The Anger Poem
Original: yeah, the title is a little bit silly because my teacher abruptly wanted our poetry names for the slam. but nevertheless, enjoy my first draft of the anger poem. ohhhh so angry.
The anger within
Started to boil within me. it drowning out the pain. a thought of my brother telling me that i needed to control my anger, a odd kind of fear in his eyes at the mention of my anger, came to mind and i tried to use the calming techniques i had learned. controlled
Anger Issues
She shook with anger and had to force the thought of adorable kittens to her mind. she repeated a mantra she heard off of a semi popular tv show, regarding kitties and the softness of their fur, and managed to reign in her anger; if only for the moment.
A Father's Anger
It had always seemed that dragons were above such things as anger and hatred, above insult, almost aloof. but in those moments, when the heat of the anger was first upon me, i truly understood my people, understood a simple fact.
Anger Management
But alas i would not receive me shoe beating waltzer but a court ordered teenager with supposed anger issues and a history of bullying her classmates. yippy. generally court ordered therapy went horribly at least for the first few weeks.
A god's anger
This is my part of a trade with soonico a god's anger in the digital world lies a lost server. within the server is a forgotten digimon, seraph, he has slept since the server was lost.
Anger Management
anger management, by dragonmasterx. stormy was a hard working wolf. she didn't have the most exciting life, but her office job paid the bills let her enjoy her hobbies just like any normal person.
Angering the Gods
The Millennial ReinnFaire. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to celebrate all the gods had done for the people of Dalon, at least in the Saff'Raldian nation. According to legend, this day was the day the gods ascended to the heavens and began...
6.1 - To Anger the Shadow
It didn't help that the issue of a journalist having managed to take a photo of her made her seethe with anger.
Anger Can Be Useful
"anger can be useful," he whispered.
Darzarath - To Anger the Shadow
Listroz raised his voice, his previously smug attitude being replaced with bitter anger. "even the council called you out after having heard of what you had done." "she killed my children!"
Anger, Fueled By Lust
The boy whimpered, but the pokémon ignored him, stepping closer and closer, his eyes brimming with anger and rage. adam felt the fear rising until he could take it no longer.