My Highschool Dream Love - Part 13

Story by Tyrant Dragon on SoFurry

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Brad started tearing. This is the first time I saw Brad start to cry. I'm assuming they were tears of joy.

"I..." Brad started to say.

I started getting a little hesitant. I thought he was going to say no.

"I would love to marry you." were his next words. I jumped up and kissed him on the lips. I hugged him really tight.

"That's great." I said happily.

He smiled at me. He didn't look that excited. I was a little concerned. I thought I wouldn't be able to fall asleep from the excitement. However, I was able to fall asleep with tension between us.

I woke up the next morning and I saw Brad was still sleeping. I decided to call my parents. I told my mom what happened and asked her what she thought.

"Well, maybe this is a big step for him and he's not ready for marriage. I'm not sure what to you tell you, Tom." she said.

"Alright, I'll be home in a little bit." I said.

We hung up and I realized Brad was coming down the stairs.

"Hey hun." he said, leaning in to give me a kiss.

I turned my head away and avoided it. I was pretty mad at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Oh don't give me that, you know perfectly well what I'm mad at. I proposed to you and you didn't even show the slightest form of excitement." I said, still not looking at him.

Brad look down at shame.

"You don't understand. After you fell asleep, I thought about it. I thought about all the ups and downs about the situation and I've decided that I love you, more than anything, and I want to be with you the rest of my life. I meant what I said last night." Brad said slowly.

I looked and Brad and I felt kind of bad right now. I came up and hugged him tight. He wrapped his arms around me and put his head in my chest.

"I'm really sorry." I said.

"Don't worry about it. You had a valid point." he replied.

"God I love you so much." I said.

He smiled at me.

"Hey I need to get home and let my parents know what is going on."

"Alright." he said.

I drove home and updated my mom on what was going on. She was really happy for me. We needed to call the family to let them know what was happening. They were a little surprised that I was gay. However, they were still proud of me. Well, it was only September and we needed to wait all the way until my birthday.

Brad was sitting on the couch when his mom walked into the room.

"Hey Brad!" she said cheerfully.

"Mom! Guess what!?" Brad got up quickly and ran to her.

"What are you so excited about?" she said as she put her keys on the counter.

Brad held out the ring for his mom to see,

"Tom proposed to me last night on my birthday." Brad said.

"Oh my god! Congradulations! My little baby is getting married!" she said, hugging me.

"Oh mom..." he said, hugging her back, smiling to himself.

"Well, have you guys thought about a date?" she asked.

"Well, we're going to have to wait until Tom turnes seventeen, which is in March." Brad said.

"Oh, that's plenty of time. I need to call the folks and let them know! We need to pick out invitations as well." she said happily.

"Well, shouldn't you discuss that with Tom's parents as well?" Brad asked.

"Good point. We'll need to set a date when to meet up with them."

I got up in the morning for school at around 6:30. I came down happily and saw my mom making breakfast.

"Mornin'!" I said happily.

"Good morning!" she said.

She put a couple of pancakes infront of em and I wolfed them down. All of a sudden I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and realized it was a TXT from Brad.

"Leave ASAP, I want to make out with you and talk to you. I'll be by were you usually park." I whispered out loud to myself but not too loud so my mom would hear me.

After I ate, I ran out the door and drove to school. I saw Brad waiting exactly were he said he would be waiting. I got out and walked up to him to make out with him on the lips. After for what seemed about five minutes of making out, Brad said to me,

"Listen, we need to get our parents to meet to decide invitations, cake, and more with us."

"Good point. What day is good for you?" I asked.

"How about this Friday?" Brad asked.

I knew we didn't have anything going on that day.

"Perfect." I said.

We walked towards the school holding hands until we saw people and we let go quickly. We were still pretty embarassed to tell people about us.

When I saw Chris in the hall, I told him the news.

"Wow! Congradulations man! I hope I'm invited!" he said.

"Of course you will be." I said, lauging.

I saw Billy a little later on and told him the news. I was a little hesitant on rather or not I should but I decided to. He was proud of me as well. I'm so glad he didn't get all pissy and shit. When I got home, I decided to go straight to homework. It was only the second week, but I had a shit load. When my mom walked in, I told her what we talked about. She was satisfied with the day we picked.


I got up that day and was pretty excited that we were going to decide what we were going to do for the wedding. I went downstairs and realized my mom wasn't down there. I saw a note on the table.

"Had to go to work early. Eat Pop Tarts. Sorry. We are still on for tonight, right?" I read out load.

I threw the note away and made my breakfast. I had cereal instead. When I got to school, I didn't see Brad. 'That's weird.' I thought to myself. I got out of the car and went inside. I saw Brad by locker.

"A little different today?" I said.

"Meh, I'm just a little down." he said.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Well, we called the family last night to let them know that I got engaged. However, when they found out I was engaged to another man, they were really mad and threatened not to go to the wedding..." Brad said, looking away from me.

I turned his head to face me.

"I know the feeling. My family reacted the same way. They are still going to come though. I bet the same will happen for you." I said.

"Well, anyway, on a better note, my brother was found guilty and sent to jail." Brad said.

"Good riddens, no offense." I said.

"None taken." he replied.

The minute bell just rung. I didn't know time flew by that fast! We simply did a quick hug and went off to class. I sat there in boredom as my spanish teacher began rambling on about assignments. I could tell the majority of the other students didn't have a clue what she was talking about. I however did. I wasn't from spanish heritage but I learned a lot from the first year of spanish I took last year. I really enjoyed learning the language. I know more spanish than I do greek, my actual heritage. After that class, the rest of the day seemed to have flown by. I got home and started up on my homework. I ate dinner, played some Live, and went to bed.

Two months have gone by since we had that conversation with Brad about his family. It was now October and the trees were almost naked. I did enjoy autumn a lot. Winter was my favorite season though. I enjoyed the cold a lot. I pulled up into the parking lot and saw Brad there of course. I came up and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. We walked into school and we saw something that shocked us. The hallways were empty except for two people. Sitting on a bench, making out. However, they were two guys. One of them I recognized was Billy. The other one that really surprised me to see what Spiro. One of the people I used to joke-fuck with.

"Well well well." I said, walking up.

The broke the kiss and stared us in shock.

"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone." I said quickly.

They both sighed in relief.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked, slightly intrigued.

"About three weeks." Spiro answered quickly.

Puberty hit Spiro well. He got built, barely any acne, and, from what I saw in his pants, got pretty big.

"Well, congradulations! And Spiro, I thought you wern't you stopped being gay-like!" I said, grinning.

"Well, I wasn't getting to much luck with the ladies, so I went bi and found Billy here." he said, smiling at him.

They kissed again. Well, it seems they had a good relationship.

Three months flew by and it was now January. Finals month. The month I dreaded the most. Didn't know if I mentioned this before but I'm really anal about my grades. I always want to get straight As. However, after the panic attack, I leanred how to controll myself better than what I was. Next week was the first final day. I was already begining to study. I had either solid As or low As in all my classes. I focused on the low As. I could fail the final and still keep an A in the classes I have solid As in. Brad was begining to get worried about me.

"Tom, don't worry about finals so much. You always do well on them." he said in concern.

"You know how I get. That's just how I am. I am better though!" I said, defending myself.

"Ya, true." Brad said.

It was a beutiful winter day. Just cold enough to stay outside. I walked to school today. I couldn't wait to walk home. The cold air cooled my nerves. Brad decided to walk with me. When we knew we couldn't be caught, we held hands the rest of the way. It was so romantic to walk in the snow, holding hands with my future husband. When we got to my house, I took Brad's bag and threw it on the ground. I threw mine right beside it. I took Brad along the side of my house and kissed him deeply. I broke the kiss.

"I want to suck your sock, right here, right now." I said.

"In public?" Brad asked in shock.

"Why not?" I said, begining to undo his pants.

He murred and smiled at me. I reached underneath his boxers and grabbed his balls. I massaged them around my hands. They were nice and cold. He let out a soft moan.

"Are you sure we should do this in public? Why don't we just go inside?" Brad moaned out, closing his eyes.

I leaned into his neck.

"Oh come on, it'll be" I said, breathing on his neck.

He moaned loudly.

"Al...alright." Brad replied, tilting his head back in pleasure.

I slowly moved down, feeling his muscular upper body. I put my head infront of his bulge. I got infront of his bulge where I realized that his nice piece of meat was already out and ready to play. I leaned in and slid my tongue into his slit. Brad gasped in pleasure. I put his head into my mouth and just simply suckled on it.

"Tom, that feels so good. Better than usual..." Brad panted out, his chest going up and down quickly.

I leaned my head down and took in half of his member into my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and started thursting into my mouth. I grabbed his lower half so as he face-fucked me, I could masterbate his meat. Brad was moaning loudly. After about 5 minutes of face-fucking, his knot was begining to form. I could tell he was getting ready to orgasm. I decided to finish this thing up. I moved my hand away to put my hand up to give the message to Brad to stop. He did and then I just deep-throated him. I got my muzzle into his pubes and I was able to get a nice whiff of his musky stentch. It smelled so good. Brad clenched his eyes shot and just unleahed his load. He shot about four waves of his nice orgasm. I swallowed every last drop. I got up and I realized that there was a small circle of melted snow around us. I guess our body heat melted it. I jerked his cock off a little bit and then I heard my mom's voice.

"I hope I'm not interupting." she said.

I turned and I saw her starting at us. I turned beat read.

March came and went. I turned seventeen and we picked a day. That day came. Today was the day we were getting married. I was so nervous. We decided that Brad was going to walk down the aisle with his mother. I was willing to do it with my mom but he insisted. I didn't want to argue. I was in the grooms room with my counsins, my uncle, and my dad.

"Nervous?" my dad asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"What do you think?" I said.

"Don't worry about it. It's natural to be a little nervous." one of my cousins said.

I nodded and stood up. I looked at my watch.

"It's show time." I said.

My family went through a different door to go to the main entrance of the church. I went through a door that leads to the alter. I went through and I saw my whole family there. Smiling at me. Then I saw a bunch of pictures taken. I stood on the groom's side and then I heard the wedding music. I then noticed that there was a lot of people from Brad's family. I saw Brad at the top of the alter. Arm in arm with his mom. They walked down in the aisle slowly. Brad looked so nice. He got infront of the stairs where he turned to face his mom. He kissed her on the cheek and then stared at me. I smiled at him. He smiled back as he walked up those few steps. He stood next to me and we turned to face the priest.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today..." the priest began to start to ceremony.

I really wasn't paying attention. I was too excited that I was getting married. To the love of my life. The guy who I wanted to be with forever. I was begining to tear up but I held it back. Then before I knew it, the priest was on this line.

"If anyone thinks that these two should not get married, speak now, or forever hold your peace." the priest said.

"I will not allow them to get married."

Both Brad and I were shocked when we heard that. I gave a face that said 'Who the hell said that?'. Brad shrugged. Me and Brad turned around and so did everyone else. Who I saw at the top of the aisle shocked me. It was someone who I thought was dead. As did Brad. Standing there at the top of the aisle, with Anthony standing right beside him was someone I would never expect to see.

It was Brad's father.