For Better or Worse: One - Payment Received

Story by The Foxxer on SoFurry

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#1 of For Better or Worse

Just a story I decided to rework and post, enjoy :)

I live with my older brother, our parents having passed a few years back, Marik was pretty nice to me but we rarely talked because I preferred to be alone in the quiet to read my books. I don't hate him, we just aren't close. He spends all day at work while I'm in my sophomore classes. Then I sit up in my room reading like I always do after school, pausing to watch out the window as my brother drives off to the casinos. He was just about to turn 21, but has friends that let him in since he always seems to leave with less than nothing. I would say that tonight was no exception except that when I stopped reading to look outside to my brother's starting car, he was staring back at me with a sad look. I wasn't sure what it meant or why he did it, but it wasn't long until I was lost in my books again forgetting about everything else.

Looking up as my brother's car came in the driveway, I went over and deleted some male porn sites I had been browsing through on the laptop we shared. After marking my place, I closed my current book and set it onto the shelf with about 40 other books before opening my door. As I walked down the stairs I shouted "Welcome home brother!" with a hint of grief as it was Marik's turn to make dinner.

When I got to the living room Marik was pushed into the apartment by a Doberman in a suit, from the looks of it this wasn't going to be a good night. Marik grabbed me and pushed me into the couch. "Now, Rex, listen to uh..." he licked his lips and stuttered, looking nervously at the large canine, "...Need to pack your things, you're uh...going on a trip, yeah?" his tail twitched nervously behind him, the Doberman crossed his arms shaking his head.

I looked at the Doberman not the slightest bit intimidated and hissed, "What's going on? What do you mean trip?" I taped my foot looking at my brother with annoyance. "What did you do?"

"Your dear brother sold you off to pay his debts, now he has a clean bill and looking for a roommate to pay rent." The dog smirked as my brother cringed and deflated.

"It's and pack your stuff..." he stuttered again. "Otherwise I'm don't want them to kill me, do you?" Anger flashes before my eyes as I yell out in rage at my brother "You sold me!? That's not even legal! What do you think mom and dad would say if they could hear this shit!?" The older leopard pinned his ears back and whined.

"Gotta schedule to keep Marik, either get him in the car or I'm taking him without his shit, the boss won't wait." The Doberman looked at his expensive watch.

"Look, I had nothing else to do and I panicked! So I...well...just, get your stuff!" he yelled, pushing me to my room. I yelped and got back into my room growling angrily not thinking about the slavery thing. I just want to leave my backstabbing brother behind!

I quickly got my back pack putting my laptop and note pads with short story's I've written in it. Then I filled the rest of the back pack with the few clothes I owned. I set my roller pack on the bed grabbing all my books and squeezing them into it, then grabed my fedora hat. I stoped and looked at my room sighing as I know this might be the last time I see it. I take my bags down giving my brother a death glare. "I'll never forgive you Marik..." He just looks down and whimpers as the Doberman grips me by the shoulder and ushers me out.

"Let's go kitty" he chuckles, walking behind as he guides me to the limo waiting outside. "Get in" he says, pushing me in as he throws the bags in the trunk. I growl at him as he sits next to me and closes the door. "Let's go." he says to the driver. I look back at my house to get one last glimpse of my brother, giving him a glare that would burn in his nightmares for the rest of his life.

As the limo moves towards the city I look at the Doberman "I have legs you know. I can walk on my own, so no need to be so rough..."

"I know, but its fun to roughhouse with you kitty." he chuckles, leaning on his side and taking out his cellphone. "I got him boss, we're coming in..." he was silent and looked me up and down and laughed. "He's cute I guess..."

I feel my cheeks burning and I avoided eye contact with him as he put away the phone. "So who exactly are you and your 'boss'?"

"You'll find out soon enough, and me? I'm the guy whose going to grab you by your tail every time you think of escaping and manage to get to the front door, got it?" He smiled and a winked, but the threat was still there.

"This isn't legal you can't sell people and you can't take someone as a slave unwillingly..."

"Gambling is plenty legal and you were a spoil of said gamble...besides..." He smirks and leans in, rubbing my chest. "Who's gonna' know? Your parents are gone, right? And your brother sold you, so he could care less...who's going to know?" he whispered into his ear, then pulled back. "Besides, you'll have a grand old time!"

I felt another blush come on as he touched me and whisper into my ear. "Gr-grand old time how? What exactly was I bought for?"

"You'll see pretty kitty..." He puts a paw on my head and rubs my ears. "Now, why don't you enjoy the ride? You'll meet the boss soon..." He smirked and sprayed me with something from his pocket and said, "Sweet dreams."

Soon the limo stopped at a grand hotel. The Doberman carried the young leopard in his arms as he walked in, going to the elevator and pressing the button for the top floor. At the top the doors open to a grand room, with a desk in the middle of a window overlooking the city, a couch and TV to the left and a kitchen to the right. Two doors on the far left and right respectively leading to two other rooms.

"He's here boss." The Doberman said, laying the leopard in the middle of the floor.

"Wake him up and leave." The dog did as he was told and left without a word.

I come to my senses holding my head as it protests with a splitting headache. "Uhhhhg... what the hell..." it takes me a moment to register the lack of the vehicle I was in five seconds ago and started looking around. I look up and see a large black wolf looming over me. Wearing just a silk robe over his body. It was closed but showing off his long and thick legs and muscled arms. His body looked slim but powerful. His eyes were a deep blue and his tail was wagging slightly. He was leaning against his desk with his arms crossed. "Welcome to your new home." he said with a smirk.

I scoot away and get on my feet looking out the window. Wait I know this place! This is the hotel and casino on the Vegas strip my brother always goes to. I look back at the wolf a little confused, not sure how wolf's mannerisms work. "Um... I assume you are the boss the Doberman mention?"

"Yes, I am" He nods and uncrosses his arms, circling the leopard. "What's your name, kitten?"

"It's Rexxus, but mostly everyone calls me Rex..."

"Rex, cute name..." The wolf smirks and runs a paw down my back. "I love your blue fur, is it natural?" he whispered into my ear, stopping and leaning again on his desk.

I shiver as I feel his breath on my ear and his paw stroke my fur, turning red again. "Y-yes it's natural... My father's side had a little bit of blue dragon in it and it skips a few generations. I'm the only snow leopard in my family that shows signs of having the blood of a dragon.

"Blood of a dragon, Hm? Is it special or something?" He crossed his arms again and let his tail wag lazily, his blue eyes taking in the slim form of the leopard.

"Uh... it makes me immune to most common illnesses as dragons can't get sick... it gives me a somewhat longer life span, it gives me minor control over magic involving ice and water. It also allows me to read and process things faster... Enhanced speed and reflexes and double jointed almost over my whole body so I can bend and move at any"

The wolfs eyes flash a second and he smirks which makes my eyes widen a little. "Well seems I owe your Brother a lot for losing tonight...what a mighty fine pet I have won..." He licks his lips and stands next to me, towering over me, "Could you beat me in a fight I wonder? I don't like to think I could and be surprised later..."

"I'm still just a whelp in dragon terms... I can use my agility and speed with my magic to escape most situations. Although, it won't be until someone teaches me properly how to use water magic and ice magic as weapon... I mean I have learned a few attacks..."

"I meant in a physical fight, but if you are still a whelp then perhaps not...your abilities are intriguing though, I'll think them over..." He circles me again and stands behind me, with his paws on my shoulders making me slightly nervous again. "Have you eaten, Rex? Bathed?" The mention of food made me think back to what my brother would have made if this had been any other night.

After a moment the paws on my shoulders brought my attention back to the wolf. "I only need to eat once a week, but I haven't eaten in week and a half... I haven't showered since two weeks ago when my brother couldn't pay the water bill."

"What would you like to eat? And you hardly smell like a kitten in need of a bath, but you will take one." He rubs his paws on my shoulders as he talks. I looked up at him feeling the last bit of what he said wasn't really a choice. I have been trying to ignore the fact I was just bought but the way he talks to me, just seems to pound it home. He wasn't mean or demanding, at least not yet. It seemed almost like the wolf cared but still gave the orders.

I shifted under his paws and thought about what I wanted to eat. "Umm... I'm not partial to much... I like steak, Mr. ummmmm...." Steak wasn't the only thing I liked but I figure if you live in the top of a casino why not?

He chuckled softly and said, "My name is Kal, dear Rex, and I shall order you some steak... then you shall join me for a bath whenever I wish, all right? It does not matter whether you're dirty or not." He whispers again and nips at an ear lightly before walking to his desk to call room service for the food, still looking at me with his piercing blue eyes. I murowled at the nip and avoided his gaze as he talked on the phone.

"What exactly is my role here...Kal...? I'm a little confused... you want me to join you in the bath after I eat?" I tried to hide the blush under my fur while moving to sit on a chair in front of the desk.

He returned the black phone to its base and leaned on his desk with his arms, giving me a grin I think only a wolf could pull off. "My dear kitten, you are here as my spoils from a gamble, I own you. You, Rex, are my pet. My little slave. And you are mine to do with as I wish, understand?"

I stood up with my ears back, tail lashing. "You can't own someone! I did not willingly accept to become your slave. I know the laws, you can't just... I am not your pet or slave or your toy or your property! You can't just say I am and expect me to submit to you!"

The wolf stands up abruptly and grabs me by the scruff. "Kitten, it does not matter if YOU were willing or not. Your brother was your Guardian, and he sold you off to me, I am essentially your new guardian now, get it? But since I am not family it comes with..." he licked his lips as I squirmed in his hold "Certain perks as well...I will take care of you, do not misunderstand...but..." He looked me up and down and chuckled " understand."

"P-perks? What do you mean? I don't understand, what do have planned for me?"

The wolf just grinned as he let go of me. The door opened and a male cat brought in a cart with food on it and bowed before leaving, closing the door behind him without a word. "Oh, you'll find out my dear, but for now eat." He held my shoulder and walked me towards the cart, siting me in a chair at the table and setting the plate in front of me. "Now, I have work to do, why don't you watch the television while you eat, I feel generous for the moment." He patted my head and went back to his desk. I felt his eyes on me but I was too distracted by the steaming plate of real food. The remote was also on the table so I clicked on the large flat screen and just left whatever was playing on. I took a piece of steak into my mouth and practically moaned at the forgotten taste of steak. It had been so long since I've had some, but none this good. Maybe things will be better this way.


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There will be more soon!