Best of Both Worlds - Herm Orca TFs

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A short story i did with a friend on FA :P

There wasn't a cloud in the sky on a warm summer day as Alex and Peter were relaxing at the local beach, happy to have the weekend away from any troubles and concerns. Their towels were laid out on a fairly empty part of the beach to keep them from being trampled and moved by the other beach-goers, and Alex was just drying off after a swim. The heat was pretty high, so they'd both likely head back into the ocean or grab a drink soon. "Man...coming here sure helps relax a guy, you know?"

"Indeed, though in this heat, it feels like we're sitting in an oven" Peter chuckled, also drying himself off.

"That's for Good thing we're at the beach, though...say, want to hit up the refreshment stands or something? I'm not quite ready to head back into the water."

"Sure, I could do with a nice cold one right now. Want me to come up with you, or you want to go up alone?"

"Up to you, man. I don't mind grabbing something to drink for you after I get something myself. I'll pay for both since they're fairly cheap at the stand we passed. Kinda feel sorry for the attendant, though - that Orca costume's got to be hotter than hell in this sun."

"I might rest here for a little bit, if that's ok with you." He said as he laid back on the ground, putting on a pair of sunglasses.

"Alright, man. I'll bring back one of those lemonades they were offering. Probably going to have one myself." Nodding, Alex grabbed his wallet and made his way back over to the stand they'd passed earlier. The suited attendant was still there, and from the looks of it, business was pretty slow. But given where they were on the beach, this wasn't too out of place. Waving, Alex took a seat on one of the stools. "How much for two of those lemonades? And...isn't it hot in that suit?"

"Eh, not really - I'm kinda used to it." She smirked to him. "As for the price, it's 50c each, or two for 80c. Not really about making a lot of money with this, I just want people to enjoy it."

"80 cents for two? I'm sold, so here you go. And at least you're used to it, right? I'm Alex, by the way. Nice to meet you." After placing the change on the counter, the attentant placed two lemonades in front of Alex, both of them in tall glasses that looked quite sturdy. His throat rather parched, Alex took a long sip from his glass, savoring the odd tang that the drink had. It was rather tasty, he thought.

"You like it?" She grinned to herself as she watched him take another slow sip from it.

"Mmmra...yeah. I do...this tastes delicious." Another kind of heat was welling up from Alex, but it came from within, though he didn't really notice as his skin's texture started to change and fade into a dark black, his body starting to swell with muscles as he took another sip from the glass.

She just watched eagerly as he drank more, his skin growing darker whilst upon his front, it grew lighter, taking on a pure, untainted white. The hairs on his chest fell away as his skin grew smoother, almost rubbery to the touch.

"This best lemonade I've ever had. What's your secret?" Alex grinned, still unaware of his changes as the smooth skin rapidly took over his swelling arms, now thick with muscle, hands expanding in size as he took another sip, holding the liquid in his mouth for a moment before swallowing it.

"Mmm...I add just a teeny tiny bit of milk to it" She giggled, a thin webbing forming between his large hands. He could feel a bump forming right in the middle of his back as he felt his swimming shorts starting to tent, a pleasant warmth filling his groin.

"Mmm...milk's very good....with this." Alex shifted slightly in his seat as a large dorsal fin slid its way out of his back while an impressive six-pack throbbed into existance on his chest, which still seemed to be throbbing. As he took another long sip, his shorts began to tear as his cock began to lenghten quite considerably, turning a dark black as it reached at least a foot, if not more in length.

"Uuuhh..." The female panted, starting to finger herself as his cock grew and twisted, growing thinner at the tip, the head tapered, looking more and more like the cock of an orca whale.

" good....." Alex grinned as he took another long sip from the lemonaide, a long, thick tail began to snap and crack its way out of his spine, flopping about in the sand as fins grew in on the sides, all the while his legs also began to swell with muscle as they expanded. As the female looked up inbetween moans, she noticed something unusual happening to the changing human.

She looked on curiously as Alex's chest began to swell out further than it should, two large mounds of flesh forming as his nipples grew larger, turning a deep black to compliment the white, liquid dripping from them as they grew to at least a D cup, forming massive breasts.

" fucking good...." As Alex took another long sip, the breasts swelled a little larger as one of his massive hands reached up to tweak a nipple. He was too enthralled by his changes to really care as the texture on his legs began to change as well, webbing starting to grow in between his toes.

Milk dripped down his hands as both his toes and fingers gained huge claws, shining in the light. The heat that filled his chest moved downwards as he felt a wetness between his legs. He was forced to spread them a little as his ass grew larger, more rounder, whilst a wet pair of vaginal lips formed under his swelling balls, his innards changing slightly as he gained a womb.

"Unnngha....sooo good....hmmmraa..." As he became a shi, Alex's free hand went from a breast to hir new pussy to begin fingering it as shi took another long gulp from the mutational liquid, beyond caring about the changes that were altering hir body. Hair began to fall out as hir neck thickened - and the female was still quite surprised - this was new.

"That must feel quite good..." She chuckled to hir, observing the changes further as she saw hir head began to balloon in size a little, becoming slightly more rounded.

"You idea..." Shi laughed deeply and finished off the glass that shi'd bought earlier in one gulp, rocking back and forth on hir seat as shi continued to pleasure hirself, body starting to grow even taller and broader, at least 8-10 feet tall now as the skin on hir face gained the same texture.

As hir neck finished thickening up, shi felt hir nose sink into hir face, nostrils fusing into one as it moved to sit atop hir swollen head, teeth growing into sharp fangs as hir eyes moved to the sides, turning a deep blue as hir jaws pushed into a orca mellon, ending it all.

"Moougghaaaaaa! Ohhhhyreessssssss!" As hir ears shrank into hir head, Alex was brought to the point of orgasm, hir fluids soaking the seat, the ground and a bit of the drink stand. It felt hir. Shi didn't know what the other orca had done, but shi wasn't going to complain. And a look at the drink for Peter gave hir an idea. "Say...mmm....want to go visit a friend with me? He'll love this...." Shi grinned, an idea already formulating in hir mind.

"Mmm, that would be fun...but perhaps I should be a bit honest with you..." She chuckled as she stood up. As shi approached Alex, shi was able to see that the girl wasn't wearing a skin-tight was all too real. And to really drive it home, shi also noticed that she had been somewhat aroused by all this, her breasts slightly larger, a long, slender cock resting against her...hir chest.

"Hmmm....I had a feeling about you...especially when my nose changed...but...mmrrraa...doesn't matter." Alex grinned, picking up the glass for Peter as shi stood up. By now, he had to be wondering what was taking hir so long - so shi'd better hurry if the plan was to work. After explaining it, the two orcas hurried back to where Peter was, drink in hand. "Hey Peter! Got something for you ~" Alex yelled as they got closer.

Peter didn't recognise the voice of his friend as Alex's voice had changed during the transformation. "Are you calling me?" He turned around to the source of the voices.

"Yes sir, I am! Your friend asked me to bring you this drink since he'll be a while longer. His treat to you, you see." Shi grinned - Peter didn't recognize hir, but once he got a good look at the two of them, Alex had a feeling that Peter wouldn't be too upset at the sight. Shi still had the drink in hand and was holding it out to the human.

"Errr...." He was bright red in the face, staring at the two orca herms. Unlike Alex, he knew that they weren't wearing costumes. ""

"I see you like what you see, offer still stands. Do you want this drink? It's got a....slight hint of milk in it." Alex chuckled as shi got a little closer, making a small circle to show off hir body to hir friend before presenting the drink to him once more, the scent of it more obvious due to it being freshly mixed as opposed to the one Alex had had before.

"Sure..." He was still blushing, reaching out to take the glass as he continued looking at them.

"Once you're done with that you'll probably want off some steam, if you catch my drift..." As Peter took the glass, Alex grinned - he was obviously enthralled by their forms, and probably knew on some level that he'd be shedding his humanity when he drank it. "You'll like this form, trust me. I sure do."

"What do you mean?" He was more confused now.

"It's me....Alex. I had a drink there and...well, I think you can see what happened. It feels so...rrrahh....goood." Shi grinned and stepped closer to Peter, who still seemed to be looking at the glass a little.

"So you drank this, and turned into a hermaphrodite orca....Interesting..."

"That's about the size of it. you want to become like us? I can't force you, you know." The thought had crossed hir mind, but Alex wanted Peter to decide on his own. Even if he declined, shi doubted he'd go telling their secret.

"You know what? I'd love to" He smirked, suddenly gulping down the contents of the glass.

"Mmmrahh...I thought you, which one of us do you want?" Alex grinned as Peter rapidly consumed the contents, the effects almost immediate as his body began to twitch and pulse, muscles rapidly starting to swell as his skin began to change textures.

" do you mean..." He shuddered, feeling his muscles throbbing as he watched his darkening skin.

"I think you'll feel it soon enough..." Shi grinned as Peter's arms swelled with new muscles, the skin there and on his back turned black, with the chest being white. Claws grew from his rapidly expanding hands and webbing formed between his fingers. Peter could feel himself growing larger, broader by the moment.

"Fun's just starting....and it does feel sooo good...." Alex couldn't help but begin stroking hir shaft as shi watched Peter's changes, watching as his chest began swelling out farther than normal on a male, a massive pair of breasts forming on his chest, the dark black nipples already leaking milk while his cock began to lengthen. "Ouughgh....ffffuckkkk....."

"Ruuurhuhrhu...." He walked towards the two herm orcas, looking at them lustfully - he knew that he was in for a good time with those two. He also knew that he'd be right in the middle of it if he played his cards right.

" you want to play? I'm game...." Alex lay down on hir back, exposing her cunny to the changing human, while the other one advanced from behind. Peter's cock reached at least a foot long and turned black as it twisted itself into an orca's tool at the same time as a massive tail snapped and cracked its way out of Peter's tailbone. The scent of arousal hung heavy in the air around them.

"Mmmuruhruh...go for it..." He panted as he pounced on top of Alex, driving his cock hard into hir eager lips, thrusting hard into hir.

"Aoooughghaaaaa...mmmmm....time to put that to use...hmhmmm..." Alex moaned lustfully as shi was penetrated, arms closing around Peter's back while his ass filled out a little more, becoming rounder and smoother, before a wet feeling filled his groin as a vagina opened up just beneath his swelling balls, his body changing inside, which was all the opportunity the other orca needed to drill into Peter's pussy. "Mmmmmm.....rrrrhhaha....this was a good idea...."

"OOHHHHHH!" He, rather shi, bellowed as shi bucked against the orca behind hir, thrusting hard into Alex underneath hir as he placed his hands along Alex's chest, soon moving up to grope at hir breasts.

"Oh...god...yesssssss....." Alex bucked into Peter's thrusts as shi was groped, smiling widely as Peter's legs swelled with muscles, hir larger feet gaining a webbing between all of hir clawed toes. The trio were in heaven, bucking, thrusting and grinding as a large dorsal fin slid out of Peter's back, further erasing any connection shi had to humanity. "Unnghaa...fffuckk...."

"This is....uuhruhruhr....Aahhhhhh...." Shi moaned and panted, crying out a little as shi continued to drill and be drilled between the two other orcas happily.

"Mmrrghahaha...a...ggggooodd..iidea...." Alex latched onto one of Peter's breasts and suckled hungrily at it, watching as Peter's hair fell out as hir neck began to thicken and shi began to get taller, matching the size of the two other orcas that had hir sandwitched.

"Yeesss....lovely..." Shi groaned, feeling sweet milk flowing from hir teats as shi looked at Alex longingly, hir eyes gleaming gently as shi was milked.

"Mmmmmmrraahh...." Shi just grinned as shi watched Peter's nose vanish into hir face as the nostrile moved to the top of hir head, ears sinking into hir head, all the while hir teeth altered themselves into shining fangs. To finish it all off, as hir jaws pushed out into an orca's melon, hir eyes moved to the sides of hir head, turning a deep blue in the process.

"Ooohhrhuhruhruhauhauhahahah!" Shi let out a long, melodious cry as shi came hard into Alex, filling hir to the brim with rich, creamy herm orca cum.

"Mmmmrrraoouuhaahahaaaaaaa...." The other orca and Alex came at the same time, filling and being filled with cum. It felt so right to them. Alex was happy that Peter had accepted the drink so eagerly - it wouldn't have quite been the same otherwise.