Folie A Trois: Part 4

Story by arxidan on SoFurry

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This story contains intense sexual content between anthropomorphic males, if it is not your thing, or you are underaged, please navigate away from the page.

The characters in this story do not belong to me.

Kujo and Max are copyright of Kujo

Shayde is copyright of Aresues

Don't forget to comment and all that jazz, and enjoy.

Folie A Trois: Part 4

I can't sleep. All I could do is sit on this couch and wait, my heart pounding, my mind indecisive whether to be filled with fury and spite, or pain and sorrow. Every once in a while my lungs would gasp for air and my lower lip would quiver. On the other hand, a growl began to develop in the back of my throat. My ears flicked every once in a while whilst my mid contemplate the event of the previous days. I haven't been a bad person. Have I? Certainly not! So what is it that makes me deserving of such punishment? Deserving of such misfortune. Sure, societally, I would probably be condemned by most people for my life style, but circumstances aside, I've made a majority of good choices.   Even through all my work and good deeds here I sit. On a rugged, dirty, old couch in the middle of the dreary living room of this building that has become all too familiar to me. Fifteen years ago, I would never have believed that I would be perfectly fine with living in such subpar conditions. I thought that we would be living in the suburbs where I would had a usual man job of nine-to-five business work that paid the bills leisurely while leaving plenty over for me and Max. I thought that every day I came home I would get a familiar kiss on the cheek followed by a "how was your day, honey?" and a cup of some random beverage and told that dinner would be ready shortly. Who knows, maybe if things were better, I would be much more inclined to have child. A little boy would run into my arms shouting "Daddy!" and squeezing me as hard as he could which still wouldn't be very hard because of his small stature, although I would still grunt and act as though it had hurt, then probably say something like, you're getting so strong. I wonder what he would call us to differentiate, or would he just say daddy and once the wrong one replied he would say, not you, the other daddy.   Max and me. We are meant to be, yet we aren't. Who would think that life could be a fucked up as it is? Maybe that's the way the world works, it gives you a false sense of security and the moment you feel all warm and fuzzy, it rips away the blanket and you die from shock. At least that's how I feel right now, as though I just want to die from anything. I think I would rather have stayed nice and warm than be in the frigid wasteland that is reality, not knowing which way, if any, will lead back to a place of safety. I've heard plenty of furs spend their day thinking they are somewhere they aren't due to hallucinations and whatnot. Maybe if I took enough drugs that could happen to me, as if I would ever consider doing something considered so taboo. Not to mention that would also fall into the stereotype of a porn star. She just had to call, didn't she? She had to call and rip away my nice and cozy blanket. What a bitch. I don't care if it's not really her fault; she still deserves the same anger, even if it is purely blind, misplaced anger, but fuck! I hate feeling like this, well, not knowing how to feel really. Fucking bastard! Asshole, motherfucking, bastard! Fuck him! Fuck him to high hell! Him and his unbelievable cuteness, and his soft fluffy fur, and his gentle, innocent voice. Fuck his cute little tail all curly and soft. Fuck his beautiful face and his way of making me love him.   My eye squints as a ray of newly risen sunlight makes its way to my pupils. It's morning already. I got the call at about midnight and I've been up ever since. And I'm still on the verge of crying or punching a hole in something. How didn't I see it coming? Why didn't I do anything to stop it? Fucker! Fucking fucker with his fuck up fucking fucktastic fucker! The growl recently residing in my throat slowly begins to turn into a whine. Fucking Max got me all enamored and shit just to go and do this to me. Haha! Look at me, blubbering and growling in the same minute, I've damn near become bi-polar over this! How pitiful am I, laughing at my own misfortune. The lock on the door turns as does the knob a moment later. Suddenly all my thoughts are gone and replaced by the erratic beating of a all too worn out heart. The door swings open, and from behind the wooden barrier, a sole man appears, none other than my man, or so I thought, my man. His blue eyes catch onto mine and a half surprised expression lands on his face. He quickly turns around and locks the door behind him before turning around and meeting me with bright eyes.   "Heya! Someone's up early, what's the occasion?" Not a moment is given to me to answer his question; he knows the rapture that is in store. "How was your night? Oh! You should have seen the baby, he was, she had a boy, he was, oh and she named him Derek, and he was so cute! You should have seen him, the cutest baby you have ever seen!" "Cut the shit!" My mind puts itself on autopilot and my lips begin moving automatically, the words being selected without my control. "Huh? What are you talking about?" His eyes are just as innocent and cute as always as he sustains his façade. "You know damn well!" "What?!" "Your sister didn't give birth yesterday." "Yeah, she did, I-" "She called, Max, your sister called to tell you she was pregnant." Suddenly his facial expression changed. He was caught, tripping over his tongue. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted that damn dog, and now, I shouldn't have been so trusting of you either." "Kujo, jus-" "Get the hell out, I don't care where you go, just get the hell out!" My somber voice that previously existed was immediately replaced with a loud decisive snarl of a voice as he looks at me with a pained look on his face. He examines my face, probably hoping to find some sort of remorse or such. Not finding any, he turns around, defeated, opening the door slowly and walking out, solemn look on his face as it is replaced with the door. My eyes close instinctually and my footpaws make their way to the couch, my knees kissing my lips as my arms wrap around them. A cool liquid makes its way out of my eyes and begins matting the fur.   "Fucker," the obscenities now vocal rather than internal. "Who is a fucker, now?" A familiar voice makes its way across the room. My ears pop up as my head does. All I see is a blur of black and yellow and red in my vision. I bring my paws up to my eyes and wipe away any remaining tears and refocus my vision. As my vision come to, the blur forms itself in the shape of a familiar Labrador. The two toned fur before me was grinning slightly. His muscles were clearly displayed by his unwavering habit to roam around shirtless. His sandy yellow chest fur going up to his fore arms was a not so easily confused feature of his. The black fur everywhere was just as interesting as the yellow on his chest. Perhaps that was because of the way that his black fur contrasted with the bright blue eyes that now planted on me. And if his fur wasn't enough, that red bandana tied around his neck and oh so convenient katana were certainly enough to pick him out of a crowd. "Oh, hey Shayde," the words slip out of my muzzle with difficulty and still only sound as a whisper.   "It has been far too long Kujo," he replies in a still happy, friendly manner. "Now tell me, what's with the puppy eyes on both you and Max?" "Um, it's a long story." my eyes shift out of focus and away from his. "Well, I certainly have time, nice part about being self-employed, ya know." "Do you really want to know though?" "Course I do, I am your friend aren't I? 'sides, I hear it's good to talk to somefur, ya know? How about we get out of here and maybe get some coffee, you look like you could use both pretty desperately." "Yeah, you're probably right. We could go to the place just down the street if you don't mind walking." "Of course not, let me just grab my coat." He stares at my eyes with a grin on his face that I can't help but to crack up at. That's got to be a catch phrase or something. Like he would look at the viewer and raise his eyebrows whenever he said it. I pull myself out of the couch and put on a pair of shoes, still dressed from yesterday. "Let's go then." We make our way out of the door and I lock it behind us. "So what are you doing here?" My paws are jammed into the pockets of the pair of jeans fastened around my waist.   "You know, the usual, between jobs I always need a place to stay, and why would I want to pay some sleazy hotel fur for some rank, disgusting, overly fucked in hotel room when I could stay with my awesome friend?" He then throws an arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him for a sideways, "bro" hug. "Yeah, I guess you're right. So, how long will you be staying this time?" "Depends, how long are you going to be in this funk?" "Ha-ha, very funny. For your information, I have perfect reason to be!" I say in a defensive manner. "Well spill it then!" He says in as much of an aggressive tone as I was defensive. An instinctual growl emits from my maw before I sigh from both defeat, and the reminder of the situation I have found myself in. "Well, you see, Max and I are having some issues." "Yeah I figured that much by that way he was as he walked out of the house." "Hey guys, how could I help you?" I'm caught off guard by the café possum girl behind the counter as I find myself in the coffee shop without realizing it.   "Um, yeah, I'll take a regular decaf, please," Shayde orders without skipping a beat, shows how occupied I am. This place is strangely vacant for being a Saturday morning. Maybe there's something going on at the college, that's why all the little scholars aren't flocking here in packs. "Eh-hem, and for you, sir?" the girl asks. "Um, I guess I'll just have the same as he is." "Oh! Those look good!" Shayde says as he stares at a coffee cake just behind the glass counter. "Could we get two pieces of that, too?" "Certainly, your total is 8.73," The teenager recites off the register. I begin pulling out the wallet buried in my pocket when Shayde coughs abruptly. "It's cool man, I got it." "Are you sure?" "It's the least I could do for the amazing ride you gave me last night." he says with a seductive voice. My eyes widen and I look at the cashier girl who suddenly became timid and began developing quite the visible blush under her fur. Shayde put a ten dollar bill on the counter and told the girl to keep the change.   "U-um, th-thanks s-sir, you could go and s-sit down and I'll bring your food and drinks." the teen turns around and begins pouring coffee into a mug. We walk away from the counter and towards a table. I jab my elbow into his arm. "Why'd you have to go and mess with her like that?" "Aw come on Kujo, you love fucking with people like that." Damn right I did, still do. Only qualm is the girl, she couldn't be a day past sixteen. We take our seat at a both composed of a table and two benches beside it. "Come on! She's so young!" "Never stopped us before, has it?" "Yeah, but don't tell me you didn't notice the way she was staring at your shirtless chest, now you probably ruined her childhood and she'll forever think that all of the hottest guys are gay." "You really think that?" "You never know!" "Come on." "Yeah, you're right, that was pretty awesome!" "Oh, I miss the good old days. It sucks that we can't hang out that much anymore. Sorry, I'm getting off subject, what happened this morning?" The possum chick came by and dropped off our coffee and slices of cake. I took a quick sip of the coffee and told him the previous day's events, starting from our entrance into the porn industry to our "conversation" mere minutes ago.

"Damn, that's rough dude. I know, you want me to fuck him up a bit?" He cracked his knuckles audibly. I chuckle uneasily, knowing that he is still half serious about that comment.

"Nah, it's fine, I just wish that I could have done something."

"Come on, enough of the sad talk," he paused for a moment as his eyes fixed on something behind me. The café girl comes up, "how about we go home and I... 'Cheer you up'?" He says with a grin while making his point way too obvious for the girl picking up dishes from our table. I chuckle uneasily again. My tail begins wagging with uncertainty against the bench. Until something hits me like a hammer. I immediately stand up and begin walking out of the coffee shop and begin a mild jog back to my house, my jeans only getting tighter with every step.

I make it to my door and quickly make my way in, Shayde entering in not too far behind. He closes the door behind him and takes care to lock it before he grabs hold of the bandana around his neck and tugs at it until it comes untied and throws it to another corner of the room. I quickly press up against him and push him to the wall, my lips forcing themselves against him.

"Somefur is certainly in the mood," he says through a cheeky smile, pulling back from me.

"Just shut up and kiss me!" I press my lips against his again and breath in a snout full of horny Shayde scent consisting somewhat of sweat and musk. I press my body up against his, my swollen sheath pressing itself against his only to be thwarted by the presence of a few layers of clothing. Damn, I've always loved yiffing Shayde. So exciting and filled with so many interesting experiences. Of course this isn't our first time, in fact, we've had plenty of experiences like this. Random moments of extreme arousal resulting in a yiff to be remembered. Theres just something about the way his fur feels against mine, the way his cock feels to touch and get touched with. Maybe it's just the dangerous aspect of getting with a well build bounty hunter of a Labrador that is really arousing for me. Regardless the reason, I just love the two toned fur's body.

Our tongues continue to dance together lustily, spit swapping with each passing second, both our erections pressing against our pants, beginning to ache from the pressure against the tight fabric. I begin grinding my cock against his, the feeling such a relief to have. My paws find their way onto his body and begin making their way down to his hips and remain while I break the kiss. I stare at him with lust filled in my eyes to find the same expression on his. I place my lips against his neck and kiss it, then on his chest, another kiss, the to his abs, rock hard, finely toned, abs at that, yet another kiss, until I find my face pressed up against his black denim member. I take a lap at the bulge and hear a moan from the previously steeled Labrador. My paws begin fumbling with the metal button keeping me from the warm piece of flesh and within seconds unhook the device. I then tear the piece of fabric down to the ground and find a pair of tented boxer in my face which quickly disappears with the help of my paws. I quickly bury my muzzle into his balls and inhale deeply, taking in every scent that belongs to Shayde from the particles of dirt, to the salt excreted from his sweat glands, all the way to the scent of pre beginning to leak out of the fully erect pink member resting itself on my snout.

I lap at his balls, thoroughly soaking them in saliva as I take in the somewhat salty taste of his scrotum. I take a paw to the bottom of my tee and pull it off quickly and immediately return my muzzle to his balls while I begin messing with my own pants, undoing the button and zipper and preparing them to be pulled down in one fell swoop once the chance is given. I raise my head up and wrap my muzzle around the warm, pre-oozing, pulsating member and give it a quick suck, before pulling away with a slurping sound. I stand up and wriggle out of my jeans. I step out of them and grab onto Shayde's paw and lead him through a door into my bedroom, the sheets still awry from the negligence of the night before, as well as several articles of laundry on the floor.

I fall back onto the bed, pulling him atop me and reigniting the fire created by the touch of our lips. I grip tightly against the furs on his back, the soft substance flowing through my paw pads. He continues to grind his hips into mine, his thick shaft and balls dragging against cock. He places his paws against my shoulder and lifts himself off, continuing to grind against me.

"Oh, fuck!" I exclaim at the feeling, pre oozing out of my member and landing in my pubic and stomach furs.

"Glad to see that I'm certainly cheering you up." He then got off me. "Everything still in the same place?" I simply nod as I lay my head back and pant as begin to come down from my sexual high. I hear a drawer open and close beside the bed and open my eyes slightly to find the yellow surrounded cock covered in a layer of slippery, lube covered latex. "On your knees kitty cat." He commands from the foot of the bed and I automatically comply as I roll over and position myself on my paws and knees as told. The bed lowers as he gets back onto the bed and crawls over to position his cock just before my ass.

"Oh, yeah! Please, fuck me Shayde!" I moan from the itching feeling within my tailhole.

"He-he, my Pleasure." He takes a commanding paw to my tail and grabs hold of the long blue limb and pulls at it slightly to get a yip from me and succeeds in just that. He then jams his cock into the newly exposed and unprepared tailhole.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaim as the member presses against my tensed up hole. He places a paw on my back and begins to rub smoothly, sufficiently aiding in my relaxation of both my mind and of the troublesome tailhole. He presses forward again, the hole sinking in easier and taking much less effort than previously to be penetrated. "Mm, yeah." I groan at the large doggie dong penetrating my tailhole. The heated flesh fully fills me, pressing against every inch of anal wall and even gliding against my prostate causing a burst of pre to fall onto the sheet. I hang my head down and pant excessively after the initial penetration.

"And here we go!" He imitates the Joker's voice from The Dark Knight as he begins pulling out his member with care to bring about a long drawn out moan from me. Upon saying go, he slams his cock back into my tailhole, his larger knot coming absolutely nowhere close to entering into my anal passage anytime soon. I begin biting my lip as he grabs hold of my hips for leverage as he begins to vigorously fuck my tailhole. Shayde's cock repeatedly jabs at my tailhole, hilting to his knot before quickly retracting and immediately after, ramming back in. With each jab, each retraction, each inch of dick on tailhole friction, new gusto is added to my already energized howls, moans, groans, and yips, each increasing in frequency and volume constantly.

"Why haven't we done this sooner?" I say through pants, grunts, and groans. I am answered with a long moan and a paw grabbing onto my ass and giving it a firm squeeze. Another paw makes its way to my cock and begins immediate pumping up and down the length producing even more tiger cum only to make its way to the sheet. As his moans  get louder so does the knot knocking at my tailhole, almost shouting at me for entrance. Suddenly, his position shifts and each thrust trades speed and quantity for force and quality. As he presses forward, he grinds his knot against my tailhole, his cock moving within my tailhole in the process resulting in mutual moans in the sex filled room. The scent is almost intoxicating in itself, let alone the scene in which it is radiating off. I'm certain, were a fur to stumble into the room, they wouldn't be able to think properly from the sheer amount of pheromones circulating through the room.

I begin to thrust my hips backward, the lust in the air causing me to almost need the girth of his knot to fill my tailhole as soon as possible. My paws sink into the bed sheets and grab hold, my claws digging into them as my cock continues to get massaged the Labradors surprisingly soft paw for his line of work. My hips continue to thrust back and forth into his hand and then onto his knot, hoping that each would help lead me to that point of utter sexual pleasure. The grip on my cock continually becomes tighter and tighter as I feel the ring of my tailhole come closer to giving way to the proportionally massive knot. Shayde gives a few more sets of strokes on my cock before he slams his hips forward with all the intensity I believe he could probably muster, about as much intensity that he used when he swung at that one bounty he took me on. As did I, pressing my tailhole towards the massive member, the collision of which would have been enough to bring down even the Berlin Wall. My tailhole gives way, as does all rational thought, and my orgasm as pleasure jolts through my member through my stomach to my mind and creamy white fluid begins to flow onto the bed and Shayde's hand, during which, a substance of similar composition and properties begins filling my tailhole, causing a shudder through my spine as the fluid completely fills my tailhole.

Yes, something certainly hit me. Who knew the hammer of retribution could feel so damn good?