Darkest Lust - Chapter 1

Story by Kaeryn on SoFurry

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She sees his eyes looking at her through the darkness.. so dark.. those golden eyes watching, staring. He pads around her.. sniffing her, exploring her with his eyes.

She is bound.. bound to a chair, its hard.. with thick gripping vines holding her, as his eyes feast on her.. watching her every move. He moves to a lay, still watching.. waiting.

She watches him, slowly.. attempting to break free, but the darkness holds her.. embraces her.

He pads to her, ears folded back.. content. He looks into her eyes.. a grin seems to spread on his emotionless face.. he looks to her heat, licks his lips.


It was early morning, the sun had not risen yet as a young girl stepped from her bed. The sounds of rain dripping from the roof of her house could be heard, since it had just rained the night before. She slipped off her bed into her boots she kept by her bedside table, along with her long sword and dagger sitting up top. This was Briahna, it was her birthday. Today would be a day like no other.. but not because it was her birthday, it was the day she got her first companion, or pet. The people of her village at the age of twenty got a pet to combat by their side, she was hoping for a panther.. maybe a raptor.

"Bri dear you will be late!" a voice could be heard down the hall from her bedroom as she was getting dressed. She slipped on her leather wristbands, put on her leather breastplate and tied it around, from it being so tight.. there was no need for a bra. She looked down and sighed as she took her dagger from her table and tucked it within her shorts, that she wore to bed. She looked around her room for a moment, to see if she had forgotten anything.. as her mother yelled again from the other end of the hall. "Come on Bri! We cannot have Nathan waiting any longer." Briahna rolled her eyes and replied back to her rather impatient mother, "Alright! I am almost done, just looking for something.. uh, something I need to use to uh, do things?" she laughed at herself not really knowing what it was she wanted and look around her room.

Briahna's room was cave like, her door was not a door at all.. just beads hanging from the ceiling to give her some sort of privacy. Her walls were made of clay which was ember in colour, as was her whole house, since the part of the village she lived in was not as wealthy as others. But it made do.

Bri turned to the mirror on her wall just beside her door and smiled, her face was a light tan of colour, her ears a soft golden brown, as her tail was as well. Her village was that of Wood Elves, not many looked like her.. a cat woman. Her mother was as Elven as anyone could be. Her father though, no one knew. She thought her appearance to be beautiful, though some thought of it as a curse, lets just hope she can get what everyone else can at her age.

Briana set aside the beads of her door up on a hook on the wall and walked through the hall, her tail swaying as she walked. She got to the end of the hall and peered around the corner, smiling as she looked into the kitchen where her mother was preparing her breakfast. Her mother turned and smiled to her, "Good morning my dear, all set?".. Bri nodded. "Well, I have your breakfast all set up here, it not far of a walk to Nathan's but you are running late already, so I figured you could eat on the way." Briahna nodded and took the bag her mother had held out to her in passing. "I will be back later, with a new uh.. thing.." she blushed and hugged her mother goodbye as she stepped out the door.

The weather had changed only somewhat since she had woken up, rain still dripped from the grey sky.. but there was some sunlight pressing through the trees around her house. Bri sighed and looked to her little hut before beginning her walk to Nathan's. Nathan was a good friend of her mothers, he had trained all the warriors in the village how to fight with their companions, and had given out many animals to the people. It was said that the animal chose you, no matter how much Nathan would pick one he sought suited you.. it was the animals choice to be with you or not. Her mothers animal had been a falcon, only to be taken from her when Briahna was born, more from old age then from anything else. Her falcon was beautiful as well.. golden feathers with a white, almost bald head. Bri hoped she would get something as cool as that.


Over at Nathan's house, he was preparing for her arrival. His place was a little bigger then her own, only because he was situated in a large cave behind a waterfall. His animals were free to move about and lounge down by the water that was at the bottom of the hill from his doorstep. Nathan, unlike Bri was a regular Wood Elf you would see. Pointy ears, round-ish nose and wonderful blue eyes. His own animal was a panther, a black panther with golden eyes, whom normally sat just outside the cave door watching passers by.

As Briahna got closer to her destination, the panthers look had changed, from chill.. to curious. He had stood up to greet Briahna with a huff as a tail sway, stretching himself then huffing his fur up to as big as he could. She looked at him, raising a brow to his interesting hello. Bri then stepped by him, her tail curling around her waist as to not be a bother to him as she walked into the cave, calling out for Nathan. "Erm, Nathan? You here? Sorry I was late.. I-" She stopped and looked in front of her. A white leopard had jumped down from the rock it was laying on, to eye this newcomer into the cave. She looked down at it, as it looked at her. "Erm, nice kitty.." She reaches out her hand to pat the cat, as its ears perked.. Bri's ears too perked to a noise behind her, turning.. she saw Nathan. Bri smiled and nodded to him as he did with her, "You may want to be careful with this one Briahna, he does not trust many.. this is why he is over here, and not outside with most of the other animals." Bri nodded and bit her lip, looking back over the animal as it had turned to go back to the rock where it lay. His fur so clean, his tail was bigger than most normal leopards of his kind. So magnificent.. so handsome. Her gaze was interrupted by a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and Nathan motioned to her to come outside.

Briahna took one last look at the creature on the rock before she would head outside with Nathan, as she noticed something. His ears were still perked, and he was smelling something. His silver eyes grazed down her body, to her legs.. to the shorts she wore, her tail curled around herself. He almost grinned as she looked away from him to walk out with Nathan.


Briahna stepped down the stone steps to the lake where Nathan had set up a meeting circle. The one whom is there for an animal stands in the circle, as the animals walk around it.. testing the suitors energy to match with theirs. If something goes wrong, the one in the middle of the circle is then protected by a shield that pops up if the being feels as if they are in danger. Nathan nodded to Bri as she walked into this circle, grasping her tail nervously as the animals began to approach her. The first of which was a dark orange raptor, it spat and ran off back to the water where it lay down. The next animal to approach her was smaller, a coyote.. she really liked this one, but as she was reaching out her hand to pat it, it lunged at her.. making the shield around her pop up to keep her from being bitten. She looked up to Nathan who's attention was taken from her, to the leopard walking down from the cave.

Briahna's eyes widened as the creature walked towards her, and sat down just in front of her. He looked up at her, into her eyes.. their gaze met as her own eyes went from his strong body to his. The powerful beast stood, and stepped a paw inside of the circle, Bri watched as the animal stepped closer, Nathan watching and waiting behind her, he had grabbed a bow and arrow just in case. Bri reached out her hand as the beast lifted his head, they touched. The circle around Briahna had glown brightly, vanishing before all of them. This was her animal, the bastard of a snow leopard.

That night, after the ceremony to make this leopard her own, Bri decided to rest here with Nathan before she started her quest, though she did not know what she wanted. Nathan lay on the other side of the cave with his panther, as she lay with her leopard. She looked to him as they curled up together on the floor. "Hmm, what to name you." she said, as she ran a finger through his fur.. it was soft, almost like silk.. really thick too. The leopard lay his head down, and wrapped his paws around her, pulling her closely to keep her warm. She smiled and moved closer to him, his embrace warming, loving.. she closed her eyes and whispered softly, a name she thought fit this beast, 'Mythios'.

As the night went on, Briahna began to dream, her lover was holding her within his arms. His breath warming the back of her neck, she could feel him breathe.. his embrace powering, loving, gentle. Brianha began to stir, Mythios held her close as she dreamed.. his tail brushing over the softness of her skin, the roundness of her rump. She began to move, and turned onto her back.. visions of a dream in her mind, that felt so real.

'She sees his eyes looking at her through the darkness.. so dark.. those golden eyes watching, staring. He pads around her.. sniffing her, exploring her with his eyes.'

Briahna awoke to a sensation down below, Mythios had held her close and tighter then when they fist fell asleep together, the tip of his tail brushing against her now wet pussy. She blinked and looks to him, a groan escaping her lips as he pressed his tail into her, slowly.. he watched her expression change from fear, to pleasure as he pushed farther. His ears twitched, listening for the sound of anyone else who would disturb him, as he took his master. Briahna just lay there, her tail curled now around his own as it inched up into her virgin pussy, trembling against her companion. She pressed her face against his fur, to close her eyes.. only to reopen them as she felt his tail pull out, and something else press against her wet folds.


Briahna closed her eyes tightly as Mythios slowly pressed the tip of his hard member just inside of her, she covered her mouth with a hand as she gasped, trying to keep quiet as not to wake Nathan and his panther. She begun to open her eyes as he slowly slid in.. her legs being spread as he wrapped his tail around one of her legs, holding it open so he could get in easy. She looked down, curious and terrified of what her new companion is doing, yet enjoying it. Mythios held her leg up and began thrusting into her slowly, compassionately... murring to the feel of her pussy around his member as he began licking at her ears. Briahna, still recovering closed her eyes once more, a groan escaping her lips as he hilts himself within her, lowering her leg slowly as he picks up his speed, his eyes narrowing as she looks up to him. A slight growl can be heard, but not coming from Mythios.

Briahna looked up and saw Nathan's panther watching them, the red of the tip of his member poking out of its sheath, him licking his lips at the sight before him. Briahna begins shaking her head as Mythios rose, pushing her onto her hands and knees, still thrusting into her as he eyed the new panther. The panther walked around them, eyeing them over once more before moving over Mythios, and mounting him as he is on Bri. He lines himself up to Mythios' tender hole and thrusts in hard, making Mythios push more deeply into Briahna.

Mythios dug his claws into the cave floor as the panther did to his sides, only encouraging him more to go faster, the two males still going faster as things heat up. Briahna couldnt believe it, two panthers.. on her, mating her. Briahna could not hold it any longer as she felt the spines on Mythios' cock against her pussy walls, and screamed as her climax hit. She did not know or care if anyone was watching or could hear her scream, she was enjoying this. As she tightened against his member, Mythios roared in his own orgasm, followed next by the panther.

Briahna lay her head down against the cool floor as the panther dismounted Mythios, as Mythios wrapped his paws around her again.. still buried deep within her as her vision blurred to her bliss. As she lay her head down and sighed, a pair of eyes seemed to smile within a dark corner of the cave..


The next morning, Briahna awoke with a shiver, she opened her eyes and noticed Mythios was not there.. how could she miss it? Any cat or feline has spines on their members, but she felt nothing. She shrugged to herself and stood up, seeing if he did any damage to her in the night.. but nothing. She stretched and went over to the mouth of the cave, Thunder.. Nathan's panther, was laying just outside.. he was watching something. Briahna peeked her head around the water falling from above and saw what he was looking at. Another person, a boy.. came to Nathan to get his companion, and was almost in a boxing match with a kangaroo!


"Hey hey hey! Come on mate, I ain't gonna hurt you.." the boy yelled at the kangaroo, almost an instant after, it went up on its tail and kicked, lucky for the boy.. the shield within the circle sprung and the kangaroo busted into that instead of him. Nathan hurried over to take the roo away, taking it to the other side of the lake where some other animals were. Brihana at this point was slowly walking down from the cave entrance, curious at to which animal he will get. She looked the boy over and smiled, it was her neighbor.. Mica. A tall boy, just turned twenty-two, bit old to get his companion, but because of him being so busy at his farm.. it never occurred to him to get one, but he was there now. His hair was long, black.. almost shiney in the light, his skin was a dark tan.. from working outside so much, but not much muscle on him at all. Briahna smiled to herself, almost seeing him in a new way, they had been friend ever since they were young. Briahna jumped a little when she felt cold on her hand, she looks down and to the side to find Mythios beside her. She got to see his full size now! Compared to her, she could use him as a horse, ride him when her feet got tired.. he was huge! But this smile.. he always seems to have a smile on his face when he nears her, not anyone else.

A howl from the other side of the lake snapped Briahna back to everything around her. Nathan eyed Mica as he kneeled, and a timber wolf strode forward, almost puppy like.. as she nuzzled and licked at Mica's face. He looked down to the beast and smiled, "Guess you are mine, now.. what shall we call you? How about.. Mega!" he laughed and proceeded to scratch behind the wolf's ears. The wolf tilted its head and looked to him, "Hmm, not Mega? How about.. Tom!" Mica nodded to the animal as Briahna stepped closer, he obviously did not realize she was here. "You do realize your wolf is a girl, right?" She spoke, almost laughing. Mica raised a brow and kneeled, peeking his head under his new companion.. "Huh.. guess your right Bri.. what shall we call her?". Briahna shook her head, "Nope, you must name her.. it is part of the tradition." She pointed to Mythios, "His name is Mythios, kind of mysterious.. just like he is." She smiles and kisses Mythios on the nose before looking back to Mica. "Hrm, well.. she is kind of beautiful, for a timber wolf anyway. How about.. Pearl? She sure shines like one in the sunlight!" Mica looked down, his wolfess wagging her tail and yipping quietly. Mica laughed and nodded, "Pearl it is!"

After the ceremony ended, Mica and Pearl joined Nathan, Thunder, Briahna and Mythios in the cave for a quick lunch before they headed off. "So.." Nathan said, to break the silence of lunch. "Where are you both headed? Any place in particular?" He looked to Briahna, whom seemed focused on something else.. Mica too noticed this, he tilted his head and looked to her as he spoke. "Well, I am off to Naema, to see if I can start a business there.. a farming business, or maybe even build houses for people." Nathan smiled and nodded, he went to tap Briahna out of her daze, when Mythios began to growl. Bri looked up and blinked, wrapping an arm around Mythios' head and cuddled into him, only then did she realize everyone was staring at her. "What?" she asked, Nathan chuckled and asked again.. "Where are you planning on going?" he smiled. "Oh, well.. I just wanted to you know, adventure around.. find new places and such." She nodded, happy with what she told.

Nathan stood and went to his bed corner, he picked up a book with leather binding and handed it to Briahna as lunch had ended, and they were getting ready to go out. "Here, take this. It was my own personal journal for when I went traveling, maybe it will come in handy for you and Mythios if you come across any new creatures." He bowed and handed both Briahna and Mica bows and arrows, "You never know what will be out there." They nodded and took their gifts, Briahna wore it almost like a hand bag, her heather book was put into a pouch on her side.


Mica and Briahna sighed as the view of the lake and cave were nearly gone, turning to each other to laugh, to catch up on things.. to tell each other about how they came across their companion. Briahna nodded and smiled as Mica told his story, because she had seen it.. but he only realized she was standing there at the end of it all. Bri began skipping along, her tail swaying as she skipped, her ears laid back against her head as she hummed a tune. Mythios looked to her and made his pace faster, to keep up.. they were heading home, to show off their companions to their parents. "Hey Mica! Wanna see something TOTALLY cool!" Briahna said in a very excited tone. Mica smiled and nodded, Pearl tiling her head as she and Mica watched as Bri stopped, turned and got onto Mythios' back. "Look! When I get tired, or just you know.. bored of walking, I can use Mythios because he is so big!" Mica laughed and pointed, "Maybe he seems so big because you are smaller then the average girl, with your ears and all.. more like a tiny kitty cat than anything else." Briahna scrunched up her face and growled, before pouncing back and bounding at Mica. Mica yowled and ran in a circle, playing a little game they used to do when he called her a kitty cat. Mythios on the other hand was not impressed, he stormed forward and grabbed Briahna by her tail, pulling her away from him and mounting her in front of him! "M-myth.. No!" she covered her head with her hands, heart beating at what would happen next as she remembered the time at Nathan's. Mica backed off immediately and took Pearl, who was standing guard of Mica. "Stop you two, we were only playing around!" Mica looked to Pearl sharply, then to Mythios. Both animals stopped and calmed, Mythios though.. had a raging erection.


Briahna's face began to blush as she felt his Myth's cock begin to move, she shuffled around as she grinning to Mica.. pointing over at her house. "We are close, give me a few minutes to grab some things and we can head out." she nodded to him and quickly stood and ran inside her house, Mythios at her heels.

Brihana got to her bedroom and sat at the bottom of her bed, her heart beating. She then looked to Myth, and eyed him over.. his erection stayed. She did not want Mica to see this, did not know what he would think of it. She tapped her chin and looked Myth straight in the eyes. "Dont move, we need to fix that before we head out today.. I dont think Mica would appreciate a sex hungry tiger in the party." She smiled to him and went to her belly, crawling between his legs as he sat, blocking the doorway. She flicked her tail as she licked his spiney cock slowly, it did not taste too bad. She shrugged and licked some more, making Myth shiver at the roughness of her tongue against his hardened cock, his tail swaying as he got some attention this time round. Briahna wanting more.. she took the tip of his cock into her mouth and began to suck slowly, feeling it pulse in her mouth as she did, his warm pre dripping to her tongue.. the sweetness of it. Bri jumped as she felt Myth's tongue against the back of her leg, forgetting she wore shorts today. Bri smiled and took more of him into her mouth, purring.. she used this too. After hilting him within her mouth, she purred deeper.. making her throat vibrate against his tip, making him roar and shudder hard.. sending him over and giving her a mouth full of his seed. She swallowed every last drop before sliding him from her mouth, licking her lips clean.. and any seed that had gotten past her. She sat up and grinned, "I know you can do better then that.. when we have more time, I will-" she stopped speaking, as her ears perked.. she heard a noise coming from the kitchen. Myth too moved his ears towards the sound.

Myth and Bri, after their fun.. crept through the hallway to the kitchen door, to see what to commotion was about.. nothing too loud, but knew it was something. As they neared the doorway, Bri peeked around and went wide eyed. Myth then too followed and looked around.. it was Mica! Only.. he was not alone, he was moaning, his cock in hand as his wolf Pearl, licked him.. he seemed to enjoy it enough to not notice he had an audience. Bri watched stunned at the scene unfolding in front of her, not realizing her hand was making its way down into her shorts, beginning to play with her wet folds.. Myth noticed and moved from the door to behind her, sticking his snout up a part of her shorts just enough to snake his tongue in to lick her. She shuddered hard at the feeling, taking her tail in her hand, and placing it into her mouth as to stay quiet. Mica began to moan louder.. faster.. he began to pant and look deeply into Pearl's eyes as his climax overran him, it seemed to be his first.. because of the way he was shaking hard.. pulling Pearl in closer so she could lap up his seed. He then sighed, laying his head back as Briahna too was finishing, giving Mythios a treat of her hot fluids.

Bri stood up after a moment of calming down, and walked around the corner into the kitchen and to the sink where she grabbed a handful of water to drink, trying not to pay attention to Mica.. who still had his pants off, his softened cock hanging out. "I am ready when you are" Bri said to him as she drank. Mica blushed as if she could see it, "Uh yea.. let me go get something from home and I will be good." Mica stood up, and quickly walked out, as Pearl stood with him, she looked to Mythios and almost blinked before leaving herself.


The night came fast, and Mica had yet to return from his house where he said he needed to get a few things. "Maybe be fell asleep?" Bri asked Myth, as they started to gather all their things together to head next door to see, and sure enough.. Mica had fallen asleep.

With the darkness came cold, wind. and rain. Bri decided to rest up and stick out the storm inside Mica's house, him and Pearl curled up together in a ball, shielding one another from the cold. Bri looked to Mythios and brought him closer, using him as a blanket and a pillow for her nights rest. Myth stayed awake as his master fell asleep, watching over all of them as the wind howled outside, branches broke from nearby trees and the rain made music against the roof as it hit hard. Myth lay his head down and sighed, curling his tail around Bri.

Briahna began to dream... It was dark, much like it was outside when she fell asleep.. but this dark was different. She tried to move, to find some light.. but she could not.. something was holding her down. She flicked her tail, moving it around to see if she could feel anything, maybe even Mythios... nothing. Briahna, being how she is.. had the vision of a feline, but it was too dark.. no light what so ever around for her to use her eyes to see. She then opened her mouth, to say a word, but nothing came out.. was she dead? No.. she couldnt be, she was dreaming.. it was all a dream! She remembers falling asleep beside Mythios, in Mica's home with a storm outside. She clenched her hands and pulled them up, they were bound down to whatever she was attacked too. Suddenly a light shone on her, her heart began to race as she looked down... she notices she is not alone.

She is bound.. bound to a chair, its hard.. with thick gripping vines holding her, as his eyes feast on her.. watching her every move. He moves to a lay, still watching.. waiting. She tries to move, tries to unbind herself from the chair, her tail curling, trying to break free.. her eyes dart around the room finding the one watching her.

She watches him, slowly.. attempting to break free, but the darkness holds her.. embraces her..

As the beast stands, Bri opens her mouth to scream, still nothing. Bri braces herself for whatever it may do.. until she feels pain, her tail begins to tingle.. she can hear sounds of people calling her name, but she cant quite make out whom or what it is. The light around her begins to fade slowly, taking her into total darkness as if she is closing her eyes.

As Briahna sleeps, everyone else is awake, trying to wake the sleeping girl, but with no luck. They watched her sleep, the flicks of her tail making them think she is in distress.. as it had almost smacked Mica in the eye. Myth had to hold is down with a paw as they tried to take her from her dream world. "Well, seems like she is out.. and we need to get going, Myth you are just going to have to carry her." Mica said, as he readied their bags, placing them on Pearl to carry. He walks over and picks up Bri, laying her on Myth's back, nodding. "Let's go you two, it stopped raining too.. so it should be an easy ride to the next village." Mica looked back at his house as they left, the next Village is a few miles from where they live, hopefully Briahna will wake up before then.


The sun was high in the sky, the air crisp as the songs of the bird filled the breeze. Sound of animals working, people cheering greeted Mica, Pearl and Mythios.. Bri still sleeping. The village they came across was nothing like Mica had ever seen, they were people like Briahna! Only.. these people were all fur, unlike Bri who only had the ears and tail of an animal. He stopped Myth and Pearl in their tracks as he went to get a closer look. Families much like his own kind were having parties, cooking food, taking care of children.. it was amazing. One of them in particular caught his eye, he looked to be about Briahna's age, maybe a bit older, the only difference between them.. was he was a fox. Mica walked closer to the village, looking to see if anyone could help Briahna. He was almost in the village when something flew by him and knocked him over. Pearl ran up and licked his cheek as she looked around to find what it was, who knocked her master over. "Better be careful comin' in 'ere, dont got much 'ere that like strangers." Mica looked up and saw the fox boy on a roof, keeping well balanced. He jumped from the roof to just in front of his visitor, who still sit on the ground. "The names Tony" he smiled and gestured a hand towards Mica, to help him up.

Tony walked the group into the village, pointing to all the different kinds of people here. "We are anthro's, or so your people call us, you coloured ones as we call you. Though some of you I guess are more pale then others." He grinned. "Oh, and this is Tika, my Fisher." he gestures to the creature sniffing the sleeping Briahna. Myth watched it carefully. "Dont be afraid of 'er, she jus' be assessing 'er, I know why you come here. She is in a dream state, we seen this many times here." Tony took them into what looked like a small sauna hut, he took Bri off of Mythios and lay her down on a soft fur rug. He took some herbs and crushed them in a bowl he had on his side, Mica never noticed it till now.. but he had what seemed to be bowls and spoons along his belt. Tony placed the crushed herbs by Briahna's head, then pointed outside. "I shall show you more, while this working. And you look familiar.. do you have a brother?" Mica nodded.

Mythios and Pearl stayed behind to rest outside of the hut where Briahna slept as Tony showed Mica around his home and talked about him. "Yes yes, I remember your brother well.. he came here to fix an injury he received from mating his leopardess. Seems like you and your Wolf have shared same, I see how she look at you." Mica nodded, "I was caught too, by Briahna.. I know she was looking, Ive seen my brother do things with his animal, figured I would give it a try with Pearl, see if she was into it." he sighed. "Guess I should have picked a better place to try it out then Briahna's own home." Tony chuckled at this, "Even though she saw, she do same thing.. Mythios be very protective over her, more so then one should be." Mica stopped and turned, "How did you know his name? I never told you..." Tony grinned, "He told me."
