Story by Robert Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Wolf Heat

Right. This is the fifth chapter. Sorry for taking so long, but I had to do some research. To make up for the two earlier chapters shortness, I made this chapter about 2 pages longer then usual. Now I probably should have showed Ventus visiting a lot of more 'normal' places before getting to this (you know, build up, before getting to a key part). But I had no ideas for that so I just take this directly. Not the best planning seen out of a professional point of view, but otherwise it could take months. So enjoy even if it might come a bit hasty.


Leafs fall from the treetops, to be catch by an soothing wind blowing by, taking them with for a short while before dying out, letting them gently soar to the ground. Ventus had travelled fast for many days, leaving the pine forest that was Terra's territory behind long ago.

But as the wind died out, he too slowed down to a stop. Ventus had not eaten anything since his journey started; going with the wind as he did was a sure way of his sent getting to alert prays attention, warning them of his arrival. To him it did not matter, he was travelling, not hunting. But now it was time to do so, the place he'd reached seemed full of life, and now he was hungry.

Ventus looked out between two leaf trees, seeing a plain and a big valley. Walking to the valley he saw a forest of bright green leaf trees, and from the entire valley came a sweet sent.

It was odd; the sweet sent almost created an invisible aura over the valley. Curiosity pushed on, and Ventus started walking down the valley.

Well in the valley Ventus sneezed. The sweet sent had gotten stronger, and now it totally override his sense of smell. Also now he could hear a loud buzzing noise from the forest.

It got louder and louder as he entered the forest, and he whimpered as the sound hit his ears, knocking out his hearing as well.

Two of his major senses were out, and for a moment Ventus felt a sting of panic, before getting a hold of himself. Looking around he could easily find the source of the sweet sent.

The entire ground was covered with flowers, big clock shaped ones, the like he had never seen before, and the buzzing sound came from millions of bees, there was several bee nests hanging from every tree in the small forest, some literally dripping with honey.

Ventus was curios of the place, he had never been to anyplace quite like it, and never really tried honey before.

Looking at the swarms of bees, he came to the conclusion that it might be better not to give it a try at the moment. He had never really bothered to mess with bees either; their high buzzing was sending a clear warning that they were not to be taken lightly.

Walking further and further into the forest, by now Ventus was even hungrier, and to tell the truth, fighting the panic of the lost of two of his senses made him a bit cranky. Also the high buzzing gave him a headache. Appearing to grow louder and louder, until it felt like it came from inside his own head and not just the surroundings, it created a pain that felt somewhat like hundreds of needles pressing into his temple.

Feeling as he did, he started to question why he was walking around surrounded by an likely source of food, and didn't do anything about it, all just because of some stupid bees. The honey was without doubt very sweet, and started to look very tempting.

Ventus stopped thinking rationally, hunger, anger, and the held back panic created a hot fog in his head that clouded his mind. He got more and more tempted by that sweet, thick honey.

He started to move towards a nearby bee nest that was dripping with honey. As he got closer the bees got nervous and started flying towards him, diving down at him and taking air moments before encountering. But then he could feel some of the bees trying to get through his three layers of fur. For every step closer he got, Ventus could feel like a mental weight pressing down on him and a resistance as if walking through a very thick bush. Now he could also feel an alarming pain at the base of his tail.

Making a sudden stop next to the nest, Ventus turned around and dashed away, narrowly avoiding a couple of attacking bees.

Ventus had seldom ignored his instincts like that before. He could feel his body calming down, his tense muscles relaxing. His body had tried to warn him, and if he hadn't listened, he would most likely have been in grave danger. He did not know the seriousness of the danger, but he knew that his body wanted to live.

As he ran through the forest his left front paw slipped in a pool of honey, sending him down to the ground snout first. As he struggled his way up he felt oily tears in his eyes. He started seeing blurs; the millions of bees flying all around him became a wall of black and yellow dots, consuming everything he saw until it was all he could see.

Now Ventus was panicking, dashing straight into a cliff, he bounced of it, hitting the ground again. Without the constant flow of information from his senses, Ventus could not make out anything of his surrounding; it was like his mind had left the world, soaring in a hellish place of black and yellow flames, with nothing connecting it to the world except the feeling of grass and flowers under his paws.

It was the most horrible thing he had ever been through, blurred black and yellow dots, dancing like flames, and the never ending high buzzing seemingly from inside his own head banished all thoughts from his mind, pushing him to the brink of madness. The only consolation was that he could no longer smell the sickeningly strong sweet sent cause of his now numb nose.

But what difference did that make?! All he could feel was despair, and madness. He was lost! Lost forever to walk blindly through this hell until he was consumed by the black and yellow flames. A couple of bees stung him, and he thought he could feel the fire starting to consume him. For in his mind there were no bees, only fire.

Ventus suddenly felt another feeling, he suddenly felt very lonely. Even do he was a pack animal, he had never felt lonely since his pup years. The world and the wind was what he had long considered all the company he needed. But now it was like the world had left him, he couldn't see the horizon, he couldn't hear the sounds of life, nor could he smell the scents of the creation. And in the depths of this valley, in the small forest, the wind did not blow.

He felt very lonely, and caught himself missing Luna. The wolf female from the pine forest he left behind. Remembering her black back-fur, covering her down to the shoulders, and the rest of her where covered in a soft shining white coat. He suddenly remembered all about her. Her voice, her sent, even her taste from that one time. He felt like he wanted to see her again. And then he didn't feel as cut of from the world anymore, something more connected him to it.

Ventus got up, his senses where still lost, but now he could think again, and so he knew he had to do something.

He could not use 3 of his senses, and the fourth and fifth he had little use of. But his sixth sense could still be used. The sense of prediction if you will. Or perhaps it's just the sense that reads the rhythm of nature and all that happens. You can also call it gut-feeling.

Whatever you call it Ventus focused strongly one this one sense. He could feel the rhythm of the universe, feel life pulsating through its veins; he felt it stronger then ever before. In the absence of his other senses the remaining ones had improved, and now it guided his steps as he started walking through the forest, ignoring those bees that stung him and made his flesh burn with their poison.

Following this sense it guided him past trees, avoiding cliffs and pools of honey. As soon as he was close to danger, he felt it and change his direction. It was like seeing without shapes and colours, like hearing without sounds, like smell without a sent. It enabled him to travel with confidence through the hell he had entered.

After what must have been hours Ventus sensed a great space close by, he came to the conclusion that he had to be close to the end of the forest, and the space was the plains and the valley.

Nearby he sensed a small space filled with energy. Another pool no doubt, but this one contained something else. Rainwater! He quickly made his way to it. But something else got his attention. Two presences not to far from where he was .They must be just outside the forest.

Ventus decided that it was better if he hide inside the forest until he had used the water to wash the heavy chemicals from the honey out of his eyes. At least then he could see.


At the plains surrounding the valley one single wolf travelled. It was a wolf female from a pack living in a somewhat nearby territory. She had been sent to the valley by her pack leaders, and she wanted to get there as soon as possible, not liking being exposed at the plains.

As she made her way to the edge of the valley she noticed the sent from the honey that would become her first obstacle.

When she walked down the valley her sense of smell was knocked out, and the high buzzing of the bees covered all other sounds.

It was probably because of that she didn't notice the big form of another creature sneaking up behind her.

But as she was about to enter the forest she glanced back, hesitating perhaps, and saw the powerful figure that had tailed her. A brown bear.

She had been careless. She knew that brown bears sometimes ventured to the valley, and that they could pose almost as much threat as the dangers of the valley it self.

In a desperate attempt to escape she tried to dash into the forest. But the brown bear moved incredibly quickly for something his size, and pinned her to the ground.

The bear leaned down until his head was almost at hers level before talking, the only reason she could her him was that they where still a bit outside the forest, so the buzzing did not completely overwhelm her hearing.

'Why if it isn't a wolf bitch. What are you doing waaay out here, eh? Me? Let's just say I didn't get a date this mating season, and to tell the truth I came here to end this miserable life. But you know what, you look nice and tight...Tell you what I'm going to do, I'm going to fill you up. Dying is probably overrated. Hehe, I'll fuck you good, then I'll kill you and try again next year. 'The bear laughed at her.

She didn't know what to do but whimper as the full realisation of what the bear was going to do sink in.

The bears cock was hanging unsheathed between his legs, and she watched as it was pushed against her lower region, probing for her entrance. It would never work, she wasn't prepared, it was simply too big, it had to be. But it pushed past her lips, stretching her inner walls to what felt almost like the braking point. The bears pre-cum helped him slowly push himself in, and she could only scream as she got penetrated.


As Ventus washed his face in the water, he felt a sudden burst of energy from the two creatures outside the forest. Looking up he could finally again see the shapes and colours of his surroundings. He was close to the end of the forest and he could see the plains between the trees.

He could feel that he didn't use his sixth sense as much now, but no time for that. Now he was going to check on those creatures.

Staying hidden within the forest he looked out at the two creatures that had gotten his attention.

To his surprise it was a brown and black wolf and a brown bear. He came to the conclusion that the wolf must be female; the bear was obviously a male.

The sight belonged to one of the oddest things he had seen this far. The bear was actually mating with the wolf! The concept was somewhat chocking, yet Ventus watched.

He couldn't hear or smell anything, only see. So he watched carefully.

He could see the bears cock pressing into the wolfs vagina, for a wolf it must be quite over-sized, and that it could get in was surprising.

He could see her open her mouth, letting out a moan he could not hear. Her eyes opened wide as the cock was pushed deeper into her, pre-cum dripping.

He could tell by now that it was a rape. The wolf was panicking, trying her best to get away from the bear, but the bear had her pinned, so she could not move away from the force pushing into her.

He could see her trying to inhale as it was forced even deeper, and then quickly open and close her mouth in what must have been whimpers as the bear filled her entirely, the bear himself seemed to be growling with pleasure.

Ventus knew what was going on, but couldn't stop it, as it was now he wouldn't stand a chance against the bear.

The bear started moving, the wolfs juices was by now mixing with his own pre-cum and enabled him to pull out, giving the poor wolf a short moment of rest before he thrust back in, trying to find a rhythm.

The wolf females body trembled as the cock was slammed into her again and again, she scratched against the ground trying to get away, Ventus watched as she tried to inhale between the thrusts, he also saw her whimpering against the pain.

After some time the bear had built up to quite a lot of speed, he must be nearing his climax. The wolf lied almost motionless, her body bouncing with the thrusts. Before she had squirmed to get loose. But she had stopped struggling a couple of moments ago, when she had lift her head in what must have been a scream caused by her own orgasm.

From time to time her body twitched, she was still conscious, but did not have any energy left for further struggle.

Now the bear thrust in again, but this time he stayed in. His body relaxed, and cum was overflowing from the wolfs vagina. As he pulled out his dripping cock, more cum flowed out of her stretched opening, her body twitching.

At that moment Ventus sprung out of the forest, he had waited for this moment, when the bear had totally dropped his guard. An encounter earlier would probably mean that the female would have been crushed under the bear.

Still Ventus stood no chance of defeating the bear with any orthodox methods. But a surprise attack could be a good lead.

The bear standing leaned over the motionless female, ready to strike a killing blow, did not notice Ventus until he was right behind him.

Ventus tried to get up on the bears back, but as he closed his jaws around its back, he was caught by the momentum when the bear turned around to try and face him; Ventus was thrown off before getting a good grip.

'What are you doing here?! Who are you?!' The bear snarled at Ventus.

Ventus however ignored the question, as he got back on his paws, and smiled his most provoking smile.

'Boy, aren't your pathetic. Not only do you have to resort to rape, but you couldn't even do it with your own species!' He taunted the brown bear.

That made the brown bear grin, his muscles got tensed, and anger burned clear in his eyes.

'That's it. As soon as I've killed the bitch, I'll go after you and tear you limb from limb.' The bear snarled before turning towards the now nearly unconscious female.

Ventus had to get his attention back quickly. He devised a plan.

'Why is it you have to do this? Is your little buddy too small for your own kind?!' He mocked the already angry bear.

The brown bear spun around, launching at Ventus. Even with the high buzzing from the bees, Ventus had no problem hearing the bear's angry roar.


Ventus dodge the bear and head for the forest. A bear was an incredibly fast and strong opponent, but Ventus was still faster.

The bear followed Ventus into the forest. There his hearing got completely knocked out. Enraged he looked after Ventus.

A grey streak flashed by, and the bear felt Ventus fangs digging into his shoulder, then Ventus let go and jumped back into to hiding.

This continued until the bear was covered in small wounds, angrier then he had ever been before. Then he saw him. Ventus sitting panting by a tree. The multiple quick attacks must have had exhausted him.

The bear launched at him, jaws dripping foam in rage. As the enraged best launched towards him, a single though went through Ventus mind; I got to time this right.

The moment before the bears claws would reach him, Ventus launched out of the way, rolling as he land, the bear dove head first into the tree, shaking down the many bee nests hanging in it.

As fast as he could get on his paws, Ventus dashed out of the forest. The bear twisted in pain as millions of bees attacked him. His own effective defence against the flying creatures made his death slow.

Vents walked up to the female wolf, trying to examine the extends of her injuries. Her black back and shoulders seemed to be only bruised, her legs could be sprained. He moved on to her rump which was severally bruised, removing the tail with one of his front paws. Her vagina was still stretched and hadn't closed around the space created from the bears cock. In the pool of sperm he also saw some traces of blood; she had been ripped, but luckily not much.

A part from that she seemed to be only exhausted and Ventus manage to get his head in under her body, lifting her onto his back.

His stomach rumbled, he hadn't eaten in a long time now. Why did he get himself mixed up in all this? He had a feeling that saving the female only had more trouble to come. But done is done, and now he felt he couldn't just leave her just outside that hell.

He started walking out of the valley and to the awaiting plains, his unconscious burden lying motionless on his back. He took a look at the sun. He had been trapped in the forest for over a day.

Ok, actually the female wolf was suppose to have been properly introduced in this chapter, but I'll just take that in the next one cause I think I have written enough on this one.

The somewhat odd sex-scene with no sounds was something that just came to my head. I think now that it might have been based on the time when I watched late night porn shows on TV and had to do it without sound so that my parents wouldn't notice. Later I realised that TV porn sucks, because it doesn't have any good story or good emotions (just my opinion).

But that's why we write erotic stories right?

The whole concept with the bear was odd, but there's a rezone behind it, or a mental image that won't go away.

Anyway, please rate this submission, and if you got time, leave a comment and tell me what you think. I personally think this chapter got perhaps a bit odd with the bear, but I had to have him with.

And if you have any requests on what you would like to see in the future, then I'm all ears.