Pikachu and racoon city part 2

Story by wiserabbit296 on SoFurry

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All right this is part two this one will be alot better

But it's still gonna have alot of messy sex in it he he ; )

Dane would wake after the pounding his big yellow ass had taken from the three undead dogs. He would stand up a littled shakey, he reaches back to feel his but it was raw and very sore, he saw the three were on the floor lifeless the virus must of selfdestructed after several hours. THe bolt of electricity made the virus go haywire and losse its main focus to spread, which mean it most likely burned its self up trying to calm the sexual urges. Dane gets up and trots out side of the kitchen, well it was more of waddle him being sore from the waste down after the major fucking he had gotten.

Never in his entire life had he ever experinced something like that before and he never wants to again. He walks down looking at the abandoned hall ways, normaly they were busy with the sound of closeing,shutting,and chatting of teenagers. He could not get the memories of the experince he had with the three dead dobermins.

"Owww...not exactly what I was expecting my first time out of the cage"he said he could feel the seed of the three moveing inside his rump. The only thing holding it in was him walking slowly when he picked up speed it would seep and spill out a little.

"...I cain't belive this is happening, I all most miss my cage" saying that would of allmost sounded insane to him before this all happend. He was so sick of that cage and the constant routine of acting cute for the humans it made him sick to his stomac, but the recent events made him long for the safety of the cage and the laughter of children, he continued to make his way down the hall the lockers were empty and some even stained with blood.

Dane stops and comes to a terribe feeling, he relized that his electrical attacks were useless against the dead and tackleing them would only get him self killed"What if there are bigger things than thoughs dogs...would shocking them have the same effect it did on the dogs" Dane thought to him self getting a cold chill, the dogs were one thing but there are animals out ther much bigger than them.

He finnaly reaches the last hall way before the exit of the school, he could feel an ice cold breeze stroke his cheek it was the feel of freedom but all so unknown. He didin't care he just wanted to get out of this prison of class rooms and education. He stops half way suddenly hearing the sound of foot steps. They came closer he looks around and dives into a nearby open locker.

He would watch as he saw someone walk beside the locker. He could not see though his vision blocked by the metal door, he pushed the door open just enough to get a look at who it was. to his shock it was the computer teacher, he had a large bite mark on his arm, he must of gotten infected on his way to work he all ways came to school early in the night to get a head start on every thing. Dane was horrified to see him like this the computer teacher was the only human he came to enjoy Dane wanted to leap out into his arms but he knew the person he had come to enjoy was long gone, replaced by something that only eats or if shocked by electricity fucks really, really hard, Dogs were large but humans were massive compared to smaller mammals.

Dane stayed back and waited for him to pass from the locker and surely enough he did. He watched the teacher stumble away slowly vannishing around the corner and into was now and empty lifeless hall way. He takes the oppurtunity to sneak out and makes his way to the wooden double door. They were all ready slightly open which made getting out a whole lot easyer, he could feel the cold brush against him but what he smelled was something that filled his nostrils it was the smell of rotting corpses, it causes him to back up and hold his noise but he had to excape from the now forsaken school he rushes and bursts through the doors with his eyes closed.

What was there to greet him on the other was something that would burn into his skull for the rest of his life. Toppled cars,corpses piled onto of one another, the sounds of screaming echoed through the streets that were once alive but now only crawled with the undead. He could see the swat cars which carried the canines in them he knew three of them were dead now. But there appeared to be others he was not about to stick around and wait for the others to show them selfs to him he soon runs off the steps to the school and makes his way to the stree. He looks up and sees a sign. There seemed to be no indication of where he was, he had never seen the outside before

Dane looked around as he begain crossing the streets field with horros past"...I've never seen any thing so horrible in my entire life...why is this happening" Dane said in his own native tounge, as he searched around he was not sure what to do at this point he just wanted to be out of dangers path. He can hear the moans of the dead but they seemed to be far off, he wonderd if it hurts to be dead"....I must figure a way out of the city, he said knowing that staying here would be of no use.

He suddenly stops hearing something in the distance moveing through some garbage can"...what is that noise" Dane thought to him self, he took a closer look and out came a Growlith, at first Dane was happy to see something so familar to him that was untill he was that its ear had been bitten. As the growlith rumaged through the garbage most likely looking for any thing liveing he noticed that its body looked beatin and shot up meaning it was most certainly infected. Dane backs away into a near by garage that was just a few feet away from the same building it would provide him shelter from the undead, he heads towards the open door and enters it seemed pretty abandoned and seemed safe for the time being. His mind raced with the horrors he is being forced to witness he did not want to end up as one of thoughs things, an empty souless corpse hell bent on killing any thing that breathed. Dane finds a nice car to lie under, he certainly was not going to sleep in view of every thing that came by he got an hour of rest before he decided it was best for him to continue looking for a way out of the city.-

Dane exits the garage door and heads south, it seemed like a good idea at the time he knew that if he could just get to the forest he would be in the clear. But that was along ways away so he had a long trek ahead of him, he mainly kept him self fed off of leftovers he found lieing in garbage or in abandoned houses. Though he had a few near encounters with some zombies nothing bad has happened. He had traveld a long distance untill he had to find a place to stop, he spots a near by dog knennel he shivers"..yikes no thanks"he said not willin to relive the school again. He moved on and found a nice locked house to sleep in. He manages to find a way through a broken window normaly this would raise alarm but all most every house his seen has broken windows so being paranoid over is senseless. He would find that the house appeared to be abandoned" The family must of rushed out of here while they had a chance" he thought, he found the couch in the liveing room to sleep on it certainly was different from the paper filled bottom of a cold steel cage, it felt nice as he curled up quickly falling asleep little did he know that there was something watching him, while he slept he thought about the Growlith he had seen and wonderd if all the other pokemon sufferd the same fate he needed sleep so he tryed to get such thoughts out of his head.

" O wow this feels so nice" Dane thought as he drifted off to sleep, he woke up several hours later his opened he could see a clock on the vcr, it read five o'clock still dark out he was unaware of a creature watching him from the shadows, Dane hops off the couch as he would trot towards the way he enterd, he stoped feeling something latch against his leg, he is soon fliped upside down dangeling by the his foot"...Who...who's there!!!"he screamed as he saw a massive creature, its brain was exposed and it had no skin on it the organ wriped around his leg was the creatures tounge, it was very thick and very strong it kept a good firm grip on his leg. Its terribly sharp claws allowed it to cling to the wallks, he shook and struggled trying to break free he was sure he was going to die here. But he couldint shock the creatures who knows what it would do to him. He bit ahold of the creatures tounge which oddly enough forced it to drop him. He took the time and ran out the exit way hearing the horrid creature following not to far behind.

Dane could see the creature quickly following behind. Leaping from wall to wall"...what am I going to do I cain' shock him..."he thought continuesly running sooner or later the creature would catch up to him and rip his head off. Dane dashes past a corner and into an abandond box he stands there panting wondering if he manage to losse the creature, a moment of silence passes untill the horrible creature pokes it head out just infront of the box entrance. This causes Dane to scream in complete terror acting on instinct he fires a accidental lighting bolt that strikes the creature causeing it to fly through the air and hit the wall hard. Dane watched in shock and fear as he waited to see if the creature is dead"...O no o no I shocked it....I certainly hope that was enough to kill it" he waited for a while and the creature did not move he breathes a sigh of relief as he soon begins to walk away takeing a glance at the creature behind him that layed motionless on the ground"...wow...lucky break I honestly thought I was done in for a second there"he thought quietly so not to attract other undead creatures. Dane figures he will head for the docks and find a boat there, if there were any left it was his best bet so Dane steps out onto the side walk to see if the coast was clear, his instincts kicked in a there was a sudden chill up his spine he dared not look back.

Dane turned to the spot of where the horrid creature lie dead,: It's gone!!!"he said with shock in his voice, he backs away fearfuly as he attemtps to find a safe place, but something wraps around his waste and hauls him into the air he flails trying to get free of the strong tounge, but it was of no use he was traped he soon found him self faceing the very creature he had run from. But something was familiar about it but he could figure it out, untill he saw it this time it was visible the virus was swirling inside of its brain going crazy, he saw something moveing from inbetween the creatures legs and saw they were multiple cocks. The virus was much more advance in this creature the sudden bolt of electricity must of causes a massive mutation, there were three each tentacle must of been three centimeters thick, he was carried away by the creature to where it had been allmost several minutes before he was tossed onto the roof of a building, he was cornerd by the creature as it walked on all fours toward him the squirming tentacled cocks along with the tounge of the creature wraped around his waste slowly made its way under his tail and inbetween his cheeks a light moan excaped his lips as the massive thick tounge easyly begain to probe inside his butt soo entering him, The tounge so thick it was spreading his cheeks makeing him moan loudly.

Dane felt the thick tounge start thrusting back and forth it was bigger than the dogs back at the school. He moaned louldy as the tounge pulled in and out licking,riming, and thrusting into him after several minutes of constant probeing from the tounge, the creatures tounge pulls him in closer to the creature it was attached to, he squirms and trys to get free struggleing and kicking but it was no use the mutated zombie had him right where it wanted him. He could feel a thick head of a cock brush up against his rear end he felt pressure being applied as it trys to force its way into the former virgin tail it soon forced its way in makeing the pikachu moan more, it was so thick it filled him up allmost completly with in a few seconds, the cock ramed into his ass over and over again the pikachu moaned as his body was over whelmed by a great rush of plessure. His moans soon became muffled as the second cock enterd his mouth reaching far enough to all most make him gag it to begain thrusting into his mouth face fucking him. The cock in his rear picked up speed all this time the creature had a face full of lust it smileing with what looked like 20 razor sharp teeth, it pulled the pikachu in close under it and the cock soon begain to go to work on Danes ass plowing into him rapidly while the cock in his mouth picked up speed as well, it wraped around his tounge and pushed its self down his throat, the tentacle working on his ass fucked him feruiously.

He could feel the massive thick tounge wrap its self around the now full erect member of the pikachu strokes the cock and balls rapidly, he could feel the cock in his ass twitch as it let losse its seed into him. His moans muffled but the cock as the seed leaked out of his tail hole, he then felt he cock in his mouth twitch and it came spitting its seed into the helpless pikachus mouth, he could feel pressure build in his loins as he was close to his own climax. The cocks would pick up speed again now thrusting into both holes at incredible speed his yellow cheeks becomeing slightly red as the blood rushed to them, it was visible past the fur Dane face was one of complete bliss as he felt his own seed now being released all over the ground, he blushes as he looks back the creature that was thrusting into him, the virus visible in its brain now all most glowing Infact it was allmost red. Flameing even it appeared the virus was burning its self out like last time, the creature begain to swell as the virus started to finnaly burn it the creature begain thrusting again rapildy into him. Faster and faster as the creature was about to reach its final climax, he moand as he could feel the cock twitching rapildy in his ass and mouth and in one big burst let losse inside the pikachu, the cocks leave the pikachu panting and exausted as it falls over finnaly dieing as the last bit of the virus burns out.

Dane had gotten up on all fours, he got several feet before he slumped over the side and he spots something in the distance it was the docks and with only one boat remained....

Pikachu and Racoon city school

All right this is going to be my first fanfic. Review,comment My fanfics are going to be mostly yiff I think I speek for alot of people when I say we realllly get tired of waiting for someone to wright a good kinky messy story. It was was...

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