Black Project Files Chapter 5 (edited)

Story by Duncan213 on SoFurry

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Black Files Projects Chapter #5

By Duncan

Edited by Jasper the Slayer

Crossbreeding program report file #5

December 16, 1933 6:30am: Wikenberg woke up with Annabel still in his arms, she smiles at him she kisses him deeply. She holds him tight as he rolls her onto her back and thrusts his cock back into her pussy, Annabel moans lightly into his mouth as he humps very hard inside her.

6:44am: After there little morning romp he sees a panting in his room of a green dragon standing and holding a woman close to him, saying directly into her mind this time knowing about it ((I don't remember it being here.))

Annabel smiles at Wikenberg and asks "May I have a better look of you're new body?"

Wikenberg smiles and said "Sure!", lays on to his back as she looks over his new body hungrily, then Annabel thought quickly as she slides down starting giving him a blow job stimulating his lengthy cock in her mouth. Sucking on it as he asked into her mind ((is that my ancestor with her mate/rider?)) he starts to pre as Annabel sucked harder on his cock and cups his balls.

Wikenberg smiles as he lays his head onto the pillow, resting on the bed. Stretching his wings as he closed his eyes and lets his cum flow into her mouth.

Annabel gulps down the rush of cum Wikenberg gave her. She then gently rubs his cock with her claws slips her tong out of her mouth having it lick his shaft up and down.

Wikenberg moans a bit as Annabel deep throats his long dragon rod and starts to bob her head up and down his cock. Wikenberg smiles widely as he rests a hand onto her head and cums hard into her mouth once more.

Wikenberg looks at the clock on the night stand and Wikenberg asks "It's 6:50, weren't we suppose to meet someone today?" He lovingly scratches under her chin as she drinks down his cum.

Annabel quickly pulls his cock out of her mouth saying "Oh shit, I forgot!" She rushed to the bathroom and starts a shower. Wikenberg lays and rests before getting dressed.

7:56am, The Ballroom: Wikenberg shows up in his dress uniform and looks around the large ballroom then Annabel walks in with a long black dress with a gold and turquoise necklace, she smiles as she descends the grand staircase connecting to the 2nd floor. "Good to see you here, Mr. Wikenberg."

Wikenberg extends his claws "Likewise, now where is our teacher?"

Between 7:56-8:10 am; the training room: Anubis comes in from one of the large wood guest entrance doors in his white cotton cape, loincloth, a gold neck peace that holds up his cape. a gold head dress and a gold and diamond belt that holds up his sword, he walks toward Wikenberg and Annabel "I am right here."

Wikenberg looks at Anubis "How did you get him?"

Annabel replied "Anubis was found in the 1920's at the archeological race between the United Kingdom and the U.S. and become part of the Lee estate ever since."

Anubis nods and smiles "My son is with a British family."

Between 10:10-10:15 a.m. after combat training: when Wikenberg swooped Annabel onto there new bed that they are about to mate on, Annabel played with his white ascot with a 213 insignia pin stuck into it. He is gripping her as he lays on top of her gazing into her eyes for a moment then he folded his wings over her. He slipped his hand up her dress as she gets his ascot off and worked to unbutton his vest.

When his sport coat and vest landed on the marble floor, Wikenberg resumed his place leaning on top of her gazing deep into her eyes. He has his right hand supporting her head up to keep her light-yellow eyes alined with his gaze while his left hand croons her unclothed body under her dress slowly lifting it exposing her vagina. He slid his crooning hand a little further up her dress and puts it over her hand that was resting on side. He is very turned on and Annabel can see this when he displays his spread of long sharp teeth as he led her hand to a bump budging from his pants, his deep red eyes urging her to poll down his zipper and feel what was inside.

Inside she ran two clawed fingers up and down his thick hard shaft, then he unbuttoned the top of his pants and lowered them, Annabel grasped as how fast as it came out. He slid into her with little resistance, she crooned at the sensation.

Annabel knows that the Government's cameras are recording their every move in the next room like the last night. Now enjoying feeding off her fear saying gently into her mind ((let's give them a show they'll never forget!)) When he is holding her close he pushed his cock further into her pussy making her orgasm hard making her head tilts back with her mouth hanging open as Wikenberg humps into her as hard as he can.

After getting her dress ripped off of her and perched on his large dragon cock, she was now resting on top of his chest breathing hard as he holds her tightly, crooning her now naked body for an all too short moment.

Then he propped her up, still holding her, still having her now naked legs wrapped tightly around his hips, now draining his sperm into her pussy. At the next moment his hands slowly felt their way down her naked back as he urges her to lay back down on to the bed, running his fingers down her legs as he finishes filling her core with his hot seed before pulling his penis out and he stood up from the bed gazing into her eyes in the darkened room.

As Wikenberg zips up his pants Annabel woke up still dazed from their moment of lust. Wikenberg got her to lay back down, kissing her deeply and saying in her mind ((rest my, you'll need it.)) Now leaving her quaking in his midst after using her for his own pleasure, to enjoy his time off.

9:20 a.m. The next day. Annabel's office: Wikenberg walks in her office as Annabel types out there mating report for the medical team in her estate, he walks closer behind her, she smiles as Wikenberg came up to her and nuzzled her. "I see you enjoyed it".

She smirks as she replied "Yes, I loved every minute of it, this is for the research team to see and edit, now let's have some real private fun."

Wikenberg smiles as she takes the paper out from the typewriter, into a folder, stands up and kisses him deeply then opens a door to a shower room that also leads to an indoor swimming pool.

Annabel undressed herself in from of Wikenberg she turns back with a smile and asks "You coming?" she walks into the stall and turns on the water.

Wikenberg grins widely as he quickly takes off his uniform and joins Annabel. She smiles as she holds him close, he smiles as he asks "What do you want to do first?"

Annabel nuzzles as she cups his balls then got on her knees and started to lick his shaft, Wikenberg smiles and moans as she sucks the tip of his cock. She stands up and says "That's just a sample."

She grabs a bathrobe walks into the indoor swimming pool.

Inside the indoor swimming pool 9:41 a.m.: She smiles as slips off her bathrobe and walks into the hot water and swims to the water fall of cold water at the other end. Wikenberg spreads his wings and swoops to Annabel and says "Now, give me the real stuff like you offered."

Annabel smiles, got on her knees, deep throats his long shaft and starts to sucks hard on his cock, moans lightly as she starts to play his balls he says to her as he pets her head "Oh my god, you're amazing Annabel!"

She smiles as she drinks down his pre and slowly pulls his cock out of her mouth stands up. Leans her back towards him onto the stone wall of the water fall, and lifts up her tail saying "I am still an ass virgin."

Wikenberg smiles as he croons her and thrusts his hard dick into her ass as she screams in pleasure. She feels his cock sliding into her tail-hole cumming into her.

She moans loudly as Wikenberg lays her down into the water and thrusts his tail into her pussy.

11:55 a.m. back at Annabel's bed room: Annabel was sitting up on Wikenberg's dick, riding him as hard as hard as she can, after her orgasm faded away he looked up at her and asked into her mind ((Annabel, are you sure you want to get pregnant from me as planed?)) She looked down at his dark-red eyes and rested on his chest saying "Yes."

They kiss very deeply as Wikenberg thrusts inside her.

Maricopa Terror Episode 3

The Yuma Territorial prison case missing person case 8779168/1306/34 the case of a now MIA Thunderbird that now Sp. Agent Heff Molder upper handed in Tombstone, AZ. At a rotten damage control mission that was interrupted by the now missing Thunderbird at now filed as case #8779274-112933.

July 1, 1934 Bureau 213 HQ 12th floor boardroom at 1:36:07 p.m. monition standard time: M opens some blinds to a window showing a large room with men shifting and shuffling papers M stood in front of the window trying to get some more time in before going to meet the now known to be the 415 year old Thunderbird.

At medical test-lab 1234: M spoke to the Thunderbird from a window and an intercom "You are now on the last minute program..." and got in his mind saying ((Well, we are reduced to fight fire with fire, Matterson...))

M asked "How did you know my last name?" and said into his mind ((I know you're first name as well Mr. Matterson.))

The Yuma Territorial prison's entrance is a brown brick structure with an iron gate, a wood guard box and an old wood sign above "1875" and a white street lamp saying "Yuma Union High School."

July 2, 1934 inside the covered truck heading to Yuma Territorial Prison: the Thunderbird asked if Joeseph approved with him having intercourse with Annabel in his holding cell (Annabel came into his holding cell and seduced him that last night as part a request to breed with him and found out that she is pregnant at the next day). Wikenberg at the front seat with Joeseph said "Yes and I was approved as her running up mate."

Wikenberg asks Joeseph "So, what's the story on the case?"

Joeseph replies "For some reason about 600 homeless people are killed and cut apart, there was an investigation when the five FBI agents where killed, a survivor claimed that it was a four armed demon and that's when we where called in."

Note: I will do a connecting story about Annabel and the Thunderbird having sex.

Wikenberg asks "They're just homeless, why was the FBI doing an investigation on this?"

Joeseph answered "The Arizona Chamber of Commerce decided to look into the possibility in making the old prison into a state park."

At the former prison library: two reporters try to set up film and a wire recorder waiting for someone reporter #1 said "Where are these two? We will not have this reel today." Reporter #2 said the following before it happened "Okay, let's pack up and..." a four armed female demon comes in from a thick white fog that flowed in as the camera, microphone and the sound equipment blows up.

The female demon made herself clear as she said "You will never make you're reel" the four armed demon's spiked tail smashed the wire recorder and crushing in one reporter's skull. Mechanical parts and steel mixed into the blood. Skull and brain matter splattered on the wood board floor, the 2nd reporter tried to get away but she swatted him down and chocked him to death with the film.

Out at the courtyard: the courtyard at one time as it's time serving as a prison hosted extensions from hanging to the firing squad witnesses from the guard towers noted both the Thunderbird and the four armed demon disappeared at a bottle at the main cell block.


At the clean up sweep of the former Yuma Prison notes includes physical evidence to prove that the demon killed the 604 homeless. The two reporters and the four FBI agents (total dead:610) and not some human psycho or a crazy former prisoner that somehow escaped from the asylum in Phoenix.

Physical evidence: sample collected of the demon's dark purple fur at the courtyard, claw marks at the prison's library and on another 213 member that was found dead: death unknown (total dead is now 611.)

Fact: Between September 1934 to Early-1935 the prison's historical site visitors center was originally opened. The Yuma Territorial Prison became a Historical state park in 1941.

December 23, 1934: there was a fire at the 213 HQ from a loose overhead light at the 13th floor had to be shut down.

January 11, 1935 Teck-lab 3-11135 with Dr. Stagron age 53, Joeseph Luciedos age ?: Dr. Stagron asked Joeseph "this is a big mission, do you want anyone in the team?"

Joeseph answered "1st class Pvt. Vance ID 05044786020008" and Stagron told him "US agent 05044786020008 is with the Hearst castle staff.

January 13, 1935: inside the Hearst castle's artwork warehouse 3:32:38 p.m.: a new shipment a wood crate with the date and the word "FOUND:DEC. 16, 1934". Mr. Vance pries open the wood crate with his tail-grip and taken to a human co-worker that just came in saying "This is from Santa Rosa, New Mexico. It's the size of a shoe box and I can't seem to...get it open" the staff member saw the paper label with the words "FEATHERD SERPENT" and asked "Why are the stone figures so bulky and in real life you guys are so slender and tall?"

Mr. Vance looked at his young co-worker with his large dark-yellow eyes glowing in the dark and his large rows of teeth gleaming as the saliva showing a spread of rows of teeth shining from the many over-head lights.

Mr. Vance explained "Well, the feathered serpent idle item HC 34-43277 that you're digging it out from the newspapers, brown rags and plant leaves, the fact is the primitives where never accurate with details."

A staff member comes in from the heavy steel door yelling out "Mr. Vance, 213 sent you a telegram."