Tale of a changed Earth 6

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#6 of Tales of a changed Earth

Tales of a changed Earth chapter 6 by Raven fox and Utah friend: Ewyon has to stay in the good dragons' lair to keep her egg incubated. So Troy being recovered by his injury has to ride another dragon. (Authors note: As usual this chapter starts in the pass. An old saying; even thou you're a badass, there's someone better than you in a fight.)

One hundred and twenty years before the events of chapter one, three days after the dragon battle. Unknown world heading north.

Two vixens walking are talking to each other while walking down the trail. One is a petite black colored fennec vixen with long white head hair. The other is a regular fox vixen with a white pelt with black socks and gloves.

Crying, Ewyon looked at the white vixen with amber color catlike eyes. "I tried to join Samsons' group saying that I changed sides, but they chased me away Sandra."

Putting an arm around Ewyons' shoulders Sandra sighed. "Don't trust the good dragons Ewyon. I am flattered that you want to hang out with me, but that dam Oblivion threw me out of his group." The vixen smiles at the black fennec vixen. "Some people told me that there is a settlement at the north. So we will just lay low for a few days and then decide what to do."

Ewyon looked south at the valley they just left. She remembered Samsons' scream of pain when she bit the dragons' right index finger off. The vixen remembered the aftermath of the battle with Oblivions rage taking his anger out on Sandra by throwing her out of the group of evil dragons. "We lost so many during that battle and so did Samson. That was a waste of lives, why did Oblivion try to take that country." Ewyon thought to herself following Sandra down the trail. She stopped and turns around looking at the valley with charred areas and saw a gold dragon flying above the valley. "Is that Samson or another gold dragon?" She asked herself and resume following Sandra.

Flying above the valley, Samson looked at the devastation of the valley. The dragon felt the weight of his rider sitting at the base of his neck feeling grief of his followers lost in the battle. He ran the names of the casualties and the injured; his daughter is one of the injured. Ewyon did her famous diving attack injuring her and breaking her right wing, plus the loss of his finger. According to Lynn, Rynn will recover in a couple of days. "Such a waste of lives of both dragons and riders." Samson thought to himself as he circled the valley. The dragon looked north and saw a black shape disappeared over a rise. "Was that Ewyon?" He asked himself not knowing that it will be another seventy years before he would hear about her again.

Five days later at a clearing.

The two vixens looked at the buildings surrounded by a wall. "It looks like a villa Sandra. Should we see if we can stay for a day or two? Asked Ewyon looking at the structure.

The white vixen looked at the place and felt in the bag hanging off her belt feeling some coins. "I don't know Ewyon, this place is to quiet for a place this size." She said to the black colored fennec vixen.

Ewyon looked at the villa examining the place. The buildings are some what worn down but looked in fair shape. She saw someone lying against a tree; the figure is wearing a cloak with a hood covering the features. "Excuse me, do you live here? We're looking for a place to stay for a couple of days."

The figure stood up really fast throwing off his hood showing his features. Standing is a common being on their world. He stood five feet tall with a wiry build looking like a human male that she would eventually meet in one hundred and twenty years. The being looks like a teenage human male, but he has pointed ears. If a human from Earth looked at the being, he or she would be calling this being an elf.

"DRAGONS!!! Evil dragons have invaded my home!" The being yelled and did said a few phrases causing Sandra to fly against a tree. Sandra spasm like she's being tied to the tree. Ewyon went to change to her dragon form, but nothing happened. "Yessss, you can't change to a dragon Ewyon. Yeah I heard of you, what do you want?"

Being eighty years old and still young in dragon standards. Ewyon is still short tempered and headstrong. She went to attack the being, but the gray haired being moved quickly avoiding the vixen. The vixen after a few unsuccessful attacks ended on the ground with the gray haired being pinning her to the ground. "How did you beat me? I haven't lost a fight since I was twenty years old being trained by Oblivion."

The being laughed as the vixen tried to free herself. "Go ahead and try Ewyon, you might think you're unbeatable. But there will be someone better than you and you just found him. Sorry for being rude, my name is Nerlin."

"GRRR!! Ok you win for now." Ewyon said to the being on her.

Laughing, Nerlin brought his face close to the vixen. "First lesson is in humility, and you have potential. One thing that I found out when Oblivion took over leadership of the evil dragons is. He is selfish and no longer teaches the evil dragons the use of magic." He did a penetrating gaze at the vixen. "You have a strong magic field in you." The being looks over to Sandra who is glaring at him. "HMMM, you and Ewyon want to be my apprentices?"

Sandra looked at Nerlin being suspicious. "Ewyon and me can use magic?"

The being chuckled. "I have a feeling by not teaching his followers, Oblivion is going to regret not teaching his followers the use of magic." He releases the vixens looking at them cautiously. "Follow me Ewyon and Sandra. Your lessons will begin in the morning."

Holding her emotions at bay, Ewyon watched at her friend and Nerlin walked in the villa. She decided to become Nerlins' apprentice for now.

Current time, the day after the events of chapter five. The good dragons' lair.

Troy and Ewyon looked at her egg. Right now Ewyon is in her fennec vixen form with her arm around her mate. The human was upset at the vixen till Samson took him aside and talked to him.

The leader of the good dragons explained that instincts of both dragons caused the mating flight. Right now Morgan is keeping his distance from Troy at the moment. Morgan was talked by Samson, but the bronze dragon was told to keep his distance from the human for now.

"Ok....so how long is the incubation?" Troy asked Ewyon putting a hand on the egg surface. He felt a smooth glassy surface and the temperature like holding a warm soup bowl.

Ewyon placed a hand on Troys'. "Twenty eight to thirty days, then the dragon emerges and seconds later it transforms to its canine form. If it's a female, she'll be the age of sixteen of your human years. The same if it's male, but the male reaches...." She stops the last sentence in mid sentence. Because the vixen was going to say that male dragons sexual maturity at the age of thirty.

The human looked at his mate. "You're saying that if we have a daughter, she'll be a teenager?" He looks at the egg in surprise. "I keep forgetting to ask you this, why do you dragons morph to athro canines?"

Ewyon grinned stroking Troys' cheek. "A survivor mechanism, Samson is very large when he's a dragon." She looks at the human with her amber colored eyes. "If he's hungry and there's little food around, athro wolves eat less than dragon that's the size of a passenger jetliner. When I was Nerlins' apprentice, I tried to find some books about us, but my teacher didn't have any on the history books of our species. I spent fifty years looking after I finished my training, but I ended up here on this planet before I can check on a lead of some books. All what my teacher told me was that we weren't native on our planet, we were from another world."

Troy nodded putting an arm around Ewyon. He made his decision to talk to Morgan after he talked to Ewyon. "Does Sandra or Milla have any offspring?" The human asked the vixen.

"Milla has two male dragons and Sandra did had a daughter. She would of been around my age." The vixen puts her hands behind her mates' neck looking at him. "What ever you do, don't ask Sandra about her daughter Cythia, it's to painful for her. I got to keep my egg warm; Samson wants to talk to you." Ewyon morphs to her dragon form and wraps her large body around the shiny black bronze egg.

He strokes Ewyons' muzzle saying goodbye to her and walks away. Troy passes Oblivions' area.

"I see that you're up and around human. Just can't wait to see what comes out of that egg." The large gray wolf says in a sarcastic tone.

The human stops and looks at the leader of the evil dragons examining the wolf wearing a cast on his left arm and right leg. "What gloating do you have in store for me?"

Oblivion cocked his head grinning looking at Troy with his green eyes. "None for the day for what you have been thru in the last few days" The wolf lays his head on his uninjured hand doing a strange look. "I admit, I sort of admire you. If it was me, I would have beaten up Morgan and smashed that egg of Ewyons'. But, I am not you, but you human sure have a lot of self control." He had to throw another monologue. "I must say that your ex-girlfriend sure talks nice about you, but you're lost my gain."

Troy was about to say something, but Sandra grabbed him dragging him away. "Ignore him Troy; he likes to push everyone's buttons. Stay away from him, he gets off from making everyone to turn against each other." The vixen said to the human. "Samson sent me to look for you, let's go see what he wants."

The human sighed letting Sandra guide him away from Oblivion. Troy looked back seeing the wolf still grinning at him waving goodbye to him. "Do me a favor Sandra, keep an eye on Ewyon. I didn't like some of the stuff he said about her."

"Don't worry Troy; I and Lynn are taking turns on that." Sandra answered directing Troy to Samsons' area.

Troy did like Ewyons' older sister, but she had this habit of sneaking in his bed to fondle him during the night. Ewyon told Troy that her older sister is a nymphomaniac and sometimes she needs more than one male to satisfy her urges. When Ewyon was gone for one day along with Dave her rider. The white vixen cornered him in the shower and had her way with him. He liked the sex in the shower but Ewyon found out about that incident and gave her older sister a lecture.

Samsons' area a minute later.

Samson was talking to Shaun when Troy walked in with Sandra. He listened to Sandra when she told of what Oblivion was saying to Troy. "I think we should get rid of those two by dropping them off somewhere in the middle of the Salt lake." The white vixen said to Samson.

The blonde colored wolf held up his hand when Shaun started to say something. "I am going to do something with them soon. At the current moment Troy doesn't have a dragon to ride due to Ewyon can't leave her egg to keep it warm. So I am asking Shaun to take him around for till Ewyon can leave the lair."

Troy felt shivers going down his neck due to the dragons' favorite stunt while flying. He looked at the copper colored male fox who is nodding. "I better keep a good grip while I am flying on him." The human thought to himself, he rather liked Shaun and he remembered to go get himself airsick pills when he can go get some.

"Now that is now settled, we'll talk about what to do with Oblivion and Riva." Samson replied changing the subject.

"We should get rid of them!" Shouted Sandra with a snarl on her muzzle.

"I am with her, he threaten Ewyon!" Troy replied seeing Sandra doing a grin on her muzzle.

Samson sighed putting up a hand. "Now, now, let us think rationally." He said giving Shaun a be quiet look. "I am going to assign a few of my followers to keep an eye on both him and Ewyon. I am really curious of what is going to emerge out of that egg. The last time a good dragon mated with a dragon from the other side." The wolf looks at Sandra with an apology look. "Was almost two thousand years ago, but the dragon was killed while it was hatching." Samson saw Sandra nodding.

Troy felt a hand slap his shoulder, Shauns' cheerful voice replied. "Well rider, let's get acquainted. We'll fly over to Salt Lake City and get some stuff."

The human nodded noting Samsons' approval of the request. He followed the copper colored male fox out of Samsons' area. "I need a word with you Sandra." The wolf said to the white vixen.

Minutes later, heading to Salt Lake City.

Before he left with Shaun, Troy managed to get a few pills from Shauns' mate Lynn. He noted that she is another vixen who wanted him for a night. The human managed to have a talk with Morgan to say it's cool to hang around him and Ewyon. Troy looked at the sun setting at the west feeling the beat of the dragons' wings.

Then Shaun folded his wings. "I just get an adrenaline rush from this." The dragons' thoughts entered Troys' mind as the wind rushed passes him.

Troy held on watching the ground rushing up to them. He was holding onto the leather collar around the dragons' neck. The human grinned feeling his eyes water from the cold air.

Shaun watched as the ground rushed up giving him that adrenaline rush he loves so much. A minute later, the dragon unfolded his wings and he leveled off being only fifty feet from the ground. "Yeah, I needed that Troy." Shauns' thoughts entered Troys' mind.

Minutes later, the two males were walking down State Street to one of the stores. Troy is still walking with a slight limp. "Troy, is that new leg still bothering you?" Asked Shaun with concern in his voice.

A familiar male voice answered. "It takes one week for a humanoid to get use to a leg that had been grown on a burnt stump. Old friend, may I look at it and one other thing. Where is Ewyon? A friend of hers wanted to talk to her." Charles steps out of an alley with a female red colored wolf.

Shaun snarled. "Milla, what do you want. Shall we finish what we began twenty years ago?"

Troy watched as Shaun and Milla stare each other down. He really didn't want a fight to start because his Dodge Dart is five miles away at his apartment, plus the lair is thirty miles north of here. The human knew that Shaun can hold his own against Milla, but something unexpected happen.

"I request a parley, Milla darling please stand down." Charles looks at Shaun. "You to Shaun, I just want to talk to my old friend Troy." He looks at Troy with his red colored eyes.

Troy looked at Charles missing the hazel green colored eyes his friend use to have. "Alright Charles, we honor your parley. What did you want?"

The other human grinned. "I just want to look at your new leg. Plus my dragon wants to know where Ewyon is?"

Troy shook his head rolling up his right pant leg showing the shiny black skin that turns to flesh color below the knee. He saw Milla looking at it with interest.

"That is so cool Troy; I didn't know black dragons can use magic." Charles said with excitement.

While Charles chatted with Troy, Milla watched as an old memory surfaced in her mind. Oblivion might have stopped the evil dragons from learning magic, but Millas' mother taught her a few spells. One that she knew of was taking a copy of memories from another being. "When a dragon bonds with a rider, a copy of its memories goes to its rider." Millas' mothers' voice whispered in her mind.

Before Shaun can act, Milla stepped up to Troy saying a phrase. A red aura surround Troy a Milla. "The memory copying spell." The fox replied with horror in his voice.

One hundred and twenty years went thru Millas' mind. Seventy years of being train by a level ten mage. The nights of studying at night and her flying tactics in the air. And her recent memory of laying the egg, but the secret of the lair didn't go thru her mind. All what Milla wanted were Ewyons' memories of using magic.

The female wolf grinned at Shaun and Troy who has a daze look in his eyes. "Thank you Troy, it will take a month or two to sort thru those memories. Tell Ewyon congratulations on the egg." And her expression changed. "Tell Samson that there is going to be a new leader of the evil dragons when I get rid of Obiit. All what he did was that one attack and now he spends his spare time having sex with the other female dragons and saying how he is going to take over this world. He is nothing but full of hot air and a coward." Milla changes into her dragon form. "Come Charles, this parley is over." The dragon brings it large reptilian head near Troy. "You earn a couple of escapes from me from the know age you given me rider. I hope to see Ewyons' offspring sometime." A large red eye winks at Troy as Charles climbs on her back. A gust of wind and the large red dragon takes off to the sky.

Shaun shakes Troy. "Come on Troy, we got to get back to the lair and tell Samson about this." As the fox changes to a copper colored dragon.

Troy climbs on to Shaun still shaken. "I am sorry; I thought that they couldn't use magic anymore."

"It's ok; the fates are spinning the threads to bring balance back to our species. Samson knew that something like this will happen sometime. Ewyon and Sandra joining us brought the level of magic to high in our side along with Obiit throwing Oblivion out of the leadership of the evil dragons. Now it seems that Milla knew a few spells from her mother and she was a good magic user, but she was killed in the last scuffle with Oblivion." Shaun said as they flew back to the lair.

Evil dragons area, minutes later.

Milla morphed to wolf form looking at Obiit with Jill. "Enjoy her while you still can you dam idiot." She mumbled to herself taking Charles by the hand to her tent. The wolfess decided to try out Charles.

Charles is placed on his bed watching Milla removing her clothing exposing her muscular body. He liked what he is seeing, the large firm breasts with black colored areolas poking thru her red fur.

Milla smiled at him as the human removed his clothing. Her eyes widen at the sight of Charles erect organ. Charles has a long very thick penis that is standing straight up. "Hmm, I did well when I chose you." She murred running a hand thru his hairy chest. "And hairy to, I can use a second in command when I take over this group. You would like that would you."

He nodded as the wolfess squatted down on him spreading her black colored labia lips. Charles looked as his long thick organ slid inside the wolfess.

Milla looked up feeling Charles organ going inside her. She moaned with pleasure knowing that out of her formal rider and Obiit. Charles is the biggest that went inside her. She doesn't count the two mating flights while in her dragon form. "Yeah, when I am in charge, there is going to be a few changes. Oblivion screwed up by not teaching us the use of magic, I am glad my mother taught me a few spells. I'll teach only a trusted few what I know and some to the others so nothing like this won't happen again."

Charles couldn't help it; he's one of the big breast fetish human males. He brought his head up and started sucking on one of Millas' breasts. The human heard the wolfess moan and she hugged him closer to her.

A minute later, Milla gently pushed his head away from the breast. He looked at them running his hands feeling the texture of them. Charles head is tilted up and he is now looking at Milla admiring her red colored eyes and long red head hair. "So, what is like having her memories?" The human asked her.

The wolfess grinned at her lover. "My old friend has been thru a lot in the last one hundred and twenty years. Like I told Troy, it will take a month or two before I can use what I just gained."

The human grinned hugging the wolfess feeling her muscular body. A year ago, he thought females with a bodybuilder build were repulsive when he was a nice guy. Now after spending some time in prison fighting to stay alive. Now Charles finds this female anthropomorphic female wolf the most sexually attractive female he knows. "Did anyone tell you that you have the most beautiful red eyes?" He asked the wolfess on him.

Milla chuckled. "Now that's the kindest thing anybody ever told me. Just lay low and stick close to me, soon, we will be running this group and this planet. Maybe if things work out, Troy will be part of our group with my old friend Ewyon and her sister. Oblivion was an idiot of kicking her out of our group. Keep your mouth shut lover and you'll be at my right hand."

Charles nodded as that familiar feeling went thru him at his groin. The human yelled as he emptied into Milla. "Just me a second, I'll be ready for round two." He panted as his organ softens with tender feeling of pleasure.

Milla nodded feeling Charles penis soften inside her. She noted other being big down there, Charles let out a lot inside her. "Yeah, better keep this one, lasted longer than Obiit. He was twenty pumps and he went off. This guy takes his time enjoying himself, I would say, he twice as big as Obiit and three times the discharge volume." The wolfess grins feeling Charles member growing hard inside her. "Plus this human recovers quicker, let Jill have Obiit. This human is mine."

Twenty eight days later, the good dragons' lair.

Samson sat at his area with thoughts going thru his head. At his anthro wolf form, the leader of the good dragons decided to keep Oblivion and Riva in custody and moved Oblivion to another area to keep him away from most of the dragons. "The last contact with the evil dragons was when Troy ran into Charles and Milla. What is Obiit up to?" He thought to himself as Lynn ran in.

"It's hatching, Ewyons' egg is hatching." Lynn said to Samson with a surprise look.

At the place Ewyon is at is her, Troy and Sandra looking at the egg as it cracked. Morgan is standing nearby watching with interest. "Yeah you better be here, you are responsible for this." Samson thought to himself as the egg spit apart exposing the dragon.

The dragon flapped its bronze and black colored feathered wings. It looked at Ewyon with bronze colored catlike eyes. Ewyons' offspring is a shiny black in color with bronze colored hair on the head going along its spine. Before it morph to its canine form, Samson knew the sex of the dragon and he notice her underside is bronze in color. "Interesting coloring." He thought to himself now looking at the female canine lying on the floor.

The female shivered on the floor as Ewyon and Sandra put on a shirt. Troy got a good look of the newest member of his family. She stood a few inches taller than her mother, plus she look like her, but with a few differences.

Ewyons' daughter muzzle is a little longer and her ears a little smaller. The coloring is black, but a fox white pattern with bronze color instead of white on the front of her with bronze socks and gloves. The head hair is three colors, white, black and bronze. One thing Troy is still having troubles to keep from staring is his daughter has bigger breasts than her mother.

She looked at Ewyon and smiled. "Hello mother, my name is Syrena."

To be continued.