to make my heart shudder at the mere thought of them.

"Tell me, do you know your name?" He asked.

I responded in accordance with the obviousness of the question. "No shit Sherlock, My name's Cocoa-", I froze as the words spilled from my mouth, which was now hanging in shock. I had said it so naturally, and with such assuredness. The dragon's smirk was wider now, mocking me with its amusement.

"Cocoa is it? That's such a cute name. I like it." He was staring right at me again, and I felt every thump of my racing heart as his eyes almost seemed to glow again.

"No!" I ripped my gaze away and growled. "That's not my name! It's---", I dug through my mind for the answer, and it felt like pressure was building *My name is Cocoa... I'm an adorable fox who exists to serve* "Huh?" I opened my eyes as tremors started shaking through me. Sharp, course gasps of breath was all I could get as I started feeling sick with the situation. My paws held my stomach as a deep urge to vomit took control of me, but nothing would come up except for more and more saliva, which I expelled quickly from my muzzle.

"Pity, it looks like you're still struggling. That's alright though, it makes things more fun." The calm dragon took a step towards me, and I looked up and growled harshly. All my fur was on end and my fangs were bared in defense. I had probably never looked more feral.

"What the fuck did you do to me?!" I yelled.

"Hmph... Not a very nice foxy are you. Maybe sucking a cock as magnificent as mine will make you friendly." He accentuated his statement by rubbing his sheath and drawing out more of his length, which was thick and throbbing intensely.

"I'm not gay you psychopath, I'm not going to do anything-", *But then again just look at that cock... ooh it looks so good... So perfect... and worthy of my service* I grabbed my head and was tempted to smash it on the metal walls to get these horrendous thoughts out of it.

"Hehe... Oh and I hope you don't mind... you were cute before but I made a couple of slight changes to make you just perfect," he said with a hint of excitement.

My eyes perked up and for a moment my heart stopped as lowered my head to examine myself, a deep dread building up. That dread climaxed as I saw my stomach and crotch. My once purely cream colored stomach now sported a large heart on it, the top reaching the bottom of my ribcage and the bottom point ending just near my pubic fur. The heart was the same delicious dark chocolate brown as my paws and tail tip, so it looked completely natural...*and completely adorable*. I would have fought the thought, but my mind was busy looking down at my sheath...which was actually hidden. A thick layer of latex had my maleness covered up, from the base of my balls up to the tip of the sheath. It had the same color as my cream fur and with a touch of my paw I shivered, noticing an enhancement of pleasure. I tried not to make it noticeable, but it was hard to hide with my cock beginning to emerge. Coated in the mass of latex, my shaft appeared the size of a large wolf instead of the diminutive fox I was, which seemed to excite the dragon, who had snuck up behind me without my detection.

"Oh, I also put of big heart on your ass too... Sorry, it was just too cute to pass up" He slapped me right in the center of it, large enough that each cheek held equal halves and the bottom end narrowed until it touched at my tailhole. I yipped and spun around to hit him but he quickly pinned me to the cute pink wall. "Mmm... still putting up a fight are you? You're just making me want to break you even harder baby..."

"P-Please I beg you just let me go..." He pressed his body against mine, making all the air rush out of my lungs in a quick gasp. He held my paws to the wall by the wrists and he ground his massive tool against my newly decorated butt. I whimpered, knowing what was soon to come and telling myself that I would escape somehow...

*Why would I want to escape? Im being such a bad boy...My Master wants to claim my slutty body with his perfect cock, I must be obedient and accept his wishes.*

"Are you sure you want to leave? You have such a perfect body to be my slave... I wouldn't want you to waste your potential rotting in a cell when you could be chained to my bed twenty four-seven as my play-toy. Don't you agree?" I opened my muzzle to protest, but the voice in my head suddenly became physical as my eyes became hazy and glassy for just a brief moment.

"Yes Master, I want to be your play-toy... I must fulfill my role as your perfect slut." The voice sounded softer... more feminine than my previously feral voice. I shook my head and cried aloud as the dragon took that as a cue to line up his shaft with my vulnerable tailhole and push into it, inch after inch of thick dragonpride filling my virgin ass. My body began to rise slightly off the floor as my cries were drowned out by the intense murring of the dominating dragon. I could feel his entire length buried inside me, and worse, I felt my own cock trapped in its latex prison pulsing intensely. *It fits just right. My ass belongs to Master now, it's so lovely~* I couldn't protest, I could only pant with my eyes half closed and my tongue hanging from my muzzle.

"Mmm.... so tight... Looks like I'm the first to tap into this part of you hmm? You still wanna leave?" He ended his phrase with a sharp buck upwards, spearing me even more.

"Yes...Maybe...." My heart sank at the lack of defense I put forth. *I need to impress Master, Let him know how much I love his cock* I couldn't resist, my head was already cloudy from the adrenaline of having such a large shaft in me, so the voice started sounding a lot more enticing... more like me.

"No...Master." I was spent, and the dragon grinned while pulling out, leaving me with an empty feeling for a split second before returning his cock to its new home, pounding into my ass over and over as I started to groan.

"Good boy, let your mind wander, let your desires take control. You want this don't you?"

"Yes...Yes..." It was sounding less like an answer and more like a desperate need for him to take me. The latex around my length had taken an increased role in my torture. Over and over it simulated a powerful sucking over the entire area. It was swirling, compressing, and vibrating in the exact right amounts and place that drove my mind mad with need, yet no orgasm ever grew near. A little latex that slipped into my slit had ensured that.

The dragon growled with an intimidating tone near my ear. "I'm about to cum, foxy. I want you to take it all, let the force of my orgasm push your mind further into the darkness."

In all honesty, I couldn't hear a word he said, only a fierce throbbing deep inside me. An involuntary, deep moan escaped my lips as what seemed like never ending streams of fiery hot seed invaded my tunnel. Every strand of sticky white treasure trapped inside me by the massive length plugging up my passage.

As the flow slowed, so did my breathing. My body was shutting down, simply unable to deal with all the stimulation: all the lust, the torturous, barbaric pleasure that was forced upon me. The dragon, radiant with the light reflected off his sweaty scales, smiled and withdrew his spear. A few strings of cum starting to dribble from my ass. He lifted me into his arms, and the room was silent with the exception of his breathing. I had passed out yet again.

"You're such a prefect catch. If you think I've broken you, just wait until tomorrow." He kissed my nose and carried my limp body from the room, shutting the door and carrying me to what would most likely be the 7th circle of hell.