A Heroic Act

Story by Ryo on SoFurry

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This is a lemon that contains adult material and if you are under 18 then you can't read this, so GET LOST!!! ^_^

Anyone who is offended by this sorta stuff, then git lost!

Digimon belongs to Bandai and Fox Kids, not me, although I wish it did :P


By Ryo

Relations involved: M/F

Characters: Vee/Biyo

A Heroic Act

It was a beautiful day in the digital world; Veemon sat at the window of the little hut he had built with his own hands. His eyes were bright red and his face was stained with tears not long passed, his friends knew exactly why and were pretty worried about what he might do, except two of his friends, Gatomon, his love, his rose, his main source of pain and suffering and the most oblivious to his pain. Patamon who enjoyed seeing Veemon in as much pain as possible and was hoping that it would dishearten him from going after HIS girl. Veemon traced his finger along the newly applied cuts on his arm, he had saved Gatomon from a rebel digimon at the champion from a rebel digimon at the champion level who hated them for what they are, the worst part for Veemon wasn't the injuries, it was what came after...


Veemon dived straight for the Garurumon as he made another attempt to attack the injured Gatomon. He connected hard with the Garurumons head, knocking them both back a few metres. The Garurumons attention now turned to Veemon, Veemon looked around for a weapon? A way out? Something!?

The Garurumon began his charge on Veemon, closing in fast, Veemon's gaze landed on the cliff edge, giving him a risky idea. Veemon made a runner for the edge, reaching it just in time as the Garurumon made a leap for him, Veemon dropped to the ground, sliding right off the edge and grabbing hold of the ledge, scratching both his arms as he did so, the Garurumon flying right over his head and to the raging waters below. Biyomon grabbed Veemon's claw and pulled him back up "Are You Alright Veemon!?"

"Yea... just a few scratches... nothing to worry about, thanks for the wing Biyomon" smiles at her with his toothy smile, which is signatured to him.

"No problem Vee" smiles back at his cute face, his muscular body build, his tasty looking-


Squawks in surprise, being snapped out of her fantasy so suddenly "Huh!?"

"Emm... can you let go of my claw?"

she blushes, realising she's still holding his claw tightly, "Oh! Sorry Veemon" she sweats as she lets his claw go, her pussy getting wetter by the second, she had always had her eyes on Veemon, but he seemed to always be obsessed with Gatomon... she didn't have a chance...

"It's ok Biyomon, where's Gatomon!? Is she ok!?"

Biyomon's eyes sadden as she turns around, pointing over at Gatomon who is crying softly into Patamon. "I'm so sorry Vee..." she says softly, while slowly turning around


Veemon is nowhere to be seen. Elsewhere in the forest, Veemon's running threw the bushes and greenery, scratching his arms more, tears running down his face. He stumbled and feel out of the bushes into a clearing where he lay, crying to himself for hours...

~ End Flashback ~

Veemon sighs, walking to the sink and washing his face, his arms starting to sting slightly now "Gatomon... I... can't do this anymore..."

"That's good to know Vee"

"Huh?" turns around quickly

Biyomon presses her beak against his lips, kissing him softly. Veemon's cheeks turn bright red "Biyo-Biyomon!" he stutters, stumbling backwards

"what are you doing!?"

she grins, walking seductively toward him "what does it look like silly?"

Veemon groans slightly as Biyomon's wing rubs his pouch softly, tickling him slightly "Hmmm what do we have here?"

She kneels down, pulling Veemon's member out, massaging it softly

"Ohhh! Biyomon!" Veemon bucks his hips slightly into her wing

she giggles and gives the head a lick, making Veemon moan louder, Biyomon opens her beak and takes Veemon's whole cock in her mouth, suckling it. Veemon's eyes shoot wide open as he lets out a long groan. "B-Biyomon! Stop! This isn't r-right!" Veemon tries to push her off, not letting himself enjoy this. Biyomon jumps up, wrapping her wings around his neck and plunging his rod into her tight pussy "Ohhhhhhh!!! Come on Vee, give it to me!"

Veemon's primal instincts take over, making him slam her against the wall, pumping in and out of her tight snatch hard and fast, his tongue hanging from the side of his mouth as he slams hard into her, Biyomon wailing with pleasure as her orgasm builds deep in her pussy, tightening her grip she yells out his name as she cums hard. "BIYOMON!!!!!!!!!" Veemon slams into her one last time, her tightness and juices being just enough to set him off, his cream flying deep into her, falling back onto the bed with her on top, panting. "Thank you Veemon..." she leans down and kisses him before falling asleep, Veemon lays there for a few minutes staring at the ceiling before covering them with a blanket and smiling for the first time in a long time...

What did you think? Any comments, requests or whatever email me on [email protected]