In to the Unknown- Chapter Two

Story by Ali Ark on SoFurry

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#2 of In to the Unknown

In to the Unknown

Chapter Two

OK! Second installment of the series! YAY! I have troubles when writing stories -.- . Well this chapter does not contain yiff either (sorry), but it will contain violence. Yes, violence, it's a war story as well as a love one. Also I'm writing another story that will have some events weave in and out of this series, also next one will be a series, but I'm only focusing on one for now!

WARNING! This story contains violence, blood, gore and the sort, if you do not like this or do not condone violence please turn back now or my Ogryn Sergeant Benjamin and his unit will have to show you out, thank you and enjoy reading.


The next few days during the storm were really nothing special, but the beautiful

vixen Josephine, was a very nice and caring "Furre" as they call them selves, and with in

those few days I saw more of her house, which was very big and spacious. Looks very

modern from their world, but in a simple house made of wood which does not burn.

There were only three other rooms than our room and the main room; there is the

bathroom across the main room from ours, a kitchen to our right and her main bed room

in the right hand corner near the bathroom. My stay in her house was one that was very

pleasant, I learned a lot of their culture and customs, and met other locals checking to see

if I'm well.

They are still scared Thunder Hawks flying to and fro from the landing site I was

suppose to help make, but I assured them that they will not fly in to their village with out

their permission and mine. The Captain and my command staff (except Commissar

Luthor) are still worried and wondering if I'm ok still. I just tell them I'm fine and they

will then tell me how it is going with the fortifications and supplies are, and the other

usual military crap. Hey I may be an officer, but even I despise the paper work and the

usual crap an officer is suppose to handle, well at least I fight along side my men, unlike

some other regimental commanders, sitting safely at home, big, fat, and stupidly

commanding the army millions of light years from the battle field not knowing the true

story going on at the front. And then it happened...

Shouting and screaming coming from the street outside, utter confusion and panic as my

Ogryn sergeant, Benjamin ,and his other 2 Ogryn comrades and unit, "walked" in to the

village the day the storm ended.

"W'ere is da Col.?" I step out from Josephine's house and shout back to Benjamin.

"I am here, Benjamin, but what brings you to this humble village, and how did you find

me?" Every one in the village watched in amazement as I commanded why these strange

creatures were doing in their village uninvited.

"Da Cap'ain wanted us tuh find you and bring you back tuh da ship Boss, and we

fallowed the trayll from w'ere ur chute fell from da hill."

"I see. . . Well tell the Captain if he needs me I'll be in this village, and order Lt. Jonathan

to move his platoon here and set up a defensive perimeter around the village, and when

you are done, come back and fill the empty area his platoon can't cover, and bring my

staff as well."

" uh. . . Yes Boss." And so they went back to deliver my message.

"Atreus? Is that really wise? I mean the village wont like being held captive." She said

in a worried and stern tone.

"No, I suppose not, the village is probably mad but they are not captives and I don't want to be far from my men, without them, and something goes wrong, I wouldn't forgive

myself if something bad happened, to this village. . .and to you." The word "you" came

out quietly enough for Josephine to hear. And she stood there in shock, I then quickly

gathered up my sword and plasma pistol, prepping myself to once again take control of

men and continue on our mission of spreading the empire to all fringes of the universe,

my arm now feeling better still hurts but not enough to stop me from wielding my pistol

and I mentally pictured my self ready to leave some one I truly love to continue my duties

to the Emperor. I turn to exit the door when Josephine rushed up and hugged me, sobbing

in to my chest and armor. I stood there and hugged her back, knowing she didn't want me

to leave but knowing it was my duty. "Atreus -sniffs- I don't want you to leave. But if you

must, you'll always have a home and . . ." I pulled her in to a deep and passionate kiss,

one that lasted to seem like years, but was rudely interrupted by Lt. Jonathan reporting as

Ordered and my command staff.

"Reporting as or. . .dered." The Lt. and my staff quickly saluted then left the house.

Embarrassed, I kissed Josephine and left to confront my men outside knowing that when I

come back there will be some one waiting for me.

After the defensive formation was formed and the villagers were reassured they weren't

captives did things start to get hairy. . .no pun intended.

The familiar sounds of gunfire and battle filled my senses and off I went,

command staff in tow towards the sound of battle was raging on.

"SIR! SIR! We need reinforcements on the eastern side! Hostile Furres inbound sir!


As we reached the site my men were already in hand to hand combat with their

assailants. Both Furres and humans fought in a mad fury, each side losing men every

moment. Blood stains the green and brown earth, eyes of the dead watch you and the

battle with a hallow stare that neither side wanted to end up as, for the stare takes its next

victim for the stare is death it self, body parts fall from decapitating blows and guts fall

from slashes that cut through the armor revealing all that hides below it and the skin that

once protected it. The pack was made up of wolves, foxes, tigers, and panthers using their

claws, spears or swords they carried with them while my men fought with their guns as

clubs, knives they carried, or their bayoneted gun acting as a spear, the fighting was

intense and before I knew it I was in the middle of it helping what ever was left from the

beginning of the assault, slicing and stabbing and firing off shots at the enemy when a

roar was heard from behind my men and we all stopped our bloody onslaught of each

other. There standing at the main entrance behind my unit and what was left of the squad

stared at the village elder and chief glaring at both sides. I bowed before him along with

my men followed by the enemy.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!?!?!?" He boomed.

"Village chief and elder Tesar, we were simply holding the line against these assailants."

"Not you Atreus, I know what you were doing, but YOU CHRISTOPHER! WHAT DO


"I am sorry village chief, but on our way back from our hunting groups we saw the village

surrounded by these men and thought they were holding the village hostage." The leader

of the pack was white wolf with black paw tips and tail, he did not look up at the chief,

simply because he has attacked men who were allies, friends, and were protecting the

village as well, and he was ashamed of himself.

"Atreus seeing as you have lost most of your men in this pack here how about we have

some of our hunters and warriors train under your group and learn your ways for us to

understand and to make up for the loss of your men here to day?"

"Yes sir, we will be glad to take in some of your men to learn our culture and for my men

to learn your culture as well." Tesar the village chief is a reptilian and has the scars to

prove he was once a fierce warrior himself, and Tesar simply nodded and left leaving us

to greet and chat while cleaning up the mess. My men did not hold the attack towards

Christopher and his hunting pack for a simple mistake of F.O.F. (Friend Or Foe). I had

my Vox Master call in some medics from the ship and a couple of preachers to pray that

the Emperor watches over his dead faithful servants.

Later after the new recruits were taught how to shoot and throw frags they were

taken in to the life of a guardsman, though we did not push our faith on them they fully

understood what they had to do and liked our armor and cybernetic enhancements that

were attached to them, as well as our weapons which were better for their hunting seeing

as they could hunt from farther distances. It did not occur to me that I had taken a couple

of cuts and bruises on my body, the medic patched me up and I left for Josephine's house.

She saw and watched in horror of what would happen to me in that fight but was relived

when she saw me walking back. When I entered she ran up and kissed me, and I kissing

back. She was so glad that I came back alive and that night we went to bed in each others

warm embrace knowing that we both lived to see each other again.


End of Chapter Two


OK! So this is the second story! Well rate and comment plz!

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