Dance Three: Pottery For Beginners (Written 2010)

Story by Beach Phoenix on SoFurry

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#3 of The Sasha and Isis Chronicles

Isis took full advantage of her day off. Sasha was in town selling some of her newer pieces of pottery, leaving Isis free run of the house. She was entertaining herself by roving about the well equipped art room of her mate. She smiled as her memory wandered to the many times she had seen Sasha in her overalls, her velvet black fur covered in grey-brown clay, working tirelessly at her work, her favorite form of play. Isis thought her girlfriend was beautiful, but never as much as when she was coated in a fine layer of clay.

She paused and turned the pottery wheel slowly with the elegant ends of white fingers and smiled wider still. She got an idea in her head to attempt to create something the way her lover spent her days creating things and fetched herself a block of clay. She set it on the pottery wheel and rolled up the sleeves of her button down white shirt. Having been born an albino her mother had spent her life getting on Isis about not getting her perfect white fur dirty. She was relishing the idea of caking herself in wet clay.

She paused long enough to pin her hair up sloppily with a hairclip, her hair falling in sloppy waves just behind her long white ears. She dipped her thin fingers in the little dish of water nearby and pressed the pedal on the wheel and began her first attempt at making a vase. She giggled like a school girl as she worked. It was a terrible attempt at clay-work, but she was thoroughly enjoying herself anyway. The major problem with it was that it kept trying to slump sideways and fall over, or else crumple in on itself.

She got so absorbed in her little bit of fun, she completely missed the nearly silent footfalls of her pantheress when she came home. Sasha smirked as she leaned her head down behind the vixens. "Having fun baby?" Isis let out a little gasp of surprise and jerked her clay encrusted hands back from her feeble attempt at a vase which crumpled into an unrecognizable heap immediately. Isis laughed softly at that and turned her head to face her mate, who was laughing as well. "Well...until it fell were doing very well sweetie."

Isis rolled her eyes at that and scoffed. "Hardly. Even upright it barely resembled a vase...I just wanted to play with the clay. Mother would never let me fidget with anything that might get my pristine white fur dirty. All my older siblings had dark fur....browns and reds. I was perfect and white and she was a neat freak. I was the perfect child. In looks at least." She frowned slightly. Sasha frowned at that and tsked at her lover. "Ah ah ah, none of that. No sad vixens in my art room, I won't have it!"

Isis looked up and met the wildcat's bottle green eyes and managed a weak smile. Sasha clucked her tongue again. "Not nearly good enough. I'm going to have to try harder to get a real smile out of you." Isis quirked a white brow at her lover. "How do you propose to manage that?" she asked curiously. Sasha chuckled deviously and stepped forward nearly straddling the vixen's lap, making Isis lean back on the stool until the back of her white shirt hit the ruins of her still damp vase attempt.

Sasha reached up and made easy work out of the clip holding her lover's hair up, letting wave upon wave of white hair spill over the vixen's shoulders. Isis's eyebrows shot up toward her hairline and her ears pricked to attention. "Sasha, you're gonna get me all covered in clay!" She protested rather weakly. Sasha smiled her enigmatic feline smile. "Exactly. I'm gonna take your mama's pristine little albino and make her a dirty, dirty vixen." She ended her proclamation with a rumbling purr that sent shivers through her mate.

Sasha's skilled fingers, so well trained at shaping clay, had no trouble what-so-ever with the pearlescent buttons of her lover's button down shirt. She pressed the soft fabric away from Isis's chest, letting it hang on her arms and shoulders. She leant her lovely black face down and used her very skilled tongue to hook around the clasp at the front of the lacy white bra, bringing it forward to unhook and then pressed her sandpapery tongue upward, sliding the catch loose entirely. The lacy material fell open, revealing Isis's small but well formed breasts.

The pantheress lathed her rough tongue gently over her lover's breasts, eliciting breathy moans from the vixen and sending shivers through her pale lover. Isis reached her hands up to tangle in her lover's ebony hair, letting her nails rake gently across the feline's scalp. Sasha purred as she continued to lavish affection upon Isis's breasts, gently pulling a nipple into her mouth to suckle it, dragging a shaky moan from her lover's throat. The nails raking her scalp tensed, the hands in her hair pulling slightly.

Sasha pulled her face from Isis's chest and hooked her dark hands under the vixen's knees, hoisting her up and onto the table with the pottery wheel. She pressed Isis down, so her back meshed into her ruined attempt at pottery, making sure she was good and dirty and covered in clay. Isis let loose a shaky, breathy laugh and raked her nails down her lover's arms. Sasha smiled deviously and trailed kisses down the pale vixen's chest and over her stomach, pausing to delve her long rough tongue into her lover's navel.

She trailed ever lower as the vixen's breathy moans grew louder. Sasha smiled inwardly at her lover's penchant for a-line skirts. She raked her nails up Isis's legs, beginning at her knees and moving upward, letting the red fabric of the skirt precede her fingers. Isis bucked her hips upward as her lover teased her. Once Sasha declared the fabric far enough out of the way, she bent her head down again, nipping and lathing the insides of her thighs with that sandpaper tongue.

She smirked softly at the soft gasps and moans her attentions elicited and very carefully pinched the fabric of the crotch of the baby doll pink panties between her teeth and pulled them down to her lover's knees. She hooked her fingers into the waistband thereafter and removed the scanty fabric entirely. She bent her head low again, nipping and licked her way back up Isis's thighs again, taking true delight in her lover's writhing, gasping reactions. She flicked her tongue across the vixen's folds and smiled broadly when Isis let out a breathy cry of pleasure.

She purred softly and slowly trailed her tongue along the length of the vixen's flower ever so slowly, her hands creeping up to hold her lover's thighs mostly still, since Isis was writhing and crying out exuberantly now. She pressed her warm damp nose to her lover's clitoris and delved her long tongue into the folds of Isis's sex. She twisted and curled her tongue inside her mate, tilting her head with the motions of her tongue, causing her nose to press and rub against the sensitive organ of her lover.

Isis cried out sharply and arced her back up off the pottery table, working to hook her legs around her lover's neck only to be stopped by those strong black hands she loved so well. She scraped her hands across the tabletop, searching in vain for fabric to knot her hands in but finding only loose clay, staining her white fingers grey-brown. Sasha purred ever louder as she worked her lover towards ecstasy, the combination of the skilled tongue and the vibrations of her lover's purring was enough to drive her over the edge, but the nose pressing and rubbing so artfully at her clitoris was the final straw.

Isis let out a shriek, calling Sasha's name to the ceiling as she pressed her head back against the table, pressing even her lovely white hair into the clay. Her entire body tensed and then spasmed around the tongue she loved so well and relaxed, shuddering against the clay covered table. Sasha smiled sweetly as she crept up the prone body of her lover, giving her a gentle kiss. She offered Isis her hand and helped her off the table.

They giggled and snuggled as they walked to their bedroom. Sasha paused her lover just at the bathroom door, turning her to face the floor length mirror. She brushed her hair over her shoulders and smiled, leaning her head against the vixen's shoulder to look at her lover's reflection as well. "You look good in clay baby doll." Isis blushed pink under her white fur and giggled almost nervously. "My mother would scold me awfully for this if she could see." "Well, boot to the head to your mother, I like you dirtied up. But come on, I'll clean you up before it dries and gets all hard and uncomfortable."

Isis followed her into the bathroom without complaint and started the shower, holding one clay stained hand under the water to gauge it warming up. She watched unabashedly as Sasha stripped out of her skin tight lime green jeans, bright pink t-shirt with the bold black statement 'cheer up emo kid' across the bosom and her neon yellow checkerboard underpants. She peered over her shoulder at the vixen and smirked, patting her bottom when she caught Isis staring.

The vixen blushed brightly and giggled, slipping into the shower timidly. Sasha followed quickly, wrapping her arms about Isis's shapely waist, letting her strong fingers work the clay out of the fur on her lover's back. Isis murred quietly, relishing the feel of hot water and Sasha's fingers on her back. Once the clay had been rinsed away, Isis stepped away from the pantheress slowly. She artfully fell to her knees, her longer muzzled face turned upward to stare into those luminous green eyes. She nuzzled her face against the black feline's hip.

She traced her pianist's fingers along Sasha's inner thigh, sending a shiver through the pantheress's body, a heavy purr making itself heard over the rush of the water. Isis curled her fingers as though beckoning an invisible guest to come to her, sliding her fingertips along the moist folds of her lover's sex. Sasha gasped softly and raked a hand through the vixen's long white hair, curling her fingertips in the wet locks.

Isis smiled and chuckled, delving a finger into her lover's depths, twisting and exploring every internal inch of her mate, updating her mental map. When Sasha let out a heavy moan, Isis slid another finger into the velvet passage, curling her fingers and pressing every spot she knew would make the pantheress cry out in rapture. She pressed her muzzle to her lover's flower and lapped gently at the sensitive bud, pressing against it in waves with her tongue.

Sasha let her head fall back, one hand firmly against the shower wall, the other firmly tangled in Isis's hair. Gasps, moans, ragged purring were escaping her throat in waves as her vixen brought her closer and closer to ecstasy with each curl of her fingers, each wave of pressure she applied with her tongue. The vixen knew her lover well. She smiled broadly and slid a third finger into her lover, pressing her elegant digits as deeply as she could, dragging a ragged cry from the feline as she shattered for her lover, her knees nearly giving out on her.

Isis leant back on her knees, only slightly away from her pantheress lover before wrapping her arms about the cat's waist. Sasha dropped to her knees and pressed her body firmly against her lover's, leaving the hand in Isis's hair tangled there, her other pressed firmly against the small of her back. Isis hummed contently in Sasha's ear, nuzzling her face gently along the feline's jaw and cheek, receiving the same attentions in kind.

Isis chuckled softly. "Remember what they said when I first moved here to be with you, having never even met you before? How they said we'd fail?" Sasha nodded almost groggily and chuckled breathlessly. "Do you remember what you said in response?" The pantheress shook her head and chuckled. "No, I've said so many things to nay-sayers I've lost track." "You said 'nuts to them.' And at the time, I was worried they were right, remember?" Sasha nodded and smiled. "Mmhmm, I remember." "'s my turn now. Nuts to them."

Dance Two: Candlelight Special (Written 2002)

Ring ring ring ring ring. That was all that phone ever did. Was ring. It was annoying. It made Isis want to rip it right out of the wall sometimes. She tapped her pencil against the hard plastic that made up the desk of her drab grey cubicle. Her...

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Dance One: Blacklight Special (Written 2001)

Sasha hopped up and down on the brick wall at the King's Cross train station excitedly, her entire body jingling. Her dark black fur was the perfect contrast to her bright candy colored clothing. She wore a vibrant day-glow red turtle neck with three...

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