The Exchange Student - Girl Behind The Wheel!

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#4 of The Exchange Student

Chris gets a good look at the native population...

Hello, welcome to the latest chapter!

Adventures in the faraway land continue, and things get...interesting. *chuckle* Hope you guys enjoy, and don't forget to comment!

Cheers, have a fun read!




Wassup, dudes, this is a sore-butt Chris speaking, reporting...semi-live from a desolate house in a Finnish forest. Kinda.

No, for anyone asking, I didn't get to party, or didn't see cute guys, but I did see some stuff alright, and it makes me wonder,


I woke up early in the morning after not getting much sleep because Karo wasn't joking, the sun never set and it hardly got ANY dark outside there, and I tossed and turned for quite some time. I got up pretty early, and had to venture into that shared bathroom for shower and grooming, making me look awesome as always, but it was a bit weird a thing to do with all the..what you call them...tampons and stuff there on the shelves! Seems that these Finns not only are open-minded about going in the buff, they don't hide personal hygiene products either.

My new buddy Karo made us breakfast, and it was...guess what...CornFlakes! With the logo and all! Just the same, plain CornFlakes you get at The States! How cool and weird is that? Tasted pretty good too, and I gobbled them down while chatting with Karo, who is a cool lynx girl, even if she isn't a hot lynx dude, which might've been even more fun, but we got along fine. Her little brother Miko had apparently already left to go to see a friend, and Karo asked me if I wanted to go out and see what was happening around there.

I sure wanted to find out if there was anything actually happening here in the middle of nowhere, and I said sure, of course, and grabbed my stuff, and off we went, in the family car and with a girl behind the wheel! She also wasn't shy of driving fast, but guess that's necessary when you live far away from everywhere.

So what did I see? Fields, with strange plastic BALLS piled on their sides! A small church she called "Lutheran", whatever that is, dunno about these strange foreign religions. There was the huge gas station again and the huge supermarket called PRISMA, with plenty of cars parked everywhere, most of which were Toyotas for some reason. Karo still drove really fast, and I wasn't sure whether this was legal or normal, before she drove us into some sort of a town I guess, and we passed houses built near to each other and then there was a big building with so many bikes at the front that I guessed it had to a be a school, and there was a hospital, I think it was one, and then another parking lot, and that was it.

The whole town, seriously, built around that huge parking lot, and surrounded by those small buildings that seemed to have a couple of shops or something in them, and that was their whole world. Certainly wasn't seeing any fun bars or clubs there, lol, help...

We drove around the whole thing, and then Karo smiled and pointed at a bunch of cars nearby, with furs standing next to them, and she said that we ought to go see them, and she stopped the car, and I got my first taste of what she later called to be "amish" or something, I don't know, but they didn't look like the amish we've got in the States.

It was a bunch of furs wearing black jackets and black jeans and with messy hair or buzz cuts, and at least one had a stud in his ear, and they just...stood there, smoking cigarettes and spitting and leaning against cars.

One of them was purple and had fur dice hanging off the rear view mirror!

Karo rolled down her window and called the bunch of rough dudes out and told them to come and meet the exchange student, and I was starting to feel a bit weird, WTF is this, am I now some sort of a special thing to show off? Guess I was for her, because soon I had weird wolf, wolverine and bear muzzles pressed to my window, staring at me while they talked something in that weird language I understand nothing about. They kinda made me feel a bit nervous, staring at me like that, but Karo didn't seem to be scared of them, she just kept talking to them in Finnish for a while before she blasted us out of the place, but that's it, the dudes with the weird, crappy cars followed us!

I don't know if it was meant to be some sort of a race of what, but we were driving back towards the direction where we came from, and I had a trail of cars behind me, led by that purple one! I asked Karo if they were trying to follow us and she said, sure, and I was like OMG for a while, but she just chuckled and told me that the amish are mostly harmless, if only they listen to horrible music and like driving around in bad cars and try to pick up girls.

Judging by the condition of their fur and those cars, I suspected that they never hard much of a chance of catching any girls with them, but guess I should be lucky that none of them would be trying to pick ME up, I'd probably throw up in one of those cars.

They followed us until we reached the gas station and the cars suddenly zoomed off there instead, leaving us to fly along the road again, and Karo said that all the amish always hang around the gas station because that was the only place they hadn't been banned from. I could very well understand such a ban, lol, it looked more like a gang than just hanging around normally, but guess furs do everything hardcore here.

Okay, I've been sitting on Karo's computer for an hour now and she wants to go to Facebook, I'll tell you a bit more about this day when I have the chance, maybe, but now Miko wants to show off her Xbox or something. Can't believe they've got Xboxes here!

See you around later, dudes!


Christopher da man


Cheers for reading! Don't forget to comment!