Welcome Home

Story by Daemon Wolf on SoFurry

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Welcome Home:

Welcome Home:

Chapter 1 of the 'Heaven and Hell' series

BOOM! The terrorist IED (improvised explosive device) erupted in a thunderous ball of flames while thousands of white-hot shards of shrapnel rained into Sergeant Maxwulfs squad. One second Maxwulf was firing his weapon the other he was on the hot, sandy ground. He felt his face were a razor shard of shrapnel collided with his helmet and grazed his eye, Maxwulf felt his head and noticed that one ear and his nose from a severe concussion.

Sergeant Lukan Maxwulf awoke in m*a*s*h* medical camp in friendly territory. His right eye was scratched and the skin around it was deeply cut. Every day when he wok andevery night before he slept, he took his most treasured posetion in this sandy hell out of his helmet. It was a picture of her, a picture of Ksi, the dashing young woman that took his heart by storm in high school.

High School, 6 Years ago:

The beginning of Maxwulf's Juinor year in high school, the new wave of freshies were going to get their rude awakening. Maxwulf never liked doing the whole pranking thing that the other guys did, espically after that night.

Maxwulf was walking home from the late night football game, he wan sweaty and muddy from getting smeared by that elephant running back. When he was about to leave the school he heard muffled screams and malicious snickering around the corner in the boys locker room.

"What the fuck?" Maxwulf retorted, he followed the voices echoing throught the locker room. He heard some asshole of a hyena say

"Shut up you little bitch," Maxwulf heard a loud slap,

"you're a freshie and this is your special initiation, said the assailant as he roughly squeezwd the girls breast while he was making a place for him to stick his cock.

"Please s-st-stop, this isn't r-right." Maxwulf heard a beautiful young female voice.

Maxwulf walked around the bend and saw a gangly hyena and a muscley dragon ripping violently at the cloths of a helpless young collie. She already had numerous cuts and bruises from the assault. It only took Maxwulf a few seconds to react.

Maxwulf charged for the stronger agressor first. Maxwulf delivered a devistating football kick to the dragon's jaw, breaking the bone and knocking several teeth out of his ugly mug. The hyena had seemingly slipped away, Maxwulf didn't bother to look for him and turned his attention to the crying young woman on the floor, Maxwulf said,

"Hey, 'er you ok?" The young womans response was a series of mumbles and a pointing index finger behind Maxwulf, he couldn't respond in time, a steel chair hit him hard in the back.

Maxwulf stood casually and saw that it was the scrawny hyena again. Before the hyena could react he found his head smashed through the steel locker.

Maxwulf helped the girl to her feet,

"Are you okay, do you need to go to the hospitol?"

"No, I'm fine, can you walk me home though, I don't want to be cornered again." the girl said

Maxwulf was more than happy to help her to her house, before she ran inside she gave Maxwulf a small kiss on the lips and said,

"Ksi, thats my name, so...um, see you tomarrow?"

"But tomarrow is saturday." Maxwulf said,

"Yeah, i know, aren't you goin to give me your name?" Ksi asked. Maxwulf stuttered as he noticed her nipples poking through her T- shirt,

"Uh, um, huh, th-th-the n-names Lukan M-Maxwulf", Ksi giggled at him, such a tough man was so shy.

Present day, U.S.M.C. international troop transport, 3:25 a.m

Sergeant Lukan Maxwulf sat in his chair on the airplane and was watching the lights of Miami slip by under neath him.

'Six more hours till i see her again, six more hours of hell'. Those six hours passed like a tank with no treads. The plane arrived at the Camp Penalton airport adorned with welcome home banners and american flags.

When he stepped out with the rest of the troop the crowd roared at the reaturn of their countries hero's and loved ones. Each of Maxwulf's friends broke off into their awaiting families until Maxwulf was the only one left.

"Where is she?" he wondered.

Minutes passed like hours, he finally saw her, that beautiful collie girl who has had his heart for 6 years. Her beautiful crimson red hair waved in the wind. She wore skin tight jeans and a tiny tank top american flag shirt.

He parely had enought time to take all of her 'sights' when she jumped into him and began to kiss him vigerously, their tongues wrestled for about a minute.

"Lukan, baby, it's so good seeing you again." Ksi whispered

Maxwulf replied

"Ksi, my love, this is the best moment moment of my life."

Ksi quickly responded,

"Best minute of your life, the best part is when we get home."

They got home and Ksi turned as soon as they both entered their shared apartment, she reached down into Maxwulf's pants and massaged his balls, Maxwulf moaned as he felt himself begin to unsheath. She pulled him over to their bed by his balls while he carresed her boobs.

They worked themselves onto the bed and they slipped off their cloths, at this time, all 3 feet of Maxwulf's sex was unsheathed. He began to move towards the velvatine lips of Ksi's pussy. The lips of her sex began to kiss the head of Maxwulf's cock. Each time he pushed in the tiniest bit, she would gasp in pleasure. Maxwulf felt a barrier stopping his way to his desire, it was Ksi's virginity,

"Ksi, you actually did it, you stayed with me even though i left you?" Maxwulf asked her is disbelief.

Ksi replied,

"Of cour...mrrr...of course i did hon...unnhh...honey, i l-l-love you."

When Ksi's hymen broke she yelped and curled up onto Maxwulf, sinking her claws into his back, Maxwulf continued to pound her and go all the way from head to hilt as Ksi rythmatically bucked her hips into her lover's. A gigantic knot began to bulge, as Ksi was pumping her hips she began to massage Maxwulf's knot and his balls at the same time, They were both nearing their climax. Ksi screamed out Maxwulf's name as she clentched her hands around Maxwulf's knot and balls milking out as much cum as she could, it began to seep out of the tight nooks and crannies in

Ksi's pussy.

"I love you baby" Ksi said

"I love you too, my love" Maxwulf responded

They both fell asleep together and were gladly awaithing the lives thay would have together

* * * DREAM * * *

Bombs were exploding everywhere, Maxwulf was watching as his fellow soldiers were being ripped apart by enemy fire. Maxwulf looked up from behind his destroyed Humvee to see an enemy turban-head charging at him. It was a woman though, but she was screaming and making strange hand jestures towards Maxwulf. The woman bent down, grabbing something.

"Don't you do it..." Maxwulf yelled. He saw her holding something in both of her hands. Maxwulf fired one shot from his SCAR-H assault rifle, the bullet flew streight and true, hitting the woman in the chest. Once the woman hit the ground all other people seemed to vanish, Maxwulf ran over to the dying woman, he took off her veil that concieled her face...it was Ksi

Maxwulf stood and screamed,

Ksi whispered, "Why Maxi, w-wh-why did you kill me?" Maxwulf was crying as his love slipped from him. He felt the cold chrome barrel of a .45 calibre Desert Eagle pressing against his right temple. He slowly looked upwards to the holder of his fate, it was himself, Maxwulf was holding a gun to his own persona. Behind him were Coyotek, Geno, Coyotka, and the rest of his highschool friends

"Why, Maxwulf, why did you kill her?" they all said in unison.

"I-I didn't mean to, i love her!" he responded sobbingly

"What is the virdict, my friends, kill him, or spare him?" The Maxwulf with the gun said.

"Kill him" was Cototek's responce.

Geno looked from Maxwulf to Maxwulf and said solemnly, "Kill him"

Coyotka snarled her answer through gritted teeth, "Kill HIM!"

"Please n-" he was interrupted by the boom of the gun and the bullet zooming through his skull.

Maxwulf awoke with a jolt and a scream. His body was damp with sweat, he looked to Ksi, who was sleeping next to him. He put his head down to hers to make sure she was breathing. His heart flew when he heard her sweat breath passing in and out of her body. He kissed her on the lips and tucked her into the rest of the covers to keep her warm.

Maxwulf finished putting on his tight dark grey USMC workout T-shirt and his short workout pants along iwth his field boots.

"Maybe a nice run in the pre-dawn in my home town will help clear my head." he said to himself

He ran for miles through the neighborhood and reaturned home around 9:30. He entered their apartment and saw that Ksi was still sleeping, he went over to her again and kissed her once more before he took his shower. He stripped off his cloths and climbed into the bath and turned on the shower faucet. He got the water to the perfect comfortable tempurature. He was lathering some Axe body wash on his rippling muscles with both his hands.

He was washing his hair when he felt an extra smaller pair of hand work their way down his body and down to his parts. Maxwulf's eyes bugged when he felt someone elses hands on his genitals. He slowlt turned and saw Ksi in the shower with him, she didn't speak, she just kissed him tenderly on the lips as they brushed their tongues past the other's.

"I woke up and you were gone," Ksi said with a sad puppyish look in her eyes; "If you left me i would...i would, jsut die".

These words made Maxwulf's dream pop back into his head. He met Ksi's gaze, he quickly became lost in her stunningly blue eyes. He just embraced her and held her tight, he savored her soft fur and her wonderful warmth.

Maxwulf whispered in her ear, " Ksi...i love you so much," Maxwulf paused as a tear mixed with the shower water pouring down his face; " If anything happened to you, *sniff* i don't know what I'd do."

Ksi broke the embrace and put her hands on his dog-tags. She looked into his cold blue eyes, warmed by her love to him.

" What could possibly happen to me now? Your home and you'll never go, right?" Maxwulf was plauged by a long pause but then answered,

" Of course baby...I'm yours, all of me."

Ksi felt her lovers tongue slip into her mouth and his length rubbing her stomach.

" I guess we'll only get dirty from this shower, huh baby?" Ksi said looking from Maxwulf's penis to his face.

Maxwulf chuckled, " I guess so..."

They became very, shall I say, ferverous in their love making actions. Maxwulf and Ksi worked themselves to the fiber-glass floor of the shower, Ksi rolled over with some help from her lover. She hiked her tail as high as she could to expose her perfectly formed ass.

Maxwulf carefully and gently put hte head of his member to the opening of her butt.

" Are you sure you wanna do this?" Maxwulf asked.

" Don't be silly, baby, now help me relieve some tention."

Maxwulf tactfully pushed the head of his sex into his woman's behind. With every inch he pushed into her, she would gasp with the pain and pleasure it gave her. Maxwulf used his hands to hold her by the hips while Ksi used one of her hands to rub her pussy. Minutes of sweet love passed. Maxwulf and Ksi began to feel his knot begin to swell at his hilt.

Maxwuls said inbetween gasps of pleasure, " Ksi, were do you want it?"

" Right were you are hon"

Maxwulf and Ksi kept their steady pace of doggy-style love until they both felt a great flow of his seed into her ass, Ksi yelped in pleasure.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Later that day

Maxwulf went into town as Ksi stayed at home to make some lunch, Maxwulf always loved her lunches. He felt the iron hand of panic begin to strangle his conciencs as he heard people start to gasp and scream as well as the nearing sound of screeching car tires coupled with multiple gunshots. A black van with a number of bullet holes in it zoomed by and headed up the street Maxwulf and Ksi live on.

He thought nothing of it until someone on the street talked to him,

"You new here?" said a friendly otter.

Maxwulf replied, "Nah, been in Iraq for way to long, *chuckle*"

The otter exclaimed in worry, "Oh shit, you'd better get to your home before those guys do, they've been killin' all reaturning servicemen and taking their wives or girlfriends."

" Oh dear Christ! Oh no, no..NOOOO!"

Maxwulf's years of hard training paid off this moment, he ran as his adrenalin flowed and burned in his veins like a nile of flames. He ran so hard and fast to the point his nose bgan to bleed and his body started to shake.

He prayed to God that his apartment was still standing, he had just left Hell and reaturned to Heaven with his angel, Ksi, his world would crumble at his feet if something happened to her.