Darkest Lust - Chapter 2

Story by Kaeryn on SoFurry

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The sun began to shine into the hut where Tony had lay Briahna with the herbs burning. The sweet smelling aroma of certain herbs he used beginning to take over the hut. Myth poked his head in, only to wrinkle his nose at the smell. He pulled his head from the hut, covering his nose with his paws, as Pearl began to laugh at him. "Sensitive kitty nose you have there Myth, it is supposed to wake people up.. and work the opposite to us and drive us away." Pearl smiled, talking to Myth in their tongue. All animals share one language they can all understand, then they have the ones specific to their species. Myth growled and hunkered down for a nap. "Oh, I get it big boy." Pearl exclaimed, and stood as she talked. "You are afraid your human hybrid girl will be able to hear you.. right?" Myth looked at her and narrowed his eyes. "Or, you cant talk at all!" Pearl grinned and walked inside the hut. "Mica had me get used to the smell of these, before we had left home. He figured we might run across them somewhere.. you know.. the villages who dont carry companions like us, they are all afraid of well, everything!" Pearl curled her tail around herself and looked down to Bri. The smell of the herbs was doing its job, and Bri was slowly waking up.

Pearl stood and walked from the hut, looking at Myth as to say 'be right back, I am getting Mica' or something or other. Myth held his breath and dove into the hut, taking one of Bri's shoulder pads into his mouth, and dragging her from the hut. His ears went low as he began to purr as he looked to her eyes, and her own met his.

Briahna placed a hand to her head, looking around. She blocked the sun from her eyes as she moved closer to Myth, rubbing her eyes to get used to how bright it was out now, considering the dream she was having as all dark.. maybe a bit of light, but that was all. Bri looked to Myth, and started to see him in a new way. Was it the dream that did it to her? Or was it the fact he was so damn handsome. It might have been both, or the fact she has some feline in her. Bri sighed and took the cuff of Myth and walked him near the forest around the village, she could now see where they were. They were in Naema. She took a good look around the village, because of where she stood.. you could basically see all of it, it was that small! All the huts lined up together, bit of dark brown. They were almost in a circle, or half a circle. In the middle was a patch of earth, guessing they had fires there, meetings of sorts.. no benches or tables though. They were not like humans, tables chairs and such.. they preferred to just use what they had, the ground. They slept on it and everything.. there was even a path to a lake for bathing, its not a very long or deep path either, as she could see people there as well. Myth noticed his master was distracted, and licked at her arm, his ears down.. showing content. She turned and smiled to him, patting his head.. "Come on, I need to tell you something."

As they walked, they came across a little grove, not sure what the people would use it for, but it was pretty. It looked like a cave within the trees, flowers growing around it at the edges, the inside pure green grass.. looking like it was not touched for years. Briahna walked in slowly, having to hunch a little to get in.. but then stood upright as she was in the center. Her eyes went wide at how beautiful this looked. Mythios too, was enjoying this. The smells of the flowers taking them both, the calm and quiet this place gave. Bri sat down on the grass, running her fingers through it like she would to Myth's fur.. so soft. She looked to Myth who had laid down next to her. "Myth, I know this is not right.. but." Bri bit her lip, "Promise you wont tell anyone?" she blushed, "Or well.. of course you wont tell, you cant talk! Grr.." Bri ran her fingers from the grass to Myth's fur, crawling closer to him. She looked to his eyes before smiling, almost seeing a smile from himself before she laid her lips on his, giving him a kiss.

Myth moved his tail to hers, and wrapped it around tenderly as approval, his eyes closing shut as they kissed. He began to growl low, enjoying her kiss.. more loving and passionate then others she had given him. She had pulled from the kiss, Myth licking his lips.. wanting more. She nodded and moved towards him, as she did.. she began to remove articles of clothing she had on. She placed her shoulder pads, bracers and belt to the side. She slipped off her shorts then her chest piece and lay them next to everything else. She moved and curled up with Myth, curling her arms against her as he took her into a loving embrace. "Myth, I love you." she looked up and saw him smiling down to her.


As Briahna and Myth got comfy, Pearl was on her way to find Mica and Tony, where ever they went off too. She liked this village, most of the people here had wolves as companions.. so she fit right in. She had wandered pretty far in the last few minutes, peeking inside houses, smelling different smells in the air. Some were cooking, others were building things, or practicing combat. There was also the few that were getting their own companions, a bit differently then what Nathan had put people through, there was no barrier if the creature jumped and attacked them.. they had to get out of the way themselves. Pearl was eyeing this group, watching.. she walked closer and was practically invited by another ones wolf who was just made a companion to one of the boys in the group.

Pearl walked forward, sitting down beside a red wolf, around this area.. red wolves are rare to see. They are smaller than grey wolves here.. because of who they have been bred with, most wild red wolves here were bred with smaller dogs, some domesticated dogs. Only this red wolf was the largest she had seen, he is almost the size of Mythios.. he might even be the same. She looked to him and smiled as her attention went to the center of the circle everyone had made. There was a girl in the middle, fighting with a tall blue raptor, they looked about the same height. Like any village with companions, the boy or girl must be of age.. which around here is twenty or older, she looked to be around Mica's age of twenty-two or so. Her hair was short and brown, she wore shorts and a top made from plate armor.. she was also, a ring tailed lemur. Her eyes glowed bright as she fought off the creature, who looked as if it was going to have her as a snack! She grasped its back legs with her tail and flipped it to the ground, as they lay there.. they met eyes and the beast calmed. Pearl looked to the wolf and tilted her head to the side, "What just happened here?" she asked him. He turn and grinned, "They just made partners. We attack, they defend.. if they live they get us as a partner, if they dont.. well, you get the idea." He stood and walked to the center of the circle, ears perked.. waiting. Pearl followed, "So.. have you been chosen yet?" she asked. He looked to her, then pointed to a Fox girl with light brown fur. "She is my master, nearly beat me to death that one.. her and we friend Tony were to be headed out here as soon and they both finished getting their partners. Only, Tony ran off as soon as he got his fisher.. now she is looking for him." Pearl eyed the girl over, "What is her name? And yours.. I never got it." He stood and began walking to his master, "She is Naomi, I am Nino"

Pearl put a paw over her maw to hold in a laugh, "Nino, really?" she finally let it out, stopping as soon as he turned to scowl at her. "Yes, Nino.. now lets go, Naomi and Tony will soon be getting ready." They walked together back to the house both Tony and Mica were at. They rounded about to the backside and Pearl ran to Mica as they turned the corner. "Alright gang, let myself and Naomi go get our things then we will go see if Briahna is awake and we can get moving!" Tony turned to Naomi and motioned inside.


The sun was slowly beginning to set as Briahna and Mythios cuddled together in the small grove. Myth's tail still curled around her own. Bri looked up to him before moving herself onto her hands and knees. "Alright Myth, I am ready." She closed her eyes as he stood up, licking at her neck lovingly as he moved over her. He laid his forepaws at either side of her head, rubbing his nose against her back as he mounted her. She gave an excited murr as she felt the tip of his cock run against her pussy lips. He pressed himself against her, to lay her down against the grass for her to get more comfy as he began to hump. He caressed the back of her neck with his nose, moving his way to the back of her head as he found his mark. He lightly then moves and held his jaws against her neck, sliding himself into her. Briahna began to shudder under the pressure, but enjoying every moment with her love. Her hands grasped at the grass tightly as he began to thrust in and out of her.. groaning at each hilt of his cock. Briahna could only close her eyes and moan from the size of him, trying to not scream.. to not be found. As they mated, there was movement in the trees, eyes peered from the darkness and smiled at them. Myth had suddenly quickened his pace, as he knew it was getting late. Briahna panted.. groaned and moaned as her climax was nearing.. Mythios too was nearing his own climax. He bit down on her neck a little harder as he hilted himself once more in her and filled her pussy with his hot seed. Bri shook and let her climax wash over her, almost making her collapse.

Myth licked Bri's cheek as he slowly slid from her, knowing his spines would hurt her. Only she was staring into the eyes of their watcher as Myth removes himself from her. The figure from the forest stepped out and grinned, "Why hello again my friends."


Night came over the village and things quieted. Tony and Mica were getting things packed and ready in bags as Naomi took to the animals, getting their needs set before they head off. "Hey Mica, you think it is alright for us to join you? We dont want to be a bother you know." Naomi asked as the turned the corner into the living room of the small hut. Mica nodded, "I dont mind.. Briahna though, well.. might be odd for her, just meeting you an all and Ive known you for-" he stopped as a loud thud was heard outside of the hut.. followed by a lot of growling and seemed like fighting noise. Mica, Tony and Naomi all ran to the back, opening the back door to find Nino and Pearl in a jam.. well, more like a lock. Nino's jaw was tight around the cuff of Pearl's neck as he was humping her, Pearl though did not like it at all! She began thrashing again, trying to knock the wolf off of her and onto the ground. Mica ran over and tried to pry Nino off his companion. "Tony! Come help me!" Tony ran over and took Nino's tail and pulled, making him yelp and turn on him. "Oi.. yer girl me thinks is in heat bud, might wanna take care'o that." He grinned and attached a collar to Nino, he tied a rope to it and handed it to Naomi. "Keep him outta trouble." Naomi nodded and headed back inside. Pearl looked to Tony and nodded in thanks, she looked to Mica and licked his hand. Glad she was outta that.

After everything was packed and ready to go, all the companions were hooked up with their masters belongings. Backpacks were made by people in the village to put on a special harness for the animals, so long distance traveling was easier. Pearl was ecstatic to be carrying such a load, feeling proud. Nino on the other hand was a bit annoyed, he didnt want to be carrying anything.. the only thing on his mind was mating with a she-wolf.. Pearl. The only companion of the three that didnt need to carry anything was Tika, for she was too small. She just walked along side all of them.. sometimes running up ahead to see if any danger was approaching, or any good resting spots.

"Jus' up 'lil more and we are back to hut where we left Briahna" Tony said as he pointed to a small hill, Mica never noticed the hut was even on a hill when they came before. As they walked to it, Pearl and Nino took a side turn to wait on the road.. Tika ran ahead to go wake Briahna. Tike proudly strutted into the hut, the herbs had stopped burning.. and nothing was there! Her eyes went wide and looked outside, her master was getting closer.. but the one he was to see was nowhere to be found. Maybe she was in this basket? Tike stuck her head into the nearby basket, where all left over herbs were stored before being used for other things. Tony poked his head in and called for Mica. "I dont know where she would head off too, and Mythios is not here either, she is safe I know that.. but-" Tony hushed Mica with a finger, his ears twitching. He looked to Naomi and she was doing the same, "Do you hear that Tony? It sounds like.. screaming.." Tony nodded and pointed towards the trees. "It in there, lets go!" Tony, Naomi and Mica headed off towards the trees, where in fact the grove was.


Briahna screamed as loud as she could, Mythios had just slid his cock back into her only to remove it faster than before to try and snap her from her phase.. it worked. She looked at him and growled, only to be pushed over by him and covered. Mythios' eyes were on the strange creature in the woods.

"Aww, such an introduction. I wasnt going to harm your girl, or you in fact.. you give me quiet a good show." The shadowy figure smiled, his eyes showed it. "Now, how bout we rewind, and you say hello after I had! Yea?" He laughed and stepped more out into the light. Bri looked up at this.. thing. She tilted her head to try and get a better look, as Myth stood over her. Her ears lowered as she spoke.. "What are you?" She curled her tail up close to her. "I little missy, am a human. Not many round these parts no? Kinda figured.. you being half Elven, half.. uhh cat it looks like. Your friend a rather weird lookin' Elf, and his new friends! A Fox and what was she.." He tapped his chin. "Ahh yes, a Fox girl. Hrm.. kinda hard to forget that one, they looked sorta similar in a way, difference was colour." He crouched down, to give Briahna a better look at him. He wore old ripped and torn baggy kakis, big brown boots and a torn up cream coloured tank top. Briahna was interested in him.. she was not sure why. "So girly, you just gonna stay down there under yer.. uhh, leopard. Or are you gonna come out and talk to me?" Briahna swallowed hard, and calmed Myth as she crawled from under him. "Why were you watching us?" she asked him. "Welp.. you interest me, different then many around here. Not afraid to take chances.. make mistakes.. hell, you fucked your companion! Thats not something you see everyday, it was quite a show.. I enjoyed it, did you?" He grinned and looked to Mythios, who was clearly not impressed. "Well, I have you know.. I love him" Briahna stood her ground.. not really knowing what to say to this man. "Yuh, and I love me a good apple every so often." He smiled and blew a whistle, but no sound. "What are yo-" Sounds of beating wings were heard around the grove.. a loud thud right after. The man began to grin as a silver dragon poked its head inside the grove. "This, is Stone.. my companion." Briahna stood and looked to him, "And you show me your companion why?" "Because you showed me yours, so I show you mine! You see what I done there? Eh? Oh and by the way... the name is Tim, dont you forget that!" He grinned and hopped onto Stone's back, she turned and went to the air. "Well that was odd.." Briahna shrugged and kissed her furry lover, only to be interrupted again!

"Briahna! Bri! Breee!!! Where are you?! Damnit! Cant get passed these damned trees!" Mica was complaining as he was cutting through them. "oi mate, there be a path you know.." Tony called and waved from an opening. He and Naomi broke out laughing as Mica caught up. "Not funny you know.." Tony shook his head and they headed towards where they heard the scream, all but two of the companions waited out on the road. Pearl was sick and tired of Nino asking her to mate, so she let him.. and glad she did. Nino huffed as he grabbed a hold of the cuff of her neck and held her close to him. He humped his hips back and forth, looking for his mark as she growled to him, his teeth sinking into her deeper then she enjoyed. Nino gave one last thrust as the tip of his hardened member found its mark, he hilted himself within her in one thrust as he began pounding wildly. Her breathing as his own increased as they mated, his knot beginning to grow. "Oh... gg.. nmm.." Pearl closed her eyes and steadied herself, having to lay down after a time from his weight. Nino huffed and puffed, and pulled her hips in closer as he inched his knot into her. Pearl suddenly stood and screeched, turning and biting Nino's maw as his knot entered her. He just grinned at her as he panted, his face becoming more loving as he licked at her maw.. licking her lips as they stayed locked together.


Standing on the road, waiting.. was Tika.. alone. She lay on her belly, staring at the forest, awaiting the return of her master and the others as something caught her eye. A black panther walked from the forest, eyes set on her. It stopped mid walk, their eyes met.. Tika wanted to move but decided to stay still. There was no wind, no sounds.. the yellow eyes just stared her down. Tika sat up, still watching the creature. She decided it would be best to head back to the village and wait, it wasnt far. She turned to grab up a small bag Tony had left her of food, and turned to see if the cat was still there. She gulped as the panther was right there, in front of her.. looking into her eyes growling.


The light began to sink as day became dusk, Briahna stood up from her spot in the grove and hopped up onto Mythios' back. "I think we should be going now, we were supposed to leave hours ag-" she blinked as she saw Mica walk into the grove. "BRIAHNA!!!!! Where are you damnit!!!!" He wheezed and collapsed to the ground, exhausted. Myth walked them over to him, and licked at his forehead. "Go away ahhhhhrg..." he groaned. Tony was next to come into the grove, his tail full of leaves and odd twigs. He looked down to Mica laying on the ground, and pointed toward Briahna. "Ya know she right there right?" he laughed and helped Mica up. "Yea, I knew that." Mica nodded. Briahna just sit there, shaking her head and trying to hold in a laugh. "Whelp, shall we go then?" Tony asked.. "Unless you rather stay here Bri, you seem comfy here." he smiled. "Naw, lets go.. we were supposed to be in the next town by sundown, and well.. we got distracted. I uh.. founds some pretty flowers, and a rock or two to make into some neat mini totems." Bri nodded confidently. She kicked her feet just like one would do to a horse and Myth began to move, he was the first out of the grove, followed by Mica then Tony.

As the walked through the path, which seemed longer then when they first came in here.. Briahna began thinking to herself. Hoping just maybe, they believed her story. Trying to figure out who that man was and what he wanted, he didnt seem to do any harm. Maybe the relationship between her and Mythios would be a secret still! Just maybe! Briahna's thoughts were interrupted but high pitched yelping, and Mica running into the trees again. "Oi Mica! leave them alone! It posed to be like this, he not yet shrunk!" Tony called, as Mica ran to a panicking Pearl. Pearl had seen her master coming and decided to move to him, only being pulled back to Nino, his knot still buried within her. The more she tried to pull, the tighter it seemed to get. Pearl lashed around like she was caught in a trap, but at the same time was moaning.. they just could not hear it. "Mmmm.." Pearl moaned, then groaned as she turned onto her back, still attached to Nino. "You've never been mated before, I can see that.." Nino smiled, leaning down to calm her by licking her maw. "Do not worry my dear, I am softening up." And as he said it, there was a 'pop' and his knot had fallen out, his huge member handing below. Pearl sat and opened her legs, licking herself at it caught her eye.. "Holy.. that.. your.. cock is huge!" She looked to him with a grin, just as Mica got to them and hugged her close. He looked to Nino with a scowl, taking Pearl to the others. Nino just grinned.


Tika screamed and groaned as the panther pounded his cock deep into her dripping wet pussy. He wrapped a forepaw around her as he mated her, being small as she was.. her needed to hold her closely. He opened his maw, groaning himself as he went quicker, the spines on his cock rubbing up against the insides of her pussy, making the small fisher tremble with orgasm more then once, but he did not stop there. The panther began to pant, holding his climax in to make the best of it, holding her closer until he let go, his hips pumping wildly as his climax hit. He trusted into her hard and fast, holding himself there as he pumped his seed into his little treat, and she just lay there. Tika closed her eyes, trembling madly under the sheer weight of the panther, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. As the panther finished, they both came back to their senses. The panther looked down to Tika as she grinned, he leaned down to lick at her fur just as something made his ears twitch. He looked toward the forest, then down the road. He removes his cock from his new lover, not being mindful of his spines and ran off back into the forest, away from the noises he had heard. Tika lashed at him and bit his neck when he pulled from her, the spines hurting her because of how small she is. It got him, but did nothing. Tika flopped onto her side as she watched Myth and Bri walk from the forest, and start heading up the road. Mica, Pearl and Tony soon followed after. Tika picked up the packs she was guarding and headed toward them all, limping slightly. "So where we headed Tony?" Mica asked, as he stroked the top of Pearl's head. "Well, there be a village a few miles North. Should be good place to sleep tonight." Mica nodded, "By the way where is-" he was interrupted as Naomi caught up to them, riding on Nino's back. "Hey guys, sorry.. needed to take care of something for mum before we left. Also got a map of the stars to help up get to Takino. You know, the village Tony is wanting to go too?" Everyone just stared at her, man she can talk fast. Naomi shrugged. "Anyway, let me do the navigating since I know where everything is, Mica you can be the dude that kinda protects us and such. Briahna you can be the cute girl that is like, cute and stuff. Tony you can be the leader and tell us which dir- wait no! I will give direction on where to go and you give the direction on what we do okay?" Mica and Bri tried to hold in a laugh as Tony took the map from Naomi's hands. "Fine, but I know way to Tinkoa.. so shut up." He walked ahead of everyone to lead the way. Naomi sighed and went to a lay on her stomach against Nino's back. "Alright, but its Takino, I dont know of a Tinkoa.."

As they headed towards Takino the sun began to set and something else followed them. The panther.. his yellow eyes focused on Briahna was following their every footstep.
