Them Old Dirt Roads

Story by Doctragedy on SoFurry

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Howdy y'all! It's been a long time since I've uploaded anything here, but I want to assure y'all that I'm still around. It's just gotten a lot harder to write in the past year or so, what with work and all. For those who don't know, I'm a firefighter/Paramedic. More so, I got married! And she's going to school right now so guess who has to work more! This guy! But I digress, I finished this story while sitting in a Fox truck running absolutely no calls, makes for a long 12 hrs. It contains adult content and discretion is advised. Now, without further to do, I give y'all, Them Old Dirt Roads.

It was just an old, rusted Jeep with a long floor shifter, no doors, and a rag top that was more rag than top now. The four-wheel drive tended to jam a bit when placed in four low, and it never started on the first time around. But when Jenny was sitting in the passenger seat, it was a luxury vehicle that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Jenny was our ranch bitch, a magnificent lady collie with a southern drawl and just as much muscle as any stable hand that worked out here. You would never guess by looking at her rather dainty frame, but Jenny could move round bales like a mule. She never minded getting dirty or wrestling with any of the guys, and had no problem putting drunkards on their asses. Her dappled features always seemed to have an energetic glow, and her smile was often contagious.

The old dirt roads that covered the back acres of my father's farm were no match for the old titan as we cruised along, heading for the lake at the center of the property. My father, like his father, and his father's father, were all ranchers, the property handed down from one generation to the next. The deed for it had long since been paid for, and the only payments made now were for power, entertainment, and the occasional problem with the well and septic tank. The property was debt free and, for the most part, an easy place to relax and escape the world.

I rounded corners a bit faster than the old Jeep was used to, but Jenny didn't make a sound or protest. If anything, she seemed to enjoy the thrill of the suspension groaning and the heavy lean of the truck as we sped through the turns. A single piece of long wheat was hanging loosely from the end of her muzzle, and her right arm was extended, her hand grasping the top roll bar. Her left hand teased me, gently squeezing my thigh from time to time as it rested on my leg.

I couldn't help but smile what could only have been a goofy grin as her hand kneaded my thigh. Jenny, who obviously took notice, only chuckled.

"What are ya thinking 'bout there Charlie?" Jenny asked in her sultry, southern voice.

I could only blush and stammer out a half hearted, "Nothing Jen", though in reality, I would have like to tell her something along the lines of 'plowing her like the back twenty', but I didn't have the confidence to actually say it. Instead, the engine of the old Jeep groaned as I feathered the gas; the lake, though still a distance off, growing bigger and bigger on the horizon.

Jenny hardly made the rest of the ride any easier, and I had never thought of baseball so much in my life. Through the periphery of my vision, I could tell she was watching me, taking sinful pleasure in making me squirm. If only she knew how badly I wanted her, maybe she wouldn't be so callous.

The Jeep rocked over a small washout and for a moment Jenny's hand left my thigh. I sighed in both relief and agony, a part of me hoping she would simply unbutton my jeans and do me one hell of a favor on the drive. But, that was only a fantasy.

"So Jen", I started, attempting a bit of small talk to keep her distracted, "How's it been out on the ranch lately?" Even to me, it was probably the weakest attempt at small talk in history; and because I had actually helped her everyday on the ranch, it was absolutely pointless.

But Jenny, God bless her, played along and humored me. "Ain't been too bad there Charlie 'cause you've been there to help me!" She playfully shoved me and I blushed. "But hard work in any case". I nodded in agreement and attempted to salvage whatever dignity I had left by keeping my mouth shut.

The stale silence that grew between us was short lived as the Jeep rocked over a ditch and brought us to the perimeter of the lake. I shifted into neutral and allowed the jeep to coast under its own power until it came to a creaky stop. I stole a glance at the dappled bitch at my side and smiled.

"Here we are," I began as I exited the jeep, "and it's ours for however long we want it." Jenny smiled as she followed suit from the jeep and made her way to my side, quickly taking a hold of my arm and snuggling close, flustering me further.

"I'm looking forward to being here for however long it takes sugar!" She exclaimed as she nuzzled into my shoulder. Even as flustered as I was, the statement seemed odd to me. However long it takes? Takes for what?

"Eh, for what there Jen?" I asked her as she pulled away from me.

She only smiled a toothy grin and shook her head. "Oh nothing!" I was only further confused by her cryptic response, but opted to shrug it off. If Jen wanted to show me or tell me something, I figured she would do it when she felt it was right. Instead of pressing the matter, I wrenched open the rear door of the jeep, literally taking the rear end of a wrench and forcing the door from its rusty fastener and unloaded our camping supplies. Even with the lake being on the property, it was still a good thirty or so minutes back to the main house. Any time anyone went to the lake, it was best to camp out as frequent trips back to the house only wasted gas, and was a bit frustrating given the old Jeep's gruff mechanical status. Besides, who didn't like the outdoors?

Jen helped me move several boxes and supplies. We had our tent, which would comfortably fit two people and then some, depending on size. In all honesty, I was a bit broad, and somewhat short, making me appear a bit on the heavy side, though proportionately so if I had a say in it. We had cook ware, all of which was stainless steel and conveniently packaged by bowls, pots, pans, and utensils. We had a box of kindling and some starter wood, as I had reservations about cutting any of the foliage down around the lake, as well as some flint and a striker to get the fire going. Another box, one laden down with ice packs and insulation, held previsions and fresh meat, which I intended on cooking to a nice medium rare soon after unpacking. There were various other boxes with miscellaneous camping items that were also removed from the jeep. The last item, a single sleeping bag, troubled me somewhat.

I grumbled inwardly as I stared at it. "Fuck." I muttered to myself. "I could've sworn I threw in both rolls!" I slapped my forehead as Jenny came to stand next to me, obviously aware of my plight.

"There's only one sleeping bag in the Jeep Charlie." Jen announced, slapping me in the ears with the obvious. Instead of calling her out on it, I just nodded and sighed. Jen, however, seemed to be in higher spirits. "That's alright sugar, we'll just share it!" I blushed furiously.

"Let's just put up the tent Jen." I suggested and whether or not she was going to help me, I pulled the tent from its sheath and began threading rods through the shell. Luckily, Jen was generous enough to offer a hand and in a few short minutes we had a shelter for the evening. I tossed the rolled sleeping bag through the open flap and zipped up the fly screen.

Rubbing the back of my neck I shuffled my way next to Jen. "Well, should I get dinner goin'?" I asked her and she suddenly grinned broadly, her sharp canine teeth visible between her thin lips.

"Oh yes!" Jen replied as she quickly took me by the hand. "Here, feel! My belly's rumbling!" The blush that erupted across my cheeks could only have been epic as they burned hotly. Jen had forced my hand against her well toned belly, my fingers disappearing into the plush, downy feel of her dappled fur. I could feel her taught abdominal muscles contract lightly at my touch and I could scarcely help myself as I gentle rubbed her belly. Jen's tail began to sway like a flag, rapidly flowing from side to side in excitement. I only caught myself when Jen let loose a quiet whine, and just has hastily as she had put my hand to her belly, I pulled it back.

I choked a little as our eyes met and again brought my hand to the back of my neck in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I stuttered.

Jenny hadn't so much as stopped smiling and her tail had not slowed in the slightest. If anything, I would have sworn she enjoyed the attention, however inappropriate it was. "Don't be sorry, handsome; I'll take your belly rubs any time!" I nearly fell under the sudden weight of my embarrassment and truly struggled to steady myself. If only she knew of the lewd and coarse thoughts manifesting within my mind, then surly she would not tease me so!

As I composed myself I decided it would be in my best interest to busy myself with dinner. With a single task and goal in mind, I would be free of my adulterous thoughts and may have a chance to settle down a bit before I did something that I would regret. While Jen was one hell of a tease, I wasn't sure if she truly wanted to cross the species boundaries. And even if she did, there were plenty of other, more attractive men at the ranch that she could undoubtedly take her pick from.

With a heavy sigh and a mellow mood I piled up enough tender to ensure a hot and long lasting fire. Since the weather had been dry as of late, the fire roared to life rather easily, the kindling igniting with only a few strikes from the striker. Jen busied herself with unpacking our food provisions, taking her time separating the meat from the potatoes, quite literally speaking. I watched her from behind the fire as she searched through a few boxes, undoubtedly looking for the cutlery and plate tins. With her back to me she had no way of knowing I was looking at her, spying sinfully about her fluffy tail as it flagged from one side to the other in frustration.

I blushed and shook my head free of my lust, or at least I tried to. Being that it was warm outside, Jen rarely wore clothing. Normally that wasn't a problem as the thick plume of fur covering her sultry from kept her decent. However, and I was ashamed to admit it, I knew when to look to get a forbidden peek at her most intimate area. It wasn't honest, and I always felt dirty when I did it; but, there hadn't been an opportunity I didn't take yet. Perversion was such an overpowering sin.

I sighed again and attempted to distract myself by stoking the fire, taunting the flames to greater heights to incinerate the tender more efficiently and create suitable coals to cook our dinner over. I briefly observed Jen seasoning the meat with the various spices that I had brought; though, I didn't linger long on her for fear my lust would rekindle like the fire I was currently poking at.

Instead I looked out over the lake, taking in the evening sun as it burned out an orange silhouette against the horizon, its reflection against the water's surface igniting the lake in a shimmering dance of glowing color. A gentle breeze rolled by every now and again, bringing with it a welcomed relief to the warmer evening air. What few insects I could hear all sung a melody that seemed to somehow fit into the tranquil environment. I couldn't help but smile. It truly was a nice evening.

"Charlie?" A sweet southern voice brought me out of my reverie. "Is everything alright?" She asked as I looked towards her.

My smile only broadened as I saw her holding our well seasoned meals, each ready to be cooked to satisfying perfection. "Oh ya," I replied, taking the foil wrapped food bundles and setting each of them in a bed of hot coals, "everything is great." Jenny smiled and came to sit next to me, gazing out onto the lake's surface as I had earlier. A dreamy, almost entranced look transfixed her features and I knew nature had stolen her away for the moment.

I wanted to lose myself with her; but instead, I lost myself in her. In the evening light, Jenny was beyond stunning. Her golden, yellow fur seemed to glow in the waning light of the sun, and her sparkling green eyes seemed to shimmer with the life within her. The breeze seemed to play freely with her pristine coat, creating light waves as it past through it. Her ears were laid flat against her head in contentment as she sat with her hands behind her, propping herself up to stare at the beauty of the world. But in my world, she was the beauty.

I was so lost in her that I didn't even realize when she'd caught me. One moment I was gawking at the profile of the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen; the next, I was staring into the emerald pools of her eyes. I quickly looked away, more flustered than I had been all night.

"S-sorry." I apologized, certain that she was growing tired of me staring at her all the time. I wanted to say more, but couldn't think of the words so I just sat in silence, quietly ashamed of myself as always.

My silence must have been Jen's cue as she suddenly reached beneath my chin and gently forced me to look at her again. She was smiling, which immediately I took as a good thing. At the very least, she still thought I was worth having around, and it didn't look like I'd offended her too much.

"You ain't got nothing to be sorry for, sugar." Jen replied while keeping her soft hand against my chin. "I'm honestly flattered." Her smile never wavered in the slightest as she spoke, and for a moment the warmth I felt was incredible. But it was short lived as I realized there was probably more to that statement. I imaged it would be something to the degree of, "but there can't be anything between you and I, we're just friends". While it was only in my mind, the words still stung a bit.

"There's a but in there, ain't there Jen?" I sarcastically asked her as the silence had gone on long enough. I figured she was trying to think of an easy way to put me down and only needed some coaxing to get started.

Instead, she gave me a confused look and tilted her head in a way only a canine could. "A but?" She asked. "Well, just yours and mine I suppose!" She gave a cheeky laugh where I only managed a meek smile. Jen definitely noticed my melancholy as her laughter faded away and her eyes filled with a discouraged look. Great, I thought, here it comes. Jen always did lead into bad news with some light humor. "I like you, Charlie."

I didn't feel her hand slide to my shoulder, nor did I see her lean closer to me. In my mind, she had rejected me, and all I heard was the angry buzzing of my mind's lie taunting me into depression. When I thought I'd break down and lose my composure, an electric jolt suddenly shocked me, starting from my lips and quickly spreading throughout my body. The lie in my mind was gone, and at last I actually heard what Jen had said. More so, I realized with stunning awareness, what she'd done.

Her lips were beyond anything I could have fantasized about in all my twenty-two years. Against my own, they were so soft, yet dominant, clearly dictating who was leading this new found endeavor. She had pulled me closer to her, so much so that her breasts lightly pressed into my chest as we kissed. Her eyes were closed and her ears flush with her skull, clearly enjoying the intimate moment.

Before the moment ended, I closed my own eyes and let my own rapture take me, her words echoing in my head like an opera. She liked me! She had said it so honestly and in such a way that meant so much more than the simple value of the words. Her actions were far more than proof to me of her true feelings, and I had never been so excited! Hell, this was better than Christmas and a birthday combined!

When her lips left mine it was all we could do to just sit and stare at each other, neither one of us finding the words to say anything. It wasn't until a rather delectable aroma wafted by our noses that the silence was at last broken.

Jenny licked her lips and smiled toothily. "Think I'd like ya a bit more if dinner wasn't burned!" She stuck her tongue out at me and I chuckled lightly, waving her off a bit so I could get to the fire.

"Ya, ya." I replied as I took the poker from beside the fire and shoved our foil wrapped dinners off of the smoldering coals to cool against the ground. "Think I'll need all the liking I can get right now!" I turned to smile at her, but nearly fell surprised as she grabbed me from behind and stuck her muzzle against my ear.

"Honestly Charlie," she breathed hotly into my ear, "I couldn't like you anymore than I already do." She lingered about my ear a bit longer than was necessary, sending chills rocketing down my spine. I shuttered as she lightly nipped the lobe of my ear before moving from behind me to take her now cooled dinner in hand and unwrapping it.

I sat stunned for longer than I could imagine. Jenny had definitely made a move on me! Well, more of a move than I was used to anyhow. Just her being that close to a part of my body I never considered erotic did things to me that I couldn't explain. All she did was nip my ear and my pants suddenly became a size or two too small!

I sighed as once again baseball filled my thoughts, non-arousing images of men running around in tight uniform pants slowly draining the life from my shame until I could stand without embarrassment. I walked over to my own dinner, unwrapped it, and took in a healthy breath of the delicious aroma before settling next to Jen. Between mouthfuls she smiled at me and handed me a tin fork. I nodded my thanks and together we ate in silence.

Throughout dinner, I stole furtive glances at Jen when I thought she wasn't looking. My mind raced, my thoughts buzzing with the idea of Jen and I getting together, and not just for a camping trip. I wondered, despite her earlier amorous advances, if she would let me go that far with her. I mean, a kiss was one thing, but sex? Was that going too far?

I sighed as once again my thoughts unnerved me. Maybe I was just a coward, and if so, what could Jen possibly see in that? I shook my head and took a few more bites of my dinner, focusing on anything but my own mind. Again I glanced towards Jenny and noticed that she had finished her meal, the foil it was once wrapped in crumpled up into a small ball and cast aside near one of the empty boxes.

I also noticed that I had, once again, been caught staring. As the blush flared up into my cheeks Jenny smiled and giggled slightly. Without a word she crawled over to my side and casually laid her hand over mine. Despite my embarrassment, her touch was so warm and welcoming that I didn't dare move away from it. In my own passive way I returned her affection by lacing my fingers through hers. Gently I squeezed her hand, hopefully conveying that I was glad she was there.

Jenny cocked her head slightly and our eyes met. The smile she'd had still shone brightly on her gorgeous face, and her emerald eyes twinkled slightly in the evening light. I briefly looked down to her thin, pink lips and swallowed hard as a sudden urge to kiss her swept through me. Perhaps I should just do it? I thought to myself. After all, we'd already kissed once, right?

I could already feel the anxiety welling up within me, my nervous persona slowly gripping me in its icy hold, doing whatever it could to prevent me from romance. But I fought it away, struggled against it until its grip failed. I wanted to kiss her again, and come hell or high water, I was going to do it!

And as I cast my dinner aside, I did. I leaned forward, took her soft cheek in my other hand, brought her lips to mine, and kissed her. Deeply. I felt Jenny draw a sharp breath through her nose and before the shock of my sudden boldness could settle in, I thrust my tongue into her maw. I knew I was being forward, and in all honesty a bit awkward. For a brief moment, I panicked, fearing she would surly force me away from her and run. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised as she reciprocated, her longer and more slender tongue easily slipping past my own and into my mouth.

It was a peculiarly wondrous experience to have a tongue that could reach as far back as my tonsils explore my mouth. She hardly left a surface untouched as she methodically roved over every molar, past my comparatively smaller canines, and even across my tonsils themselves. More surprising than that, I felt her gently maneuver past my tonsils and actually touch the back of my esophagus. Thanks to her dexterity, and a bit of willpower on my part, she didn't stimulate my gag reflex and I was able to enjoy the odd symbol of affection.

A part of me was envious as the kiss came to fruition and we parted, connected still by a thin string of saliva that broke moments later and came to rest against our chins. I whished I could have felt the textures of her maw like she had done to me; but alas, a human tongue could only reach so far. Still, judging by the dreamy smile our kiss had left on Jenny's muzzle, I doubted she was disappointed.

"Wow." Jenny said after a few silent moments. "I didn't know ya had that in ya Charlie! That felt amazing!" I blushed and we shared a laugh: myself from embarrassment, Jen more likely out of surprise.

"Sorry if I was a bit quick on the draw there, Jen." I apologized as my hand went to the back of my head as it often did.

Jen just shook her head and scooted much closer, so much so that our noses were touching. "Enough of the sorry game, Charlie." She replied. "We're way past that now and I hope you have more surprises for me before the night's over..." She trailed off into a husky whisper that turned into a moan as I suddenly found that dexterous tongue of hers against my ear, teasing it just along the outside of the lobe.

I couldn't control the shiver it sent rocketing down my spine and throughout my whole body. Arousal instantly hit me, and a lusty fog slowly consumed my thoughts. If Jen wanted a bold and forward man, then I would be a bold and forward man!

With the reluctance of a child refusing a cookie, I pushed Jenny away from me, but only far enough to remove my shirt. I threw it behind me, not caring in the slightest as to where it came to rest as I pulled Jenny back into my thick, exposed form. I crossed my legs and, showing a bit of brash strength, I lifted Jen into my lap and immediately assaulted her neck with wet, lusty kisses. She closed her eyes and groaned aloud, her tail flagging rapidly from side to side as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

Her plush fur felt remarkable pressed against my bare skin. It was warm and soft, obviously well cared for despite her rough farm girl lifestyle. With every husky breath, her pert breasts would press lightly into my chest and I could easily feel her erect nipples against my flesh. While far from what I would call busty, she was well proportioned, and I longed to take one of her small mounds into my mouth and suckle like a hungry pup!

But I was a gentleman at heart, and I aimed to take her pleasure slowly. I wanted her to feel what I had long imagined doing to her with all the pent up passion I had. In a romantic way, it was about love just as much as it was pleasure for me. Whether I was a fling to her or not, I didn't care. So long as she remembered the one human boy she spent a magical night with, I'd be happy.

Gently I began to nibble about her neck, applying just enough pressure to ensure she felt my teeth against her skin. I was rewarded with a lusty sigh and a whine that was almost inaudible. More so, I was rewarded with the discovery of the slight undulation of her hips against mine, though my jeans kept our more intimate parts separated. For now.

Gradually I moved lower down Jenny's body, stopping to nip at her collarbones before kissing down to the valley of her breasts. I could feel Jen panting above me as she hugged my head in close, eagerly nudging my mouth closer to her left breast. Not one to keep a wanting lady waiting, I hastily took her nipple into my mouth and suckled hard. She gasped and her nails suddenly dug into my skull, scratching roughly into my skin. I ignored the pain as she moaned and twisted in pleasure. With my free hand I gently massaged her other breast, taking care to tease and tweak her nipple whenever I could.

Under my lusty ministrations, Jenny had begun to grind into my hips with more fervor, and I could feel a distinct dampness begin to permeate the denim around my groin. With her breast still firmly in my mouth I glanced upwards and noticed Jenny had her eyes closed and was suckling her bottom lip.

I smiled to myself and hastily switched breasts, drawing her right nipple into my mouth and massaging her left breast with my hand. Her reaction was similar and I grimaced as her nails raked across my skull, but again ignored the pain in favor of her pleasure.

All too soon I felt Jenny's hands gently pushing against my head, eagerly trying to force me lower down her body. But, due to our current angle, and an obvious lack of flexibility on my part, I only made it as low as the toned upper muscles of her abdomen. Of course, I gladly lavished her in more kisses there; but, I doubted that was where she wanted me to stop.

"Sugar," I said as the strain in my neck was becoming uncomfortable, "we'll have to rearrange a bit if ya want me to go much lower." I gave her a wink and without a word further Jenny disentangled herself from me and lay down on the ground. She wasted no time as she propped herself up on one hand and quickly spread her legs, leaving little doubt as to what she wanted from me. With her free hand, Jenny beckoned me closer, and again, I was not a man that kept a lady waiting.

I crawled towards her, but only so far as to lay my head between her thighs. I swallowed hard as at long last her dappled jewel was completely vulnerable to my hungry eyes, no longer obscured by the fluffy fur of her tail. Her quivering lips enticed me with their odd arrange of charcoal grey, pink, and bluish hues. A single, clear bead of feminine fluid threatened to slip from between the crevice of her labia and I licked my lips in anticipation.

Lowering my nose to her moist womanhood I took a deep breath of her unique aroma, letting her lusty pheromones cloud my mind and heighten my arousal. As I drank in her scent, I heard a quiet whine escape Jenny and grinned wickedly. If simply sniffing at her gender excited her, what would a curious tasting do?

Eager to learn and encumbered with sexual desire I let just the tip of my tongue slip from my mouth and brought it gently to her outer labia. Slowly, intentionally so, I licked her from the slightly pink opening of the bottom of her vagina up to the very top, taking care to tease the small button of her clitoris once there.

Jenny's reaction was immediate as she gasped and spasmed beneath me. She suddenly took hold of my head and roughly tugged my hair, forcing my face further into her gender. Despite the slight pain it caused, I chuckled and gave her what she wanted as I lavished her sex in lewd, wet kisses. I suckled gently on the bulb of her clitoris and lapped roughly up and down the crevice of her womanhood. Intermittently, I would part her labia with my tongue and force it into her swollen, pink opening, relishing in the flavor of her feminine juices.

Jenny was absolutely beside herself as she moaned and groaned, writhing under the unabating onslaught of my oral prowess. Her legs kicked harmlessly at the air beside my head and her hands held tightly to my hair, keeping my face as close as possible to her drooling snatch. Her humping had suddenly become more erratic, and her lusty cries more forceful. Her sex clenched and relaxed intermittently around my probing tongue, and I could tell she was close to her peak. Taking the initiative I immediately latched on to her engorged clitoris and suckled hard, running my tongue roughly against her button. It wasn't but a few more moments before Jenny howled a deeply feral sound and came, her feminine liquids pouring in excess from her spasming sex. I licked my lips as she slowly came down from her climactic high, not bothering to wipe away her juices from my face.

As her half lidded eyes laid upon me, she gave me a most satisfied smile and winked. "M-my goodness, Charlie, T-that felt a-amazing!" I couldn't help but grin at her praise. For a virgin, apparently I wasn't too shabby with the ole tongue lashing. But I wasn't aiming to stop there.

"Glad you enjoyed yourself, puppy." I replied as I let a bead of her fluid drip from my chin to land against her still hungry sex. "Cause that was only the beginning." I only grinned wider as I quickly disrobed, removing my pants and boxers in one move and throwing them aside. I couldn't stifle the sigh of relief that left my lips as my aching member was finally free from its denim prison. I took it in hand and stroked it a few times for Jen's viewing pleasure. While I didn't consider myself exceptionally gifted, I wasn't all that small either; at least when compared to others I had inadvertently seen around the farm, including Max, a border collie mutt that I knew Jen had been intimate with before.

"Oh my!" Jenny staid as she stared at my throbbing erection. "Is all that for little old me?" I couldn't help but chuckle and nod as I slowly aligned the tip of my phallus against her opening.

"Ya, puppy, its all yours!" I replied as I could no longer fight with the lust that clouded my every thought and thrust the first inch or two into Jenny's yielding sex. She groaned and shuttered, quickly bringing her hands to my shoulders as I pushed onwards. I had all but an inch inside her when Jen pushed lightly against me and whined; a more pained sound than pleasure.

With some measure of caring still left within me, I immediately stopped as panic ran through me, fearing that I'd hurt her. "Jen? I questioned as I gently brushed her cheek. "Are you alright sugar? I didn't hurt you did I?" Jen didn't react right away and a sinking feeling filled my chest.

But, to my relief, a small smile gradually spread across Jen's lips and she shook her head. "No, babe, I'll be fine. You're just a fair bit bigger than I imagined!" I shared a quiet laugh with her before she leaned forward and licked the tip of my nose. "Go slow for a bit, stud, and I'll get used to ya!" I shuttered as she lay back against the ground and flexed the muscles in her tight canal, squeezing down on my thick shaft and sending sparks of pleasure coursing through me.

In acquiescence with her request, I slowly pulled out of her, leaving only the tip of my penis inside her before easing back into her warm, slick depths. I watched her face for any negative reaction and felt at ease when none was found. I repeated the action, just as slow as before; but, I pressed on, sinking the last of my phallus into her. When our hips connected, Jenny moaned and sighed pleasurably. Her contracting walls were unlike anything I could have ever imagined. It was like a fine, moist silk cradling my penis, providing a constant and unabating pressure that sent electric pleasure throughout my whole body.

Feeling bolder in my actions I pulled from her tight tunnel and thrust back in with more fervor, ever conscious of Jen's reaction. She gasped and her grip on my shoulders tightened, her drooling sex convulsing weakly around my phallus. Satisfied that she had become accustom to my girth I threw my inhibitions to the wind and began to rut Jen like a dog in heat.

I grit my teeth and groaned as her tight passage tugged at my member, Jen's howls of pleasure only spurring me to thrust harder and faster. I watched Jenny's small breasts bounce on her chest with every thrust, and noticed her tongue hung loosely from the side of her maw. Her eyes were half opened, staring off into the void as I pleasured her.

Lewd, wet sounds of our love making were easily heard and for some reason very erotic to me. As I ravished her, I relished their melody. Suddenly added to the chorus were the steadily rising moans of Jenny, and the increasing pressure in her loins alerted me to her nearing climax. With another howl she came, the spasming walls in her vagina clamping down so hard on my phallus that movement was honestly difficult. I did what I could by gently rubbing on her clitoris to prolong her orgasm. When she at last relaxed enough for me to move, I found I was rather close to the end myself.

I set my pace again, now too clouded with lust and focused on my own climax to care for the world around me. I scarcely heard Jen's lusty cries, or the sound of my own breath. I couldn't see Jen as she sat up to hug my close, nor could I hear her whispers in my ear. All I could do was feel the insurmountable pleasure rise up within me. Like a growing flood in a summertime thunderstorm, my peak slowly hit a crescendo. My stomach tightened, my legs felt weak, and with what I could only describe as a pleasurable kick in the nuts, I came. Hard. It took the very breath out of my lungs and I couldn't breathe as I filled Jenny's womb with powerful spurts of my infertile seed. My vision went dark, despite my eyes being open, and my heart thundered in my ears. I could feel my seed spilling from Jenny's abused sex and falling to my thighs.

As my orgasm reached fruition, my senses slowly returned, the first of which being my hearing. Jenny's vociferous panting mixed with lustful, satisfied sighs rang against my ears. Next came my sight, and at last I could see the effects of our love making had on her. Jenny's fur was tousled and matted with sweat. Her eyes were glassy with pleasure. Her sex was still stretched taught around my gradually softening member and pearly beads of my seed drooled from her body.

Suddenly finding myself quite sensitive I gently lifted Jen off of my lap, freeing my penis from her gaping depths with a rush of pent up fluids. I sighed in satisfaction as I set her back down, and then chuckled in humor as I realized the volume of the fluid still leaking from Jenny.

She too smiled and laughed as she shifted a bit, trying her best to stem the flow of sexual spunk without much success. "Goodness Charlie! I feel like a stuffed creampuff!" She exclaimed, bringing our laughter to new heights and embarrassing me to no end.

I blushed deeply and would have placed a hand to the back of my head had I not been holding Jen. "Sorry bout that, Jen!" I apologized. "Ain't ever done that before to be honest with ya. Didn't know there'd be so much of it!" I smiled disarmingly as Jen shook her head.

"Charlie," She said as she brought her nose to mine, our eyes level with each other, "What'd I say bout the sorries?" I shrugged but nodded, acknowledging that I did indeed remember as she continued. "Besides, I've never had a lover do that to me before! And it felt incredible!" If it was at all possible, I blushed harder.

"T-thanks Jen," I replied sheepishly as a slight squelching noise emanated from her loins and my groin became a bit warmer, and a lot wetter. Even through the fur on her cheeks, I could tell Jenny was blushing and smiled as I held her closer to me.

"If I wasn't so spent, I'd find that hot as hell and rut ya like crazy!" I reassured her. I felt Jen nuzzle my neck affectionately and kiss my cheek.

"Too bad you're so spent then, Charlie." She replied as she stood up from my lap and laid herself out on the ground before me. She contorted in a way that only a canine could to bring her muzzle to her still gaping, drooling sex. Her eyes watched me the entire time as she slowly licked at her abused gender, gathering copious amounts of my spent seed on her tongue. She delved inside herself, audibly moaning as she sought to consume all of the excess essence that I had pumped into her. When she appeared satisfied, she sat up and grinned toothily before opening her maw wide to reveal all of her gatherings.

Lewd strands of my pearly seed spanned from her lower jaw to the roof of her mouth. It pooled in the back of her maw and slowly oozed out of the sides of her jaws. Her tongue's normal pinkish hue was undistinguishable, disguised in the pearly, viscous fluid that was my semen.

With a sultry grin Jen shut her muzzle and made quite a show of ensuring that I was fully aware of her swallowing every drop that I'd seen. She even reopened her muzzle to prove without a doubt that she'd done it.

I just stared on, slack jawed and in total awe. It was without a doubt the lewdest, most risqué performance I'd ever seen first hand. And coming from such an attractive girl as Jenny, the act was even more tantalizing. I suddenly felt a familiar stirring in my loins, and was honestly amazed as my penis rose again. Apparently, my body was just as willing as my spirit.

As Jenny looked on, a wide grin suddenly spread across her thin lips. "Oh, it seems someone liked what he saw! Too bad he's too spent to play anymore; I have a special treat in mind!" She eyed me mischievously as her tail flagged further to the side and her fingers dipped lower than the entrance of her silky sex, lightly teasing the pink opening of her tail hole.

I flushed furiously as any fatigue I may have felt earlier suddenly seemed trivial. Weakened, or near dead, I wouldn't deny myself the chance to have Jenny's tail hole! Not bothering to stand, I absently crawled over to Jen until I was within arms reach of her. She hadn't stopped teasing her rear entrance, and only smiled a lusty grin as I reached for her.

Before I'd so much as brushed her silken fur, Jen held up her free hand to stop me. "Not so fast there, sugar!" She playfully scolded me, though the words burned more than I let on. Disappointed, I drew my hand back and waited. Jen winked at me and suddenly stood up, hastily making her way over to one of the unpacked boxes and digging through it until, with a satisfied "Ah-Ha!", she produced a small bottle of clear, viscous fluid. Being that I wasn't illiterate, I easily identified the bottle as personal lubricant from its label, and suddenly the excitement I'd been feeling escalated tenfold.

She returned to her previous position in front of me with an extra sway in her hips. As she sat down, she made a grandiose show of spreading her legs wide, ensuring that her tail was flagged far to the side to provide a clear view of her nether regions. She reclined back on her left hand, giving me another sultry wink as she opened the bottle of lubricant and applied a generous amount just above her anus, allowing the viscous liquid to flow over her tail hole and pool against the bottom of her tail.

Jen set the bottle aside and brought her free hand back to her little pink rear, spreading the lubricant around her anus and teasing her entrance by sinking in her index finger to the first knuckle intermittently.

I sat transfixed on Jenny's tail hole as she teased herself. I didn't blink, and hardly breathed as she began to work a single digit in and out of her rear. Her hole suckled hard on that finger, her walls contacting visibly against it every time she pulled out. With every push in, she groaned and sighed passionately, panting as she began to work herself harder.

A second digit soon found itself next to its cousin, and soon Jen had worked it past her contracting muscles and deep into her tail hole. She groaned aloud and worked herself at a furious pace, pulling and tugging at the walls deep within her anus. When I did glance upwards, I found her eyes glued to my own, and her lusty smile only drew me deeper into my own arousal. When her eyes glanced down, I heard and audible pop and immediately returned to her tail hole.

My jaw popped as it suddenly hung loosely and I knew I was drooling from the cool wetness that dampened my chin. Before me, Jen's stretched rear gaped open slightly, revealing the soft, pink innards of her rectum. I heard Jenny chuckle and she suddenly contracted her anal muscles, causing her gaping entrance to close with a slight dribble of the lubrication still coating her insides.

I shook with arousal and my erection physically pained me. A part of me was convinced that her callous teasing would be the slow death of me; but, damn, it sure would be worth it!

Thankfully, Jenny was a merciful being and, seeing my current plight, beckoned me closer with a single finger.

"You poor thing," She swooned as she grabbed the bottle of lubricant, "You look about ready to burst!" She giggled as she poured a healthy helping of lubricant into her hand and applied it generously to my straining member. "Well," She continued while aligning my phallus to her tail hole, "I know just where you can blow!" With a swift motion of her hips, the head of my penis was forced into the tightest, warmest place it'd ever been.

I groaned loudly and absently pushed forward, desperately sinking my length into her tight ass. Only when I had sunk every inch of myself into her did I find my mind enough to realize that I'd just crammed myself into Jen's tail hole, and that probably didn't feel too good, taking it in at once like that.

I wanted to apologies, but a glance to Jen's face told me it wouldn't be necessary. Her eyes rolled back and her tongue hung loosely out of the side of her maw. Soft, lust filled pants and sighs emanated from her throat, and her hands clutched roughly at my shoulders. Satisfied that she was enjoying the rougher treatment, I let go of my inhibitions and began to rut her tail hole at a moderate, but firm pace.

I couldn't help but watch our coupling, marveling at both the site and feel of Jen's anus stretched taunt around my hard, intruding sex. Whenever I pulled out, her tail hole bulged outward slightly, and with every push in, it caved further into her body. Her anal muscles contracted fiercely around my phallus, never relenting and quickly bringing my resolve to lower and lower levels.

Yet still, I persisted, enjoying the moment for as long as I could. There was no way to know if Jen would ever want to bed the human stable hand again, or if she did, when, so I had to make the most of my time. Though, with every passing second, it didn't seem like I would have a lot of time left.

Her tail hole was simply too tight, too hot, and the act too lewd to watch without it affecting every nerve in my body. All too soon a familiar tug in my testicles alerted me that my time was hastily coming to an end. My stomach began to knot, my legs shook, and the breath left my lungs as with a few haphazard, sloppy thrusts, I came. My vision instantly darkened and my heart thundered in my ears as I filled Jenny's tail hole with thick, gooey spurts of impotent human seed. Everything I had left seemed to release itself into her rear, and before I had finished, thick strands of semen found their way past my member still buried within her and dribbled lewdly down her thighs to pool against her tail.

Gradually, my orgasm subsided, and my senses again returned. I suddenly found my penis quite sensitive and groaned as I pulled it free from Jenny's greedy anus. I examined the destruction my rutting had caused and had everything not been taken from me, I would have been instantly aroused. Jenny's tail hole gaped widely, spilling from its open maw copious amounts of my seed that fell to the base of her tail.

Jenny simply laid against the ground, whining and panting lustfully, a wide, satisfied smile spreading her thin lips. I saw her reach down to her abused rear and insert a single digit, drawing out more seed than I thought I could've produced and allowing it to flow into the growing puddle at her tail. She suddenly brought that digit to her mouth and suckled it clean, sighing in contentment as she did so.

This gal was going to be the death of me! I thought to myself as I felt a slight stir from my groin, but nothing more. It seemed that though the spirit was willing, the body, suffering from its mortality, was done.

Jenny suddenly turned her head to the side to face me, that smile of hers still alighting her features.

"That was a hell of a ride, Charlie!" She exclaimed, causing me to blush again. "Ain't never been rutted like that, stud! We'll have to do this more often!" As she chuckled, I sighed in both relief, and concern. I was relieved that I would have the chance to violate Jen again; yet, at the same time concerned for myself. Jen, as I had discovered, had a veracious sexual appetite, one that brought me to the edge of unconsciousness tonight. I couldn't help but wonder just how much more she could handle, and how much my body would take. Trivial concerns, I knew, as the sex was beyond fantastic; but, they were concerns none the less.

But, as Jenny rolled onto her side and drew me closer to her, wrapping her arms around me and drawing my lips to hers in a passionate kiss, I decided that my concerns were ill founded, and for another day to ponder on. Jen nuzzled her head underneath my chin and sighed contentedly. Absently I began to pet her, running my fingers through her dense, plush coat and feeling quite content myself. It wasn't long before the soft, steady rhythm of Jenny's breathing let me know that she had fallen asleep.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked towards the tent, the bag inside still rolled up and unused. The evening air still felt warm, made warmer still as I lay in the loving embrace of Jenny. It was a nice evening, one fit to sleep beneath the stars for a change. Closing my eyes, I thought back to the rusty jeep rocking down the old dirt road with Jenny at my side. Her shining smile entered my thoughts and a warm, peaceful feeling overcame me as sleep finally took me away with a final thought. God bless them ole dirt roads!