The House on Rainbow Road - 20 - Mary

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#22 of The House on Rainbow Road - 2011


The walls of the chapel stood silent, save for the occasional whimper of the young woman who huddled inside. None of the others had made it to her, and she was certain they had all been claimed by other demons which she was certain roamed the halls. All of her friends... all of the people she was responsible for... all of them were gone.

Exhaustion overwhelmed her after the battle with the terrible one, and she laid herself at the feet of her savior. Sleep quickly took her, but it was not the kind of sleep which could completely restore her. In her mind she heard a voice, Mary, and it called to her from an unknown hall... Mary...

"Mary where are you?" It sounded familiar. A friend... someone who was dear to her. Someone who was still alive. "Mary?"

"Haley?" she called, uncertain she was really awake.

"Yeah! Where are you?"

"Here, Haley!" Mary called from her protective spot behind the alter.

"Where?" Haley called once more.

"Here! In the chapel!"

"The chapel?"

"Yeah! Follow my voice!" Silence followed the exchange but to Mary's relief, the mischievous face of her beloved friend appeared at the doorway.

"Knock, knock," Haley called playfully, causing Mary to gasp in relief. "Can I come in?"

"Yes," Mary called to her, "yes, please come in!" More tears wanted to fall down Mary's cheeks, but she felt as if that were no longer possible. More than anything she wanted to run to her sorority leader and collapse in a heap of hysterical weeping, but somehow, she could only stand where she was.

"What a place to hide," Haley said as she stepped carefully around the alter. "Has it kept the boogieman out?"

"Yeah," Mary said as she leaned back against the wall and began to relax, "the good Lord chased the Devil right out... and quick."

"You're so cute when you say things like that," Haley said with a laugh which brought a deep blush to Mary's face. "I wish I had your faith."

"Y-you do?"

"Yes, I do," the young brunette said as she sat down next to the blond girl and leaned against the wall. A far away look seemed to hang in her eyes as if a bad memory was playing behind them. "You're never really alone, in this world. Not like the rest of us, who need to make friends or hang out with family we don't really like. You've got your Lord... and he never lets you down. He never hits you... never comes home drunk... he never..."

Mary stared in disbelief at the young woman she admired so much. It was a privilege to see this from Haley, whose tough as nails attitude covered the depth of her feelings. Without realizing it, Mary reached out and took her friend's hand. A wild surge of emotion went through her, when she did this, but she smote the panic out. Though shy, she wanted to stand by her friend.

"It's okay, Haley," she heard herself saying. "God's here for you-"

"I don't care about God!" Haley cut her off as she tried to pull her hand away, but Mary simply tightened her grip and refused to break contact.

"I'm here for you, Haley. Believe in God or don't, that's your choice. I know it's hard to believe in someone you can't see or touch," Mary scooted closer, and placed Haley's hand between her breasts. "You can feel that, right? Can you feel my heartbeat?" Haley nodded. "I'm here for you, Haley. I'm here."

All of the young woman's anger seemed to melt as Mary felt her heart thunder in her chest and reverberate through Haley's arm. The gravity of the situation became more clear when her tough as nails sorority leader suddenly lunged forward and embraced her in a bear hug that broke most of the tension and brought laughter to them both.

"Thanks, Mary."

"Any time, Haley."

Mary felt the grip loosen but it did not fully go away. The lingering hug raised the pulse in her body once more as she began to wonder what to do next. Mary was never popular, never cool, and was always bullied for being so goodie-goodie. But here, in her arms, was the coolest girl in school, with strong, lean, muscles and a musky scent which she liked.

"Can... can I kiss you?"

Mary went ridged when Haley uttered those words. She tried to think, tried to move, tried to do anything which could be considered a response, but she was frozen. The hug slipped away and Haley pulled back to look into her eyes. There was a pleading there, which Mary understood, but what she could not understand was why she also wanted to kiss Haley as badly as she did. The moment seemed to linger longer than the hug, but Mary could do little but stare into the young woman's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Haley said as she sat back, "it's just the things I see in your eyes."

"My... eyes?"

"Something in your past," the young woman said as her sweat breath drifted into the girl's nostrils. "You don't look fondly at the boys. In fact you tend to look away from them when they run past, but you look at the girls... you look at me." Haley took the girl's hand and then touched the side of her face. "It's okay. God won't hate you for loving me."

"How... are you sure?"

"It only says men may not lay together," Haley told her. "Even then, it is only under the old covenant, in Levi where it also condones taking slaves and murdering people who work on the sabbath. The new covenant is the covenant of love... and it is only you who prevent yourself from embracing this desire."

A lingering eternity passed in that moment. Mary felt her blood boil and her ears burned from the overwhelming sound of her hammering heart. Finally she took a breath and let it out slow. Then she closed her eyes and whispered these words to Haley.

"Yes... kiss me."

Without opening them, she moved her head a little forward, and accidentally began holding her breath. The sound of the older girl leaning forward caused her to tense, and then fingers gently brushed along her cheek and through her hair. The hand then cupped her head, stopped, and drew her forward.

The moment their lips touched, a thousand different sensations ripped through Mary all at once. Fear, euphoria, terror, excitement... and a lust beyond any she had felt in her life, all gathered together along with a sizable collection of pins and needles. A muffled moan escaped Mary's lips and she blushed even harder as she broke the kiss and tried to look away.

"I'm sorry," Haley suddenly said as she let the blond girl go and began to pull away. "I didn't mean to-" This time it was Mary who pushed forward, suddenly sealing their lips together and trying to remember how she had seen kisses work in movies. The lack of experience was obvious, but when the more experienced of the two slid her tongue past the quivering lips, Mary gasped as her body convulsed, and a forbidden sensation stampeded through her, creating a feeling of sinfulness.

"Oh, God, no... oh, God," a series of shutters passed before she took a serious breath and when she could see again, she looked into Haley's deep blue eyes and saw both concern and amusement.

"Oh, wow... did you just-"

"Yes I did!" Mary shouted as she pushed away and blushed so hard she felt she might pop an artery and die.

"Did you just cum?"

"Don't look at me like that! I don't do this! I've NEVER done this before!"

"It's alright, Mary," Haley said quickly, "it's alright. Actually I'm kinda flattered that I could do that to you."

"I can't believe that just happened," Mary said as she curled into a ball and began to rock herself. "I don't know what's wrong with me."


"No, it's okay. I'm just an idiot. Don't worry about me."

"Oh," Haley said as she stood, "alright... sorry."

"Wait!" Mary shouted as she shot to her feet and stood with unsteady balance. "I'm sorry... I was... I was embarrassed."

"Why?" the brunette asked with a confused look in her eye. "Are you afraid to feel good?"

"I... I think I might be," Mary said as she leaned against the alter. "I've always been taught that the sins of the flesh were... well... sins."

"Oh, Mary," the sorority leader said with a look of pity that she was trying to hide. "They got you good, didn't they?"


"The Nuns... your parents... all of the people who told you that life was all about suffering and you were not allowed to enjoy your body."

"I'm... not supposed to... I..."

"Mary," Haley said in a soft voice which the junior could not ignore, "I'm here for you too, you know." Mary looked up and saw a type of caring there she had never seen in another. "If you'll let me... if you'll trust me, I can show you how to feel happy. But I won't unless you ask me to."

"I... I don't know if I can say it-"

"Then send me away," Haley told her as she crossed her arms and looked stern. "I'm rooted to this spot until you make up your mind. Either way, the choice is yours"


"It has to be," Haley told her. "That's the way it works. I can talk and tease and be convincing as I please... but, in the end it is you who must decide."

Mary looked down and saw her hands as they rested upon the alter. The cloth covering had been abandoned to dust and neglect ages ago, but it still looked sacred to her. The cup was gone, and so was the bible which had once rested there, but there was still the cloth... and doubt. So much doubt wrestled in Mary's mind as she teetered on the edge of a knife.

The terrible memory of what had chased her into this room sent shivers through her body. There was a time when she felt lost. Even when her prayers were answered and the good Lord consumed them in blue flames... it was not until Haley arrived that she truly felt safe. It was always Haley... since the moment they had met...

"Tell me," Mary began, "what happens after this?"

"What do you mean?"

"If we do this," the blond girl said with a shaky voice, "if I give myself to you... will you give yourself to me?"

"Well... yeah... I kind of figured-"

"I don't mean physically," Mary cut her off and she could see Haley's expression suddenly becoming more serious. "I've been yours since the day we met. I've backed every choice you've ever made, whether I agreed with it or not. I've stood up for you when others cut you down. I've put in extra time at the sorority house just to stand in your presence... I've always wanted to be with you... but what happens next? Do we leave this place and go right back to pretending we barely know each other? At the end of the year, will graduation take you from me? Can you accept me as a friend... and a lover? I'm already yours, Haley, but if we do this... are you mine?"

The silence hung between them, and for a moment, it felt like the ceiling might cave in. Mountains of thought were grinding like glaciers through Haley's mind. Mary was glad for this, because she knew Haley's reputation for loving and leaving, stringing along smitten sheep for a time then tossing them off of a cliff. It did her heart good to see the young woman taking this seriously. Then Haley took a deep breath and smiled as best she could. "You want my soul."

"I... well..." Mary had not thought of it that way until this moment, but the love of another did come directly from the soul. While she had not meant it that way, but Haley's strange ways drew her into yet another strange decision. "Yeah... I guess I do."

"Well, Mary, you drive a hard bargain," Haley said with an overly dramatic look of being deep in thought. "But I've also wanted your soul for some time, now. You've been right to guard yourself as you have. So... I agree to your terms. You give me your soul, and I'll give you mine."

"Really?" Mary gasped as her whole world seemed to shutter. "You'd... really... to me?"

"Yes," Haley said in an almost laughing tone, "I'm all yours, if you'll have me."

"Yes," Mary said, "oh God yes!"

"Oh yes, what?" Haley teased.

"Yes, please take me, please make me part of your world. I'll give you all that I am if I can have you back. That's all I want. That's... all... I want." Unable to stand it another moment, Mary closed the space between them and gripped Haley tightly. Joyful tears managed to surface and fall onto Haley's shirt, and for a time they simply held each other. "What would you have me do?"

"Lay yourself upon the alter," Haley said, with mischief in her voice, "and let me worship your body with mine."

"The alter?" Mary gasped and put her hand over her mouth like she had said something naughty. "Isn't... that..."

"Poetic?" Haley said with that wicked smile Mary loved so much. "I can think of no better place for our souls to unite. Here, on this holy place, we can make vows to each other... and you can hold me to them."

"Such words," Mary said, but then she put her hands behind her and slid her bottom up onto the cloth covered stone. A strange type of excitement filled her as Haley crawled onto the alter with her. A curtain of coal-black hair draped around Mary's head as she looked up at the woman she loved. Tender lips lowered, meeting her with a salty embrace. Tongues collided, running between their owners, exploring their tastes.

Soon the inexperienced girl was breathing deeply as skilled hands cupped her breast and squeezed with gentle care. The embarrassing sounds of earlier escaped Mary's lips once more, but this time she would not pull away. This time she held the other woman's body close and slid inexperienced hands up an athletic back. Excited shivers rushed through her as a naughty hand caressed her legs and slowly made their way up Mary's modest skirt to her inner thighs.

"Oh... this is so bad..." Mary moaned as the hands between her thighs went higher. Mary jumped as if a naked flame had licked her cotton panties. Then as she let her muscles go loose once more, Haley began to touch the delicate forbidden curves with the experience of a dozen lovers. "Oh... oh yes... just like thah... juhhsss... liiike... thaaahhh... j-juuuhhhhhssssss..." and again her muscles were clenching together, contracting then releasing in a pattern which she was growing to crave.

"You keep this up and you'll be too exhausted to continue," Haley said with a chuckle as her fingers came up. Pressing them to her nostrils, she inhaled deeply, smiling with a gleam in her eyes which excited Mary even further. "Are you ready for more?"

"Y-yes," the more timid of the two stuttered as the more experienced woman slid her fingers around the elastic of the panties and slid them off of their owner. "W-w-w-wha-a-"

"Shhh... relax," Haley whispered as her fingers went back up the skirt to rest on bare skin. "You're so soft... so smooth," she whispered as she slid her fingers back into the place which made Mary gasp. The strange liquid which oozed from her covered Haley's fingers, making them slippery, enhancing each sensation as she became more comfortable with it. "Just let the sensations fill you up... let all of your troubles wash away on a sea of bliss."

From the base of her belly spread a Haley's words and emotions, reaching inward, swimming through her veins. Before long Mary swore she could feel her lover with every part of her. Through the tantalizing touch and burning kisses, Mary was swept away in a pleasant delirium which built inside until her scream filled the halls with blissful noise.

"Say you are mine..." Haley whispered.

"I am yours," Mary whimpered.

"Give me your soul..."

"Take my soul... my love... all that I am..."

"As freely as you give it, I give myself to you..."

"Yes... I accept your love... fill me with your love..."

"You shall have it."

As the pact was spoken, Mary screamed as something pressed up into her. Surges of pain seared though her body as holy flesh tore and bled into the rivers of her bliss. The levies of her self-control buckled under the mixture of pain and pleasure. Emotions swirled into that place, filling her up until her flood burst forth.

As the height of her pain faded into a dull throb, something knew and phallic pushed further up inside of her. The intruder pressed against parts of her which had never before been touched... never before been stimulated in a way which could have ever brought her this type of pleasure.

"What's... happening?" Mary cried out as she opened her eyes and tried to focus upon her lover.

"I am giving you my soul, my love... I am making you like me." Haley's voice sounded different... louder... stronger... less human. With all that was happening, Mary felt she should be afraid, but she was not.

"Haley..." Mary whimpered, and her barely conscious attention began to see her lover for who she really was. Haley's skin was pale as death and her eyes had turned black and red. A tiny pair of horns poked up through her hair and two tiny fangs had grown longer when she grit her teeth. Clawed fingers dragged along Mary's body... carefully cutting through fabric, not skin, as her lover moved in the rhythm of a male lover... but she was not male...

"How?" Mary whispered. "How are you..." the words drifted off as a large set of bat-like wings unfolded out of Haley's back. They flexed as she arched, filling with blood which turned them dark crimson and allowed them to move. Along the back of her body, a long tail had emerged. It was this tail which was now inside of Mary's body, and in that moment of realization, came another which was just as strange. Mary should have been terrified. She should be screaming... fighting... and pushing her away. But Haley was with her... inside of her... tainting her... filling her with a part of her which could only be shared between a pair who loved as deeply as they did.

"That's it," Haley whispered in her sultry voice, as Mary relaxed, "I can make you like me... but you have to say it... let me hear you say it."




"Say it all!

"Make me yours!" Mary shouted. "Make me like you! Make me just... like... you!" Once the words were spoken, a searing heat blazed out of Haley's tail and filled Mary with such ecstasy that for several minutes she felt as if she were cascading through a series of galloping orgasms. All through her body, her bones seemed to shift and thicken. Nails grew, teeth sharpened, and skin paled... all like Haley.

The demon-lover drew back, lifting Mary from the alter onto her lap. Though face-to-face, the room seemed to spin, and Mary wrapped her legs around her lover's body in an effort to stabilize herself. The screams from her body continued as she writhed from the changes. The peaks in her voice were filled with others which resonated with Haley's love. The base of her spine lengthened and through her skin sprouted a long, slithering tail which burst the elastic which had held up her skirt. A satisfying tearing sound shuttered through her as a pair of new wings pushed her shirt to its limits then sundered them... bursting through as blood filled these new parts of her body.

"Beautiful," Haley hissed as she tore off the last bits of Mary's useless clothing and tossed them away. Hard nipples and soft breasts pressed together. A gasp of new sensation emitted from the new tail as it was stroked by the experienced hand. Then, it was placed between her demon-lover's legs, and pressed inside of a furnace which seemed to complete her like a circuit.

From deep inside, Mary could feel the heat of her soul drifting out of her, through Haley's tail, into the demon whom she had willingly given herself to. But as the twinge of fear tickled the back of her mind, another soul crept up through her own tail, drawn out of Haley and inside of herself.

When all of the parts settled in place, both demon-women screamed in a moment of mutual bliss. The light of their love flooded into each other, given freely without fear or regret. When the transfer was complete, they tumbled forward and fell together. Entangling each other in all of their limbs... they curled up on the alter.

Mary smiled as she basked in the glow of the woman she loved... the demon-lover who had devoured her purity. As they lay together, she knew she was a new person. No longer human... now and forever, she would proudly be called... succubus.