Ch.3 Swallowing Pride

Story by Cubone Gal on SoFurry

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#3 of A Serpent's Screams

A week passed by painfully slowly. Zasz could feel her mind slipping, as every day seemed more hopeless than the last. Eric Graves made a habit of coming to the labs every other day in order to sate his lust with Zasz. "It must be hard for you," She remembered Khrast saying, "now that your wife left you. So by all means, you can use our cute little snake here whenever you want." And of course he took her up on that offer. No matter how often they actually mated, Zasz never became accustomed to the sensation, as it never sat well with her male mentality and the sexual violation rattled her to the core.

That day Zasz sat in her cell, recently violated by the cobra. The act took place in the lab, as usual, so Char and Jake witnessed the event and saw Zasz's shame. She sat coiled on her bed, a blanket draped around her while Jake paced the room. Char sat in the corner, meditating. The cell had always been comfortable, with decent beds and personal toilets. The lack of clothing was always uncomfortable, however, and that day the cell seemed that much colder. Zasz huddled in her blanket, her cool blood unappreciative of the cooler climate. "Okay," Jake said, quietly, "so if we manage to get our cell open, then Zasz can use the vent systems and get into the control room-"

"Supposing that we figure out where it is." Char interrupted, calmly.

Jake flailed his arms in frustration, "Well, yeah, duh! I'm sure Zasz could find it. She wouldn't make any noise in the vents."

"Probably." Zasz said, nodding. "But say I get into the control room and get all the security doors open, then what? Even you couldn't take ALL the guards here."

Jake leaned against the wall, thinking. He said, "I'm working on that part. Meanwhile, Char you listen in on any conversations you can, find out where the control room is." Char nodded in agreement. Jake turned to Zasz and said, "And Zasz, I know it hurts... but you seem to be that hyena bitch's favorite toy right now. Just hang in there, we'll get you out, hopefully before we get hit too."

Zasz hesitated a moment and nodded again. "I'll be okay." She said, flatly. Jake put a hand on her shoulder, comfortingly.

"We'll do this one step at a time, one obstacle at a time. First one's the cell, so we need either keys or somehow break the locking mechanism." Jake said.

Char opened an eye and said, "Hopefully without alerting anyone. The next hurdle will be the security doors, which Zasz will unlock from the control room."

"Which brings us to that obstacle, which is my working my way through the vents and finding it, so either I can wonder around and hope I find it quick, or we can listen in and hope we get it." Said Zasz.

Jake said, "Char's the perceptive one, he'll listen for it. I'll think of something to do with the guards, if we run into any. And then that leaves the fence outside, but I'm sure we can find a way around that easily."

The group nodded collectively. A few electronic beeps rang throughout the lab, indicating that lights out was nearing. The few straggling researchers lazily trudged out of the security doors. Zasz yawned, realizing how tired she was. Jake smiled at her and climbed into the top bunk. The lights went out and the lab was pitch black, save for a few faintly glowing emerald lights that emanated from a few of the machines. Zasz curled up in her bunk, and her fatigue pulled her to sleep in seconds.

Jake, however, laid there, staring at the ceiling, thinking. He rolled over on his side and said, "Hey, Char, what do you think that psycho bitch is planning for us?"

"I'm fairly sure she'll let you keep your genitals if that's what is concerning you." The falcon answered.

Jake rolled onto his back again. "Hell, I don't even think she's done with Zasz yet." Jake sighed, "I guess we'll just have to wait. But anyway, let's get out of here as quick as we can."

"Agreed." Char said, and the two uneasily drifted off to sleep.

Morning broke and the laboratory lights snapped on, rousing Char. The other two continued to sleep as he silently left his bed. Khrast and her guards were the first ones in that day, and she immediately walked over to their cell. She took her clipboard from under her arm and adjusted her glasses looking at it. "Char, sweetie," She said, nicely, "we need Zasz. Go wake her up for me." Char sighed and obeyed, shaking Zasz awake.

Zasz rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned. She saw Char standing above her and smiled, her expression that of her childish self. "Good morning, Zasz." He said, flatly, "The doctor needs you today." Char pointed over at Khrast, who waved to her. Her smile melted into an expression of terror. Char helped her out of bed and walked her to the cell door, which opened and closed behind her. She slithered over the steel-paneled floor alongside Khrast, and gave one last look to Char.

Zasz hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is... is Mr. Graves going to... use me again..?"

Khrast smiled and said"No, he isn't. He got a girlfriend and doesn't really need you anymore." Zasz breathed a sigh of relief. "Instead you're going to be used by one of your fellow slaves." She added.

Zasz'z heart sank deeper into her chest. "Oh..." She choked, on the verge of tears. Khrast stroked the back of her head while they walked.

"There, there," She said, "It won't be too bad. He's a reptile too, a monitor lizard in fact. He was our subject for some of our steroid tests, but he was such a good sport, we decided to give him a bit of a reward, so you'll be making him very happy, sweetie." Zasz hung her head in fear and shame. The hyena woman looked once more at her clipboard. "Besides, we need to see how well sex with you stacks up against men with legs. I figured a lizard is the best transition."

Zasz stopped dead. She stared at the researcher in horror as she realized what her future held. She wasn't just an experiment, she was being trained in sexual slavery. She just stood there and trembled at the revelation. Khrast stopped next to her, staring into her eyes. She seized the snake girl by her wrist and tugged her along. The hyena handed her another pill, and she downed it without question. They entered another lab, which housed a cell similar to hers. It only had one bed, and only one occupant.

The lizard man was covered in brown-green scales with a yellow underbelly. He was huge in stature, adorned with muscles that would have put Zasz's previous body to shame. She realized he must have been at least eight feet tall from head to foot. He stared at her with a sparkle of lust in his eyes, and a grin played at the edges of his mouth. One of his large, clawed hands was busying itself stroking his equally prodigious cock.

Khrast opened his cell and shoved Zasz inside, closing it behind her. He got up, eying her greedily. "So it's a snake bitch is it?" He asked, mockingly.

Khrast shrugged, "I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone. If you don't want her than you don't have to have her."

"I didn't say that. It's just kinda... odd."

"Think of it as exotic." She said, smiling.

"And I can use her any way I want?"

"As long as you don't damage her." She answered. He grinned back and grabbed Zasz by her hips, yanking her shivering body towards him. She cringed as he ran his tongue up the side of her face.

He sat back on his bed and shoved her down by her shoulders, bringing her to eye-level with his dick. He reclined back and stared at her between his spread legs. Tears ran down Zasz's face and she continued to shake, averting her eyes to the floor beneath his bed. A few moments passed and the lizard got impatient, leaning forward and grabbing her by her chin. "Suck it." He ordered, pointing her snout towards his member. He let go, staring at her intently.

Still Zasz did not move. He grabbed her wrist and squeezed it hard. She grimaced in pain and he loosened his grip. "Suck it!" he repeated, impatiently. She continued to cry as she hesitantly opened her mouth, stopping barely in front of the fleshy pink protrusion. He let go of her wrist and placed both hands on her face, shoving his cock into her maw. She gagged as his long member reached the back of her throat, and she struggled to free herself from his grip. He put more pressure on her head and he repeated "Suck it." one last time.

Crying and defeated, she closed her lips around his cock and moving her head up and down it's length. He let go of her head and reclined again, his eyes rolling back into his head. She wanted to vomit, not only due to the fact that she was orally servicing a male reptile, but also the fact that it was stimulating her. She wrapped one hand around his length in order to better control it, and he placed one hand on her head. He moaned in pleasure. "Use your tongue too." He said, pleased. More tears emerged as she began swirling her tongue around the head of his dick.

They continued this for a long while, Zasz gagging and crying all the way. Eventually the lizard exclaimed, "Oh, I'm gonna cum!" She began to let go of him, but he pushed her head back down. "No, you're gonna finish." He told her. She continued to service him, and his seed spilled out into her mouth. She retreated from his member, on the verge of vomiting. She bent over to spit out the offending fluid, but his strong hand clamped her muzzle shut. The taste of his semen aroused her, which in turn disgusted her, but he continued to hold her mouth shut. "Swallow it, bitch." He commanded. She chocked on his seed and finally mustered the strength to swallow it down.

He grinned at her and said, "Good girl." She struggled to hold the fluid in her stomach, and before she could react the lizard had grappled her arms and heaved her on top of him. He grinned widely as he felt down her front, stopping at her soft-scaled slit. His claw circled her exposed clit, which made her grunt. He smiled at her and his hand continued down her body. His smile dropped of his face as his hands continued to probe and search her front and back for something. He looked at her, confused. "Where's your asshole?"

She blushed and looked down at his chest. "Further down my tail..." She responded, weakly."

"Oh, screw it." He said, vaguely annoyed. He grabbed her hips and lifted her up, slamming her down and impaling her upon his shaft. She let out a cry, half of pain and half of pleasure. He handled her hips roughly and he lifted her up and down on his huge cock. She clenched her teeth and moaned in ecstasy. Her long tail wrapped around his hips and legs as she continued to ride his shaft. He let go with one hand and his claw worked it's way up to her breast. She cringed as he pinched her nipple between his claws, inciting a confusing mix of pain and pleasure. His other claws dug into her hips, causing even more agony.

Zasz was by no means masochistic, and the pain caused her to writhe, the walls of her pussy clenching down on the lizard's member. She forced her eyes open and their gazes met. She could see by his face that years of frustration and anger were being released all in this very instant. The claws amusing themselves with her tender nipple spread out, cupping and clawing at her entire breast. His claws were hard and sharp, and they sliced through her thin scales easily. Blood lazily dripped from her side and breast. Despite the pain she continued on the road to orgasm. She hissed and moaned as she reached her climax, clenching even more and milking his long shaft. He let go of her and placed both hands on the area where her ass would have been. He strained for a second and came again, this time inside her.

Both of them began panting, and their muscles relaxed. He grinned at her crying face and slid her off of him. Her tears stopped flowing and she sighed in frustration. He turned to face her. "If you thought that was good, wait till later, bitch." He said, mocking her. Her eye twitched, trying do decide between glaring or crying. She heard Khrast get up from the seat she used to watch the entire ordeal.

"Sorry, Deggoth, but that'll be all for now." She told him. He sighed and got to his feet, his cock retracting back into it's container. She pulled out her clipboard and asked, "So, how would you rate that?"

Deggoth rolled his eyes and said, "That's the first thing I've had sex with in three years. Of course it was good."

"But how would you compare that to previous intercourse?" She asked, once again ignoring the awkwardness of her questions.

"I dunno. Um... slightly worse?" He responded, confused.

"Worse? Why?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that she's a lot physically different than I am. I mean, it was good! Just not as good as it could have been."

"What do you think could have made it better?" She asked, concerned.

He scratched his head and said, "Pfff... Legs maybe. And an ass. But she's a damn hot snake, and I have a request." She gave him a look that said to continue. "Well," He said, hesitantly, "You think that you could move her over to my cell permanently?"

Zasz sat up, horrified by the thought. Khrast shook her head. "Sorry, hun, but we're not quite done with her."

Deggoth dropped his arms, frustrated. "Fine," He said, "take her. I'm done anyway."

Khrast opened the door and patter he legs, as if calling a pet. Zasz hated being spoken of rather than spoken to, and being called like a household pet. She righted herself and slithered towards the door, as far away from the lizard as possible. Khrast escorted her back to her cell silently, making notes on her clipboard. They walked down the hallway, and a door near her opened, revealing a large room filled with monitors and consoles. Zasz entered her cell, fatigued and bleeding. It was only 12:00 PM, but it felt like she had been struggling all day. Char and Jake both rushed to see her, but Khrast interrupted them. "Oh, and Zasz, sweetie." She said, compassionately, "Do try to get some rest, we have some more work to do on you."

Khrast walked off, happily, and the two male slaves began tending to their friend. Jake used his own blanket to wrap her in, which absorbed most of the blood running down her body. She wasn't crying, however, only fuming. She sat down, and a smirk started creeping across her face. "Guys," She said, ignoring the wounds to her body and her pride, "I know where the control room is."