A Bump in the Night 7b: Three's a Crowd

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#8 of A Bump in the Night

Late into the night the two boys played, Tommy showed off while Peter gradually relaxed, Katie looked after everyone and brought them drinks from time to time. Any time it seemed Peter might ask a question, Katie would skilfully deflect it, shout 'Whoa, look at that!' and point at something exciting in the game. She watched, content to sit behind them and check how her cousin seemed, mind slowly churning through myriad possibilities. It was getting really late though and Katie yawned, stretching back and flopping onto the bed. She'd had no time to change and was still in her somewhat revealing short denim skirt, a loose yellow blouse and bare foot paws.

After a moment of quiet she raised her head and realised both boys had turned to look at her, "Yah, it's kinda late." Katie frowned and glanced round at a clock before looking back at them, "Mum and Dad must be running pretty late, they should be back by now.."

Peter suddenly jumped up, waving his arms in the air, "Oh! Oh! Mum, I mean, Aunt Susan said, that they'd be staying an extra day and wouldn't be back till tomorrow night!" He began blushing, looking at their surprised expressions, "I guess I was meant to tell you guys that earlier, right?" The cub's ears flattened and he gave them an apologetic look, but then curiosity spread across his face as he thought back, "But then.. I guess I forgot, because, um.."

Katie butted in, "It's OK!" She put on her sweetest smile and grasped his shoulders, "We don't mind, do we Tommy?" Katie glanced at Tommy and caught his eye, "Nothing wrong at all, nope!"

The young leopard looked from brother to sister with a little confusion, they were definitely acting weird. But then his face brightened as he remembered something else, "However, courtesy of yours truly, tomorrow is," Peter suddenly thrust his paws into his jean pockets, before pulling out a couple of tens in each paw and holding them dramatically either side of his head, "Cha-ching! All taken care of! We can order in whatever food we like!" His smug expression lasted all of two seconds, until Katie reached over and rudely snatched the money out of both paws, making him howl in protest, "Hey!!"

She gathered it up in one paw and then touched a finger to his lips, "Shh.. I'm the oldest, therefore I get to look after it," She fired a warning glance at Tommy, then her expression was defiant, daring Peter to question her authority.

Peter stared back, defiant and a little crestfallen, then he huffed and looked down, "Fine. But we have to agree on what we order. And I want you tell me what you and T..," Katie tried to cut him off but Peter would not be deterred, "..what you and Tommy were doing earlier!" About then the cub lost his nerve, quickly turning around to open the bedroom door before leaving, mumbling something about needing a pee.

Katie clenched her fists and watched him go, before angrily turning on her brother, "Why didn't you say something?

Tommy stammered, flustered, not knowing what to say, "B-but Katie, I.."

She turned away again dismissively, waving one paw in the air, "Never mind, it's late.." Katie's expression softened as she looked back at her brother once more, "We gotta be careful, ya know? You two are sharing so it won't look good if you're seen sneaking to my room in the night," She saw his hurt expression and reached up a paw to stroke his muzzle softly, "Hey hey.. We'll find some private time somehow, I promise. I," Katie blushed deeply, looking down as she spoke, "I want you." She took her paw away, kissed his nose briefly and then turned, walking briskly to her room. Brushing past Peter returning on the way, she entered her bedroom and closed the door with a thump that snapped Tommy out of his brief reverie.

"Hey Tommy.. So where am I sleeping tonight?" The boys were soon settled down and quite unlike normal, they did not talk long into the night. It wasn't long before all the cubs were asleep.


"Wake up! Tommy, c'mon, there's not much time!"

Tommy rubbed sleepily at his eyes with one paw, the other was being tugged upon and he desperately tried to make sense of the situation. The tugging became more urgent and he looked over to see Katie pulling on his arm.

"Please Tommy, he'll only be in there a few minutes, just move that sleepy bum of yours!"

The cub rubbed his eyes again, took one look at his sister's face and knew not to even bother arguing. But what on earth did she want? Gently, having convinced her he was awake, he retrieved his paw and then stretched suddenly, arms up above his head and back arched off the bed. Glancing around, Tommy discovered 'he' was not in the room, presumably wherever Katie said he'd be for a few minutes. Peter must already have got up, maybe they were going to miss breakfast?

"All right Katie, just give me a second here, and what's the big emergency?" Tommy flicked the duvet off himself, sat up gently and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He glanced down and blushed at the sight of his own underwear tented out quite prominently, fortunately only his sister was in the room. How strange that thought would have seemed a few months ago, Tommy thought! Suddenly a little shy, the boy stood slowly, a little dizzy too, but now his erection was made even more obvious.

"No questions, just please play along, I had an idea but you gotta hurry!" She looked him up and down as he got up, eyes resting a little too long on his crotch, then she shook her head and tutted, "Ya not gonna need these," and with that she hooked her fingers under the waistband at the front of Tommy's underwear, carefully freed his stiff penis and then abruptly tugged them right down to his feet.

Tommy's eyes widened, he didn't exactly mind, but where were they going like this? It was then he noticed his sister similarly attired, nude from muzzle to tail, Tommy relaxed slightly as he ran his eyes up and down her. This was doing his erection no good at all, he was glad Petey wasn't around.

"Okay, ready? Come with me." Katie grabbed his paw again and headed out of the room, brother in tow. The distant sound of a shower running encroached on their senses as the nude twins entered the landing and padded softly along it, their paws hardly making a sound in the thick soft carpet. The sound got louder and louder until at last they were standing outside the family bathroom, the door closed and locked. Tommy looked at her and she looked back, suddenly all business, "Now remember, no questions. I'll make it up to you, promise." With that she carefully slid a claw into the exterior of the bathroom lock, easily overriding the mechanism and rotating it round to unlocked.


Peter yawned and stepped into the main spray again, rinsing the foam from his body as water pummelled him from all directions. This truly was the shower to die for, probably enough room for three people, water jets everywhere and curved glass on all sides. No risk of splashing water anywhere and you could look around and see.. Your two cousins coming in?! The boy gasped and backed away as he watched the two brazenly approach, accidentally bumping into the controls behind him as his paws flew down to his crotch.

"H-hey!! Can't a leopard get a little privacy here?" The shower suddenly jumped into a pulsing massage mode, making the cub flinch as the shower door opened. They were actually coming in, what the hell was going on? Peter watched in horror as his cousins stepped into the spray, first Katie and then a seemingly reluctant Tommy, their eyes met briefly and his expression seemed almost apologetic. The younger leopard tried to shrink further away as the shower door closed with a glassy clink, mouth opening and closing like a fish, they were all suddenly very close together.

Katie spoke first, eying her cousin appraisingly, seemingly having no shame, "Morning Petey. I hope you don't mind but we've been trying to conserve water recently, do our bit for the environment, our Mum and Dad agreed we should do everything we can and that includes this I'm afraid. Katie put on her best exasperated expression, like this was quite tiresome, and yet she didn't actually seem that broken up about it.

Peter stammered, "U-um.. Are you.. Are you s-sure they said t-that?" His eyes widened and he kept his paw firmly over his crotch, suddenly noticing that both his cousins were naked, and Tommy was doing a bad job of hiding a vivid red woody behind his paws. The cub swallowed, he'd never seen anyone naked up close, least of all a girl, being an only child. They were the enemy, but also secretly fascinating to the young boy, he began to blush deeply as his eyes were drawn inexorably down until they got stuck between Katie's legs. The shower water was starting to sheet down her body and it seemed to run in a natural channel down there, smoothing the paler white spotted fur into a slick canvas.

The moment was broken suddenly as Katie rudely pushed him to the side and reached for the shower controls, "Budge up Petey, I'm gonna get a hole in my side if we don't reset the shower mode." She'd glanced and noticed where he'd been looking, allowing herself a brief smile before setting the shower on a more gentle spray pattern.

The two boys were huddling together nearer the door now, Peter was a few inches shorter than his cousin, nearly a full head shorter than Katie, both looking quite wet and sorry for themselves. The younger cub looked across at Tommy, glancing up and down his body briefly before meeting his eyes. Tommy looked back with a sympathetic expression, but then glanced down shyly to look where his cousin's paws were. Suddenly they both turned and stared as they noticed Katie bending down with her tail raised, collectively gasping as she seemed to spend entirely too long grasping for a bottle of headfur shampoo. The boys squirmed and Tommy didn't even make a pretense of looking away, muzzle opening slightly as he drunk in the view of his sister's undertail.

This didn't go unnoticed by Peter as he kept trying to glance away, fidgeting and blushing as he was suddenly getting an erection himself. Katie finally stood up and busied herself, seeming to ignore the two of them for now, and that's when the boys caught each other looking, this time at each other. Peter blushed deeply and he looked away, mortified, pressing his paws tightly against his groin and giving a soft gasp as this made his erection just get worse. A long moment passed while Tommy watched his sister lathering her hair from behind, Peter looking down at his feet uncomfortably. Finally the boys glanced at each other again, eyes meeting briefly before they resumed 'not looking'.

Katie turned around suddenly and eyed the two, rinsing foam out of her fur, "Come on, don't just stand there, we're supposed to be saving water!" With that she tossed a bottle of shampoo to Peter and a bottle of shower gel to Tommy, the boys each caught it with both paws, inadvertently exposing themselves to a suddenly watchful Katie. It took a few seconds for them to realise, but then they gasped, looked at each other, looked back at Katie and finally tried to protect their modesty once more. She looked at them askance, "Aww come on.. Like I've never seen a willy before. You don't see me acting all shy, do you?" Katie continued looking, flicking her eyes to try and catch a glimpse of something, and eventually turned in mock exasperation, "Fine, I'll turn around, just don't take all day."

Tommy and Peter found themselves looking at the shapely rump of Katie once more and swallowed. Finally Tommy spoke up in hushed tones, glancing at his cousin, "You d-don't.. You don't have to be shy. I-I don't mind if y-you don't." Blushing, the cub hesitantly lowered his paws, holding the bottle in one. Katie watched slyly over her shoulder as her cousin stared at Tommy, both of them blushing, his erection really wasn't going anywhere. Peter gasped as he took in the relative size, but before he could say anything, Tommy had upturned the bottle, busying himself with the task at hand, soon rubbing the shower gel into his fur.

Taking a few deep breaths, Peter tried to calm down, his mind was whirling away, what the hell was he even doing here? Nothing like this had ever happened before, he should have stormed out, shouted at them, and yet.. A strange feeling had infected him, his persistently hard willy was just a part of it, it was almost like an anticipation, an excitement. Being around both his cousins like this, naked, seemed to be a big factor, it almost felt like he was under some kind of spell. Shrugging finally, he blushed deeper, took a deep breath and moved his paws away. If they could do it, so could he! The cub looked around and noticed with an odd mix of relief and disappointment, that neither Tommy or Katie had even noticed, still busy washing themselves. Fine! With a mock sigh, Peter tipped his bottle and began working the fragrant shampoo into his headfur, pretending his erection wasn't sticking prominently out from his groin.

Tommy nudged his sister quietly, pointing at the lather all over his fur and then the main shower spray. She nodded and quietly swapped with him, letting her brother rinse properly while she stood next to Peter, gathering her tail around her side and gently squeezing water from its length. He didn't notice at first and she watched with a faint smile on her muzzle, licking her lips a few times as she stared at his fuzzy sheath. As she might have expected, it was smaller than Tommy's, a little less developed, but a familiar pointy red erection poked out. Not much smaller though, and she could see his yellow pouch contained a quite satisfactory pair of bumps, all nestled cutely underneath.

With a start, Peter opened his eyes and caught his cousin's full gaze upon his boyhood, "Eeep!" He dropped the shampoo bottle with a clatter, trying to cover his willy, and then some of the lather spilled into his eyes, "Ack!" The poor cub tried to wipe the stinging foam away, remembered his predicament, his paws flew back down again, then one back up, until he was achieving neither goal. Abruptly he tried to turn and look at Katie, shielding his body at the same time, "Will ya stop staring?! Jeeze.." Muttering, Peter gently pushed against Tommy, who graciously gave up the main spot and let his cousin rinse off. With his back to the twins, the younger boy finally freed both paws and let the main shower spray do its work.

Katie watched his rump for a time, sadly his tail was down but she still enjoyed the view, elbowing her brother after a while. Grinning naughtily, she caught his eye and then looked back at her target, pointing discretely after a moment. Tommy rolled his eyes and started lathering his headfur, the three were almost done. The female leopard cast her eyes around for a moment, until she found the bottle of shower gel, bending down to pick it up. Just Tommy gasped this time, but it was enough to make their cousin's neck snap round so fast he nearly got whiplash. They both watched as again she stooped low to the ground, tail right up high, and this time she widened her stance rather than bend her knees. The effect was rather alluring and even teasing to Tommy, he made a little groaning noise as her wet slit became quite visible to the boys.

Finally, thankfully, she stood back up and began to lather herself. Peter managed to drag his eyes away and take longer than he really needed, rinsing everything from his headfur down. Tommy meanwhile was faintly quivering, his erection surging on its own now while he watched his sister lather the rest of her body. Oh how he wanted to help wash her like he'd done before, running his paws down every curve. Everywhere her paws went, he imagined his, remembering every little detail of how they had felt, In a while she had done her arms and torso, now was doing her legs, seemingly leaving the best till last. He grunted as her paws came close, then let out a quiet shuddering sigh as she started to lather between her buttocks and between her legs.

Katie glanced at him, smiling slyly, she glanced at Peter too and caught him looking over his shoulder. Her movements were very slow and much too repetitive, down her soft rump, into her crevice then up to her back, then both paws down her tummy, moving closer and closer together till they met over her vagina and she felt all the way round. Tommy groaned again, eyelids fluttering, his willy visibly twitching and moving while he watched. Just once, when she thought Peter wasnt watching, she rinsed a paw under one of the jets, held two fingers together and slowly pushed them into her vagina. Biting her lip, she watched Tommy's eyes widen as he stood there, dumbstruck, quivering, paws by his side and penis almost bursting to get free.

"Alright boys, are we all finished?" The spell was broken and Tommy let out a breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding, Peter looked round with a guilty expression, "Come on Petey, you're all done now, give your cousins some room and we'll be right out after you". Peter hesitated again, at first he wanted them gone, wanted his usual privacy, but now.. Something strange had happened and he wasn't sure what he was feeling any more. After glancing up and down his cousin a final time, the boy reluctantly nodded and with a faintly sheepish expression, turned and let himself out of the shower.

The door clinked shut again and Katie watched for a moment, seeing him grab a towel and start drying off. She returned her attention to her brother, who looked like he was on another planet, "Hey! You havn't even washed your headfur yet, get a move on Tommy!" He gasped and with a visible effort, looked her in the eyes, his face a mixture of confusion, embarrassment and lust. She sighed, bent down without showing off and grabbed the bottle of shampoo. Patiently, she handed it to Tommy and smiled a little, glancing over to see how Peter was getting on. When he finally took it and began using it at last, Katie stepped under the main spray and started to rinse off from top to bottom.

The lather ran freely down her body, Tommy tried not to look, and for once she wasn't making a big show of it. The shampoo solved his temptation in the end as it began trickling down his face and made him screw his eyes shut. Katie finished quickly, suddenly anxious for her brother to do the same as she continued glancing at Peter.

"Come on, your turn to rinse now, then we're about done." She encouraged gently, putting her paws on Tommy's shoulders and gently guiding him under the main spray. He couldn't see as she took a long look at his stiff penis, licking her lips, it was really a sight as it stood out so vivid and eager. She sensed it was even more eager than usual today, grinning softly to herself. Peter was taking too much time now, she caught him looking and put on her best annoyed expression, "Hey Peter, you get any more dry and you'll catch fire! Stop peeking and go get dressed!"

He blushed deeply, caught, the boy simply nodded and wrapped the towel around his waist before making a hasty exit. The door remained ajar and she heard footsteps receding as her cousin padded back to his room.


Peter stopped in the corridor and turned, tormented with curiosity, fear and embarrassment, he just had to see. He dropped the towel quietly and started back towards the bathroom as quiet as he possibly could, padded feet not making a sound in the thick carpet. Back outside the door, the cub concentrated furiously, there was nothing to be seen through the small opening. Desperate now, cringing, he reached forward with a paw and pushed the door as gently as he could, opening it a little wider.. Suddenly he saw it! There was a large mirror on the wall opposite the shower, and he could see everything in it. Peter sat down quietly on his haunches and watched as Tommy seemed to finish rinsing the last of himself, his sister watching patiently.

That should have been it, Peter braced himself for a hasty exit. But the twins weren't going anywhere, not yet, he watched as Katie approached her brother and then embraced him in a full body hug. The young leopard made a face as he watched, again with that closeness, in the nude, why were they doing it?! He couldn't see too well, but Tommy's face seemed to have an almost silly expression now, even dazed as the hug lingered. Finally they parted, but then things took a turn for the weird. Katie crouched suddenly in front of her brother, reached out a paw.. and she was touching his willy! Peter gasped, then his eyes widened as he saw her not only touch it, but wrap her paw all the way around it, her other coming up now to touch his balls.

Tommy looked like he was going to faint, eyes fluttering, knees shaking, what on earth was she doing to him? Whatever it was, it was nothing compared to what she did next. Peter watched with his jaw almost on the ground, as his cousin moved her muzzle really close, and then put her brother's willy in her mouth. With no hesitation, he saw her swallow it to the roots, her nose bumping against his tummy as the deed was finally done. A second later she started to pull away again slowly, revealing Tommy's now shiny red length inch by inch. He could see the older boy was shaking now, and so was Peter, a little, one paw had inexplicably found its way round his own willy, rubbing his erection absently. Now she seemed hesitant all of a sudden, coming in close to give a dainty lick to the tip of his penis, then another one, finally a third.

That's when Peter actually heard his cousin groan loudly and he watched, spellbound as Tommy's hips thrusted, willy suddenly twitching with a life of its own, and then, what the hell?! Was Tommy pee.. No, that wasn't it at all, Peter gurgled softly and rubbed his own paw a little faster as he watched his cousin now jetting a thick white liquid from his willy. It was coming out in regular squirts and they were landing all over his sister's muzzle, most definitely not pee. Katie seemed delighted, gently rubbing at her brother's balls all the time, until eventually she took his willy back into her mouth and apparently swallowed the rest. Eww. Tommy's face betrayed a real mix of feelings but one thing was written plainly across it, intense pleasure.

Peter blushed hotly at what he was witnessing, it seemed so naughty, so wrong, yet part of him knew there was something undefinable about it. It didn't help that something pretty strange was happening downstairs, he felt compelled to keep rubbing his willy and was beginning to feel light headed. Tommy had stopped shaking now, seeming to calm down, his sister continued suckling him lovingly for a moment longer, till at last she pulled off and slowly stood up. His erection was all but gone, flaccid and withdrawing back into his sheath, how had he got rid of it so fast? Suddenly the shower door opened and Peter started, almost banging his head against the wall as he rushed to stand up.

Making a little too much noise, the young leopard got to his paws, turned tail and walked hurridly down the corridor, nearly forgetting to pick up his towel on the way. He never looked back, letting himself into Tommy's room and shutting the door behind him, panting heavily. Peter's mind was a whirl, he'd seen too much, and just what exactly had he seen? Looking down and catching sight of his ever present erection, the boy whimpered a little, confused, what was the big secret? His curiosity and his cheeks burned, but the sound of the bathroom door swinging open snapped him into action. In a blinding rush, Peter cast about the room for a few seconds before finding his things and racing to put on a pair of underwear.

Peter just managed to slip them on when the handle turned and Tommy crept in, wearing a towel around his waist. The cubs exchanged an awkward glance, but then Tommy looked back, suddenly embarrassed and concerned, he started to speak, "Umm, Pete, you, umm.." He pointed nervously at his cousin's crotch and Peter looked down, saw the tip of his erection was poking out quite obviously and doing a poor job of remaining out of sight. The cub was mortified, spinning around to face the other way, desperately tugging and readjusting his underwear, muttering until it made a painful, tented fit.

Sighing softly, embarrassed beyond belief, the younger boy quickly found his jeans and slipped them on, followed by a fresh t-shirt and his ubiquitous baseball cap. That is, after running his paws through his headfur a few times. With his willy finally softening, confidence slowly returning, Peter turned around more and saw.. His cousin, naked, bending over to pick up some underwear?!

"Tommy, w-wha.. What's got into you?" the cub asked, confusion rising once more.

Tommy glanced back shyly, side on to Peter, but didn't stop what he was doing. Instead he carefully stepped into his undies, pulled them up and after a moment was finally modest, "What's up, Peter? I just thought, y-you know, you wouldn't mind now.." He trailed off, looking around until he found his discarded shorts, almost seeming drunk as he slowly got dressed. Peter watched for a while longer, scratching his head, until he shook it and gave up trying to figure it all out for now. He brightened.

"Where's breakfast?" Peter suddenly smiled, his stomach taking over, and in a couple of minutes the cubs all headed downstairs to start the day.