Auric Beings

Story by rinnir on SoFurry

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I could feel her aura growing bigger. It felt as if it was crushing me. I had to press against the wall to avoid feeling it. After what seemed like a minute the aura began to subside. I looked at the body that was on the ground and could see a faint rising of the chest. I thanked whoever there was to thank, and ran to her side.

She was a young cheetah, orange fur and black spots. She had a slim athletic figure. I didn't know her at all but for some reason she and I had ended up in this building at the same time. The building we were in was a law firm that I was an intern at. I had stayed there after hours to finish a legal notice. On my way out this girl had stumbled out of a doorway and into the main room. She looked at me and her aura had grown. I pushed those thoughts aside and picked her up and carried her out of the building.

Not knowing where she lived I decided to take her to my apartment. It was only three blocks away from the law firm. She was extremely light and I didn't even run out of breath on my way there. There was an odd thing about her aura, it was almost non-existent now, nothing like I had felt before. Now, you see, I'm not able to see auras but I can sense them when in close proximity. The city streets were dark as I made my way to the apartment, the street lights casting odd shadows along the sidewalk. All the buildings loomed over me and I was beginning to feel as if I was being watched. Soon I had made it to my apartment and gotten inside and closed the door, locking it quickly.

I laid her down on my bed and went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I saw my reflection, a petite house cat build, with gray fur, and of course green eyes. My name is Zene, a twenty-one year old intern with little money. Due to some scholarships I was able make it into law school but sadly my income was barely enough to cover my living expenses. I walked back into my room. The cheetah was still asleep, her breathing normal now, so I decided to take a quick shower. Back in the bathroom I quickly took off my clothes and turned on the shower. The water heated up quickly and I got in. I cleaned myself up quickly, the water never stopped getting hotter, which wasn't unusual for this apartment. When I was done I got out and dried myself off. I gave myself a mental slap to the forehead when I realized that since I usually slept nude I hadn't brought any other clothes in. Putting on my old clothes was out of the question, one of my odd O.C.D. habits of not being able to wear the same clothes after a shower. Peeking out of the bathroom I could see the girl still laying there. I walked out and headed to a suitcase where my clothes were. Since I was so broke I didn't have much furniture in the apartment. Picking out an outfit to sleep in wasn't too hard, a simple blue shirt and sweat pants. I put the sweat pants on and turned around to find the cheetah awake and staring at me with frightened eyes.

"Oh, um, hey there." I said in a voice that I hoped was soothing. She scooted back in the bed and pressed herself against the wall. "I'm not going to hurt you." She blinked a couple of times before nodding slowly, seeming to relax a little.

"Where am I, Miss?" Her accent caught me off guard. It was a southern accent. We were deep north, it usually snowed all the time. I was from a city not far from here so I knew my accent nearly matched the one from here.

"My name's Zene, and we're at my apartment on third street." The cheetah looked at me with an odd expression. I realized that I didn't have my shirt on and quickly put it on. As I did this, she slid to the edge of the bed and sat there. "So, what are you doing this far north..." I trailed off not knowing her name.

"Parisa. My name is Parisa. And what do you mean north? Are we not on the southern continent?" This question caught me by surprise. Not only were we not on the southern continent, we were on an island even further north than. Not that it was a small island, it was big enough for a handful of large cities and a large number of villages and towns. Of course the only way on the island was by plane, so this bewildered me even more.

"No. We're not even on the northern continent to be honest. We happen to be on an island." Her eyes widened and her fur seemed to lose color. I could see tears forming in her eyes. "Hey, its not that bad. We can go to the embassy and get you home." She shook her head and looked at me.

"I'd rather find a place to stay here. The embassy wouldn't be able to help me." My curiosity was growing by the second. Why would a fur from the southern continent end up on a northern island and not even know where she was? Amnesia? I doubted it because she was talking as if she knew something was going on. I decide to ask about it anyways.

"Do you know how you got here, or what happened before hand? Maybe someone you could contact." Once again she shook her head. I could tell from the look in her eyes that she didn't want to talk about anything personal. "Ok we don't have to talk about it, but if you need a place to stay for tonight I can offer that. There's a couch that I can sleep on and you take the bed. Oh and so I know that I'm not keeping a minor, can I know your age or at least a range?

"I'll stay her for tonight, thank you for offering. And lets say I'm anywhere from seventeen to twenty." I was relieved to know that if she was a minor that it was only by a year, I did question it in my mind though. She looked as if she was fifteen or somewhere around that age.

"I'm sorry if you're hungry but I have nothing to eat right now. My food source is dependant on cheap restaurants right now." She nodded and laid down on the bed letting me know that the conversation was over. I walked into the main room and laid down on the couch. It wasn't the comfiest couch in the world but I had slept on it before and I'd be able to tonight also. It wasn't to long before I fell asleep.

I woke up to whimpering coming from my room. I was confused as to why I wasn't in there or as to why there was whimpering. Last night came to me and I got up off the couch and quickly moved to my room. Parisa was curled up on the bed shaking. I didn't know how she'd react to being woken up, but whatever type of dream she was having didn't seem to be a good one. A gentle nudge to her shoulder and she sprang awake. She looked around in confusion just as I had. Soon she realized what was going on and stopped shaking.

"Thank you." She said simply. The next thing she said caught me off guard. "Umm, I know this is strange but do you think we could share the bed? I usually sleep better with someone next to me." I looked to the clock on my nightstand. Three o'clock. I only had five more hours till I had to be up for class. I had one of the weirder hours for school, but I didn't complain. I hesitated for a second before answering her question.

"Sure, I guess." She scooted back towards the wall to give me room. I laid down next to her with my back to her. I felt uncomfortable being in my bed with a complete stranger. At least it was a girl. I would've said no if she were a dude. Soon she fell asleep and not long after that, so did I.

The alarm tore me from the dream I was having. I quickly hit the snooze button and looked to Parisa. She had pushed herself away from the wall and was snuggled against me. Rolling away from her, I could feel her aura enveloping me. After standing up and walking away a couple of feet, I was able to get away from it. It was extremely weird, someone her age usually wouldn't have an aura that strong. I wished that I could see her aura, the color might explain it, but sadly sensing them was the best I could do. I thought back to my dream. There was a forest with dead trees littering it, but oddly enough they had green leaves on them. If I touched a branch it would break easily. None of the trees were broken, just dead. I thought hard about it until I heard a noise behind me. Parisa had woken up and was standing up. She smiled at me and began to talk.

"Wow. I slept so much better. Thank you for the bed and your company." I just nodded wandering what made this girl so intriguing. "Um, I hate to impose, but is there anyway that you could get something to eat for me?" This question didn't surprise me. I usually didn't eat before class due to taking too long to get ready, but I decided I could skip class today and get a bite to eat.

"Ok, and I'm not trying to sound mean but I won't be able to do this again." She nodded and began to walk into the main room. Noticing that her clothes were torn and dirty I stopped her. "Wait. You can't go out in those clothes." When she turned and looked at me, I motioned her over to my suitcase. When we got to it, I began to rummage through it looking for something that would fit her. I stood at five feet and five inches. She was some odd inches shorter than me so I figured something I had would fit her. I picked out a shirt that was a little tight on me and handed it to her. "Ok, let me find you some pants now." She didn't wait for the pants once I had given her the shirt and had quickly stripped down to her undergarments. Since I hadn't turned back to the suitcase, I noticed scars on her body. One in particular ran from her shoulder down to her stomach. Without noticing me staring at her scars she had put the shirt on. Her legs were covered in scars also, though none as bad as the ones on her body. That meant that one of my skirts was out of the question. I turned back around and found a some skinny jeans the I hoped would fit her. I handed them to her but she didn't put them on right away.

"I'm not trying to impose. But do you have something like shorts that I can wear under these? Not like shorts but, you know." I nodded as I understood where she was coming from. If her clothes were torn then what she wore underneath probably wasn't comfortable either. I handed her a pair of boxer shorts and a bra, which I had forgotten to give her, and began to look for clothes for myself. She had made her way to the bathroom to change the rest of her clothes. I decided on what to wear and quickly changed into the normal undergarments, a mid length orange skirt, and a blue top that fit me loosely. When she walked out of the bathroom and I could see the clothes on her I noticed that the skirt went a little past her knees but the shirt fit her perfectly. "Thank you, everything fits good." I looked at her one last time and noticed that she was still holding the bra. She could tell that I was confused and quickly spoke up. "I'm have a flat chest as I'm sure you noticed, so I don't usually wear one. Really is uncomfortable to me." I nodded, still a little confused. Either way I walked her to the door and we left for one of my more favorite cafe's.

Please give me feedback as to if I should continue this story or leave it as is. Thank you in advance. Oh, and Subject Nine will be continued just I'm having writer's block on that subject.