Lucky Meets Angel

Story by Lucky P. Dearly on SoFurry

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Lucky Meets Angel

By Lucky P. Dearly

It was a very very peaceful and serene day, everything was normal as normal could be until Lucky, Cadpig, Rolly, Rebecca, and Spot met some new friends....

Hey. Spot said. "What was that in the bushes?" The five friends rushed over to find two pups, one with gray fur, the other more of golden fur. ( If your not familiar these are also the two characters off of Lady and the Tramp 2, Scamp, and Angel). Hello. Scamp and Angel said. We are Scamp and Angel. Hiiiiiiii. Cadpig said. It's nice to make new friends, I'm Cadpig, this is my friend spot, my other friend Rebecca, and my brothers Lucky and Rolly! All said hi accept Lucky, he was stunned by the sexiness of Angel, all he did was stare at her. Angel found that Lucky too was also quite attractive. Lucky was about to ask Angel if she'd like to go out with him but then he remembered Rebecca. Dang he thought.

Later on that afternoon Angel had asked Lucky to meet her behind the chow tower. Lucky met her there and asked Hi Angel what's up? Hi Lucky. Angel replied. Lucky I know that you love Rebecca and you know I love Scamp but the truth is I love you more than Scamp. she managed to get out. Lucky then said. Wow how awkward truth is I love you more than Rebecca. he said. You do? Angel asked. Yes Lucky replied. There was a long silence then Lucky said. Hey Angel, come meet me at Hiccup Hole at Midnight, we could take a swim. Okay Lucky. Angel said I'll see you tonight. Great! Lucky thought.

At midnight Lucky sat and waded in the water waiting for Angel. Hi Lucky. Angel said as she jumped in. Hi Angel Lucky said. They stared into each others eyes. What do you want to do now? asked Angel moving closer to him. Whatever you want. Lucky said. Angel moved closer and closer until their chests touched and they kissed. Then they both got out of the water and shaked off, Lucky laid against a stump while Angel put her muzzle on his sheath and licked it until she saw is fully erect cock. It's huge Angel thought. She then put her tongue on his cock and moved it up and down. Lucky groaned. Angel then put her whole mouth around his cock and started sucking while her tongue gently played with it.

She then took her mouth off his cock and started to use just her tongue again. This time she licked all the way down to his balls and all the way back up to the tip of his penis. Lucky started to pant real hard. Angel continued her blow job. She licked the tip of his penis to get a big response from Lucky. Lucky panted harder and harder. Angel then put her mouth over his cock and her lips nor her tongue touched it. Lucky was wondering what she was going to do no one's ever done him like this. Angel started to breath real hard on Lucky's cock. And what a sensation it was! Her warm breath against his wet cock. Angel knew she had him off guard and then she lashed out her tongue at the tip of Lucky's penis.

Lucky was so surprised that a drop of cum had fallen and Angel licked it up. She then stood over him her pussy aligned with his cock. She knew this would straight kill Lucky. She cummed over his cock. And Lucky had nearly screamed her warm juices soaking his cock. He couldn't believe it. Then Angel had put her mouth over Lucky's cock again and began sucking as she bobbed her head up and down. Lucky couldn't take anymore, the breathing the cumming and now the bobbing of the head. He cummed and it was just running down Angel's throat giving her a warm feeling in her chest. So how'd you like it? Angel asked. It was great! Lucky said But now it's my turn...

To Be Continued