Nyte's Dawning Part1
Nyte's Dawning Part 1
Nytesilver smiled to hirself as shi sat on hir haunches, about fives minutes walk from the village. Hir eyes closed as shi took in the scents and sounds of various animals and plantlife, "Mmm. I don't care what mum says; I can't hear the world like this when in the middle of the village." Shi thought to hirself. "I need this to relax." The chakat started to sing a soft song while shi ran an ivory brush through hir hair, hir voice carrying out into the forest around hir. Hir ears twitched at the sound of a branch breaking a few minutes later and shi stopped singing as shi cast about, "Reddawn, is that you? Don't tell mom I snuck out again, ok?" Suddenly, shi felt a flash of pain, then nothing.
Peter sighed as he listed to his brothers plan, "I'm telling you, Pete; the world has life on it! Rumor has it that a colony ship crashed there when people first started exploring other planets!" The five-foot-six human rolled his eyes, "Then how come no one has seen them? The Feds have not sent anyone out to contact them? It's a waste of time that could otherwise be used to make money Bob!"
Robert snorted, "Right, because we find our hold packed with slaves to ship. Look, why don't we check it out. If we find intelligent life, we may hit the motherlode for slaves and be rich!"
"Or, we could end up dead. That's just as possible, bro." Peter delivered this in as cheerful a tone as his brother delivered his idea before getting serious, "But, since you already dragged our butts out here, we should give it a shot. I swear..you and you get rich quick ideas.." Pete sighed.
After they landed their ship, the two humans slipped out, phasers at the ready, and looked around, "Hey..Robman..Which way?" Robert glanced at his brother, shrugged, and then gestured to the west and they started out, eyes open and ears straining. An hour later, they heard singing, the two men blinking in surprise and looking at eachother. They snuck through the brush, geting closer to the noise before they spotted who was making it.
It was a felitaur! At five feet even, the taur had its eyes closed while it ran a brush through its hair. The beings hair, silver as moonlight, shimmered as the sun caught it while the rest of hir looked to be a shadow. Not all of her, the humans mentally revised; There was a tuft of silver fur between her breasts and silvery socks on all four paws. Anotehr oddity was hir eyes; no whites, no iris, no pupils, just..silver. The two men look at eachother and thengrnned softloy as they tried to sneak closer, "Perhaps Bob was right! Even ONE chakat is going to fetch us lots of money, if we can break hir.." Peter thought to himself and then froze as he stepped on a dry branch, making it snap. His brother glared at him while the chakat spoke, "Reddawn, is that you? Don't tell mom I snuck out again, ok?" The two humans grinned once more. Shi is not with anyone; Perfect! Robert leveled his phaser and fired at the felitaurs chest and the duo watched as shi convulsed once and hit the forest floor.
The men ran over and grinned to eachother, "Bob, you may have actually hit on a good idea for once!" His brother looked injured, "'For once'? ALL my ideas are good..it's just that people are dumb and catch on by using logic!" Pete snorted and lifted up the taurs upper torso, "Well, Mr Smart man, grab hir legs and lets get carrying before this 'Reddawn' shows up!"
A chakat with fur a ruddy orange-red with splotches of white, sighed as shi left the village walls, "Damnit, Nyte! You can't keep sneaking off like this. I plan to be your denmate someday and I don't want to worry for you as much as your sire and mother!" The chakt mumbled to hirself as shi made hir way to what has become known as 'Nytes Haunt', a clearing the blind chakat is known to relax at. When shi got there, shi froze, "Not here? But shi only ever goes here!" The chakat looked around and then spotted something white laying in the grass, "Nytes brush! Shi loves this!" Shi scented around with hir nose, catching Nytesilvers scent, "Hmm..fresh-ish, but fading..perhaps fourty-five minutes..Thank the Goddess the wind is soft." Hir sharp eyes then spotted a few broken branches and shi frowned, "Shi knows better than to go deeper into the forest!" With that, the taur took off at a run, gripping hir bow tightly.
The humans grunted and struggled to drag the felitaur aboard their ship, Peter swearing, "Why are these things so heavy!?" Bob simply grinned at his brother, "Why not get killed and ask the people that made them?" Pete threw his brother an irritated look, "I-" He froze as he heard a scream and spun, seeing another chakat burst out of the brush and level a bow at him. He flinched as he saw the arrow fly..and glance off of him, his pesonal force field belt taking the blow. Both humans dove aboad and pushed the button to close the door, watching the chakat, stunned for a moment, suddenly charge at them. The door closed just before a loud thud could be heard, followed by the screeching of both claws on steel and an enraged felitaur, "Shit! Pete! Get us OUT of here! I'll drag Miss Kitty to one of the free rooms and lock her in!" Peter nodded as he ran to the cockput and started the controls, the ships engines starting to warm up as it lifted off the ground. He had to smile as, even over the ships noises, he could hear a surprised yowl outside, "Ha! Stupid, backwoods cat! Bet you have never seen this before!" He then relaxed as the ship left atmosphere, the men now safe.
Reddawn heard talking ahead and slowed down to peer through the brush, eyes widening at what shi saw. It looked like a large, steel den! 'It would take DECADES to make something like that! Wait..What are those two hairless things doing..NYTE!' All thought ceased for the chakat as shi lets out a scream and charged out, nocking an arrow and taking aim at the shocked, black-haired thing. Hir aim was true as the arrow flew for its chest..and bounced off! Shi froze, staring in disbelief, what ARE thse things!? Shi was goaded back into action as shi saw them dive into their den, almost landing atop Nytesilver, and then shi saw a large, steel door closing. The chakat charged towards the ship, murder in hir eyes, but did not make it before the door closed and shi slammed into it. Shi let out a screech as shi tried to find some way to pry it open, claws scraping across steel again and again. In hir rage, the chakat did not hear the telltale whine of engines starting up, though shi did notice when the 'den' started to rise! With a surprised yowl, the felitaur lept back and then swore as shi saw it lift into the sky, and disappear. With a scream of rage powerful enough to sear the snow atop the distaint mountains, Red collapsed to hir belly, "NYTE!"
Nytesilver awoke with a start as shi felt a wash of sorrow and range, hir eyes popping open. Was shi at home? No..Everything was..cold..metal..Shi could hear a strange humming and shi could not sense hir loved ones. "What..Where am I!?" The taur scrabbled to hir feet and cast about, not sensing anything but the strange joy and relief of two odd beings. Shi tried to walk that way and yelped as shi hit something hard and cold, the chakat feeling about with hir hands as shi quickly learned that shi was in a metal box. There was something that felt like a family sleeping nest, but too small to even hold hir! Also some odd basin, perhaps for washing? A crackle made the taur jump and fluff out hir fur, "Ahh, the cat is awake! You just get comfy in there, little kitten. You are going to make my brother and me lots of money!"
The two brothers looked at eachother and then started to laugh once they were in space, the euphoria of getting away from the enraged taur making them giddy. Peter was the first to speak, "Whoo! Thank God for personal force fields. Not the greatest, but they do save lives!" Bob odded with a grin, "Oh yeah but remind me to never piss off a chakat in the future! We need to get better at kidnapping!" Just then, a screen caugt his eye and he chuckled as he watched the taur walk into the locked door, "What is shi, stu..pid?" The two men paused to watch hir feel about the room with hir hands before Peper growled, "Shi's blind! A planet of chakats and we get a blind one! DAMNIT!" Robert grinned, "Hey! Shi will just have to work harder to be a good little slave, is all! Did you /see/ hir coloring? Hir eyes! Any owner would buy hir to just look pretty!" The blond male grabbed a microphone and spoke through the speakers mounted in the bedrooms, "Ahh, the cat is awake! You just get comfy in there, little kitten. You are going to make my brother and me lots of money!"