Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything,Part 6

Story by Penelope Ravenheart on SoFurry

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Hello, everyone! Here is part 6 of the story of Marius and Jillian. There are some interesting developments in this chapter and we find out even more about Marius' past. And we meet a couple of new characters too! There is some action in this one and, as always, some good sex! I hope you enjoy it! And thank you for reading my stories!

Everything Changed: A night That Changed Everything, Part 6

By Penelope Ravenheart

Jillian was in the nursery putting away baby clothes, gifts for the pup that Marius' friends had sent, and humming happily. Suddenly, she felt the pup kick, and not just kick but seem to be tap dancing. She ran her hand over her tummy, smiling as she sat down in one of the comfy, overstuffed chairs in the room.

"Settle down, little one," she said to the pup. "Wait until you come out to try dancing."

She was seven and a half months along now and the pup was very active. Her belly was getting very round now too. She was beginning to get a little concerned about the pain she would be in during the birth if the pup got too big. In any case, she knew it would be worth it in the end and she looked forward to the birth of her pup.

As she sat there, waiting for the pup to settle down, there was a soft knock at the door. Kai poked her head in, smiling.

"Hi. How are you feeling today?" she asked, stepping into the room.

"I'm good. And the pup is apparently feeling really good. Very active today," Jillian replied, smiling at her friend.

Kai laughed a little as she said, "Well, I've heard that wolf pups are a bit more active than human babies in the womb. All of my sisters had human babies though so, this is the first time I've been close to anyone that was having a wolf pup."

Smiling, Jillian said, "Well, this is my first time being pregnant so, it's all new to me."

"How's the tummy feeling? Would you like me to rub some cream on it for you today?" Kai asked.

Jillian thought for a moment and then said, "You know, that would be nice, if you don't mind."

"Of course, I don't mind. That's why I brought it with me," Kai said, pulling the jar of cream out of her dress pocket with a smile.

Jillian got up, slipping her dress off and laying it in the chair before climbing onto the bed in her underwear. She fluffed up the pillows and lay down on her back, getting comfy. She had really been glad of Kai's help during her pregnancy. She knew she would have been much more uncomfortable if not for the help of her friend.

As Kai rubbed the cream into Jillian's swollen belly, the two women talked about the upcoming birth of the pup and Jillian's fears about giving birth as well as her hopes for and excitement about the pup. Eventually, the conversation turned more to girl talk ...love and sex.

"So, you mean the Master is really turned on by your rounder figure?" Kai asked, giggling.

"He seems to be. He gets very ... interested when he looks at my belly. And he's always touching it," Jillian said, giggling herself.

"Well, some men do get turned on over pregnant women. Especially if they are the ones that got them that way," Kai said, giggling even more.

"I think that's it. I think he's so turned on because he's the one that put that bump there," Jillian said, smiling mischievously and sliding her hand over her tummy.

"I bet he'll be such a good father too," Kai said.

"I think so too. I know he's really looking forward to it. I think he really misses his son from his first marriage, Julius. I think maybe he feels like our pup is his second chance at fatherhood. You know, a chance to fix any mistakes he might have made before," Jillian said.

Kai nodded, saying, "I don't know exactly what happened, only that the master feels his son betrayed the family. But I know whenever I have been around and anyone mentions his son or his first wife, he looks really upset and seems to just shut down."

"Yes, I asked him about his first wife before we got married and he only told me a little before he changed the subject. He did tell me that his son had betrayed the family and that he hadn't seen or talked to him in twelve years," Jillian said, looking worried. "I'd like to help him but I can't do much until he talks to me."

"I'm sure he will, sooner or later. He loves you and trusts you. He just needs to remember how to open up to someone again," Kai said, patting Jillian's hand.

"I'm sure you're right," Jillian said, smiling and putting her other hand on top of Kai's. "And, thank you. You always make me feel better."

"That's what friends do," Kai replied, standing. "But now, I think we should get you dressed and you, me and Mya should go into town for some shopping for the pup. And maybe a little for mommy too."

Jillian smiled, sitting up and swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Kai helped her up and then went to grab Jillian's dress from the chair.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," Jillian said, giggling. "Shopping is always good therapy."

After Jillian got dressed, the two of them went and found Mya and the three of them got ready to go. They got two of the guards to accompany them and they set off for town in the carriage.

It was a lovely day and the town was bustling with activity as the guard driving the carriage pulled it up in front of a store called Rosebud's that sold baby clothes, toys, nursery furniture and fabrics. As Jillian started to get out, Mya put her hand on her arm, shaking her head. Jillian still wasn't used to all the security precautions.

"Wait for the guards, dear," Mya said.

"I keep forgetting," Jillian said, sitting back in her seat to wait.

One of the guards, the one named Jonah that had accompanied Jillian on her visit back to her world, in fact, opened the door, stepping back to let the ladies alight from the carriage.

"Ladies..." he said.

"Thank you, Jonah," Jillian said, stepping out first.

Kai and Mya followed behind her, catching up to her as the women all waited for the guards on the sidewalk. The two men came up to escort them into the store, one opening the front door of the store for them while the other looked around for possible signs of danger.

Once inside the store, the women began looking at all the baby clothes, toys and blankets, oohing and ahhing and commenting on the adorability of everything. Jillian had decided that a lot of the items in the store would be going home with them that afternoon. The guards never strayed far from the women the whole time, even though it was rather obvious to anyone looking on that the men were not exactly having the good time that the ladies were. They stayed close, keeping watch.

Jillian, Kai and Mya had moved on to a table near the front of the store full of bolts of fabric, discussing the possible uses for each as they looked through the selection on display, touching and caressing most of them.

As the women chattered away, looking at the fabrics, the front door of the store opened, causing the guards to snap to attention as a large, silver-grey, male anthro wolf came in from the street. Jonah, who had been in Marius' employ the longest of the two guards, bristled, his hand going to the hilt of his sword and his jaw clenching.

The wolf stepped into the store, surveying the scene before his eyes settled on Jillian and a rather unnerving smile appeared on his face. He slowly crossed the room, the guards stepping between him and the three women. The wolf looked at them dismissively. Jillian looked up at the wolf as he came nearer, immediately uneasy. There was something about him that gave her a bad feeling. She looked the large wolf over as he came closer. His sliver-grey fur shone in the sunlight coming in through the store's front window as did the sword hanging from his belt and the metal studs on the dark brown leather harness he wore on his chest that matched his leather loincloth. Jillian took a step back as he looked at her, his smile widening.

"Hello, ladies," the wolf said to them all. And to Jillian, he said, "And you must be Mrs. Cane. Please, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lapidus Yarrow. I'm an old ...acquaintance of your husband."

"Hello, nice to meet you," Jillian said tentatively.

Yarrow stepped forward, reaching for her hand and Jonah stepped between them, looking the wolf in the eye. Yarrow looked at him dismissively again but stayed back. His eyes traveled up and down Jillian, looking her over appraisingly and making her very uncomfortable.

"It looks like Marius found himself a lovely wife ...again. Please, tell your husband I do wish I could have been at the wedding and that I send my best wishes," Yarrow said.

"Thank you, I will," Jillian said, stepping closer to Kai and Mya. "And, how do you know my husband?"

Grinning, Yarrow replied, "We're old school mates, my dear. We go back a long way."

The wolf took a couple of steps around the table, sidestepping Jonah. Jillian noticed that Yarrow had a rather obvious and large erection. This made her even more uneasy as his eyes crawled over her. Her hand came up to her belly protectively as she stepped closer to the other women.

"And I should congratulate you as well, I see," he said, gesturing towards her belly.

"Thank you," Jillian replied. "We're very much looking forward to the birth of our pup."

"I'm sure you are," Yarrow replied. "The birth of a pup is always a happy occasion. And I'm sure Marius is glad to have another chance at fatherhood."

"My husband is very excited about being a father again," she said, looking at the wolf warily.

Nodding, Yarrow said, "Well, I'll let you ladies get back to your shopping. It was a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Cane. Have a wonderful afternoon and good luck to you."

"Thank you. Have a nice afternoon yourself, Mr. Yarrow," Jillian replied, somewhat coolly.

Bowing slightly at the waist, Yarrow bid the ladies farewell and turned to leave. He shot disdainful looks at the guards before exiting the store and walking on down the sidewalk. Jillian felt a little unsettled by the whole encounter as she watched him go. She couldn't put her finger on exactly what it was but, something about Lapidus Yarrow gave her a very bad feeling.

The women finished their shopping quickly, all of them having been a bit unnerved by Yarrow. Two of the stock boys from the store helped them out with their purchases, loading them into the carriage. The guards were extra vigilant as the women hurried to the carriage, trying to watch all directions at once.

The three women were unusually quiet during the ride home and none of them seemed to really relax until after they were safely back at the house. Everyone had been a bit unsettled by their encounter with Lapidus Yarrow. Only Jonah seemed to know who the wolf really was and he seemed angry and on edge.

The women tried to put it out of their minds once they were home, busying themselves with opening the packages from Jillian's purchases and putting things away. Jillian and Marius had decided they didn't want to know whether the pup was male or female so, that made shopping a little trickier but Jillian had still managed to buy plenty of cute things that would work for either a boy or a girl. She wouldn't need to buy too much after they found out the gender of the pup after the birth.

Later that day, when Marius returned home, Jillian met him at the door with a kiss. Being here and having the guards around had made her feel more secure than she had in town but, now that Marius was home, she felt much safer. Besides, she missed her husband when they were apart. She kissed him deeply, snuggling into his arms as soon as he had taken off his coat and handed it to the butler, who was waiting nearby to take it.

"Mmmm, it seems my lovely wife missed me," Marius said, breaking the kiss and smiling down at Jillian.

"Yes, I did, my husband. And I wanted to talk to you about something," Jillian said, looking up into his eyes. "Something that happened today."

"Of course, my love," he said, starting to lead her into the formal sitting room off the foyer.

They had only gotten a few steps when they heard raised voices outside in front of the house. This commotion was followed by a hard knocking at the front door. Marius motioned for Jillian and the elderly butler to stay back and went to answer the door himself. He braced himself for trouble and pulled the door open quickly. Standing there on the wide front porch in front of the door was Lapidus Yarrow, grinning evilly at Marius, arms crossed.

"Hello, Marius, old friend," he said, peeking behind Marius and adding, "And hello again, Mrs. Cane, nice to see you again so soon."

Jillian came up behind Marius, clinging to his arm and peeking around him, her stomach in knots. She noticed that Yarrow had another large, obvious erection as he stood there in the doorway as he had had earlier in the store. She heard a low growl coming from her husband and glanced up at his face. His lips were peeled back in a snarl and every muscle seemed to vibrate with tension.

"Yarrow! What the hell are you doing here?" Marius growled.

"Is that any way to greet an old friend, Cane?" Yarrow said smugly.

"You're no friend of mine, or anyone's for that matter," Marius snarled, nudging Jillian to get behind him.

"Oh, come now. I thought you'd be happy to know I'm back after being so long away. I'm hurt," Yarrow replied.

"I'll be happy when you're dead, Yarrow. And if you want to be hurt, you came to the right place," Marius growled back. Turning to Jillian, he said, "Go upstairs, my wife."

She looked at him pleadingly, not wanting to leave his side but backing towards the archway leading out of the foyer anyway. "Yes, my husband," she said.

"Well, now, I just came by to congratulate you on your marriage and the impending birth of your pup," Yarrow said, stepping closer. "It must be wonderful for you to be getting a second chance at both."

Marius growled louder, suddenly lashing out with one huge, powerful claw. If the other wolf hadn't been so quick to jump back, Marius would have taken his throat out with his sharp claws.

Jillian gasped, watching as she inched her way up the stairs. She didn't want to leave. She was worried about what would happen. She knew Marius knew how to take care of himself but, they were both large, powerful wolves and she knew if they fought, it could be a bloodbath.

"I would never have lost my first chance at either if it wasn't for you, Yarrow!" Marius roared at the other wolf.

"Oh, it's not my fault if you never learned to take care of the things you hold dear," Yarrow replied with a sneer.

Marius lunged for Yarrow, grabbing him by the throat and pushing him against the wall beside the door. From the stairs, Jillian gasped again. Hearing her, Marius restrained himself. At the same time, several of the guards came rushing in, swords drawn, surrounding the two wolves. Yarrow glared at all of them as Marius held him firmly with one huge paw.

"You can thank my wife for saving your life. I'll not terrify or traumatize her by killing you here in front of her. But, mark my words, if I cross paths with you again, you won't be so fortunate," Marius growled into the other wolf's face.

"You haven't managed to kill me in all these years, Cane. Why should I worry about it now?" Yarrow said, squirming a bit in Marius' grasp.

"Only because you ran and hid like the coward you truly are. Now, leave. Before I change my mind and kill you right here. And don't ever go near my wife or anyone I care about again or I'll not be so merciful," Marius said, letting loose of Yarrow's throat and stepping back.

Yarrow straightened himself, stepping towards the door, the guards coming up around him to make sure he didn't try anything. He looked back at Marius, glaring.

"Oh, I'm sure we'll meet again, old friend. But just who walks away from that meeting and who doesn't ...well, that remains to be seen," Yarrow said before turning and walking out the door.

The guards followed, making sure the unwelcome guest left the premises. Marius straightened up, shaking himself a little and taking a deep breath to calm his nerves a bit before going in to see about Jillian. He hadn't wanted her to see him rip Yarrow apart even though the other wolf deserved death for what he had done years ago. But Marius' primary concerns now were his wife and his pup and their well being.

Jillian was standing about halfway up the stairs, trembling and with frightened tears welling up in her eyes. She went to him when he came in from the foyer, wrapping her arms around him and pressing close as the tears spilled down over her cheeks. He held her tightly, his huge, strong arms enveloping her.

"Are you alright, my husband?" she asked, looking up at him. "I was so frightened that he would try to hurt you."

"I am fine, my love. And are you alright too?" he asked, looking at her tear streaked face.

"Yes, just a bit shaken. He's what I wanted to talk to you about, my husband. I saw him earlier in town when I was out shopping with Kai and Mya and he made me feel very uneasy even though he made it sound like you two were friends," she replied.

Nodding thoughtfully, Marius said, "I think it's time I told you a few things, my love. And I want you to tell me exactly what happened in town today too."

Jillian nodded as she allowed Marius to turn her around and guide her up the stairs. They went to their bedroom, Marius locking the door behind them, and sat together on the sofa on the far side of the room near the door that led out onto the terrace. A troubled look settled on his face as he thought about how to begin, deciding that he needed to hear about Jillian's encounter with Yarrow first.

Jillian recounted the details, telling her husband how she and the other two women had decided to go shopping and how Lapidus Yarrow had come into the store while they had been looking at fabrics. She told him of how uneasy she, and in fact, all of them had felt. She also made sure to tell Marius how the guards, especially Jonah, had stepped up to protect them, not letting Yarrow get too close. Finally, and with a little embarrassment, she told him how Yarrow had stood there with an obvious erection as he had talked to her. Marius nodded, listening to all of it attentively, bristling a little at this last piece of information.

As she finished he took a deep breath, dreading the retelling of a story he had tried for so long not to think about. He took her hands in his huge paws, looking into her eyes as he spoke.

"Yarrow was right about one thing. We do go back a long way," Marius said. "We have never been friends though. I suppose you could call us rivals, though I have never tried to compete with him for anything he wanted. He has always tried to get anything I have though. It started back in primary school when we were both just pups and continued all through the years as we grew up. His family was well off, as was mine, but when his father turned the family business over to him, he didn't do as well as I did with my father's business. Even before that though, I had one thing he wanted more than anything and it just killed him that he couldn't have it."

"What was that, my husband?" Jillian asked.

Squeezing her hands gently and looking into her eyes, pain obvious in his own, he replied, "My first wife, Elizabeth. She and I had known each other since childhood as well and fell in love as teenagers. As I told you before, we were married at sixteen and had a pup by the time we were seventeen. Before we were married, Yarrow had tried his best to win her affections but, even though she was flattered, she wasn't interested in him romantically. He was very jealous when we married but, he married a lovely human girl a year or so later and they had a daughter a short time after getting married so, it seemed that everything had worked out well for everyone. His daughter looked human like her mother but they seemed to be a happy family. That is, until his wife died. That was about a year before Elizabeth's death."

Jillian had been listening, hanging on every word as he spoke and could see and hear the pain that he felt. She reached up, caressing the side of his muzzle. He turned his face, kissing her hand gently, grateful for her love and understanding.

Marius took another deep breath before continuing. "Around the time Yarrow's wife died, or a little before that, our son Julius and Yarrow's daughter Callista had gotten involved. Elizabeth and I didn't know that until much later. Yarrow did and he ended up using that to his advantage in the end. But, I'm getting ahead of myself," he said, shaking his head and forging on. "In any case, a short time after his wife's death, Yarrow started sending letters and gifts to Elizabeth. She returned the gifts, of course, and she showed me the letters. He was trying to woo her into leaving me, to be with him. He started showing up wherever she would go, becoming more and more insistent. Finally, word got back to me that he was planning to kidnap her since she wouldn't go with him willingly. It killed me to do it but, I had to send her away to a place where I thought she would be safe. Only myself, four of my most trusted guards, one of whom was Jonah, by the way, and my son Julius knew where she was. I would go visit her when I could but it was difficult being apart like that. When Yarrow found out that I had sent her into hiding, he started having his daughter try to find out her whereabouts from Julius. Being weak to her charms and young and naïve, he finally told her, thinking she would keep the information to herself. Of course, she didn't. Yarrow sent a dozen or so men to take her. They killed all the guards there except Jonah. They left him barely alive. Yarrow wanted me to know what had happened."

"Oh, how horrible! No wonder Jonah reacted like he did when Yarrow came into the store today," Jillian said.

Nodding, Marius said, "He's a good man and a trusted guard. He's been in my employ for a long time. That's why I sent him with you for your visit back to your world. I knew I could trust him to lay his life on the line to protect you if necessary, my love."

"I see that now, my husband. And I see why you worry so over security," she said, squeezing his paws gently. "But, I thought she was taken from here at the house."

"No, my love. I had heard that he had planned to have her taken from here. But, I sent her into hiding before he could do that. I thought she would be safe where I sent her. But, thanks to my son, he found her," Marius said, a troubled look on his face.

"I'm so sorry, my love. But I'm sure your son didn't mean to let Yarrow know where your wife was," Jillian said.

"No, he didn't mean to," Marius said. "But he didn't stop to think and that cost his mother her life."

Jillian nodded. She knew that none of this was easy for him to talk about. She loved him and hated to see him hurting like this but she knew she needed to hear this and he needed to tell her.

Taking a deep breath once again, Marius continued, "Yarrow had her taken to his home where he tried to convince her to renounce her vows to me and become his mate. She refused, even though he tortured her. He claimed he loved her but, he did horrible things to her to try to make her do what he wanted. He finally killed her in a fit of rage when she just kept refusing. I tried to get to her, to save her but, I was too late. When I got there, she was already dead and Yarrow had left. I managed to find out from the servants what had happened and that Yarrow had left but, not where he had gone. I tried for a long time to find him. I wanted to make him pay for what he had done. He seemed to have vanished. I couldn't find him anywhere. A few years ago, I heard he was around again but, I was still unable to find him. I hadn't seen him again since he killed Elizabeth until today. When you ran away, I was afraid that he might find you and hurt you and our pup. When you went to the northeast, you were heading straight for the place he has his home."

Jillian could see the tears welling up in Marius' eyes, threatening to spill out over the silky fur of his face. She reached up, stroking the side of his muzzle lovingly. She felt like crying herself for all that he had been through and all that he had lost. She realized too that, after what had happened to his first wife, he must have been absolutely terrified that the same thing would happen to her when she had run away.

"I'm so sorry, my husband. What you've been through, it's terrible ...tragic. You've lost so much. I know it has to be so painful for you to relive all of this too. I am glad you told me though, my love," she said, moving closer to him.

"Thank you, beautiful. And, yes it is painful but I had to tell you. You needed to know how dangerous he is. I couldn't take the chance of anything like that happening to you," he said, looking into her eyes.

Jillian nodded, putting her arms around him and pulling him close. His arms came up around her and as he held her, he leaned his head on her shoulder. She reached up, stroking the fur on the back of his head and neck.

"Thank you for that, my love. But why was he never arrested? Shouldn't he have at least had to stand trial for what he did?" Jillian asked.

Lifting his head from her shoulder but still holding her, Marius replied, "We live so far from the cities that the constables and judges rarely make it out here. We have to take care of things ourselves most of the time around here. That's why I have so many guards. To protect all in this house from harm."

Jillian looked up at him, nodding again, "I know, my husband, and I'm glad you do. Especially now that you've told me this."

They were interrupted by a knock at the door. Marius stood up and went to answer it. It was one of the guards. The guard and Marius talked in low tones for a few moments before the guard nodded and left. Marius turned and walked back to Jillian, a serious expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, my love, I have to go out for a while. Some urgent business has come up. I should be home for dinner though," he said.

"Business?" Jillian asked, worried about what kind of business had come up. "This doesn't have to do with Lapidus Yarrow, does it, my husband?"

""No, my love," he said, smiling, "This has to do with actual business. Not Yarrow."

Relaxing a little, Jillian said, "And you will be home for dinner?"

Smiling more and taking her in his arms, he said, "I'll make sure of it, my wife. I don't want you to worry."

"I will anyway, you know," she said.

"I know," he replied, chuckling before pulling her close and kissing her. After breaking the kiss, he gave her a mischievous look as he swatted her on the ass playfully. "And I'll definitely be looking forward to dessert too."

"Mmmm, so will I, my husband," she said with a giggle.

Winking at her, he turned to leave. As she watched him go she worried. What if he ran into Yarrow while he was out? What if Yarrow came back to the house? She knew Marius could take care of himself and the guards were here to keep everyone at the house safe but, from everything he had just told her, she knew that Lapidus Yarrow was dangerous and unpredictable. She would just feel much better when her husband came back home, safe and sound.

Jillian occupied herself in the nursery for a while before going down to the kitchen, wanting to stay busy until Marius returned but doing more to get in the cook's way than to help. As she was setting the table she heard him return, breathing a sigh of relief as he came into the dining room and she could see that he was unhurt.

The two of them had dinner together, talking about everything that had happened that day but their encounters with Lapidus Yarrow. And after dinner, they went upstairs together, both of them hungry for more than food.

Jillian went to the dresser, brushing her hair in the mirror as Marius locked the door. He crossed the room, watching her as he got undressed. Her long gold-brown hair shone in the glow from the bedroom lamps. He growled softly, smiling as he watched his pregnant wife.

"Come to me, my wife," he said.

Jillian put down her brush, turning to face him. Smiling as she looked at his already erect cock, she crossed the room to him, obediently. She began unbuttoning her dress as she got closer to him, her own desire rising as surely, if not quite as visibly, as his. He reached out, pushing her dress down off her shoulders as he drew her in, kissing her deeply, probing her lips with his tongue. She parted her lips, mmming as their tongues danced. His paws moved over her swiftly, unfastening and removing her bra and sliding her panties down over her hips, letting them slip down her legs to the floor.

He pulled her closer, his huge paws moving over her body as he kissed and nipped at her neck. Jillian pressed against him, burying her fingers in the thick, soft fur on his back as her arms came up around him. Marius slid one paw down over her rounded belly, murring softly. She felt a thrill run through her as his paw gently caressed her and he murred in her ear. She slid one hand down his back, to his side and around to grasp his thick, throbbing cock, mmming as she felt his hardness in her hand. She began moving her hand slowly up and down his shaft, gripping him more tightly as she did. The wolf growled softly, leaning down to nuzzle her breasts as he enjoyed her stroking. Jillian's nipples hardened from his nuzzling and her mouth began to water as she felt his hot pre on her hand as she gradually moved it faster.

Marius' breathing became faster and his growls louder and he straightened up, smiling down at her. He moved his paws up to her shoulders, gently urging her down. She smiled up at him knowingly as she slowly sank to her knees in front of him, still grasping his cock in her hand. She leaned forward, flicking her tongue at the pre covered tip of his cock teasingly, mmming as she tasted him. She looked up at him as she opened her mouth wider taking his hardness in, wrapping her lips around him tightly and sucking as her tongue danced over it's veined surface. He closed his eyes a moment, letting the sensations wash over him. Jillian's hand moved up and down the exposed shaft of his cock, paying special attention to the bulb of flesh at the base that was already beginning to swell a little. The wolf opened his eyes, reaching down and slipping his claws into her hair as he urged her head forward, growling in pleasure.

As Jillian took more of him into her mouth and throat, she mmmed around him and her hips began making little thrusting motions, her own excitement growing and her clit throbbing and swelling. As he looked down at her, Marius growled in pleasure at the sight of his pregnant wife on her knees, so aroused as she eagerly tended to his thick, throbbing cock. Jillian brought her other hand up, gently squeezing his swollen balls as her tongue moved faster over his hardness. Her hips began moving faster too and she parted her legs more as her pussy swelled open and her juices flowed. The scent of her desire aroused Marius more and after a few more minutes he pulled her head back, tilting her face up to him.

"Come, my wife. Time for me to give you what you desire," he said, smiling down at her.

She looked up at him, licking his pre from her lips and standing, her hips still thrusting. He led her to the bed, climbing onto it and pulling her next to him. He laid on his back, pulling her to him and kissing her deeply. Jillian mmmed into the kiss, lifting one leg over him, straddling him and rubbing her clit against his hardness. Her hips moved a little faster as her excitement grew, her clit throbbing more and her pussy swelling open further and getting wetter. She sat up, positioning herself over his cock as she reached down, watching as she guided the pre leaking tip over her clit and pussy lips.

"Mmmm, yes, my good girl. Mark yourself for me," Marius said, smiling as he watched her.

Jillian moaned softly as she watched his thick juices coating her clit and pussy, her arousal intensifying. She positioned his cock tip at her wet, wanting pussy opening, looking up at his face a moment before looking back down to watch him entering and opening her as she lowered herself onto him. She moaned louder as she felt him pushing deeper into her hot, wet depths as he pushed his hips up, moving her own hips faster as she felt her clit grind along his thick, hard shaft. Marius slid his paws up over her body, slowly caressing the roundness of her belly, murring softly as he did. His paws moved up more, gently cupping and squeezing her full, firm breasts. As he gently pinched her hard nipples, she whimpered, thrusting her hips harder as she began to feel an orgasm building inside her. The wolf began thrusting harder too, her excitement spurring him on. He watched her as she thrust faster, her breathing quickening as she got closer to cumming. He growled softly, enjoying the sight of her breasts bouncing as she moved and the pleasure so obvious on her face.

Jillian began to cum and her moans turned to screams as her pussy tightened around his hardness. Marius grabbed her hips, thrusting his own up harder as he felt her spasming around him. His growls became louder and his knot swelled more. She arched her back as her orgasm became more intense, wrapping her legs under his and grinding her clit against his shaft harder.

The wolf was excited by his wife's intense orgasm and as his balls began to swell more, he knew he couldn't hold back much longer. He grasped her hips more firmly, pulling her up off his thick, throbbing cock. Sitting up, he kissed her briefly but passionately before turning her around and gently pushing her onto her hands and knees. He opened her buttocks, rubbing her tight anus with one clawed finger, gently but insistently opening her. Jillian moaned and pushed her hips back, feeling a thrill run up her spine as he began rubbing her there, exciting her not only because of the sensations he was causing but because she knew she would soon have his knot inside her.

As she opened to him more, Marius slid his finger inside her ass, moving it slowly in and out, opening her more. She moaned louder, pushing back towards him, offering herself to him as a shiver of pleasure went through her. He growled happily, watching her as she submitted to him. He slowly pulled his finger out of her, positioning his cock tip and slowly pushing into her tight asshole.

Jillian gasped as she felt his huge hardness begin to push into her, opening her wider. As he drove deeper, he grasped one of her hips with a huge paw, pulling her back against him more as he reached around her with the other one, rubbing her swollen clit. She opened her legs wider, thrusting back against him faster as she felt another orgasm building inside her.

Marius could feel himself getting closer to cumming as well as he felt the tight muscles of her ass squeezing his thick, throbbing cock. He began to grind his swollen knot against her harder, growling with the effort of trying to get it into her. Whimpering and panting, Jillian pushed back, grinding against him harder, wanting his knot inside her. Suddenly, with a wet, popping sound, his knot went into her, causing her to gasp and moan louder. He grasped her hip more tightly, the tips of his claws just piercing her skin as he rubbed her clit harder with the other paw, making her arch her back and scream breathlessly as she began to cum again. The wolf growled louder, beginning to pant himself, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth as her muscles clenched around his hardness, squeezing his throbbing cock as she came. His balls tightened up against his body and his cock began to jolt inside her as her orgasm pushed him over the edge into his own. His growls changed to loud howls as his hot, thick cum began to shoot into her, filling her.

Jillian's orgasm began to intensify as she felt his hot cum inside her. She whimpered and moaned, feeling his knot buried in her as he howled and thrust. His other paw soon moved from her clit to her hip as he closed his eyes, letting the extreme pleasure wash over him.

They both seemed to start and finish their orgasms at the same time and as they both began to calm, Marius lay down on his side, pulling Jillian with him and holding her tightly in his strong, furry arms as they waited for his swollen knot to subside. He leaned down, licking her cheek tenderly as he held her close, his arms protectively around her. She reached up, caressing his muzzle and smiling.

As he reached down to pull the covers up around them, he spoke softly to her. "My love, I have to go to the south for a few days. Tonight's business has created a situation that I have to deal with immediately. I don't want to leave you, especially in light of the things that have happened today. But, that kind of trip wouldn't be good for you or our pup either. I'm afraid I will have to go and leave you in the capable hands of my guards. I wish I didn't have to go. But I will return as quickly as I can," he said.

She looked up at him over her shoulder. "Do you really have to go, my husband?" she asked, a slight tremor in her voice.

"I'm afraid so, my beautiful one. You will have the guards here to watch over you and I will put Jonah in charge since he knows the danger that has returned. I won't be traveling alone either. I will have a few of the guards with me to keep watch for any tricks that Yarrow might try to pull if he happens to hear of my trip," Marius said, trying to soothe her.

Jillian nodded, snuggling into his arms deeper and pulling them around her more tightly. She didn't want him to go, especially now but, she knew they couldn't live their lives in fear of what might happen either. To do that would mean that Yarrow had succeeded in taking everything away from them.

"Just promise me that you will come home quickly and safely, my husband," she said softly.

"I promise you I will do just exactly that, my wife," he answered, licking her cheek again.

As they settled for sleep, his knot had diminished and his cock slid out of her. Before she fell asleep, Jillian rolled over, facing him as she cuddled deeply into his arms, her own arms tightly around him as she pressed against him. The wolf murred softly, smiling as he drifted off to sleep holding his beloved wife.

In the morning, Marius and Jillian had breakfast together and talked of things they would do in preparation for the arrival of their pup when he returned. After their meal, they went into the bedroom together to pack his bag for the trip. It was something he could easily have done by himself but, they wanted to be together as much as possible before he left for the three day trip he was going on. She made sure to put a scarf of hers in his bag too, scented with her perfume and tucked away under some of his clothing. She wanted him to have it when he stopped for the night and missed her when it was time to sleep.

When he was ready to go, Jillian walked downstairs with Marius, holding his paw and dreading his departure. They stopped at the door, turning to each other. The wolf caressed her cheek and leaned down to kiss her softly. She pressed against him, turning the kiss more passionate as she pulled him to her.

Breaking the kiss, he said, "I'll be home before you know it, my love. You be safe and let Jonah and the guards watch over you. I'll hurry back as quickly as I possibly can."

Nodding and looking up into his eyes, Jillian said, "Yes, my husband. And you be careful. I want you back safe and sound and very soon."

"I will, my wife," he said, chuckling and pulling her to him for one more hug before turning and striding across the porch and down to the yard to mount his horse.

She watched Marius and the three guards ride off, standing in the doorway with the morning sun on the side of her face as they rode out of sight around a bend in the road south of the house. She turned and slowly walked back into the house, missing her husband already.

Later on that day, just after lunch, Jillian had gone out to the garden to pick some fresh flowers and was coming back in when she heard voices in the foyer. She set her basket of flowers down on a table in the hallway and went to see what was going on. Standing there in the foyer talking to the butler was a large black anthro wolf. He seemed to be somewhat younger than her husband, though with wolves, age wasn't as easy to judge as with humans, but looked a lot like Marius. As she came into the room, the man and the wolf turned to acknowledge her. There were several guards standing just outside the door but none of them seemed to think this new wolf was a threat as none of them had weapons drawn or was acting particularly suspicious. Jillian, however, had her suspicions as to who this new visitor was.

"Hello, I'm Jillian Cane. Are you, by any chance, Julius?" she asked the wolf.

Nodding and giving a slight bow from the waist, the wolf replied, "Yes, I am. And, pardon me but, Jillian Cane? Has my father remarried?"

Smiling, Jillian said, "Yes, and not that long ago." She stepped forward, reaching for his paw, taking it and shaking it. "I'm happy to meet you but, I'm afraid you have just missed your father. He left this morning for a three day trip to the south. But, please, come in and rest. You must have traveled a long way and be very tired. Your father tells me he hasn't seen or spoken to you in years. You must have been far away."

"Thank you. And yes, I have been traveling for a long time. Years, in fact. Ever since I left home. I've been to many far flung places," Julius replied.

Jillian took his paw, leading him into the formal sitting room off the foyer and motioning for him to have a seat. She sat down in a comfortable but not overstuffed chair across from him and looked at him. He looked nervous and tired. She knew she would be too in his situation. She wanted to set him at ease.

"You're welcome to stay and wait for your father to return. I think the two of you should talk," she said, smiling.

"I don't know if that would be such a good idea," Julius replied. "Do you know why I have been gone so long and why my father and I haven't spoken in years?"

"Yes, he told me. But, it was a long time ago and you were very young. I think the two of you need to talk and work things out," Jillian said, her smile never fading.

"I only came to warn him that Lapidus Yarrow is back in the area," Julius said.

"Oh, he already knows. Mr. Yarrow was here yesterday. Your father came very close to killing him," Jillian said, the smile now gone from her lips.

Nodding, Julius stood. "Then I'm too late even to warn him. I should leave now then, before he returns."

"No, you need to stay. I won't take no for an answer. I'll have the butler show you to a room so you can get cleaned up and rest and I'll have the cook prepare something for you to eat. You need to stay and talk with your father. He'll be back in three days. You and I can get to know each other in that time. I'm your step mother now and you will soon have a baby brother or sister. You need to work things out with your father and be a part of the family again," Jillian said, standing herself.

"I don't know if we can work things out," Julius said as he let Jillian lead him back to the foyer.

"Well, you never will if you don't stay and talk to your father. So, it's settled," Jillian said, motioning to the butler. "Please take Julius upstairs and show him to a room. He'll be staying with us while he waits to see his father."

The elderly butler nodded to Jillian, "Yes, ma'am." To Julius he said, "Please come with me, sir."

As the three of them walked back through the archway leading towards the stairs, Julius looked back at Jillian questioningly. Jillian nodded to him, motioning for him to follow the butler. Kai and Jonah were in the hallway talking when they all came in. Julius and Jonah looked at each other coolly and nodded in greeting. After the wolf had followed the butler up the stairs, Jonah turned, giving Kai a quick kiss on the cheek and saying a quick "Hello, Mrs. Cane" to Jillian before turning to make his exit.

"Hello, Jonah," she replied. "Oh, Jonah, Julius will be staying with us for a little while. He is waiting to see his father."

Nodding, Jonah said, "Yes, ok. I'll make sure the other guards know," and turned to leave again.

"Thank you, Jonah." Looking at Kai, Jillian smiled knowingly and said, "So, you and Jonah? You didn't tell me."

Blushing, Kai replied, "We have been spending a little time together. He's really very sweet."

Giggling a little Jillian asked, "So...have you two ...?"

Blushing even more, Kai answered, "No ...not yet. He's been quite the gentleman so far. But, I'm hoping that will change sometime soon."

Both women giggled at that as they headed towards the kitchen. Jillian asked the cook to prepare something for Julius and also let her know that there would be one more for dinner for the next few days. Everyone seemed quite accepting of their houseguest. Jillian only hoped that Marius would be as well. She knew there was a lot of pain between the two wolves but, she hoped they could put the past behind them and mend their relationship.

That night before Jillian went to bed, she noticed that there were twice as many guards on for the night shift as usual. That made her feel more secure. It didn't hurt having Julius there either. She knew it may be silly but, she had gotten used to there being a wolf in the house and she just felt better with him there. Especially now, knowing what she now did and with Yarrow having made his presence known. She couldn't shake the feeling that they hadn't seen or heard the last of Lapidus Yarrow.

As Jillian lay down to sleep that night, a lone figure sat on horseback a ways from the house, watching as the guards patrolled and one by one the lights inside were turned off. Lapidus Yarrow growled under his breath as he turned his horse, heading for home. He had a little surprise planned for Marius when he returned. But, it wasn't quite time to put that in motion...not yet, anyway.