Initiation Part 2

Story by BluDragon360 on SoFurry

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*Finally done with the second part! This story contains M/M and all that good stuff. If you don't like that stuff, DON'T read it. Enjoy! ^.^ *

Initiation Part 2

The knot had stretched my ass, and I could feel my insides churn with every thrust. I tried yelling but it was no use. I had noticed that the pain was going down...could be that I had stretched so much, or that my ass was just starting to change.

"You are tight, but that will soon change!" The voice from the coach was echoing in my head. I felt a large gush of cum enter through my rectum. I could nearly feel it come out of my mouth!

He pulled out, and as I looked back, I saw a large rope of cum connecting his cock to my "tight ass." I figured the worst was over, and I saw the look on Kyle's face. He seemed to somewhat enjoy the initial thrust from the alpha. He continued to smile through the whole experience, and had me wonder if he had taken something that large before. I had nearly forgot about the hair growing rapidly from my arm. My arm began to feel heavy, as the muscle increased. My legs and thighs began to widen, giving me the look of an un-proportional body builder. My torso had just started its growth as my legs finished. My pecs grew to an amazing size. Each breath felt like weights attached to my lungs as I began to accustom myself to the added muscle. The hair had spread from my arms to my now chiseled abs and legs. My face began to burn, as my jaw pushed forward following my nose. The ears had drifted to the top of my skull, and I heard everyone's rapid heartbeat with my new acute hearing. My smell had increased as well, once my muzzle had finished its transformation.

A surge shot through my crotch and caused my cock to pulse and leak large amounts of pre. The fur spread through my inner thighs and had completely covered up my balls and pubic area. My cock started to grow slowly, each pulse gave me centimeters to my eager member. My balls began to swell to keep up to the enlarging rod. What used to be average sized nuts had grown to the size of an orange, then tennis balls, and now near the size of basketballs. My cock grew another foot before it seemed to stop or slow down. I figured it to be the end, but my foreskin had stretched over my cock similar to how the coach had, and merged with my belly. I was familiar with a sheath, and it always seemed interesting to have one.

Watching the coach thrust his large knot into Kyle caused my newly formed canine cock to exit its sheath. The coach had stuck with Kyle for a while, before finally releasing his large prick from Kyle's small ass. Kyle attempted to stand up, but his shifting legs denied him the ability.

"Now that the transformation is complete, you must engage with another member to show your loyalty to the pack." I knew this was some form of cult, I just never would have figured becoming a werewolf took so much effort and time.

"We can choose anyone, right?" I had not noticed Kyle had finished his transformation fairly quick.

"Yes, anyone in the locker room" He seemed to have raised his eyebrow in suspension. I, too, was wondering what was cooking in that boy', wolf's...head.

"Okay, I pick Marcus!" Oh shit...I would have never expected this. "You still owe me from yesterday, and by God I am going to finish what we started."

I actually looked forward to it, especially since I wanted to give this new tool a test drive.

"Sounds where were we?" I was not used to having a growl following my voice.

Kyle began to remove his tattered clothing, showing off his similar canine cock. He pulled me down and waved his sheath in front of me. "I think we were somewhere here", he said as I began licking his sheath. His cock tip poked out of its tube, and slowly grew longer. I then began licking his cock and finally inserted the whole rod into my new muzzle. It was a bit strange having a much longer jaw and tongue. His paws reached underneath and he began stroking my cock. I could only moan, feeling the intense pleasure. The coach was only looking on as we continued in front of all the men. Some of the members were helping others blow their load, which is perfectly understandable. His pre was nice and warm, as it simply slid down my throat. The coach himself started to pleasure himself, going as far as sucking himself off since he had the necessary length of his rod.

"Oh wow, Marcus you surely adjusted quickly with that snout of yours." He spoke with a half-dazed tone. I stopped sucking him off, and turned him around so I can see for myself how he was able to take the large prick the coach had. He moaned when I slid my cock in, which was surprisingly tight. I shivered, but the pleasure was unbearable. My knot began to swell inside of Kyle, and I could feel the walls of his rectum stretch with my increased girth. The knot was another thing to get used to, which felt like another cock tip altogether. I tried to pull out, but I knot was well in there and too large for me to remove. Kyle had shot a giant load, covering the wall of lockers in front of him and panting once done My load, was all inside of Kyle, and I could see his sides expand my cum. My knot finally contracted and I was able to pull out of Kyle how was clearly exhausted. I was tired as well, and I could hear clapping coming from the center of the locker room. The coach blew his load and stood up, grinning at our feat.

"Excellent! You two will make a great addition to the pack and team. Welcome to the basketball team boys!" I could not help but smile. High school was going to be so much easier, and I can only imagine how my future will look with Kyle by my side.

"Practice at 3 PM tomorrow. You boys go home and rest." The coach had walked off, only to be followed by the other teammates. I could only look at Kyle who was already half-asleep. As I picked up my stuff to head home, I had to plan a way to tell my parents how I got as large as I am, after I wait to change back of course. I guess I could just say puberty kicked me hard in the ass...literally. Well, guess I need to sleep for practice tomorrow.


*Well, I hope you all enjoyed and was worth the wait. Sorry for any errors and again, please feel free to leave CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Thanks guys! :3*

_The next story I write WILL have more sex scenes and WILL be much longer. This was just a practice for me to be sure it was good enough to put up. I do apologize for ending the first part abruptly, but I did not wan to rush through the good part. X3 I am just pretty bad at ending the :P _