A Little Dream

Story by Otterboi on SoFurry

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"Hell on Terrios has just been given a new meaning" thought the Mayor as he bore witness to the fury of the tempest. As the all consuming tempest began to rip apart the harbor the Mayor thought back to the message that he had received two days earlier.

'Had it really only been two days?' thought the mayor wistfully as the tempest proceeded forward and began to destroy the inner complex. Chuckling he remembered the panicked messenger that had brought the telegram, foretelling of the storms' immanent arrival.

'We don't know why this is happening, but we assure you Mr. Mayor that we will do all in our power to stop it!' the telegram had stated. With a sigh the Mayor of Illi, the second largest city on Terrios, dictated this reply. It was the last transmission that the other countries received it said plainly,

'I know you mean well, but stay out of this. The majority of the population here are the sick and elderly. They have let me know that while they would help get their families to safety, they would be staying behind. I will stay with them, as will my family because the feel, as I do, that there is no place to run. The storm has come and we now reap the harvest that we have sown. It is only a matter of time.'

"Close... so vary close" chanted the Leviathan as it felt its strength increased.

"It is almost time to complete the transformation!" it extolled. But unbeknownst to the howling being at its center the Tempest had its own plan. But it could wait, for now it let the foolish mortal at its center think it was in control. That would make the betrayal so much sweeter. The Tempest would wait

Sinking into a blissful sleep Davin began to remember the past. His first conscious memory was that of warmth, of a gentle and soothing warmth. But he could not remember the source of the warmth. Was it his mother holding him tightly to her chest? Was it the bath that he took with his father, or was it the fire that had stolen his parents? Somehow they had lived through it, hell even Davin came through it without a scratch, but something had changed. Davin's parents were no-longer his own. They did not even remember him day to day. Luckily they were trusting furs. They believed everything that Davin told them. Every day began the same after waking up at the orphanage Davin would eat breakfast and then catch the 7:15 bus to the hospital.

"Excuse me, who are you?" would be the first question asked. On Tuesdays and Thursdays it would be his mother who asked on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it would be his father who asked. This went on for about twelve years. Then something strange happened when he turned 14. Somehow Davin got himself transferred to an all girl school! He was pretty, and vary slender for his age and gender so a mistake was possible.

"They will find out soon enough." He thought to himself. At the beginning he went along because he enjoyed being around girls. But as time passed he discovered something shocking. He was no longer reacting to the girls around him. At first he was just like any other guy, getting raging hard-on's in the locker room. But then during his junior year he discovered that it was not happening anymore. He began to get in to what the other girls were saying.

"What is happening to me?" he wondered to himself. Then it began happening again, but this time it started when the girls started talking about their ideal man! Fantasy after fantasy of being taken by a sexy male ran through his mind as the girls around him began to describe in great detail, every detail, their ideal man. That first night after the fantasies began to appear Davin began having strange dreams. In them he was always naked and wantonly riding a fur hidden by shadow. Over and over he had this dream until; finally, he came to a conclusion.

"There is one answer that explains everything." He said quietly to himself having just woken up from another dream, in which he was not only riding a fur but his mouth also being filled with a giant cock. "I am gay, that is the only possible answer." He asserted as he recalled the feeling of absolute bliss.

"But how, and when?" Davin wondered to himself. "When did this start happening, and how did it start?" These were the questions that ran through his mind as he went about school and life.

Then, when Davin turned 18, everything began going wrong. It began at a wild party that the girls in his dorm attended. They partied the night away at the boys collage three blocks down from the school. Davin attended in the capacity of driver. Just two weeks earlier there had been a massive wreck in which two of Davin's closest friends had been killed. They and the two boys that had been with them had been under the influence. So it was with Davin's' insistence that someone should go, so that the girls would not drive drunk, to be the driver. Taking this as an offer, the girls arranged matters so that he would get an invitation.

"How do I get myself into these things?" Davin complained, voice cracking.

The girls who heard this paused. Davin had been part of the choir for three years and they had never heard his voice crack before. Then they blew it off.

"She has been crying about Elisabeth and Carly ever since the accident." The told each other "They were vary close, so it makes sense that her voice is raw from all that crying."

Hearing this, Davin excused himself and went to the bathroom. Inside he confirmed his fear. His voice was undergoing the change. He had hit puberty.

'This is not good' he thought to himself 'how can this get any worse?'

He would find out later that night.

"Take care of yourself, Davin!" shouted Darla "Though they will tell you otherwise, this is a bad part of town."

"Thanks Darla, I will be careful!" Davin shouted back.

Since Davin had never got a car, for fear that his driver's license would give him away, he had borrowed hers to chaperone the varying degrees of intoxicated girls home. It wasn't all that inconvenient, being only two miles from the small apartment that he now lived in. as Davin walked past a bar a lone figure stumbled out. It was only through Davin's' quick intervention that stopped the man from stumbling into the busy street.

"You need to be careful." chided Davin softly as the stranger tripped on a section of un-even sidewalk. "it gets rough around" Davin cut himself off as the stranger moving deftly spun Davis around and gently but firmly pressed him against the alleyway wall.

'What is he doing' thought Davin, until he looked into his captors eyes. In them Davin saw pure lust.

'Oh...crap' ran through his head until his captor started playing with him. Then Davin's mind shut down. With a gentle roll the stranger had Davin pinned in a way that left his paws free. He then began to slowly kneed Davin's chest. Gently murring at this feeling Davin put up no resistance as his captor slowly slid him to the ground. As Davin lay with his back against the wall the stranger began to softly trace delicate patterns with the tip of his claw. The sensations grew as the fur's paws slowly started downwards. With a tearing of cloth Davin was totally exposed, and open to whatever whim the fur wished.

"So little one, are you enjoying this?" crooned a soft, warm voice.

"Yes! Please... don't stop!" whispered Davin his voice full of longing.

'Heh, was I really like this at one point?' thought the stranger, out loud he replied "Fine but let us start at the beginning." And with that said he began to rub all over Davin's chest drawing a pleasured moan from Davin's throat. Then gently moving Davin up into a kneeling position he gave Davin a long, passionate kiss.

'I should be scared.' This thought floated through the haze of Davin's mind. 'Why am I enjoying this? He is a complete stranger.' All he could find for an answer was a potent peace and a small stinging sensation next to his sheath.

'He drugged me, I'm being raped!" shot through his head, but then he dismissed it 'Even if that is the case I want this, so it can't be called rape.'

Then Davin moaned as the strange fur began to fondle his sheath and sack. With an expert twist the stranger freed Davin's cock from its protective sheath. Without stopping the rubbing of chest and cock the stranger mentally commanded the trench-jacket he wore. Splitting into four pieces the jacket fell to the ground and transmuted into a thinly padded mat. Gently pulling the now semi-comatose Davin onto it and gently pushed him back down onto his back. The now naked stranger lay down next to his willing victim.

"This will hurt for awhile, but then it will get better." The stranger warned Davin. The stranger then asked, his voice full of concern "Are you sure you want this to happen?"

By this time Davin's member was at full length and stiffness. He looked the strange fur full in the face; Davin's piercing blue eyes matching that of the stranger's.

"Yes, I do! Take me now, please!" Davin earnestly pleaded with his captor. With a slight nod the stranger began to rub his dick around Davin's opening. Smearing his pre liberally around the virgin anis he poised only long enough to take Davin's tail and place it in a more comfortable position so that it would not be crushed by the throws of what was about to happen.

"It will be quick" promised the fur and then with one savage lunge impaled Davin completely. Davin screamed when he felt the pointed cock enter him, tearing through his anal ring as his virginity was taken. Holding the now crying fur to his chest the stranger gently stroked Davin's back as he waited for the pain to subside.

"It hurts! It hurts!" Davin cried, tears in his eyes, as he squeezed the strange fur in a crushing bear hug. The strange fur squeezed back and gently crooned that the pain would soon go away.

As his sobs grew lesser Davin began to feel something. Inside of him there was a pulse that rapidly began to overrule the pain. Then the pain disappeared completely as the pulses began to become something more. Then Davin began to feel warm and full, like he had just drunk some good hot soup. The white hot fire burning in his ass, cooled and became something soothing, like being immersed in a warm bath or lying in the summer sun.

"It's so warm" Davin murmured wonderingly. The strange fur smiled and asked if Davin was ready for the next step.

"Yes" Davin replied breathlessly.

'So it begins... take-two' thought the stranger humorously as he began to slide in and out of Davin. It hurt at first, the cock irritating the torn edges of his ring, but then the pleasure started. Once felt it began to increase exponentially. Davin gasped as the strange fur began to fuck him. As Davin felt this new feeling he remembered his incredibly vivid dreams. He tried to roll on top of the fur now screwing his ass but stopped when daggers of pain lanced through his body. The strange fur, understanding what the young crossbreed was trying to do, taking Davin's paws and folding them in front of him, he embraced Davin and slowly rolled onto his back. Kissing Davin deeply the strange fur's tongue entered Davin's mouth where it promptly began to twist around Davin's tongue. Loving the feeling of it Davin also thrust his tongue into the fur's mouth tasting all around.

Breaking the kiss the strange fur looked at the now gently murring fur on top of him and smiled at his inexperience. The strange fur then began to murr as the now, vary aroused fur began to rub himself against his chest. Then propping himself up against the strange fur's chest Davin began to ride the strange fur's throbbing cock. The strange fur's eyes widened as the little fur on top of him began pleasuring his cock in ways that he had never experienced.

'Now I know what they were talking about' thought the strange fur in wonder as he knotted the Fur that was riding him so wantonly.

Feeling the hot orb enter him and then the hot fluid enter him brought Davin to the edge. But before he could reach climax himself the strange fur acted. With a powerful heave of his tail the stranger catapulted himself nearly to his feet! Spinning Davin on his cock and executing a half turn they landed wit Davin on the bottom in a submissive crouch and the stranger on top. Giving no warning this time the strange fur began to pound fiercely in to the young fur. Grinding himself in the stranger bottomed out each thrust. And then bracing himself on the right and on the young fur's back he began to squeeze Davin's now fully formed knot. Too much pleasure to deal with all at once, Davin fainted as his body was racked by an Earth-shattering climax.

When Davin woke up he was in his bed.

"Was it all a dream?" he murmured to himself. Then as he pawed aside the light blanket he winced as a flash of pain flashed trough his body.

'No, it wasn't' Davin mentally groaned 'my ass is killing me!'

'Wait... why am I in my house? And if that fur brought me here how did he know where I lived?'

Looking around he saw a piece of paper on the table. Slowly getting up, Davin limped over to the table. His eyes widened as he saw what was written on it.

'Hi there, Davin! You were great last night! It was kind of weird experiencing that from the other perspective this time. By the way, if you hadn't pieced it together yet, I am you. Your future self, that is. By the way, the serum I injected you with is only part of the reason why you weren't afraid. The other part was the fact that I/you had already experienced that yiff, so when we were in close proximity the line between our minds kind of faded out. Anyway back to the vital stuff. The stuff I injected you with is a performance enhancer. By the time you read this note it will have done all it can do. Your speed, strength, reflexes and intelligence have now multiplied by a factor of twenty squared. Trust me you will need it today. Around 12:30 a gang will hijack the school. It is now up to you to repel it. I am not allowed to interfere anymore more than I already have. So... Good luck!

'This... this is... too much.' Davin thought stunned. But when he thought about it, it did make sense. The locks on Davin's door could only be opened by Davin speaking his name and pass code. You could replicate appearance but you could not replicate a voice print. And Davin knew for a fact that he did not sleep-talk. Glancing at the clock he stared in horror.

"OMG! I am going to be late for school!" He rushed around gathering his supplies and then quickly through on a set of clothes.

Slowly returning to the world of wakefulness, Davin felt a deep feeling of comfort and safety in the arms of his lover, despite the fact that they were still prisoners in a strange place.

"Morning, sexy" Peter growled as he affectionately rubbed Davin's head "You were great!"

Murring gently, Davin pushed himself further into the Wolf's warmth.

"Oh Peter, thank you! I really needed that! You are a life-saver... or at least a cock-saver!" Davin giggled as he buried his muzzle into Peter's chest, taking in the male's sent.

"Hey, Hey little slut! We are still prisoners; We don't have time to yiff all the time!"

Davin gazed lovingly up at the smiling eyes of his mate, loosing himself in their calm brown depths.

"Alright, Master" Davin said with a touch of sardonic humor showing through his small smile. "First let's free that other fur, We will escape together."

Moving reluctantly from his lover's warmth Davin shifted his arm back into the battle ax from (note from the writer, his arm is like wolverine's claws, it requires constant control, if he is asleep/unconscious it automatically reverts to his arm.)

With energetic strikes he frees the other pinioned fur from the magnetic rail's effects. Falling heavily to the floor the fur does not move.

'That does not look promising' thought the now worried Davin. Turning the fur over Davin caught sight of a face that he had not seen for twenty-eight years.

Noting his partner's distress Peter hastily slid over and embraced Davin from behind.

"What is it love?" He asked as Davin began to shuddered violently.

Davin's reply caught Peter totally off guard.
