The Great Escape

Story by Graphite on SoFurry

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#2 of Crossroads

Readers Note: To understand the story, the reader must have some backroung knolage of the halo univurse, and has read the previous story Crossroads


Oh god no. Did Will just get me pregnant? Whatever, I'll worry about that later, right now I need to focus on getting Will and I out of this orbiting shithole. It's time to start on step one. I think it's time to stop and visit my friend Nesen'tha. I know her well enough to guess that right now she's patiently waiting for me at the mess hall for breakfast.

I walked down the familiar labyrinth of passageways down to the mess hall. When I got there the doors automatically opened and to my surprise, the usually crowded and hectic room was a barren wasteland. The tables were completely empty except for the occasional group of Elites sitting around chatting. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Nesen'tha in her jumpsuit, waving at me from the usual table she sits at.

"Hey S'ev, I'm over here!"

I walked over to the table and sat across from her. Her hair was a complete mess, and there were bags under her eyes. She looked like she hadn't slept in a month; well that makes my job even easier.

"Well you look tired, did they force you to pull another all-night training opt again?"

She said to me in a weak voice "Yeah, well what can you do. We both have commanding officers who we have to listen to. You're a commander now but even you still have to obey some snooty high-ranking male."

Trying to use the most casual voice possible I said back to her, "Yeah well what can you do? It's not like we can escape or anything." Why did I say that? She might figure it out! Why do I suck at keeping secrets?

She continued without any visible suspicion, "Yeah but why are you here so early? I'm here because I just got back from training and my quarters are cramped but you're here early too and you don't look tired in the slightest." I began to stammer trying to think of excuses. That's why the mess hall is empty, it's too early. I must have gotten such good sleep with Will that my body didn't know it was early.

Nesen'tha leaned closer and said to me in a soft, naughty voice, "S'eva what were you doing last night?"

Instead of an excuse, I tried changing the subject, "Oh nothing, hold on I still haven't showed you my new commanders quarters yet!"

Now Nesen'tha's face lit up with delight, "Ooh can I see it S'ev. Can I? Can I? Can I?"

This is exactly where I wanted her, "Fine you can see it if you want, but promise not to touch everything."

"O.K I won't. Can we go now?"


She followed me out the door and through the labyrinth of hallways to the door of my quarters. I swiped my I.D card and the doors to the room opened, Nesen'tha stepped in looking around in awe. I stepped in behind her making sure not to draw attention from the room.

"It's so big! Man my room seems even shittier compared to this palace of a room, this place is 20 times the size of my room! Oh, my god. Is that your own personal bathroom?"

My plan was working out perfectly but she still needs to be seduced, "Indeed it is. Do you want to see it?"

"Would I ever!" She pushed open the door to my bathroom and stepped inside.

"You have a shower, toilet, and a sink! This totally beats anything I've seen. It kind of makes sense though that the girl who ran through the halls naked because of public bathroom issues gets her own bathroom."

I stepped into the bathroom behind her making sure to get extra close to her, "Yes Nesen'tha, I remember that. You don't have to remind me."

"Too late now. I was one of the ones who actually saw you running through the halls. Remembering the sight of you nude is making me Horney. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? We are alone in a bathroom after all."

Know I had her right where I needed her. In the most seductive voice I could pull off I whispered into her ear, "Oh yeah I'm thinking that, why don't you go back to the bedroom while I get you a present."

"Alright I'll meet you there."

She stepped out of the room and shut the door. My plan is working better than I could have ever imagined. Then again this is the only part of the plan that doesn't involve me and Will being shot at. I opened the dour under my sink and pulled out my energy-toy. What would Will think if he knew I was doing this? I'm doing this so we can be free together so I'm sure he won't mind. I held down the on button on my energy toy for several seconds, and instead of it coming out of just one end, it came out of both, Instant double dildo.

I slowly opened the door to the bedroom to see Nesen'tha sprawled across my bed naked. I took mental note of her jumpsuit lying on the floor next to the bed.

Nesen'tha said in a seductive voice, "Come on, and give it to me hard. I've been a bad girl."

I held up my energy toy, "We both have been naughty girls, so we should share."

"I should really get one of those energy-toys like that one." Nesen'tha said to me in an exited tone. "Now bring that bad boy over here so we do it."

I stripped off my jumpsuit and threw it on the ground before lying down on top her. We made out for a bit, but I had to pretend to enjoy it. It wasn't like kissing Will though; there was no wash of satisfaction, or pleasure when I kissed her. She seemed to still enjoy it though.

After several minutes she pulled her lips away and said, "Turn around."

I reversed my position so that my private area was just below her chin, and my head was just above hers.

"What's all of this cum doing here?" Nesen'tha said as I felt her flaking off some of the dried cum around my vagina. Crap I forgot about that. "S'eva . . . what were you up too last night."

It was a good thing she didn't know most of that dried cum wasn't mine. I once again was straining to find an excuse to cover up the truth about Will and me.

"Don't get yourself in a knot. If you don't want to tell, I won't ask." At this she began to lick my vagina. Once again I found myself pretending to love it. It felt good, but it was nothing compared to the sex Will and I had last night.

When she was finished she said, "I liked the cum around the edges, it adds a little extra flavor to the mix. I think I'm ready for the toy, how about you?"

"Yeah I'm ready"

We once again shifted positions, but this time we were face to face, and ass to ass. I grabbed the toy and held it poised behind us.

I asked her, "Ass, or vagina?" I was hoping ass because my vagina was so stretched out from Will's monster cock that I was afraid I wasn't going to feel a thing.

She thought for a moment, "hmmm, we haven't gone anal in a while, let's try that."

I quickly shoved it in both of our holes; we were now connected by this dildo. I began to move the toy up and down faster and faster. This time it actually felt good. Soon Nesen'tha and I were moaning, and letting out shrieks. After about thirty minutes we both reached our climax.

"Oh god S'ev I'm reaching my climax! Are you ready?"

Before I could even respond cum shot out of her, but only a few drips came from me. She clenched her jaw and squeezed my breasts as hard as she could. My boobs actually hurt from her nails but if I said anything it might ruin the plan. Slowly her grip softened as the eruption of cum from her seized. I let her catch her breath before pulling out. I lied down next to her as she shifted on her side to face me.

She ran her fingers through her hair to straighten it before saying to me, "What was that? You reached you climax and all that was left from your mysterious late-night event was a couple drips of cum? You must have had a great time last night." She yawned and continued, "Man I was tired before but now I'm struggling to keep awake. I really like this bed, do you mind if take a quick nap here?"

"Oh not at all, knock yourself out."

"Thanks." At that she closed her eyes and went to sleep. I should wait a bit just to make sure she's asleep. I fondled my boobs for a bit, man she has a tight grip. They still hurt from her squeezing them. I continued to inspect my boobs for another several minutes before finally deciding that enough time has passed. I jumped out of bed and ran to were her jumpsuit lay in a heap. I started checking the pockets until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out a small I.D card sized purple card that had Nesen'tha's picture and a code on it. These were the keys to her seraph.

I slipped back into my jumpsuit and put on my armor, before walking through the door. Step one complete, now for step 2. It's time for a visit the research wing to take back what rightfully belongs to Will.


The anticipation was killing me. S'eva ran out of the room with this plan to escape before telling me what it was. I have no doubt that her plan is brilliant, I trust her completely but the curiosity is just unbearable. It's so tempting to just run out and track her down through this entire ship just to see what she's been doing these past three hours. What if she got caught? Oh god, that is the worst case scenario. If she got caught the punishment would be brutal. The covenant don't even keep war prisoners with the exception of me, I don't even want to know what they do to mutineers. Whatever she's doing I hope she gets back soon before I run out trying to look for her.

I heard the doors to the brig slide open, and speak of the devil there she was. She strode in wearing full armor, and carrying a very large, and by the look of the way she's carrying it, enormously heavy Crate.

"Present for you Will!" She managed to blurt out before dropping the crate on the floor. It landed with a defining thud. S'eva, still breathing heavily sat down on the crate and said, "Come and get it Will." She took a break for some more breaths before continuing, "I hope you like it." She stood up off the crate as I got up and walked closer to it.

"So what is it exactly?"

"Just wait a sec and you'll find out Will."

She had finally almost caught her breath when she began to enter a code on the crate's control panel. I jumped back as the lid of the crate popped off with a burst of steam. S'eva threw the crate's lid off with ease, so the contents must be heavy, not the crate itself. My curiosity deepened more as she dug around inside the contents of the crate and procured from it, a helmet. The helmet had a visor that stretched almost around the entire front, definitely an EVA type helmet. It wasn't covenant, it was my helmet!

I scrambled over to the crate and craned my head over the sides. My MJOLNR armor was all here, every single plate. It was in perfect shape, like somebody had taken the liberty of washing it for me.

"S'eva, were did you get this! I thought they took it from me after I was captured."

"They did." She held up a plasma repeater with a blackened tip. "I just barrowed it from the nice people in the research wing. At first they didn't really want to be good neighbors but after a little chat with my friend here, they were a little bit more willing to cooperate."

"S'eva you have really outdone yourself this time! I love you and the present!"

I kissed her on the side of her helmet and began to put on my armor. Where does this part go? Oh yeah. Wait, does it? Nope. I spent the next thirty minutes trying to re-assemble my armor. This is the only bad part about MJOLNER armor, taking it on and off. The entire suit has to be assembled around the user. Once S'eva and I had finally solved that Spartan-sized puzzle I felt around for the suits activation switch.

"S'eva, somewhere on by back there a little button, could you do me a favor and press it for me?"

"This one?"


Suddenly the weight of the suit vanished, and my HUD display flickered into view on the inside of my visor. I lifted my hands of front of me and looked at them. The motion was five times faster than normal, the suit is operational.

"Alright S'eva, before we run off into the sunset what's the plan?"

She held up a small card in her free hand, "Are you familiar with seraph fighters? I procured this key card to one from a pilot friend of mine. Just follow my lead down to the hanger and one of us will fly that baby to freedom. Of course there are hundreds of covenant solders between us and the target but being a demon, I'm sure you're used to that."

"Sure as hell I am, but did you get me a weapon?"

"Oh yeah I almost forgot about that." She once again dug into the crate but this time instead of coming out with my helmet, she brought out a second plasma repeater and offered it to me.

"I hope you don't mind plasma weapons."

I grabbed the shiny blue weapon and said, "Nope, no problem at all." My HUD synced with the weapons targeting system as soon as I laid hands on the handle and an aimer appeared on my display.

I had a thought, as S'eva was turning to leave the room I said, "Hold on, how did you get that key card without the other Elite noticing?"

"Uh . . . um, funny story. I'll tell you about it one day, but for now let's just focus on getting out of here."

I followed her out the door and looked around for hostiles. The hallway was empty, for now.

"Hey S'eva maybe it might be better if I took the lead and you just told me were to go?"

"I can manage myself thank you but if you really want to you can."

I took the lead and followed her instructions through the labyrinth of hallways. Left, right, right, straight, another left. We just kept going like this through the empty hallways.

"I thought you said there was fighting involved? This entire ship seems like a fucking wasteland."

"You'll get your chance to shoot stuff so don't you worry. When we get to the hanger you'll have all of the fight you can handle."

We finally stopped at a door in the end of a hall way. Next to the door were two buttons, one pointing up and one pointing down. So this is an elevator? S'eva pressed the down button and almost immediately the door on front of us opened up. A group of grunts that were inside of the elevator car began to panic at the sight of me and began screaming, "Demon! Demon! Wholly craps were dead! Dead I say!"

One of them drew a sticky grenade and screamed, "Kill the demon!" and began running towards me. Fortunately his trip was short lived, for he bumped into another panicking grunt and the grenade stuck to him.

"Gaaaa! The demon stuck me! The demon stuck me!" I was kind of funny watching these little short weirdoes run around frantically, bumping into each other, the walls, and everywhere but the elevator car exit in their attempt to get away from imminent death. The plasma grenade exploded inside of the elevator car with a flash of brilliant blue fire. When the smoke had cleared about ten dead grunts lay motionless inside the elevator car. They were all dead and I didn't even raise my weapon.

I turned to S'eva and said, "Well that was anti-climactic, are they always like that?"

"Yes, this ship alone looses about 100 grunts during a peaceful day. I have absolutely no idea what goes through their heads, maybe it's the gas."

"Maybe. Let's just get out of here."

We stepped into the elevator and S'eva pressed one of the buttons on a large panel on the side of the door. Everything jolted upward as the elevator began to move downward. It was possibly the most aquard experience of my life. For thirty seconds S'eva and I stood silently next to each other surrounded by a dozen smelly alien corpses in an elevator. The car finally jolted to a stop and the doors opened revealing an enormous room filled with seraphs, phantoms, banshees, and surprised covenant solders . . . all staring at us . . . reaching for their guns.


"Get down!" Will jumped at me, pushing me out of the elevator car and behind a group of crates. Wave, after wave of heat washed over us as plasma bolts fizzled over head. Some struck the front side of the crates and sent blobs of molten metal flying into the air. Will raised his repeater over the crates and pulled the trigger. A fountain of blue plasma erupted from the tip, spewing shots at a crowd of nearby grunts. The shots hit home and 6 grunts fell to the floor dead.

"I could use some help here!"

"Oh yeah. sorry." I Peaked over the crates and fired a volley of shots into an Elite. His shields failed under the pressure, and the remaining shots killed him.

Will turned and shouted but I could barely hear him over the sounds of battle, "There's too many of them. By the time we kill them all enforcements will arrive so we need to speed this up."

I peeked up from behind cover to analyze the situation. There was a large cluster of grunts near the landing legs of a seraph, another smaller group out in the open, and Elites spread out between them. It'll take some sort of ordinance to take them out in time . . . good thing grunts have 101 uses.

"Will! Catch! You know what to do." I grabbed a plasma grenade from my belt and threw it to Will. He caught it and gave a nod back to me before priming, and then chucking the grenade into the large group of grunts. They panicked for a moment as they realized impending death before the entire crowd was engulfed in blue flames. From the smoke grunts with leaking methane tanks flew like missiles in every direction, exploding on contact with anything they hit. Shrapnel, grunt parts, and corpses flew as the entire enemy side was engulfed in a giant ball of flames and smoke with the occasional grunt flying out and hitting something. When the explosions stopped smoke had cleared Will cautiously peeked out from behind his crate.

"Were good. That did the trick."

I stood up and inspected the carnage. The entire area was covered in black soot, and bodies. The putrid smell of burnt flesh and smoke filled the air.

"S'eva, that was a great idea. How on earth did you come up with that one? "

"Oh, it just came to me."

"I've never seen so many enemies killed with a single grenade. But let's keep focused. Where's our seraph."

"Follow me."

I lead will down a long row of seraphs. I already knew which seraph belonged to Nesen'tha.

"14-c, 15-c, 16-c, ah here's our ride. Seraph 17-c. Were so close to freedom, I can almost taste it."

"Yes we are . . . but there's a gravity hammer in the way."

"What are you talking about Will?"



"Turn around S'eva."

I turned around to see a brute chieftain with a gravity hammer at the end of the isle, and he looked pissed. He let out a deep battle cry and charged at will.

"Shit!" Will dodged to the side as the Brute's hammer put a dent in the place where he stood a moment ago. I raised my repeater and fired at the Brute. His attention shifted from Will to me. I've seen him before. He was one of the Brutes at the shipmaster's dinner party. Will jumped on the Brutes back while it was distracted, and drew a knife from his chest piece but before Will could make the lethal blow the Brute threw him to the ground and swung his hammer. Will once again rolled to the side as the hammer struck next to him, sending him sliding across the floor. I once again opened fire on the Brute but this time he kept his eye on the prize. Before Will had the chance to get up the Brute chieftain was practically on top of him. My shots weren't doing anything and my repeater was overheating. Wait . . . heat. The Brute raised his hammer to strike Will as I darted across the lane to where they fought. Just before the brute brought the hammer down I smacked it in the face with my overheating plasma repeater. He let go of his hammer and let out a defining scream. He clutched the seared flesh on his face and stumbled backwards for a moment before falling over. Will jumped on top of the Brute and dug his knife into its neck. The Brute froze for a moment, and then went limp as death overcame him. Will drew the knife and re-sheathed it.

"Well know that that's over let's get to the ship."

"I agree."

We rushed back to the seraph; its gangway was already out as if it were waiting for us. We stepped into the cabin and before us lay two seats side by side, and an impossibly complicated array of switches, and displays below a wide front viewport.

I turned to Will and said, "Do you know how to fly this thing?"

"Wait, I thought you knew!"

"I was hoping you could"

Will sighed and got into the pilots seat. "Listen, I can fly but this ship isn't human. The basic controls look similar but you will have to be the one who controls everything else O.K?"

"I can do that."

Will sat down in the pilot's seat and put his hands on the saunters.


S'eva sat down in the chair next to me and fastened herself in. I looked at the complicated array of switches and displays and thought to myself. I seriously hope I know what I'm doing.

"S'eva, could you start the ship."

"On it Will."

She took a moment to scan the endless array of buttons until she apparently found the one that in covenant said "start" and pressed it.

The ship suddenly came alive and began to hover above the launch deck. I pushed the saunter forward and the ship jerked forward through the launch bay shield. And the viewport was filled with the eerie black of space.

"We did it S'eva, where free."

S'eva pointed to one of the displays, "Where not done yet. Fighters are leaving the launch bay to come after us!"

"Dimmit doesn't your kind ever give up?"

The ship shook as plasma bolts struck the shields of the fighter. I pulled the saunters left and right sending the fighter into evasive maneuvers. Shots continued to bounce off the shields, "Will, we have to lose them. We won't be able to take much more."

"I have an Idea, hold on tight."

I turned off the main engines and maneuvered the fighter so we were directly facing out assailants

"Will, what the hell are you doing?"

"Saving us."

I gunned the engines the full, everything jerked backwards and the ship flew straight at the formation of fighters. They zoomed past us and I repeated the maneuver. Know we were behind them. As they began to turn around to face us, I opened fire and began to gun down the fighters one by one. Once all of the fighters were destroyed I steered the ship as far away from the covenant carrier as possible.

"Now what?" S'eva finally said after long silent minutes.

"Well we need to re-group with UNSC forces. We can't put out a distress beacon because they won't bother with a disabled covenant ship. The only way to get their attention, without them shooting at us is to hail them?"

"There's a small fleet of UNSC ships on the other side of the system that haven't left yet. We can use the fighter's short distance slip space drive to get there."

"Alright then, we have a plan."

S'eva began to press all sorts of buttons on the panel until all the sudden the ship shut down.

"What the . . ." All of the sudden there was a bright flash and several UNSC frigates suddenly appeared in the front viewport. They stood stalk still like some sort of giant metal sculpture, but that stillness was interrupted when the small guns began to pivot.

"Shit. S'eva, hail them or were toast!" S'eva began frantically pressing one of the buttons repeatedly.

"The signal is going out but there not picking up!"

The guns opened fire and began to eat away the seraphs shields. I tried to dodge the spout of bullets but all four frigates were concentrating fire on us.

"Will they accepted the hail! Take this." She handed me what looked like some sort of ear bud and I placed it in my ear. The fighter shook as the shields failed, and bullets began to strike the hull. "Hold you're fire! This is Spartan 273! I repeat I'm a friendly! I'm a friendly!"

The shaking stopped, and the gunfire seized. The voice of the fleet commander crackled through the earpiece, "Spartan 273? Why the hells are you in a seraph? We thought we lost you?"

"You almost did sir. When you notify the launch bay of my arrival, tell them not to shoot the Elite aboard the ship with me."

"Wait, why is there an Elite on your ship?"

I looked over at S'eva, "Let's just say that we have a defector in our mists."

The commander paused for a moment and said, "I'll just wait for you to get back on the ship before you give us the full report. Head into the launch bay of the frigate Zeus, oh and welcome home Spartan."

I heard the little click signifying the hail was over before turning to S'eva. With a new uncertainty in her voice she said, "What's going to happen now?"

I saw the rear launch bay doors open on one of the frigates, and began to steer towards it. "You will be classified as a defector, so I's important that for the first encounter make no sudden movements, stay near me, and let me do the talking. I can understand what you're saying because my neural implant is programmed to be able to translate covenant but they don't, so they can't understand you. You need to do everything I say because it's not easy for an Elite to earn the trust of UNSC commanding officers."

S'eva silently nodded in agreement, and I returned my concentration to docking the craft. I slowed the ship to a crawl as I gently nudged the ship into the docking clamps. This is going to be hard because these clams are designed to fit Long sword fighters, not Covenant seraphs. When the ship was in the right position the clamps tightened on the ship.


Our damaged seraph moaned as it settled into its new position. The clamps didn't really fit the craft so it was more like we landed on it, than were being held by it. I took a moment to look out the view port at the interior of the human ship. Everything was so angular and dull compared to the sleek design covenant ships. Will stood up and said to me, "Open the gangway, and get behind me."

I quickly scoured the buttons panel until I found the button marked "Open Cabin" and pressed it. A hiss came from the back of the cabin as the door opened. The door slid open to reveal a welcoming party of about 10 human solders with weapons raised, aiming pointing at us.

Will raised his hands above his head and whispered to me, "Get behind me."

I slowly stood and his myself behind him. When he began to walk forward I followed behind until we reached the deck of the human ship. A man dressed in a gray uniform emerged from the group of marines and held his hand out to them. Almost immediately they lowered their weapons, so this must be the commanding officer. Will snapped to a crisp solute for the man in grey before his hands snapped to his sides in attention.

The man in grey's uniform was generally bland except that its upper right torso was decorated with a hundred small pins and medals. He was also older than Will, and said to him in a welcoming tone, "Welcome home Spartan. I'm sorry for the over-reaction but you know how it is these days. Now what you said over the radio, if it's true I'm dying to see this defector you were referring to."

Will stepped to the side so that the man in grey was face to face with me. His eyes scrutinized every part of me, inspecting me, probably searching for the reason why I, a covenant Elite would defect to the human side. After a thorough examination he man in grey turned to Will, "Why is it so much smaller than other Elites?"

"This Elite is female sir. She was sick of how females were treated in the covenant so she helped me escape under her own willpower."

The man in grey looked a bit confused, "So females can serve in the covenant?"

"Apparently so sir."

"Well were heading back to the ONI headquarters on Reach so some ONI spooks can de-brief the shit out the two of you. Please escort her to the brig for the voyage."

"Pardon me sir but she's a defector, not a prisoner. She should be treated like a guest. We both can understand each other because of our implants, and I can assure you that she is on our side."

Did Will just talk back to his commanding officer? I thought the man in grey was going to flip and attack Will like Covenant officers would but instead he thought for a moment and calmly said, "all right but she's your responsibly. If anything happens it's on you. You and the defector can share room 43-G, and keep close watch on her." He looked suspiciously at me. "We don't want any trouble now missy, but if you even hint at causing trouble you'll spend the rest of your life in a cell." He turned back to Will. "That is all Spartan. You are dismissed." The man in grey along with the other marines walked away leaving me and Will alone in the launch bay. I turned to Will, who had relaxed after he left and asked, "Is he the shipmaster?"

Will removed his helmet and said, "Not exactly, but yes he is the ships commanding officer."

"He doesn't trust me very much does he?"

Will tucked his helmet under his arm and replied, "Honestly, I don't think anybody on this ship but me does. You'll need to stick with me, if anybody finds you roaming the ship alone those trust issues will really show. For now let's head back to the room the commander assigned us and get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us."