Autumn Night

Story by Ryuna on SoFurry

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The moon hung high in the sky casting the world in its soft gentle glow. A creek babbled on about the change in the seasons from summer to fall as freshly fallen autumn leaves drifted down stream. The sharp tart scent that drifted on the cool breeze told me of the fast approaching winter. The sweet scent of decaying leaves mixed with the bitter sharp scent of the humans burning them along with the fragrant white oak and pine. This time of year has always been my favorite, ask my mate. He would tell you of a time before humans lived in villages or made cities. He would tell you of how we meet that cool autumn night long ago in the forest. It had been a night much like tonight, but of cause in a place much different than this one. My mate and I didn't know it at the time but what happened that night was more than just a simple fluke. No that was one of the best nights of my life. I had never known what it could be like with a male till I met him.

Always, Ryuna

The rustled through the gradually barren trees of the forest as I walked down the long deer path looking for my nightly catch. My paws made little to no sound on the rain softened leaves. It had been raining all day making it harder than usual to find pray. There was little chance that I was going to get a good meal tonight. Growling to myself I walked deeper into the forest till I came across a babbling creek. The water looked inviting but I knew better than to go in it at night. Leaning down I lapped up some of the cool refreshing liquid. The sound of something in the bushes makes me turn quickly ready to pounce on whatever foolish creature thought to cross paths with the likes of me. The rustling got louder as whatever it was got closer. Out of the bushes poked out a black muzzle that took deep breaths scenting me. Growling and easing down into a crouch as I dared the wolf to come out and face me.

Smiling at me the wolf stepped out of the bushes. His strong body large body made me pause as I stared at him. There was something different about him and other wolves of the area. Was he larger? That had to be it, and he was staring at me like I was dinner. A shiver traveled up my spine as I turned and bounded over the small creek. I would be damned if I was going to end up as a midnight snack for him. A few seconds later I heard him crashing through the underbrush after me.

~Wait! ~ I heard a deep male voice echo in my head; ~I only want to talk to you! ~

Right like I believed that. He only wanted to talk to me about getting in his damn belly, not happening, I told myself right before I went crashing down to the leave covered ground face first. Damn please don't let him just attack me and eat me there I begged the forest spirit. I was cowardly waiting for an attack that would never happen instead I felt a cool wet nose nuzzle my ear.

~Found you. ~ He growled happily. ~I'm sorry that I scared you. ~

~I didn't do anything I swear! ~ I yelped ~I'm a good tigress! ~

I didn't realize that I was only turning him on by being such a submissive cat. If you know anything about cats, then you know that we hate being told what to do. Hell if almost never works for those who don't know how to handle us. Sadly for me he did. And very well at that... I still purr when I think about what he did to me that day. Any ways I'm getting a head of myself.

~I don't care if you are a good tigress or not,~ He growled softly in my ear, ~I'm going to show you why you never run from a wolf like me.~

With that he licked my ear sending shivers racing down my back. Gods it felt great. Though I could have used some warning before he went slamming his... Whatever into my virgin pussy... *Growls to self* Yep so totally could have.

~Gods! ~ I yelled as my body started to tremble around his member. It felt so good to have him pulling out then slamming in hard and deep. Next thing I knew I was seeing stars and he was panting above me saying we had a problem. ~What problem?~

~I knotted. ~ He stated with a smug smile on his face. That son of a bitch had done that on purpose I swore and to this day still do. Even though we are happily still together with 5 children. *sighs* And boy are they a handful.