Lucien: Dinner and Dessert

Story by Lucien Lerderna on SoFurry

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#12 of Love Can't Be Different


The proceeding two months saw Lucien in a blissful state of affectionate...

The proceeding two months saw Lucien in a blissful state of affectionate comfort with Tommen, though they had not gotten nearly so close as they had previously. Today, Lucien was sitting next to Tommen on the bus, holding his hand idly, while Tommen traced little patterns in Lucien's thigh. They had not had much to say this morning, so Lucien's sudden perk up and interest in conversation had put Tommen on edge.

"Thanatos and Alisa are going out this weekend, and I was thinking we could go with them. What'cha think?" Lucien cooed, being as vague as ever, and insinuating with his eyes that more than going out would happen. It took Tommen an unusually long time to answer, but he did finally answer affirmatively. Lucien mewed happily, and the way he squeezed Tommen's hand made him shiver anticipatorily. Lucien refused to answer anything related to details, though he insisted that Tommen must pretend to be a gentleman for the night.

School saw Lucien being more and more flirtatious until, when Tommen got off the bus, Lucien followed him, waiting for the bus to pull away, and kissing him warmly on the cheek. If it had not startled Tommen as badly as the ninja kitty kiss did, he would have enjoyed it and been immensely flattered. It was a bit of a walk to his house from here, after all.

Unfortunately, Tommen didn't understand what pretending to be a gentleman was, so he called Thanatos, whose number he had acquired at some point in the recent past, in hopes of getting a detailed answer. It turned out, though he was loathe to admit it, that they were going to the goth bar Lucien had mentioned occasionally, and that pretending to be a gentleman meant to look semi formal.

Lucien did not give Tommen a lot of time to prepare for this, but had given himself plenty. Outfit and demeanor and jewelry and hairstyle and shoes were picked out, as were most of his come ons. Tommen, however, spent the next three days looking at himself and his closet and dismaying at every turn. At the last minute, already cleaned and groomed, he found something he deemed suitable, and walked over to Lucien's house, feeling confident and sexy.

When he arrived, he saw Lucien's window open, and heard a voice call out that he was welcome to come in. He entered conscientiously and slowly made his way towards Lucien's room. However, he was stopped in the hall by an arm bearing two pairs of underwear blocking his path. "A or B?" A voice that was definitely not Lucien's asked Tommen, indicating which was which.

"Is this really appropriate?" Tommen asked the arm. "Why do I have any say?" With no response forthcoming he quietly grumbled, "A..." It happened to be a slinky little lace and satin thong in black, with a bow on the front and back, both of which happened to be the largest item of cloth on them.

"Thanks!" The arm responded, retracting and shutting the door. Tommen entered Lucien's room with no further obstruction. He sat on the bed silently, hoping that things would not get weird tonight. He looked at Lucien's clock, seeing that he was a bit early. He could not help himself, he was excited. More for what would come after than the date itself, but that was okay.

After an eternity, Lucien's door opened, and Tommen turned to look at someone who was most definitely not Lucien. Or at least if she was, he was a lot better at this stuff than previously thought. She purred sweetly, "Hi, Tommen."

Tommen took a few moments to collect his jaw. The white kitty girl in front of him was the most dazzling thing he'd ever seen. She was wearing a black silk shirt that was about a size too small, and her waist was displayed with a newsprint cincher. Her skirt reached halfway to her knees, and was pleated gray corduroy. Her legs were clad in fishnet and nylon stockings, secured by two bright pink garter clips which disappeared up her skirt, and a little lacing on the backs of her thighs. On her feet were black high, high stilettos with little burgundy and black lace accents. Her hair was in loose, very soft layered waves, and her makeup was perfect. Her eyes were dark, and her lips were dark, her neck was clad in a lace choker with little silver tag, and her earrings were three dark studs in each ear. The silver, wispy hair clip holding her vision clear was the most alluring accent.

After about three minutes, she did a slow, nervous twirl, before asking, "All you're going to do is stare at me?"

"What could be better... uh...?" Tommen asked, utterly unsure of the rules here. Is she new? Is she Lucien? Will she get mad if I say that? Do I have to be polite?

"I don't care what you call me, as long as you do." She purred evilly.

"Okay, Luci." Tommen said, unsteadily.

"How astute." She teased, fingering her choker. "Come on, let's go wait for Thanatos and Alisa, hm?"

Tommen agreed, opening the door for her, very happy to watch her ass and legs as she walked down the stairs. Her heels were loud. He had never been with Lucien and heard him walking. This was... different. Either way, he had been turned on since the panty choosing.

"You know, we're both very early..." Tommen said warmly as they sat on the couch.

"You're not going to ruin my makeup." Luci pouted.

"You're no fun." Tommen pouted back.

"Oh yeah?" Luci purred, looking over her shoulder at Tommen, from her miraculously quick movement onto his lap. She ground her hips blissfully against Tommen, leaning back and letting him nibble and kiss her neck and smell her delicious scent and perfume. Tommen uncharacteristically groaned quietly at the ecstatic pressure of Luci's butt grinding against him.

Despite their playing, Luci kept her eye on the clock, and slowly teased Tommen less and less, until finally the doorbell rang. Luci waited for Tommen to get up and offer his hand, taking the opportunity to not let him go. They opened the door, and greeted Thanatos and Alisa warmly, though not bothering to head inside.

Thanatos and Tommen appraised each other. Tommen was dressed in cargoes tighter than he normally wore, and a nice, expensive shirt that Thanatos had insisted he borrow. It, too, was rather tight, since it was meant to fit Thanatos. It looked good on him though, and it looked like the more masculine version of Luci's top, which he rather liked, for some reason. Thanatos, tonight though, was wearing a tight, fairly long pencil skirt and tight white, frilly-fronted blouse with his hair done up in white chopsticks.

Alisa, eyeing Luci approvingly, got her own once over. She was wearing a nice long cocktail dress, which Thanatos seemed to like in one manner or other, since he never stopped playing with Alisa. Her simplicity was elegant, and Luci cursed Alisa for her curves, but said nothing. After some small talk, they headed away.

The bar that he had heard so much about was more of a classy restaurant with fetish waitresses. Thanatos, Alisa and Luci knew pretty well everyone on staff they came across. They were ushered to a very nice, somewhat private table with a nice view of the girls hurrying around in their short skirts and petticoats.

Tommen felt the need to be informed, at this point, so asked Luci what the situation here was. "Well," She began, "Thanatos is a major financier of this establishment, and so we come here rather often. Thus, most everyone knows us."

"Major financier?" Tommen asked, shocked.

"You've noticed Thanatos is rich. Well, he decided that all of the sleazy guys his father has from overseas on business could use a nice place to do business and ogle pretty girls. He thus approached this failing place and stole it out from under them. It's a very niche business, but more rich people from around town are starting to drink here, which would be nice to see a change in high fashion, but that's a little farfetched."

"That's just too insightful." Tommen muttered. "But, I can see how three tables of twelve hundred dollars a month is better than fifty of a hundred. Less product and overhead."

"Good boy!" She purred, kissing him on the cheek. He wondered if that was the lipstick that he had uncovered in Lucien's room so long ago.

They sat down, Luci and Tommen and Alisa and Thanatos on respective sides of the table. They were given menus, and between the hostess's flirting with Luci, the waitress's flirting with Luci, and the obviously very rich men looking lecherously at Luci, Tommen was feeling somewhat stressed. They were handed menus, and inconspicuously a cocktail menu. Tommen's eyes bulged at what power could do, as Thanatos picked up the small menu, patted the girl on the rear casually, and thanked her.

Nobody else seemed bothered by it, gropee included, so Tommen ignored it. Luci asked him, after a short time, what he thought he would have. Tommen was by no means boorish, but he was having a hard time deciding, just because of the colors of everything. Thanatos's goth motif knew no bounds, purple tomatoes in almost everything left all dishes bloody dark, and the three squid ink pasta dishes made horrifyingly, he was assured, beautiful plates.

Black broccolis, purple cauliflower and salad greens of literally every hue were on salad course. Soups like a crayon box in color and difference next, followed hot and cold and warm and messy and clean and barehanded and not were all present. It took a while, but Tommen managed. Luci then handed him the cocktail menu and shushed him when he groaned in defeat. He decided on the least girly-sounding cocktail on the menu. Pomegranate and black currant with black rum and spiced rum and lemon zest.

All of their drinks were served in black, black glass crystal, so none could see what they were drinking. Thanatos assured Tommen that he was drinking a fruit smoothie, because he had to drive, but he was unsure. Their food arrived on black plates of mirror-glazed ceramic and they ate with silverware of black, beaten steel. After dinner, without being asked, they were given four small bowls of sherbet redder than blood. It was black currant as well, and Thanatos said that he just couldn't get enough of the stuff, is why he got it. Dessert was espresso, and their bill was paid directly to the tiller, while the waitress accepted her tip with a peck on the lips. Thanatos asked, though quietly, if they wanted to stay and have drinks, but Luci said that she was getting tired. Thanatos said something that earned him a heel in the foot, but they left anyway.

After they left Thanatos's car, Tommen stood awkwardly at the door. He'd slept here so many times, but it felt different now. Luci pulled him inside insistently, not taking Tommen's nervousness for a moment. "Would you like something?" She asked softly, rubbing his shoulders from behind while he sat on the bed, untucking his shirt and taking off his shoes. "Brandy, coffee, candy, ice cream, cough syrup, um...?"

"Brandy and coffee sounds nice. Both hot, yeah?" Tommen asked politely, still in fancy mode.

"Yes sir." She cooed and trotted off. For some reason, Tommen liked her better fully dressed without the shoes like now, he decided in wait for his girl and his drinks.

She returned momentarily with both hands full, setting the drinks on the end table, bending at the hip to make sure Tommen saw her beautiful ass in the panties he himself had chosen. Tommen growled silently, and when she turned around, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his lap. She was smiling evilly, and leaned forward to receive her kiss. Tommen wrapped his arms tight around her and kissed and kissed and kissed.

God, she was so soft and warm. She smelled and tasted wonderful, and looked hotter than sin. She gasped nicely between kisses, and nibbled his ear softly. He did not know he enjoyed that until now. In return, he nibbled his way down Luci's neck, who moaned quietly like a good girl, rocking her hips against Tommen's lap. Their lips met again shortly, and their tongues wrestled in Luci's mouth for what was definitely not long enough. When they broke, Tommen was panting and glassy eyed, still unsure how he always ran out of breath first.

Hearing this, Luci slid herself - without even moving! Tommen noticed - onto the floor in front of Tommen, on her knees. "It sounds like you need to relax a minute, hun." Luci purred, hugging him around the waist. One hand snaked all the way around to undo the button on his pants, while she undid his zipper with her teeth. Tommen watched raptly, utterly unable to believe she would do this unbidden.

She opened his pants and nuzzled the crotch of his underwear, where a wet spot and a half hard cock was waiting for her. "Mmh, you smell so nice." She crooned, rubbing up and down his hidden length with her nose and closed lips. He started to stiffen at that, and she cooed eagerly and pulled down his underwear. She had felt it before, and had seen it before, but never stared right at it. It. Was. Huge. She thought gleefully.

She grabbed him up with one hand, extracting the other from around his waist, and holding his heavy, furry sac, rolling it gently in her hand. Holding his base, she pumped a very little bit, licking from her finger to his tip over and over and over. Tommen mrrf'd softly, wondering in jealous fury and utter worship towards and for whomever taught Luci to do this. She let go of his cock and sloppily licked from her cradling palm, up, up and all the way back down Tommen's cock, ending by licking worshipfully across his lower tummy.

Luci was surprised how quickly something this big got hard. She commented dirtily, and gave it a long, deep kiss on the head to stop Tommen's response. Finding that she loved Tommen's precum (though she knew that already), she pressed on, pulling back and the pushing forward, taking two-thirds in her muzzle, seemingly, without trying. She was trying her damndest. It was hard not to gag on what felt like the telephone pole in her throat, but at the same time, she relished in the feeling of Tommen's huge cock throbbing in her throat. She could feel his heartbeat, and he certainly sounded like he liked it.

After having kept him in her mouth for a long time, staring at him, she pulled back, almost all the way and slid back in. She managed a little more, but began back up before she really noticed. She let his cock fall out of her mouth, and stroked it hotly, lapping his balls and slicking the other half with her spit. When he was nice and slick, her wet hand slid all the way to the base of his cock, and her lips, with obvious and valiant effort, met her hand. Tommen groaned, seeing Luci's eyes staring at him, cock stuffed almost all the way down her throat, licking and trying to swirl her tongue around his cock.

When her throat stopped twitching from trying to expel the invader, she pulled him out again, drooling down her chin. At that, she abandoned her shirt, not wanting to get the silk yucky, leaving her in an ornate and rather flat bra. Seeing Tommen watching her so intently, she licked her fingers and started playing with her nipples under her bra, which he liked a lot. That reminded her that, under her skirt, her own arousal was burning with need.

She bobbed her head down on Tommen's cock again, one hand under her skirt. Every time she moved she managed to get a little lower, and despite knowing it was absurd, she wanted to throat that whole cock. Her dildo wasn't so terribly much larger, and she had managed that once or twice. This wasn't even practice, it was fun! She moaned around his cock when he twitched eagerly, and a thick, sticky spurt of precum coated her tongue. It was hot and slick and tasted like Tommen, and she moaned as every tenth or twelfth pump she felt another little bit leak out. When finally - finally! - she managed to bury her nose in his belly and nuzzle him affectionately, she pulled off and started jerking his cock with both hands, licking the head passionately and rubbing it all over her face, moaning and purring and drooling and worshiping his cock like a good girl. After a while of that, and enough time later to compose herself, she moaned desperately, "God! Your cock is made for this. Mmm..."

Sliding her lips back around the head of his cock, her one free hand moved back under her skirt, grinding gently, making her moan and purr harder than Tommen's cock in her mouth. Tommen, for one, enjoyed the purring. It was like she swallowed an egg vibrator, and it felt great! He pet her hair softly, rubbing her ears and, occasionally, pumping her head down nice and deep and fast several times, which by now Luci had managed to make possible.

It was rather obvious when Tommen was about to cum, though he wasn't being very gentlemanly about it. He had her by both ears and a knot of hair in each hand, and he was facefucking her harder than she would have preferred, which, in her current state, was not hard enough. He let her up for a moment to breathe, and it sounded like he was panting harder than she was. Seconds later, she was staring him in the tummy, one arm wrapped around his waist lovingly while he used her like a fuck sleeve.

Her other hand was moving furiously under her skirt, and she moaned rather loudly, eyes rolling and half closing, while Tommen furiously worked himself the last ten or twenty thrusts to orgasm.

He moaned, which was uncharacteristic, and held Luci down firmly, nose so tight against his belly that she couldn't breathe at all. She felt his cock twitching madly in her throat, and finally felt him start to orgasm, spurt after spurt after spurt of thick, hot cum. She held still, though was finding that her vision was getting a little spotty from lack of oxygen. She lost count how many shots he left in her mouth, but she was really afraid she would spill it when he pulled his cock out of her mouth. He slowly let her come up, and she sucked nice and hard, to make sure Tommen was clean of his mess, and to make sure she got every drop.

His cock popped free, still hard and red and twitching occasionally. Tommen milked his cock firmly, and a little dribble coated the bridge of Luci's muzzle. Tommen let go, and rested back on his elbows. Luci leaned back and opened her mouth, showing Tommen what a good girl she'd been by keeping all of it. She swallowed exaggeratedly, and cooed, "Mmm, you taste so good!" Before standing up and purring, "I'll be right back, hun."

Luci hated the taste of cum, but she also knew how nice it was for him to have cum inside her mouth like that. Besides, she'd drink his cum every day if he wanted. She plodded lazily and very tiredly to the bathroom, where she discarded her skirt in her hamper, sure she would do laundry tomorrow anyway. As it landed, she smiled at the slimy strands of her spit and Tommen's precum coating the outside, and her orgasm covering the inside. She washed her face and brushed her teeth, and headed off to the kitchen.

When she returned, Tommen was done with his coffee and started on his brandy. She slinked up to the bed, curled up around him, and started to kiss his ribs and tummy. Apparently Tommen was ticklish, because he hated that. She sat up and tried again, leaning into him and kissing him warmly on the lips. She was glad Tommen trusted her enough to clean the cum out, at least.

"Lucien, that was incredible." Tommen crooned, not even noticing the misstep.

"I'm Lucien now, hm?" She asked, though the illusion had disappeared at his statement.

"Uh huh. I'd rather you than anybody else, anyway." He admitted.

"You'd rather the skirt than anything else, I'd bet, though." He accused.

"Well, yeah. But as long as it's you, it's okay. I love you, Lucien." He burbled, finishing his brandy and pinning him to the bed. "I love you, and I think it should be your turn, though I dunno if I could do... that." He said bashfully.

"Hun, I came, go look at my skirt in the hamper. I hope it doesn't stain. Besides, I'm tired. I had a great night. I love you too." Lucien said. "You mean it?" He amended, unsure.

"Who couldn't love you?" He demanded, alternating between holding his pretty kitty close, and shedding his clothes for bed.

"Well, me, for one." He teased, though not sounding gleeful about it.

It Tommen a moment to realize what this was about, and whispered in his ear, "Well I think your cock is adorable, so you're not allowed to get rid of it until I'm tired of it."

Lucien choked up and said nothing. Tommen laughed and kissed his girlfriend.