Schande's Story-Chapter 7

Story by Schande Thompson on SoFurry

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#7 of Schande's Story


Schande was woken up, yet again, by a knock at the door. He got up out of bed and groggily made it over to the door. He opened it, and there stood J.J., swaying slightly. He reeked of alcohol.

Schande :"J.J! What the hell, are you drunk?"

J.J. (giggling): "No, I'm just -hic- a little tired."

Schande stared at him in disbelief. He took J.J. under his arm and walked him over to the bed. He helped J.J. sit down.

Schande: "How much did you drink at that party?"

J.J: "I don't know, not -hic- much, who's counting?"

Schande: "Just lay down and sleep this off."

J.J: "What ever you -hic- say, sexy!"

He laid down and went to slep surprisingly fast. Schande couldn't believe his mate was drunk. J.J. was only 16, this was horrible!. He tried to not think about it as he went back to sleep. He was awoken in the early morning hours, not by a knock, but by a bloodcurdling scream. He heard two thuds, which meant both J.J. and Seb fell out of their beds.

J.J: "Who the hell are you?!"

Seb: "I should ask you the same question!"

Schande: "Guys, chillax! J.J., this is Seb, my best friend and out new roommate. Seb, this is Jasper Jr., my mate. He likes to be called J.J. though."

Seb and J.J. calmed down, greeted each other, and shook hands. Schande rolled his eyes and giggled. Seb and J.J. talked for a little while about their likes and dislikes. Seb and J.J. actually had a lot in common; they both liked Avenged Sevenfold, Dr. Pepper, and Pokemon. Schande had fallen back asleep, trying to catch up on the sleep he lost from being woken up multiple times. Seb noticed this and indicated him to J.J. Seb got an evil grin on his face. He tiptoed over to Schande, leaned in really close to his ear, and barked, very loudly. Schande jumped, yelped, and fell out of the bed. J.J. keeled over and laughed.

Schande: "Damn it Seb! I swear to God if you do that again, I'm gonna neuter you!"

Seb couldn't talk because he was laughing so hard. Schande started to laugh too. It was a good five minutes before they all stopped laughing.

Seb: "All this hilarity has made me thirsty. I'm gonna get some Dr. Pepper."

Schande: "I'll come with you!"

J.J: "Same!"

They all walked out of the dorm. Schande locked the door behind him. They headed downstairs to the only vending machine that had sugary drinks in it. While Seb was struggling to put a rather wrinkled dollar into the machine, Schande noticed something on the bulletin board. It was a flyer advertising a new Glee Club. J.J. noticed it too.

J.J: "Oh, I love Glee Club! I wanna join. Will you come with me to the meeting Schande?"

Schande (laughing nervously): "I don't do too well in front of crowds."

J.J. gave him puppy dog eyes.

J.J: "Come ooooooooooooooooooonnn..."

Schande (chuckling): "Ok, I'll go with you."

J.J: "Yay! You're the best!"

J.J. kissed Schande on the nose.

J.J: "Do you wanna come too, Seb?"

Seb: "Sure, sounds like fun!"

Seb who had been pushing the dollar into the machine, held tight to it. When the machine took it in, Seb was holding onto it, so it ripped cleanly in half.

Seb: "Son of a bitch!"

J.J. gave him a crisp dollar. Seb thanked him and got a Dr. Pepper out of the machine. Schande and J.J. followed suit. The Glee Club meeting was tomorrow after school. They went back to the dorm. Schande tried to open the door, but it was locked, and he had realized he left the key inside.

Schande: "Fuck! I left the key inside the room!"

Seb walked up to the door, took out one of his claws, inserted it into the keyhole, and opened the door. Schande stared at him with awe.

Schande: "Wow..."

Seb laughed, and they walked inside. For the rest of the night, they played J.J.'s Playstation 3 until they went to bed. They woke the next morning to Schande's alarm clock. Schande smacked the top of the clock. He yawned widely, and turned over. He found J.J. snuggling up to him, smiling.

J.J. "Morning, hun."

Schande: "Morning J.J."

Schande licked him on the nose. J.J. giggled. Seb turned over.

Seb (singsong): "Morning lovebirds!"

J.J. and Schande giggled. They all got up and took turns taking showers, they got dressed, and prepared for another school day. Seb had gotten his schedule, he had the same classes as Schande and J.J. They went through the day pretty normally. They were actually lucky enough to not run into the AFG that day. After the final bell rang, they headed down to the music room for the Glee Club meeting. When they arrived, Schande started to feel exceedingly nervous. They walked into the room. There were only two others in the room, another fox, and another husky. Seb stared at the husky, drooling slightly. The other husky didn't seem to notice. J.J. greeted him.

J.J: "Hey there! I'm J.J., this is Seb, and this is Schande."

Husky: "Nice to meet you! I'm Kuro, and that's Frank. I'm glad you all came!"