Happy Hallo-Wing

Story by BluDragon360 on SoFurry

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*In honor of Halloween, I decided to make a little something. Hope you guys enjoy. Oh, it has M/M, Cock Growth, Transformation, and other stuff..so if you don't like it, DON'T READ IT!!*

Happy Hallo-Wing

By BluDragon370

The candle lit carved pumpkins inside and the smell of a pumpkin pie in the oven was a clear indication that either Thanksgiving came early, or it was finally Halloween. Halloween was always my favorite holiday. While others liked it for the candy, I liked the costume wearing aspect of the great holiday. I quickly sat up on my bed and embraced the sweet smell emitting from within the kitchen.

"Honey, get up and get ready. You still need to get your things ready for tonight!" My mother yelled from the kitchen. I could see her head poking out from the second floor.

I hoped out of bed and began to take off my pajamas and put on a red shirt and grey cargo shorts. I ran to the bathroom to get my morning routine out of the way. As I brushed my teeth, I glanced at the mirror. My fur was all tattered, my tail had bushed out, and it seemed as though I grew a couple of inches taller. It was always hard to use my costumes from previous years, since I was growing rapidly. I am 12 years old and every year I get taller, which gave me the excuse to go out and wear something new. I didn't mind at all, especially since I have an idea as to what costume I want. I saw a pretty good dragon costume last year, but I chose the ninja one instead. I figured I could just go get the dragon costume the following year. I finished getting ready and ran downstairs to enjoy a glass of pumpkin eggnog and Halloween themed cookies

"When was the last time you took a bath mister?! Your fur is everywhere! Well, I guess since it's Saturday, it really doesn't matter."

I never understood how my mother looked so pretty very early in the morning. Since she was pure Artic Wolf, her white fur was clear of imperfections, and she was well to keep it that way. My father, however, was a Gray Fox, and had a orange hue to his fur. He sat on the table with a Halloween mug on one hand and a pipe in the other reading his newspaper.

"Relax honey, he is still a boy. Besides, it is the weekend, he deserves a break on this wonderful day", he said with a stern voice and a raised eyebrow.

"I know, but Robert should still look his best. It looks like he came from the wild!" My mother was always uptight on presentation.

Well, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Robert, as you could see. I am an Artic/Gray Fox mix, so my fur is white all around except for the grey on my paws and the tip of my tails and ears. I am short for my age and somewhat on the "fluffy" side. My eyesight is not very great, which is rare in the fox species.

I looked at my dad with pleading eyes to let me escape before my mom had a panic attack. "Why don't you go and see if Daniel wants to come with you to the Halloween store? I'm sure he has not picked a costume yet." With that, I grabbed my coat and headed next door.

"Thanks dad! Sorry mom!" I was too excited to say it in a formal manner.

I reached Daniel's house, which was already full of Halloween décor outside and all along the house. They really took it far this year, but I simply darted to the door, avoiding anything that moved. Once I got to the door, I rang the doorbell, which had been changed to play the "JAWS" theme. How classic. The door open slowly and a black hooded figure stood at the door. I yelled and turned around, avoiding looking at the creature in the eyes.

"It's okay Robert, it's just me...Daniel's mom!" She reached her hand on my shoulder. I turned to see her hood pulled down and her face exposed.

"Isn't it a bit early to wear the costume?" I spoke with a bit of an annoyance.

"Sorry Hun, but I just wanted to see if it would fit. I was so happy that it did, I just wore it around. I'm guessing you are looking for Daniel?"

"Yeah. Did he get his costume yet?" I was hoping for a no.

"I don't think so sweetie." Score! "Were you going to go to the Halloween store down the street?"

"Yes mam, I saw a cool dragon costume last year and I wanted to wait for this year to get it!" I nearly jumped for joy, but I saw she had a disappointed look on her face. My tail seized to wag and my ears dropped down and laid flat atop my skull. "What happened?" I could not imagine why her face changed so quickly.

"Well, the owner closed his shop last year. That's why we haven't gone with Daniel to get his costume. He was pretty upset today." My dreams came tumbling down. "I did hear about this new place that opened today. It's past the old store in a creepy building. Guess it's perfect for the kind of store it is." My heart raced once again. I might not get my dragon costume that I wanted, but I might find something even better!

"DANIEL!" Her yell was as frightening as her costume! That woman had some lungs in her for sure.

I heard steps on the stairs creak, and I waited to see my best friend again. He was shy when I met him a couple months ago, but now we practically see each other every day. He is my age, 12, and a bit taller than I am. When he came to the door, I saw him with his normal purple hoodie and sexy blue jeans. I couldn't help myself from staring at his feet paws. I always found him attractive, and that is when I discovered my true sexuality. How could I not? He was a pretty lean grey wolf with white framed glasses resting on his muzzle.

"Hey! I guess you don't have a costume either", he said with heavy sadness.

"No, but your mom was telling me about a place that opened near the old Halloween shop. Wanna come with?" My voice cracked from the excitement.

"Heh, sure." He shrugged his shoulders and went upstairs to get his wallet.

His mom was still at the doorway. "Oh you boys. Well, have fun and be safe!"

"Yes mom", Daniel said as he ran past the door. He pulled my arm as if making a quick getaway. She closed the door after we were two houses down, and Daniel began to walk. He let go of my arm, but I was hoping he wouldn't.

"So have you heard of this place?"

"Nope, not sure what kind of costumes they have", I said in anticipation.

"Man, I was hoping you were going to go as a dragon. You looked so cute in the costume!"_He stopped and I saw the redness from his blush behind his cheek fur. _"Uh, I mean...cool!" Daniel tried so hard to cover his blush and to stop his fluffy tail from wagging. He knew I was gay, I told him all my secrets whenever we had sleepovers. He was a little defensive on the topic, but I could tell. "Besides, it would be cool to see a real dragon!" I knew he tried to dismiss the conversation.

The last of the dragons have never been seen for ages. There have been some accounts of sightings, but that is it. We arrived to the front of the shop, which was in what seemed like an abandoned cottage that had a hanging sign with "bloody" letters. There were spider webs and tombstones all over the front yard and patio. It seemed like a home store, which added to the creepiness level.

"Seems like this guy has some realistic looking stuff! Can't imagine the costumes he has in there." Daniel proceeded to the front of the door and rang the doorbell. I followed closely behind. The chime was changed to a scream, which caused us to jump into each other's arms. Daniel quickly jumped back and began to blush again. I was not sure if it was my vision, but I could see a tent rising from his jeans. "I guess nobody's home. Oh well, I'll just make my own costume." Just as Daniel turned around, the door creaked open and the candles lit themselves.

"Wow, those are some cool effects. It must cost a fortune!" I yelled with enthusiasm.

We entered the cottage, and the door slammed shut shortly behind us. We glanced back, but figured it was the effects doing its job. The inside looked more of a haunted house than a store, but at least we can enjoy that on Halloween.

"Hello! Is anyone here?!", Daniel yelled with his paws to the side of his muzzle. "I guess the door thingy must have been left on or something. Let's go, I don't want to be trespassing." We looked at each other and nodded our heads in agreement, but then we heard a soft voice.

"Oh, but you are not trespassing. Welcome to the Little Horror Shop! We have everything you need at the cheapest price!" The man was in a robe with a large hood, but he had a hissing sound to the end of every word. We figured he was a little too into his character.

I was a bit frightened, but Daniel nudged me to speak. "Hello sir, sorry to just waltz in, but do you sell costumes?" I ended my sentence in a hopeful tone.

_"But of course! What were you interested in?"_He seemed a little excited.

"Well, do you have any...uh, dragon...costumes?" Again, I ended in the same tone.

"Excellent choice! We carry two...costumes...at the moment. Looks like you came right on time."_His voice was starting to freak me out. _"What about you child?" He looked over at Daniel.

"Who you calling child?! I guess a dragon costume is cool. Can we see it?" Daniel had an anticipated tone.

"Why yes, follow me."_He turned and seemed to hover over the ground. As we left the entrance way and into a long corridor, I noticed there were many pictures with some type of reptiles in them. They seemed to be Draconic in nature, but I figured it was just a fantasy painting. "_Ah, here we are!" He pulled out a wooden chest with a lock to it. He reached in his robe, pulled out a small key, and unlocked the antique chest. Wind blew inside as the lid popped open, which I figured to be a bit eerie. He reached in a pulled out what looked like a latex suit. The costume was black, with red on the tip of the tail and under the belly.

"Cool! Can I try it on?" I could not contain my excitement any longer.

"NO!"_The man seemed to have roared or growled, but returned to his normal tone. _"Do not put this on until you are ready." I saw gleaming eyes in the hood of his robe, but it seemed to have a yellow glow to it.

_"Ready for what...Trick-or-Treating?"_Daniel asked with a confused but silly look on his face.

"YES! Yes, that is it. Trick-or-Treating" He pulled both suits out of the chest and handed one to each of us.

_"Don't we need to try it on?"_I raised my eyebrow and giving a quizzical look. I was hoping it would be an excuse to put it on"

"No, it will fit your body type. Trust me", the man said with a toothy grin.

_"It must be that stretchy latex stuff that's in wetsuits or whatever."_Daniel seemed to have had it figured out. I couldn't ignore that cute confused look of his.

"Okay", I sighed_. "How much is it gonna be?"_ I was expecting a three-digit number, especially with the slick material used for the suit.

"It's on the house. I've had it for so long, and it looks like you really want it." He seemed eager to get rid of it. Even then, I wanted the dragon costume so much, I didn't care.

"Thanks Sir!" Daniel and I managed to holler at the same time. With that, we turned and headed for the entrance. I swore I heard laughing once we got to the door, but I simply ignored it. The door opened on its own once more and closed once we were on the front porch.

"Can you believe we got the costumes for free?! I can't wait to try it on!" Daniel seemed content about the costumes, but I started to develop an uneasy feeling about the suits.

_"Doesn't it bother you that he would just give them away? Besides, I didn't see anything else for sale."_I began to question the whole experience.

"Look, just don't think about it too much. I don't know about you, but I'm gonna try it on in the alley. I want to be able to take it back and change it for something else if it doesn't fit." He was heading to the nearby alley before I could even speak. I followed him, especially since a costume can't kill you or anything. "Besides, it's getting dark. I want to see where I can get horns or something." It was getting dark, but the alley was well lit with lamps. The alley itself was between a coffee shop and a pizzeria, which luckily for us, were closed for the Holiday. There was no traffic since it stops at a dead-end and the only other thing there was a middle school.

Daniel tried to put suit on over his clothes, but was unsuccessful. "Damn, this thing is really tight. Looks like I'm gonna have to get rid of the extra clothes." With that said, he began to unbuckle his jeans. I have seen him in nothing but his boxers when he slept over and I would glance at the limp outline of his sheath in his trousers. He pulled down his jeans, which dragged the boxers with it, exposing his pubic area. I couldn't help but stand there gazing at the sexy wolf.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are you gonna try yours on?" He caught my attention. When I looked up, he had already removed his shirt. The wolf had some muscle tone and broadened shoulders. It wasn't until drool hit my foot paw that I realized my mouth was open and my long tongue was sticking out. I could feel my cock slipping out of its sheath as I stared at the wolf, which caused me to move my suit in front of my shorts.

"Uh, yeah, hold on."_I was lost for words. After trying to focus on something else, my cock slowly withdrew to its cozy tube. I was now able to look at the suit, which seemed a bit too small for me. _"I don't think it will fit."

"Man, I'm going to go commando in this thing. This suit is too tight for boxers." He had already worn the suit, but seemed to have trouble with the groin area. I was surprised there was a hole already in the suit for a tail.

I blushed at the mere thought of looking at his exposed meat. I was hoping he would strip down to fit in the suit.

"Eh, we are both guys right? Just don't stare!" I was excited, and my tail started to wag uncontrollably. He proceeded to remove his boxers. Slowly, he pulled his trousers down his legs and exposed the tip of his sheath. My cock slid out once more, and I could feel the pre staining my underwear. I had not tried my costume on yet and figured I would need to do the same to fit into mine. I removed my shorts and shirts. I turned away from Daniel, as to not see the staining from the pre. Once I turned around after I removed my underwear, Daniel had stood right next to me and saw my enlarged cock leaking pre. "Um, well...*ahem*...what do you, uh, think?" I noticed his blush, and I saw that he would glance down. His groin began to bulge, but he did not notice.

"Looks, uh, pretty...pretty good." I had never stuttered like a did just now. He looked into my eyes, as I stood there naked. I knew what he was going to talk about, and I prepared myself for the worst.

"I...um, I have feelings for you."_He spoke with a firm tone, and my eyes grew large. I always had a feeling he felt like that towards me, but I didn't think he would ever own up to it. I stood there with my jaw down. _"I always did, I just didn't know how to tell you." He started to walk closer to me, opening his arms and hugging me. I felt hot as my prick pressed against the latex material.

"Really? I felt the same towards you, but I wasn't sure if it would change our friendship." I sighed a breath of relief. It could not get any better than this.

_"Try your costume on!"_He pulled back and I could see a spot of pre on his suit. I slid into the suit, but it was hard getting my sheath and now hard cock into the suit as well. I finally had it on, and it felt great. "You look great!" He walked closer to me and I held his head on my paws, bringing his muzzle closer to mine until they finally met. The moment I had long waited for finally came true. We began to passionately kiss, our muzzles locking into one another. Just as we pulled apart, I felt a slight tingle from the back. Pain shot through my whole body and I fell on my knees. I looked at Daniel and I could see he was in the same amount of pain as I was.

"Gah, what's happening with the suits?" It was hard to yell, as it felt like every ounce of air was pushed out of my lungs.

"I, ow, don't know", Daniel grunted.

The suit started to press tight against my body, as it got warmer. The latex had felt heavier, as a scaly texture began to form. The latex stretched to my face and around my muzzle, forming around my eyes and other opening from my face. As the suit got tighter, it began to form tightly around my crouch, feeling as though it had become one material. I looked over and I could see Daniel's sheath. My cock grew out of the sheath, which stretched the material even further. The latex finally seemed to form a type of reptilian skin, and merged itself into our bodies.

"What the hell was that?!"_I couldn't blame Daniel for his anxiety. I did not understand anything that went on, but all I knew was that I am now covered in black scales, which felt cool to the touch. _"That old man gave us some messed up costumes!" Daniel seemed more upset that the costume was "gone" than the fact that he was no longer covered in fur.

"Well, at least whatever that was is over no-..." My body began to tingle once again. Daniel had stood still, looking over his body. I felt heat through my fingers and held them to my face. My paws were becoming claws!! Three claw-like fingers with sharp ends. My arm grew longer and skinnier, and my hand had matched my fingers and arms. I noticed Daniel began with the legs. His hind legs became more dragon-like in appearance; longer and thinner. His foot paws formed claws as well. His feet had caught my attention, as I did not notice my lower body change in the same form as his. I was staring at his feet, which caused me to feel horny. I had a craving to lick his feet, which was unusual. I bent down, and started using my now forked tongue to lick and play with his feet and claws.

"What are you doing?" He moaned from the cool touch of my tongue.

_"I'm...not...sure,"_I said between licks. Pre began to leak uncontrollably form my cock. Daniel moaned and pre leaked form his cock as well. My tongue wrapped around each toe-like digits and around his foot. Our tails started to grow longer and thicker, about the width of our backs. My tail thumped on the floor and I could feel it slither around. Daniel managed to learn how to control his new tail fast, and inserted the tip into my anus. I tried to yelp, but a large growl escaped my mouth. As we fondled with one another, I felt a stabbing pain in my back. It felt as though something was ripping out of my back. I stopped licking Daniel's foot, and yelled as two large wings broke free from my back. They moved involuntarily until I was accustomed to moving them on my own. I stood up and expanded my wings, giving a glorious sight to Daniel, who was freeing his new wings from his back.

_"I can't believe it...we actually have wings!"_Daniel kept flapping his large wings until he hovered above the ground about four feet high.

"Get back down here! We still need to finish!" I had to finish what we started, and I wasn't going to let him go that easily. He dropped down and we now laid in a 69 position. I licked his foot up and down as he sucked me off.

I felt another tingle, this time in my groin area. I figured it was my climax, but my cock felt as though it was retreating in the sheath.

"Man, you seem to be getting a little on the short side." My cock was going back in its enclosure, but felt as horny as I would ever be. I continued to withdraw until my sheath started to retreat into my pubic area. The sheath formed a slit and I felt something slide out of the slimy hole. My cock grew back, and past the length it was before. The pointed tip became even more pointed, and ridges formed underneath the head of my cock. Spikes came out of the length of my now two feet piece of meat between my legs. The knot had swelled out and now had an oval form to it. The color had gone from a red to a dark purple. I could only stare at amazement as my cock now reached three and a half feet long and about a foot wide. My balls swelled to the size of pumpkins, and I could feel my seed slosh inside with every little move I made. Daniel's cock had changed in the same manner and I had moved from his foot to his large prick.

My head began to feel as if it got on fire, and I felt two lumps form on my forehead. As I glanced at Daniel, I noticed two magnificent horns shoot out of his head. The horns looked about a foot and a half long. I rubbed my claws along my horns, amazed at the size and strength. My muzzle extended a bit wider and my muscles started to become much dense.

My balls swelled even further as I reached my climax. Seed had completely filled Daniel's mouth, and continued to pour out at a rapid rate for about five minutes. Daniel also came, and I was excited to drink all of his cum. The cum entered my mouth and it caused my stomach to bulge out a bit. Before I could even wipe the cum from my muzzle, Daniel had gotten up and was about to insert his large cock into my virgin hole. I braced for impact, and as he slid his dragon cock into me, my insides were stretched near its limits. I felt immense pleasure and I growled, releasing a puff of flames from my mouth. He continued to ride me, sliding his rod in and out. He had reach his peak and came inside of me. He removed his meat from my ass, and it felt warm, and I laid there embracing his seed as it continued to drool from my ass. We were both laying on one another as we panted.

"That was amazing", I yelled, panting to catch my breath.

_"Hell yes! So does this costume have some kind of off button or a zipper or something? I kinda want to go home now."_He looked all around his new body, but what he was looking at was all him. All of his sexiness in the cute dragon costume.

"Why would you want to go home? The night just started, besides, we haven't gone trick-or-treating."_I hugged him and brought my snout to his. "_What do you say?" I tried to convince him to stay with me.

"I guess we can celebrate Halloween. I mean, we have the best costumes now."_He stood up and grabbed my claw. "_Well, let's make this the best Halloween ever!"

I stared into his beautiful eyes. "It already is", I said, as I began to flap my new wings and fly into the cloud covered skies with my amazing mate.

*Sorry for any mistakes. Figured I would take advantage of the free time I had and write this, so bear with me. *

Happy Halloween Everyone!!!