Cabin Break: Part 11

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#11 of Cabin Break

Sara stood in the kitchen making lunch. The previous days argument was nothing more than an unwanted after thought now; she was pleased with that. She had never liked fighting, physical or verbal but knew she could defend herself either way. The previous day's argument wasn't what was bothering her though. It was her breasts.

The previous day they had felt tight in her PVC outfit but she had expected that. Over night they had felt like they were stretching painfully and felt unusually sensitive. She had changed her top three times already, each one feeling too tight even without her bra on. They didn't look bigger to her but they did feel a little heavier.

She was getting annoyed. Every twinge made her try to adjust her top and the contact with her breasts was turning her on constantly. She wished Sam were there to at least let him take the edge off the feeling with his caress. She would have done anything to feel his paws on her body right now.

* * *

Sam had woken earlier than usual that morning and decided to go for a walk. Sara's tossing and turning in discomfort had kept him up most of the night. So he decided a walk would give him a fresh start.

His thoughts began to dwell on the previous day. Their fight was all but forgotten and made up for, but the information was still fresh in his brain. Cara, a female he had never met had almost caused a rift in his relationship with his mother. After their dinner last night his mother had told him about her. She was well travelled and spoke three languages. She was an outdoor enthusiast like his mother and himself. Her qualifications were many and varied, but most importantly she was the friendly type.

Sam wasn't sure how to accept her when they would finally met; she had after all slept with his mate. But maybe that was the difference, he wondered. He knew his mother and given herself to him completely, with her heart and conviction behind the decision to mate her own son. He doubted she had done the same with someone she had only known for a few hours at best. Love was the difference, he was in love with his mother and she was in love with him. Cara was just a friend of his mother's, maybe she was nice or maybe his initial thought of her running a sex shop was right, could she be a whore? He doubted it but kept it in mind.

It was a beautiful day, a soft breeze blowing through the trees and the sun beating down keeping a feeling of warmth up in the mountains. Sam listened closely to the sounds of birds and water slowly tumbling over rocks in the many streams heading down to the lake. He had walked a few miles around the winding trails and decided to leave the path and do a little exploring. He was still a kid after all, he might be acting more like an adult now but he still had a right to do childish things.

* * *

Sara had finished preparing lunch and had left the plates of cold food on the kitchen table for when Sam returned. She was sure she was going mad; her breasts felt too tight and sore. She or Sam hadn't done anything to cause harm to them. She hadn't felt like this since she was a teenager. Sara had developed very quickly at the age of fourteen and had reached her full breast size in just over a month. That time had been agony for her. Sara wondered if this was time catching up on her again, if this kept up she'd have to see a doctor and try to restrain from bursting into spontaneous orgasm while being examined.

All she could do was rub them to sooth the rising heat on her chest, which only kept her turned on. She decided to have some fun at least. Sara had stored some of the other "Gifts" she had bought and been given to her by Cara in the cab of her pick-up. In the two medium sized crates were a multitude of sex toys and outfits, enough to last a good long while anyway. One she was interested in was a large vibrator shaped like a horse's penis, which was currently nestled between her breasts set on a gentle vibrate.

Looking down playfully at the toy she began to think of her workmate Paddy. He was always known as the "gentle giant" at the office. She had always got on well with him and at one point had considered hooking up with him even though it would have been an unusual pairing of wolf and horse. She loved him dearly as a friend and realised how much she'd miss him once she and Sam left for the cabin for good.

Sara began lazily stroking her breasts and tummy as the soft vibrations of the toy soothed her and made her murr softly to herself. She wondered if Sam would feel bad if she made love to him just once. He was her closest male friend and would have done anything for her if she asked. It was still early in her relationship with Sam, maybe before they made the final move away she could find away for both of them to seek the company of another. But whom would Sam want if anyone else? She knew deep down he might take some time to warm up to Cara emotionally, but physically there wouldn't be a problem.

Sara got up and moved through to the bedroom she and Sam now shared and removed her t-shirt for the fourth time and slipped into a light, red and white cotton shirt. Before changing her jeans for some lighter feeling, dark grey cargo pants. She sat on the bed with the large toy still nestled between her breasts. "Now that's impressive!" she said to herself. Maybe her breasts really were growing again; it couldn't hurt to have them checked out she thought, just to be sure.

As she thought about her expanding chest she remembered her best friend and workmate Tanya. She was a few years younger than Sara and had an incredibly well toned body and a pair of breasts most males would love to snuggle up to. She had babysat Sam when he was still just a cub and loved him dearly. Sara thought that Sam must have been the only male in recent times that had the privilege of cuddling into her bosom, even if he didn't know what he was doing at that age.

Tanya had always had trouble with males. She knew why they wanted to go out with her but she didn't want just sex. There was more to her than just that and males were often made to prove that they loved her for who she was and not just her body. It had gotten her into trouble more than once and because of her high standards she had lost a good few potential mates, but she was comfortable with her life for the time being.

Sara remembered how Tanya used to play with Sam and how excited he'd be to tell her games they had played or what video's they had watched and if he'd had an accident how Tanya took care of him. She was like the big sister he never had.

Sara began to wonder if Tanya and Sam should be playmates again but with a far more sexual nature this time. She began to imagine watching the two of them making love in front of her. Could Tanya be trusted with their secret? She wondered.

Her thoughts turned suddenly to Cara and the tension that had formed when she had broken the news to Sam over what she had done with her. For some reason it didn't seem so wrong, Sam and Tanya had a history together as friends, but would they accept this?

Sara slowly got carried away with her thoughts. What if Sam could have all three of them? She as his alpha mate and the others as his play mates, his own personal harem. She knew Cara would play along but Tanya would have to be convinced. She knew Sam would have to see other Females as he grew up, it was only natural but they had both made a commitment to each other as mates. Why couldn't they have fun with their new situation? They'd have no-one but each other most of the time so Sara knew she had no way to be truly threatened by the others. Sam loved her and she loved him back, nothing would break that bond.

Sara tried to collect her thoughts again but her path of thought had turned her on too much. She suddenly realised that one of her paws was firmly massaging her breast while her other paw was tenderly massaging her wet pussy through her cargo pants, all the while the vibrator softly buzzed between her breasts.

* * *

Sam lay near the summit of one of the mountains. He had an astounding view of the surrounding land. He breathed in deeply, his lungs filling with amazingly clean air and wild scents letting him know he really was out in the middle of no-where.

Sam liked it up here and wanted to know what it would be like at night. He wondered how to get up here on his own for a while after his mother had gone to bed. Once on his own and once with is mother so that they could make love while looking down at the land that would be in their care soon.

Sam sat up and shuffled over to a near by set of rocks and lay back against them as his sensual thoughts aroused his member. He lay back and looked out over the land with a contented smile as her opened his jeans and began slowly playing with himself and thinking about the mischief he and his mother would get up to out of sight from others.

He knew He'd never be able to see some of the girls from his school again or ever have the satisfaction of going out with them on dates, but he didn't mind. His mother was an experienced female who had taught him more in the last few days about their bodies and relationships than any amount of young relationships could in his lifetime. He did wonder if he should talk to his mother about the appearance of him not having a girlfriend over time, he didn't want to draw any suspicion to them and their incestuous relationship.

It had been almost three hours since he had left the cabin, he decided to head back and let his mother know he'd found something a little bit special for them to share in later.

* * *

As Sam returned to the cabin he was surprised that there seemed to be no activity in or outdoors. He wondered where his mother was, but guessed what she might have been up to. A sly grin passed over his muzzle as he thought about all the new toys and outfits his mother had brought back and wondered if she was pre-pairing another surprise for him.

He quietly entered the cabin so as not to startle his mother, but as he looked around she was nowhere in sight. He walked slowly past the table and took a slide of cold meat that had been left on the dinning table. As he passed the couch he became aware of his mother's scent. Judging by the strong smell he guessed his thoughts must have been right. He moved quietly towards the bedroom and opened the door to see if his mother was there.

Sam smiled; his mother was asleep on the bed with a soft buzzing sound coming from the vibrator between her breasts. Sam looked her over, he couldn't get over how adorable she looked with her shirt laying open and her cargo pants unfastened. He sat beside her and gently stroked her breasts making the large vibrator slowly slide down between her cleavage while extracting a soft moan from her.

He remembered the first time he had done this while his mother was sleeping, full of nerves and excitement. He had no such nervousness about it now, but the excitement still pulsed through him and to find her using a toy on her own. Sam decided he would have some fun before waking her.

He laid his paws on her breasts softly and began gently massaging them as he nudged the vibrator back up between her cleavage with his nose every time it slid down. Sam smiled as his mothers breathing deepened and her back arched slightly as she slept.

He began to softly nuzzle and tenderly lick at her breasts as his paws continued their playful motions, his short claws teasing her nipples, as they grew harder. Sam was pleasantly surprised; his mother's breasts did seem a little bigger than when they had first arrived at the cabin. They were still warm and soft as ever but they seemed even perkier than before. He didn't know why or how, but his mother's already busty chest was becoming even more buxom.

Sam pulled his head away from her clevage for a moment as he felt her squirming from his touch. He looked down her body to see her legs and hips writhing in pleasure. He began to firmly tease her nipples, which made her unconsciously bite her knuckles. Sam chuckled to himself; she looked so flustered and was unable to stop him in her present state. He knew she'd wake soon and knew after what he had done to her in her sleep, she would want more.

As Sara continued to writhe and moan, Sam began to slowly remove her cargo pants and underwear. He chuckled as he noticed a small wet patch had formed on her cargo pants from pleasuring herself so freely. Once her lower clothing was free of her body Sam began to softly stroke his claws through her fur, slowly up her legs, over her tummy and back to her breasts for a moment then back down the length of her body again.

He began firmly massaging her inner thighs, which made her back arch gracefully the more pressure he used. He soon turned his attentions to her tummy and began to lick around her navel softly making her stomach muscles clench at the sensation and making her release a soft whimper.

Sam sat back after a few minutes and quickly began to undress himself then lay next to his mother, softly stroking her body and making her murr in pleasure. He slowly moved over her and gripping her wrists gently moved her arms over her head, then he began to gently stroke her hair as he slowly leaned forward and kissed his mother slowly and passionately.

Sara felt a little dizzy as she woke with a familiar muzzle pressed to hers and an equally familiar tongue exploring her mouth. She had never felt so good while waking up before; her body was craving attention like never before and as her senses slowly grew sharper, she could tell Sam had been busy working on her body for some time now.

She slowly raised her thigh against his hip and moaned into the kiss, she truly didn't want it to end. Sam slowly pulled away and stared lovingly into his mother's eyes and they lazily opened. "Welcome back sleepy head." He whispered softly before nuzzling his mother's cheek softly.

Sara murred softly to herself with a gentle smile across her muzzle. "That's my line baby." She said as she gently stroked his cheek.

Sara felt unusually calm, her body was screaming out to be touched but her mind was focused and for the first time that day her breasts weren't hurting her. "Feels to me like you've been a busy boy with those paws of yours." She purred.

Sam smiled. "Not as busy as you were while I was away Angel." He picked up the vibrator and lightly bounced the tip on her tummy. Sara blushed heavily and softly bit her lower lip as Sam slowly traced the vibrator around her breasts. "Do you want me to use this on you mom?" He asked softly.

A mischievous smile crossed Sara's muzzle before she grabbed the toy and threw it across the room then flipped Sam on to his back and straddled him. "How about you use yourself on me instead. A vibe might be good, but its no substitute for you sweetie."

Sam chuckled and began to wrestle playfully with his mother. Their laughter filled the cabin as they started tickling and throwing pillows at each other as they playfully tried to subdue each other. Sam was finally victorious after managing to squirm out from under his mother and pinning her chest down on the bed.

Sara looked back over her shoulder seductively as she pretended to struggle. "Looks like I'm at your mercy Merlin." She purred huskily while giving him a sly wink.

Sam kept her pinned as he moved his muzzle next to her ear and growled softly. "Not for the first time either."

Sara giggled softly to herself at his words and slowly arched her backside until Sam's member was nestled between her cheeks. Sam gave a soft moan as she squeezed his member lightly between her butt cheeks and started making a very slow humping motion. Sara slowly freed an arm and softly cupped his cheek, bringing his face closer to hers. Sam released his hold on his mother and kissed her deeply, his heart thundering in his chest as he did. Sara moaned passionately as she rubbed her tail across his chest and firmly gripped the bed covers.

Sam slowly sat back and let his paws slide over his mothers back. "Mom..."

"Mmmhmm? What is it Baby?" She purred as she turned on to her side to see her son better.

"I'm not going to make you scream this time." He said softly. "I'm not going to use you like I've done in the last few days."

Sara's eye's widened, she liked where this was going. "So what are you going to do to me then?"

Sam stroked her legs and waist tenderly before he answered. "I'm going to make love to you, like a mate should."

Sara's heart melted. "Oh Sam..." She purred softly then turned on to her back and pulled Sam closer with her legs. "I love you, so much." She said with a tear in her eye as she reached her paw up to his shoulder and pulled him down gently to kiss him lovingly.

Sam slipped his arm around his mother's shoulders and softly brushed her tears away with his free paw before kissing her softly and slowly. It was a perfect moment, as his free paw slowly traced over her breast, waist and hip before finally resting on her thigh.

Sara arched her body gently against Sam's and let out a blissful whimper as they kissed. She raised her thighs to his hips and squeezed him softly, wanting him to continue his tender ministrations of her body. He was only too happy to oblige. Raising his paw back to her well toned tummy, he began to lightly run a short claw round her navel, making her muscles clench and her whole body shiver as it began to tickle her slightly.

Still quivering as Sam continued to stroke his short claws over her tummy, Sara wrapped her arms around his neck and continued kissing him and gradually let the passion of the moment take over her senses. She pressed her body firmly up against her son and held him in a tight and loving embrace.

Sam wrapped his arms around his mother and began to feel everything between them, their rising heat, their quickening heart beats and the ever growing sense of personal connection. He gradually broke the kiss and began slowly licking down her neck and softly biting her shoulder.

Sara murred softly to herself and smoothed her paws over her son's body. She hadn't felt this well loved in years and was enjoying every bit of his attention. She lightly ran her claws through his hair as he dipped his head a little further and began to lick at her cleavage then her nipples.

Sam began firmly massaging his mother's breasts as he gently sucked on her nipples in turn. His sudden firmness made his mother buck firmly against him and tighten her legs grip at his waist. Sam felt his throbbing shaft slide softly along the length of his mothers slit making her whimper as he brushed lightly over her cliterous again an again.

They shared a long passionate stare, the whole world seeming to stop as they gazed into each others eyes and felt the love they had committed themselves to. Sam slowly broke the gaze and gradually pushed his throbbing member into his mother's hot wet pussy.

She gasped passionately as he began to fill her with his solid member. A moment later and Sam had fully buried himself in his mother's honey pot and held himself inside her, just enjoying the wonderfully close moment he was sharing with his mother.

Sara slowly began to rock her hips against her son's which gradually encouraged his own motions. She reached up and softly ran her claws down his chest again and again. She was truly immersed in the moment, every sensation felt more powerful than any other time she had made love in her life.

Sam lovingly gripped his mother's hips and pushed a little deeper into her. His member pushing a little more roughly along her inner walls made her moan in sheer bliss and made her buck back a little harder to match the pressure he was applying to her.

Sam shifted his position and lovingly scooped his mother up in his arms and held her in his lap as she remained impaled in his hard shaft. She rocked her hips as she raised and lowered herself making him shiver as she made him press up against parts of her insides that were rarely touched in such a way.

Sam growled softly as he could feel his body slowly take over in the heat of the moment. Sara began to feel his sudden increase in pace and motions and wrapped her arms tightly around him, letting her claws comb through his fur as she gripped him tightly.

Sam responded in kind to his mother's embrace, holding her tightly and gently running his paws over erogenous areas of her body. Their breathing began to deepen heavily as their bodies began to follow their own instincts but not dulling the romance or passion of the moment.

Sara felt her body start to quiver as her passionate moaning became gradually more high pitched. Her vaginal muscles began to quickly spasm around his member just keeping her on edge before her orgasm finally him Sam was close too, he felt a welcome tightness in his groin as his knot began to swell quickly; locking them together once again.

They hovered on the brink of orgasm for what felt like eternity until they both howled lovingly as they gripped each other tightly in their upright position. Sam felt like he had finally done what he needed to, to secure his mother's love for the rest of their lives. Sara felt a rush of emotions throughout her being; she knew no other male could have her love now, not after such an intense experience.

Sara felt Sam's still hard member pulsing as he continued to release hot jets of his cum deep inside her. This was how it would be from now on; his seed would be the only one that would fill her like this. Sooner or later she knew she would mother her son's child.

Gradually their bodies began to relax and in the bliss of the climb down from the sensations they had gone through they both collapse on the bed and slowly fell asleep in each others arms.

Sam woke to his mother's delicate touch; her paws tenderly stroking his chest. He moaned in approval and slid his paw to her waist. "Welcome back Merlin." She purred softly.

Sam smiled and kissed her softly "I'll always come back for you my lady."

Sara giggled softly and returned his kiss. "I know you will sweetie." She stroked his cheek softly before slowly pulling away and getting up.

"Can't we cuddle a little longer Mom?" Sam groaned, not wanting to get up again.

Sara winked and flicked her tail at him as she left the room then called back to him. "After you've had something to eat sweetie."

Sam groaned and slowly pulled himself from their bed and joined his mother, sitting naked with her at the table and picking at the food on the table.

After they had finished their lunch and cleared up they lay on the couch in each others arms talking about the next few days. Sara pressed herself closer to her son and licked his cheek softly. "Sam, I've got an appointment booked with the doctor tomorrow."

Sam looked a little worried. "Are you ok Mom?"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little worried about my breasts. They feel a little painful and are making me restless a lot of the time, so I just want to get them checked out." She said calmly.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked clearly concerned for his mother's well being.

"No, I'll be fine, but I do have something I want you to do." She said reassuringly.

Sam became a little curious at that statement. "What is it?"

She smiled and lightly scratched his side. "I want you to spend the afternoon with Cara."

Sam stared at her for a long moment before a smile slowly crossed his muzzle. "Anything for you Mom." He said softly as he held her tight in his arms.

To be continued...