Make Me Like An Irishman

Some will think me crazy; "those irish men are mad! all their wars are happy! and all their songs are sad." but lord make me like an irishman, just as much as you can, for though i may never be irish, at least then i'll be a man!


Córas Oibriúcaín

Android Córas Oibriúcáin. Cad e, Agus Cad Chuige? Córas oibrúincháin atá ann, ach í gcomhar fón so-ghluaiste. Coísuil le "Window Mobile" symbian nó an leagan de "Os X" atá in usáid ar an "iPhone", ach á eisiúit ag "Goggle" soar-in-aisce do...


Luck Of The Irish

"guess i've got the irish's luck, huh?" the large lion, still in his underwear, walked towards the edge of the bed where crisp's paws hanged and lifted his magically restrained legs enough for the wolf to see them from his laying position.

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lucky irish

An old story was working on and hopefully will finish sometime the clouds parted and a beautiful rainbow shined down onto the green irish shores.

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The Luck of the Irish

The luck of the irish chad looked at himself in the full body mirror just behind the bathroom door making sure his fur was brushed right and he looked good for a night on the town.

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The Irish Hills

They were returning from the irish hills. the irish hills of southern michigan. east of coldwater, but maybe only a dozen or so miles north of the state line ... a beautiful area. wooded.


A Break for Irish

irish and i are a bit of the latter. irish is my room mate; a fox in graduate school. i'm late in my undergrad years. in my case, i never had to hide my natural height. irish never really had a choice-- not with the job he took.

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Irish Lads Chapter 2

#2 of irish lads sorry it took so long i've been busy. # chapter 2 leroy awoke the next morning to alaster nuzzling into his chest.



Hi again. I know my last submission was utter shit, so I got rid of it. This one is a little better. Again, not really furry, but... if you don't want to read it, then I won't get upset if you just don't read it. I'm thinking about picking up...

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Inís Dom Nós Cora Leatsá Fein í Gdcarra

Inís Dom Nós Cora Leatsá Fein í Gdcarra Inneltocht a haon. Leágann atha deretigh, bhí sí sasata, lanta agus fios, sílinn shíth. Atá linn ros ós corsa bhí acahaní seo, deirnidh linn sois fionn gdcarra. On bhuail tú ina deretigh Séan? "An is...

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The New Kid is Irish

#1 of tnkii the new kid is irish hi furs! i'm experimenting with this...i'm irish and my name is david so i'll be the main character...just wanna see how this goes :3 enjoy and thanks for reading!


lucky irish 2

More of the luck of irish story. they soon moaned more louder as harold thrusted deeper and harder into greg's tightening anus, feeling his cock twitch and get closer to cumming again into the hot ass.

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