A Rare Sight-Introduction

Story by wxyzz on SoFurry

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A Rare Sight


"Come on Garrett let's go home," my mom told me while tugging on my black polo shirt.

"Alright mom I'm coming," I said taking one last look at the grave before getting into the car and heading back to Littleroot town.

The whole ride home it was silent except for the random times I would say, "I can't believe he's gone, and it's father's day to."

Although I was sad, it was pretty obvious my dad would die pretty soon due to the fact that he was a diabetic. Everyday we had to watch him just in case something would happen to him and the only day that we don't watch him he ends up dieing, how he died we don't know yet.

At last we finally got home. As soon as I opened up the front door, Buddy, my pet eevee, greeted me by jumping into my hands. Buddy is actually a wild pokemon still because about two years ago I had found him injured in the backyard, so for about three weeks I took care of him and everyday he would grow fond of me more and more. And once the time came to let him go again, he just refused to leave so my mom decided to let me keep him until he decides to leave.

Usually I would have the energy to stay up longer but after my dad's funeral I just didn't feel like staying up. And so I picked up Buddy, went to bed, and fell asleep with tears in my eyes.

The next morning I woke up to Buddy nudging my head, although he couldn't talk I understood what the nudging meant, "come on Garrett you have to get ready for school."

"Ok I'm up I'm up," I said while heading towards the shower, I usually get everything done within 30 minutes so I have to wait for mom to get ready because she's my only source of transportation, and because my mom has to get to work before 7:30 I get about two hours to do my homework in the morning.

Last night's homework, I had to write an 'about me' to the class, it ended up taking me only about 15 minutes to do. So for the rest of my time I just sat in the cafeteria skimming through my pokedex, looking at all the different pokemon that I would like to catch. Yes I did receive the trainer's starter pack (if you want me to put it that way), pokedex, pokeballs, and everything else when I was ten years old, the only reason I'm not doing all the traveling is because I wanted to finish my senior year of high school before I just go off and forget everything that I learned. At last the bell started to ring telling everyone to get to class, so I went into the classroom, sat at my seat, took out my 'about me' and waited for my turn to come.

"Garrett it's your turn now," the teacher said. I went up to the front of the class and started to read my 'about me.'

"Hello my name is Garrett, I'm 5'7 and I weigh about 180 pounds, just about what you would expect from an average senior. My hobbies are playing video games, watching TV, and training Buddy, my pet eevee. My mom works as a waitress and my dad used to design boats, until he died three days ago," I wiped my eyes and then continued.

"When I grow up I want to become a gym leader in the Kanto region with a rare pokemon as one of my partners, and, that's all I have," I went back to my seat and laid my head on the desk until class was over.

*7 hours later, at 4:15 the school bell rings*

In the afternoon, the bus is my source of transportation to get home; I started to look at my pokedex after finding a seat in the back of the bus. It wasn't long, after I noticed my friend Kyle coming near me, he then threw his back pack into an open seat and then did this jump sit thing which ends up barely breaking his tail bone, which ends up making me point and laugh.

"Bitch shut up that fucking hurt," he said while lying on the floor.

"I'll quit laughing once you quit rolling on the floor in pain haha." As soon as the bus started, Kyle got up and sat right next to me giving me the knuckle pound followed with the "waz up dude."

We were talking about our favorite video game until we passed my dad's grave, I said nothing afterwards.

As soon as I stepped off the bus, I noticed Buddy using a quick attack to greet me; I was pushed back about ten feet after catching him.

"Hey boy, miss me?"


"Come on lets go train," I told him after throwing my stuff on the floor.

I quickly ran into the garage to get a tennis ball and my dad's old punching bag, after tying the punching bag to the branch of the backyard tree I started Buddy's training.

"Ok Buddy lets begin with agility."

"Eevee!" He said while wagging his tail. I then threw the ball as far as I could throw.

"Use quick attack!" In a split second Buddy took off, leaving a giant dirt cloud in his way, and then appeared with the ball in his mouth.

"Good boy, ok let's do this a few more times," I said grabbing the ball from him. We did the same thing over and over at least seven times, and every time Buddy would catch it in his mouth while still in midair.

"Ok Buddy lets see how strong you are now, I want you to hit this punching bag as hard as you can and it'll tell me how many times it kept on hitting the top. Let's start it out easy, try to make it hit seven times in a row."


"Use quick attack!" With his order received he leapt of the ground into the air, hitting the bag with his head, I could hear the little machine clicking telling how many times it hit the top, finally it stopped and so I went over to see what it said, 9 it said.

"Good boy," I said while scratching the back of his ears.


"Ok let's try 15 now; quick attack!" Once again he dashed off, hitting the bag, which started the counting. I went to check the screen; it said 14, damn so close.

"Ok Buddy try again," he did the same thing and when I checked it, it said 15 right on the dot.

"Great job, ok last one, let's try 20; quick attack!" After the bag stopped I went to check, it only had 17. I told him to do it again but that time it only got to 19.

"Ok Buddy put all of your speed and strength into the quick attack and hit that bag. Come on I know you can do it; quick attack!" He ran off like a bullet, leaping off the ground and hitting the punching bag, and although he hit it, it didn't give me any reading due to the fact that he used so much strength he ripped the bag right off the chain it was connected to.

"Um...I guess I could count that as 20, what do you think?"

"Eevee" he said while wagging his tail.

"Ok it's a 20, come on let's go inside I'm starving."

Inside Garrett's Dream

"Garrett, help me!!!"

"Chole hold on I'm coming!! Chole!!!!"

I shot up from the bed, almost throwing Buddy across the room. I was sweating like a faucet, I must have had a nightmare but I don't even remember what the hell it was. I went to see what the time was, it said 7:00, just enough time to get dressed and get ready for the last day of school.

Once I finished my morning schedule I waited for mom to get ready once again. Finally she was ready to leave, so I said goodbye to Buddy told him I'll be back at around 12.

As I got out of the car I noticed that some students brought their pokemon, it was probably because they were going to leave right after graduation. My friend Allen had the exact same idea because I saw him heading towards me with his mudkip, this guy was so addicted to water pokemon, why? I have no damn idea but he just does.

This year I made some friends that are a whole lot different than me, Kyle was into fire pokemon, Allen was into water pokemon, and my other two friends John and Ethan were into bug and electric. But for me I was into them all, I just couldn't stand only one type, and although we all are totally different, we were best friends.

"Yo waz up," Allen asked me.

"Nothing much, just got here, hey there Mudkip," I said while reaching down to pet his head.

"Kip!" he said.

"Hey where's Buddy I thought you were going to leave after graduation?"

"I am, I just want to say goodbye to everyone before I just go off and leave."

"Oh ok, so where are you going to start?" Although all five of us always stuck together, we decided to go our separate ways and meet at the Hoenn league, if all five of us even get all eight badges.

"Well I guess I'll head to Pedalburg City since it has the gym with the weakest pokemon in the Hoenn region."

"Well I'm going to head to Lavaridge Town and just level up my water pokemon until they are strong enough to fight the gym leader."

"Damn dude that might end up taking you a while, but whatever it's your choice come on it's almost time for graduation to start."

"Alright," he took out his pokeball and pointed it at Mudkip, "Mudkip return."

"Kip!" he said before disappearing into the ball.

"Ok lets g... HEY WAIT FOR ME DAMNIT!" he yelled realizing that I was already heading toward the cafeteria.

As soon as we got into the building, we saw Kyle, John and Ethan giving us that "get over here now" wave.

"What took you guys so long? I'm 300 years old now." John told us.

"300 years or how much you weigh?" I asked him. All of my friends responded with laughter. Because John is a little overweight we usually make fun of his weight, but because each one of us does or has something that others don't have or do like me for example, I love video games and so they would sometimes imitate me when I found out about a new game coming out. So it's pretty much every man for himself.

"Screw you! it's starting so shut up."

"Yes sir Mr. Debbie Cakes," Kyle said

*After the graduation*

As soon as the graduation was over all five of us quickly ran outside so we didn't have to endure people shoving other people to get out of the way. When we got outside, my friends took out their pokeballs and released their pokemon, Allen of course brought out Mudkip, Kyle brought out his Charmander, John brought out his Wrumple, and Ethan brought out his Pichu.

Ethan looked at me, "Garrett where's..."

"At home, I want to say goodbye to my mom before I leave."


Allen then put his hand in the middle of our little group circle, "alright guys remember what we promised ourselves, we'll all fight at the pokemon league, and if we don't we'll watch each other in the stands."

"Got it," Ethan said putting his hand on top of Allen's.

"I know, I know," John said putting his hand on top of Ethan's.

"Of course," Kyle said putting his hand on top of John's.

"You know it," I said last putting my hand on top of Kyle's. "And no matter what we'll all be best friends."

We then removed our hands and started to walk off going our own different ways; although my way was toward the bus to go home. When I got off the bus, Buddy gave me his regular quick attack greeting, knocking me down to the ground. I tried to get up but he had me pinned down, let me tell you this eevee is strong, if he didn't need a stone to evolve, he would of evolved a long time ago. I was looking around trying to find a way to shake him off, I found a stick lying near me and so I picked it up and threw it into the air, "shadow ball!" He followed my orders and quickly shot one to the stick, blowing the stick into a thousand pieces, as soon as he finished he realized that I was standing over him, petting his head. It was about three months after the punching bag wreckage, I was throwing the tennis ball into the air telling him to use bite to catch the ball but he didn't move he just had his mouth open, I then saw a darkish purplish color ball start to form, it got bigger and bigger until finally he released the ball hitting the tennis ball and blowing up the target, I figured out that he learned that move all by himself I was so proud of him.

During training I noticed mom's car come into the driveway, she must be off work now. I saw her carrying a bag as she got out of the car, what it was I don't know, but I'll find out when we go inside the house. Once we got to the kitchen, she put down the bag onto the table and pulled out a pair of pants, some running shoes, and a sweater.

"Here, these clothes are for your journey, this will really come in handy during your journey." I tried on the shoes and the sweater for her to see it on me, it fitted perfectly.

"I'll put on the pants later it's to hot outside for pants at the moment."

"That's ok, here I want you to have this," she put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a necklace, I was shocked to find hanging from the necklace was a master ball.

"W-where did you get that?" I asked

"Your father wanted to give this to you before you left for your pokemon journey but because he isn't here anymore I decided to give it to you instead."

"Thanks mom I'm really going to miss you," I said as I was putting on the necklace.

"Me to, be careful on your journey, I'll be cheering for you all the way," she said while hugging me half to death. After the death hug I motioned Buddy to come closer, "ok Buddy it's time for my pokemon journey, would you like to become my first pokemon?"

"Vee, Eevee, Eevee!" it said jumping up and down. I then took out an empty pokeball from my pocket and gently tapped the button on his head, in a split second he had disappeared into the ball and without any struggling the ball clicked telling me I just caught Buddy. I then threw the ball in the air and out came Buddy wagging his tail, "ok boy lets go," I hugged my mom one last time and waved goodbye before turning around and start my pokemon journey with my starter pokemon.