The News

Story by insertclevername on SoFurry

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#5 of (untitled story)

So i know it's been awhile and I'm sorry but college takes a lot of time away. but i have every intention to keep writing! so here's chapter 5, enjoy :)


Mike lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. Of course he couldn't sleep. His parents tried to kidnap him and they beat Daniel; how could he possibly calm down enough to sleep? He got out of bed and checked the clock. "Midnight..." he muttered. He knew he wouldn't have to go to school in the morning, but he still wished for sleep to take him. The wolf made his way down the stairs, watching the door as if expecting his parents to burst through it at any moment.

"Danny was hurt because of me," he said to himself, "if I turn myself in then he wouldn't be in danger anymore, right?" He grabbed the doorknob and opened it, staring into the night. Going back to his parents would save Daniel, but what would happen to him? Would he be shipped away to be "straightened out" or would his dad just beat the gay out of him? He tried to move his feet, but his fear kept him in place no matter how much he wanted to protect his friend. He didn't know how long he stood there, but his thought was interrupted by a car pulling into the driveway. He watched Daniel get out and grab a briefcase before noticing the young lupine.

"Going somewhere, Mike?" he asked, walking toward the door. The wolf stayed silent as he stepped aside, allowing his friend in. The fox put his briefcase on the coffee table and sat down. Mike followed after locking the door. "Going back won't help anyone, it'll make things worse." He thought to himself.

"I thought you were asleep," Daniel said as he opened his case.

"I couldn't sleep...where were you?" Mike asked, looking at the papers in the case. His friend handed him a packet with a slight smile "I was visiting a friend of mine."

"The young canid looked confused and wondered how Daniel could seem so calm after what happened. He read the title on the cover page out loud "'Form of Legal Adoption'?" The wolf's eyes brightened a bit.

Daniel closed his case and smiled wider "Well unless you have any objections, I'd like to legally adopt you."

"Of course I don't mind! This is awesome!" Mike said excitedly as he gave Danny a bug hug, but let go when he heard him grunt. "Sorry," he said "forgot about your arm."

Daniel smiled "It's fine, don't worry about it"

Mike thought for a second as his face made several different changes "I would to have to explain everything that happened, wouldn't I?"

His friend wrapped his good arm around the wolf "Yes, you would have to tell everything to a judge. Maybe even a jury." The wolf gulped and just looked up at the fox.

Danny sighed "You don't have to go through with it. But if you were legally my son instead of theirs, it would make it easier to get them to stay away"

Mike sat there silent. What should he do? Deal with his parents or let the public know about him? On one paw, he could get a restraining order. But on the other, everyone would know. But if everyone knew, he wouldn't have to worry about keeping this a secret. He looked at the packet for awhile. "I want to do it."

Danny kissed his head and got up, heading to the kitchen "We'll go over the packet tonight, so let me get some coffee. Oh, and don't worry about school tomorrow"

Mike nodded and gave a slight smile. Maybe things were starting to look up for him again. He hoped so, he didn't know how many more problems he could take.


so theres chapter 5, hope you liked it. i might add more to it, im not sure yet. i hope chapter 6 wont take as long.

TTFN ^.=.^

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Well here's part four, hope you guys like it :) ### Mike's lungs screamed for air, he didn't know how long he had been running, he just kept going. He didn't look back, didn't slow down; he just kept running. Finally he couldn't go any more and took...

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A New Home

Aaaaaaaaand here's number 3! This is all I have written so far. Hope i haven't bored anyone yet :P ### Mike rolled over as light filled his room "Please tell me it was all a dream" he sat up and looked at his clock, checking the date "Of course it...

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The Truth

Soooooo here's the next one :) ### Mike woke up and looked around. _Where am I?_ He sat up and rubbed his eyes, then took another look around the room and smiled. "I remember now" he said out loud. He sniffed the air and he drooled a bit "French...

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