Newcomer to Equstria Part 1

Story by cosmicman12 on SoFurry

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Day 1

My name is Adam, I'm 18, a college student or rather I was... as I am writing I found myself in a weird forest, my house is no where near a forest, yet I'm here in the open, I don't know what I'm going to do when it gets dark or starts raining, I started walking around the trees hoping to find a cave or a hollow tree, then I came to a hut, I knocked on the door and it opened but, not by a human I looked down and saw a zebra "pink and two legs it stands, you must hail from far away lands" I was not phased that it spoke, but rather it spoke in English and in rhyme, "you speak? just who are you?" I said trying to hold back the hundreds other questions I had. "Zecora my name would be, but your kind I have yet to see" I was not about to argue with it so I cut the crap and asked "I know it's short-notice but can I stay here for a while?" the zebra started to think and looked behind her "you can stay for a day or more, if you do not fear to sleep on the floor" I had nowhere else to stay so I agreed, I followed her in, while chrouching, I was starting to regret being so tall, but I digress, I entered and saw a lot of decorations of masks and herbs, and there was a huge cauldron in the middle of the main room, as I got a grip of my surroundings, I walked past a mirror and saw a strange me, still the same tall and stocky man I was, but not as defined, I seemed thicker and a but more saturated, as finished I looked around more and didn't see much to talk about, me and Zecora started chatting telling each other about ourselves, where we came from and the like, then the sun started to go down, "I have set a place for you to rest, though I'm afraid it's not the best" she said rather down, I was the most grateful I've been to just have a roof, I said thank you and made my way over, I saw a rug, a sheet and a pillow set in a side room, it was better than nothing though, I lay down on the rug and started to take my clothes off, after a few seconds I was down to my underpants, as Zecora passed she stared at me for a few seconds and moved on, not saying either, I'm writing this page as lie on the bed, waiting till I fall asleep.

Day 2

I was woken up by the smell of a cauldron and after going back out to the main room, I realised I was still in my underpants, Zecora look at me again her eyes moving up and down me, I started to feel rather awkward and ran back into the side room, I put my clothes back on and went back, Zecora was fawning over her cauldron and when she heard me coming she turned to me and said "you don't seem your body will last, would like some breakfast?" I was rather hungry and I didn't feel to active, "okay, thanks for all this" I was surprised at her willingness to help me, after just appearing on her doorstep. I sat there for a few minutes waiting for her to finish, she placed a bowl in front of me and with a hand-crafted, can I even say that?, ladel, poured what appeared to be oatmeal into the bowl, I didn't expect them to use spoons, so I just brought the bowl to my lips and felt a sting of heat, I gah'ed and put the bowl down and started rubbing my tounge, Zecora laughed at the show "too soon to eat you eager fool, leave it by the window to cool" I facepalmed at the comment realising my mistake, I placed my bowl on the window and sat back down, a short time later, we both got our bowls from the window and started on it, it was rather well-made and it tasted much better than what I had back home, as I finished, I placed my bowl back to the side.

I was just sitting there, letting my breakfast settle then I felt Zecora rub up against me "I have let you stay in such short-time you see, but even then you owe me" I had expected that, but I had nothing to offer, no money, no special anthing I could give her "but I don't have money or anything, what do you want?" she had no problems at telling me what she wanted "I want my body to tame this notch, and to put out this fire deep in my crotch" I was a social-dreg but I could read the signals "oh, well, I see, but I'm not really sure" I blushed as I said that, "sure or not, I need this a lot!" she said as she closed in on me, I felt really unsure of what to do and let my instincts take over, at this point you probably be as shocked as I was on what I was about to do, but think about my position, you're in an unfamiliar world, in debt to a sentient zebra, who may have the strength to kill me in one kick, you probably won't change your mind but you may at least understand why I did it,

I rubbed my hand down her back and started to rub her vulva, as my fingertips started to run down her sex I saw her bite her lip and moan through her locked lips "yes, such a feeling leads me to meep, is it possible to go deep?" I was perplexed by the request, my mind was telling me to stop, but my body payed no attention and started to move around to her back and started to move my fingers inside, her fronts bucked and she started to lie her front body started to lower, her face showing her pleasure. my fingers were moving around her senstive walls and even she was speechless at the ecstasy, at this point I was inticed with the pheremones she was releasing, then I brought my tounge down to her vulva while caressing her flank. I started to bring my tounge up her vulva "yes, your breath is warm and sweet, you may even make me bleat" Hearing her pleasure I stuck my tounge inside and started to twist it around her, she all the time moaning, after a few minutes of oral pleasure, my tounge went over her clitoris, at that point she was almost athsmatic with her irregular and sparratic breaths and she pushed her hips back burying my tounge into her body, I was unable to stop myself and my hands went to my pants, I was telling my entire body to stop here and now, but my libido was having none of it and I found myself feeling dread as I whispered to her "do you want me?" I was completely seprated from mind and body trying to think of anything to distract me or lower my arosual, but nothing worked, through her pleasure she managed to mumble "yes give me your seed, my body wishes to feed" I had given up and let my desire take over completely.

I knelt and lined my member up to her sex and slowly pushed myself, Zecora couldn't hold herself either "not like those of home, but it may still make me moan" I simply nodded in response and began to thrust slowly and firmly, Zecora murring along with me moaning and sighing, my member was buried deep in her, my hands going over her flank, then after a few seconds I heard some of Zecora words slip through "gentle is not my wish, hard and fast to make me squish" I knew what she wanted and began to speed up, plowing her body, her moaning and joltsting, after a while I couldn't hold my self anymore and fired off into her body, both of us started screaming in ecstasy, as I pulled out, I heard her grunt in frustration, "I still have my fire, freedom from it is what I desire " I noticed the look on her face I knew what I had to do, I took my middle and index finger and jammed them into her, she began to convulse around me, and as I pumped my hand in and out she screamed in pure rapture and covered my hand in her juice, seeing it made me lose myself again as I licked my hand clean. when she finally came down from her orgasm she said in a mumbled voice "as the desire begins to fade, consider your debt repayed" as I returned to my senses it started to dawn on me what I had just done, I ran to my make-shift room and tried to sleep off the guilt, I had to find somewhere else tomorrow, please do not mark me down for what went on

((Inspired by the works of XD-385))