[CyberNecromancy]The Call Of The Shadow

Story by BeaverReturn on SoFurry

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#2 of CyberNecromancy

He saw a door. Four corners, four sides, two of those sides vertically long, two of those sides horizontally short. Wooden: painted white: metal hinges attach to an exterior frame. The bordering frame: three wooden panels, two vertically long, one horizontally short and on top. A brass knob waits to be turned, but a hesitating paw dares to not open it.

He saw a sandy dune on an outstretched beach. Out from the dune an expansive sea's gentle waves silently disturb the unseen barrier between land and ocean. The vast body of aquatic oblivion touching like soft fingers along the edge of the earthy shore as the tide flows in from the distant horizon. The distant horizon itself marked as a dividing line separating the sea and eternal void above it. Two canine ears flick and twist as they try to hear the sounds of the atmosphere dancing within the sub-reality, a whispered silence still unheard.

Standing on the wooden patio of the single-floored beach house bungalow, he becomes stuck in a dream painting he had once held the brush of. The door in-front of him calls to be opened. It calls like a howling ancestor that invites him into a realm of familiarity, but starring at the brass knob something tells him to avoid opening this door.

He is left in a liminal state, stuck between the decision to do, to act, or to be passive and to restrain his own curiosity and instinct. In this state he can only ponder and philosophize. In his dreams he had constructed this world but in the last few moments of his slumber he wonders to himself,

"Why did I create this?"

The Call of The Shadow Long Chapter is LOOOONNNNGG- BeaverReturn

Luck-Tooth eyes opened as 45-Z-16 began to run its start-up diagnostic. First he jolted around his head, head motors were in check. Then he began to search his eyes around the room, moving quick through the different lenses of his vision, finding no maintenance tubes to detect. As far he could tell optical sensors were still in check.

"Hello, Zombie? Hello?" Auditory sensors in check.

"Welcome back Arven."

"Shit Zombie. Another hour and we were going to send in a task force to retrieve you. You have been nearly out for 11 hours! Where have the HELL have you been?" Arven's panicked voice spoke rapidly.

"I was sleeping. My mobile chargers do not restore my energy as fast as the base chargers do." The drake sat up in his bed, rolling his neck around.

"What happened to that psychic drake?"

Luck-Tooth looked around his bedroom but the only sign of the younger drake were his cum stains left on the mattress from the night before. Luck-Tooth gazed at the crusty streak that was dried out on the elegant sheets. Something inside of him almost let him smile a toothy grin as he began to re-process the night before.

"You slept with him?" Arven was apparently fully linked back into Luck-Tooth's mind, his sensory optics being outputted and shared back at headquarters. Arven paused briefly before muttering, "Lucky drake bastard" under his breath.

"I heard that, Arven." Luck-Tooth declared as he shuffled himself over to the side of the bed. Sitting now at the edge of the bed, he ran another diagnostic through his system, a sub-routine for when he was on away missions. Only a primary diagnostic would be appropriate for when he was on base, but when away, he could never be too careful.

Monitoring the secondary diagnostic back at headquarters, Arven reviewed the information sent to him, "Alright, your server link, mobile charger and holographic shell are all fully functional as far I can tell Zombie. I'm going to send you over to Clark who is currently in meeting. I was told to alert him when we received contact from you."

"Arven? This better be good." Clark's authoritative voice came onto Luck-Tooth's internal comm. "Son of a bitch! Zombie, you are back! I thought I lost you, you old bucket of bolts! Don't ever do that to us again, you hear me?"

"Sorry Sir, comm. went down temporarily last night but I managed to already find some things out about the DLA. I'm exporting over some of the information I gathered in last week's investigations."

"Receiving them now Sir." Arven called out, already beginning to sift through the information being uploaded unto his computer, "Ah man, you did sleep with the drake! It also says here that you did not activate the 'Counting Sheep' protocol last night either..."

"That'll be enough nagging for now Arven." Clark grumbled, "So the DLA is accusing Techtrip International of immoral experimentation? Well what truth do they have to justify that claim? Continue your investigation and find out what exactly the DLA think they know. It certainly gives them a motif to go after Techtrip, but I have a feeling that there is more to this picture. " Clark paused, "As for your new--uhh--companion. Use him as you need to but don't trust him completely."

"Actually I think it would be best if you just stayed away from him entirely. He's bad news, boss. A psychic-techno mind? Defiantly not good for a cyborg's companion." Arven protested, caution mixing with hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Arven, did I ask you for your opinion? You have your order's Zombie. HQ will be on standby."

Radio silence followed Clark's last words as the Drake stood-up from the bed. Still naked he walked over to his dresser and searched the drawers for something to wear. A white dress shirt, black pants, and then searching in the closet: a black trench-coat for over top.

Putting a claw into an interior pocket of the trench-coat he found an Electro-revolver. Where the gun had once been suppressant class for specific purpose of riot control, as he scanned the gun with his "tech-spec" optical-lens he discovered it was modified for lethal use.

Putting the gun back in his pocket he entered the living room of the apartment. Lying on the couch was the still naked boy drake, his arousal half out of his slit as he casually played within himself with his eyes on the television before him. With one claw on his half-erection, in his free claw the drake held a half-eaten burger. The take-out container of which sat on his scaled tummy. The mid-afternoon sun illuminated the room as its forked beams of light shot through the holographic blinds onto the smaller drake's scrawny figure. The boy suddenly switched the program to the news,

"Today marks the 50thyear anniversary of the Electroburst Stream Bombing on the Draco-Nations capital city, Tall Rock. A time, which was attributed to helping end the Draco-Fur Wars but at the expense of thousands of innocent lives. To honour this day in mournful respects, Draco-Nation Ambassador, Counsellor Bronze will be visiting the headquarters of Techttrip international: one of the leading innovators in developing the stream transportation used to deliver the bomb, to address the public in remembrance of that dark day for all.

Among the public there is speculation of DLA interference, but security forces say they are well adept to deal with any militia forces who wish to protest the event. The services are to be held at Techtrip International's main offices located in their Central City compound. Although attendance to the actual presentation will not be accepting visitors, as usual any guests who wish to see the event are encouraged to visit the Stone-Podium Courtyard at 4 O'clock to drop off their wreaths and watch the presentation via the Holographic-emitters placed there.

In other news, rock legend Orpheus Hard Foot died on stage last night after a..."

"Boy?" Luck-Tooth addressed the drake that lazily rested on the couch. Turning his head upwards, the boy tried to peer around behind the back of the couch to look at Luck-Tooth.

" Sup Wolfie? 'Bout time you woke up. You hungry?" The drake casually asked pointing a claw finger towards the island counter in the kitchen. A bag of take-out sat on the counter.

"I do not eat. I get all my sustenance through my mobile chargers when I sleep. Where did you get that food anyways?"

"Your henchmen bought it for me when they came by this morning. They've been waiting in the lobby for quite some time now. I told them that you were still asleep but that was quite a few hours back. You really like your rest, don't cha?" The boy said, biting a greasy chunk out of his burger.

"Get dressed then. We shall meet them downstairs."

"Not so fast. I still haven't even showered." The drake stood himself off of the couch, the take-out container and bits of crumb falling from his chest. Wiping the rest of the crumbs with a flat claw off of his belly, he sauntered up to the larger drake lightly placing an open claw on his chest "To bad you are already dressed. You could have joined me in the shower."

"Slut!" Mumbled Arven.

"I do not shower."Informed Luck-Tooth speaking firmly, "I will meet you downstairs in the lobby."

In the lobby three large drakes were waiting for Luck-Tooth. Dressed in matching leather jackets and dark jeans, two were aquatic drakes and the other a stone drake. The two aquatic drakes sat in red cushioned lobby chairs, playing on their smart-phones while the stone drake talked to an equine female receptionist who nervously half-conversed with the flirtatious drake. Luck-Tooth immediately recognized the stone drake as, "Silver-Thorn," a close bodyguard and assistant to the real Luck-Tooth.

Silver-Thorn's scales were a shimmering silver, greyish colour that reflected the light of the overhead crystal chandelier. The back of his leather jacket was modified so that the jagged and angled scales on his back stuck their tips out slightly through the jacket. A modification made for both comfort and aesthetic intimidation. On his face, his eyes were like black opals stones as a pink scar slashed over his maw. Noticing Luck-Tooth standing in the elevator he immediately shouted out, "What the fuck, Man!? Where have you been? We've only got an hour to get to the rendezvous now. "

Imitating the old Luck-Tooth's psychological profile, 45-Z-16 responded, "After what me and the boy went through last night I'm surprised I didn't sleep the whole day away. That freak kid can really fuck."

The two aquatic drakes chuckled looking up from their phones.

"Gross boss. That isn't the kind of talk to be speaking when there is a lady around." Silver-Thorn nodded his head towards the equine receptionist, who tried to avoid eye-contact with the drake, "Where is the boy anyways? And what about the two guys I left you with last night?" Silver-Thorn lowered his brow in thought, "What's their names?"

"The boy did not like the guards outside our door while we fucked so I sent them home. The boy is in the shower."

"As a friend I can tell you that that was not smart boss. It's a bad time to be hanging around without any bodyguards. Especially with things about to get so intense." Silver-Thorn walked up to Luck-Tooth wrapping an arm around him and pulling him in close, "Also, careful with what that boy gets you to do. I don't trust him. You should not be alone with him. He's got the eyes of a backstabber."

"Good advice." Arven agreed.

Luck-Tooth, grabbing the silver drake by the neck, threw his friend onto the floor. Silver-Thorn cringed, landing hard onto his rump. The two aquatic drakes got up from their chairs reaching into their jacket pockets, grabbing the holstered pistols that rested within them. Angry eyes shot up to look at Luck-Tooth, and Luck-Tooth matched the gaze, a furious eruption escaping from out of the blue drake, "Bastard! Don't ever talk such rut about my boy."

Zombie was taken aback by his own rage, stunned in confusion as the anger that had escaped him seemed to exceed past the parameter's 45-Z-16 had created in initially becoming Luck-Tooth.

"Easy boss, I did not know you went soft for the Kid. Jesus." Silver-Thorn grimaced as he stood back up, rubbing his behind with a claw.

"I have not gone soft. I just don't like anyone talking about any of my boys that way." Luck-Tooth waved a hand over to the two guards who sat back down into their chairs. Just then, the boy descended down from the elevator. The young drake dressed himself in blue khakis and a red muscle shirt, with sandals resting on his foot claws.

"Speak of the fucking devil." Pestered Silver-Thorn.

"What was that?" Luck-Tooth who had before been looking at the younger drake turned a mean eye towards Silver-Thorn.

"Nothing... Boss." Silver-Thorn shot his own mean-eye towards the boy, "Let's just get out of here. We are late enough as it is."

One of the aquatic drakes spoke as he sat in his chair, "I'll call the driver over."

A while later, in the back of a large van, the group sat. The small metal interior was crowded enough that Luck-Tooth had to bend his tall body forward as to not have his head constantly hitting the van's roof. The driver section of the cabin was walled off and for the ride the driver of the van remained anonymous. Two benches divided the group within the van's small cabin. On one bench sat Luck-Tooth and the boy, and on the other Silver-Thorn, and the two other thugs.

"I have to admit. I'm kind of nervous." Silver-Thron spoke breaking the extended silence that had prior existed among the group within the van's cabin.

"About?" Luck-Tooth, with one arm around the boy looked at Silver-Thron with confusion in his eyes.

Luck-Tooth's confusion became reflected in Silver-Thorn as he developed a similar emotion, "The mission boss. The mission we are going to right now?"

"Right." 45-Z-16 searched his internal database he had developed on Luck-Tooth; there was already plenty of psych-profiles, e-mails, and computer documents stored but he did not find any information on what exactly he was doing in this van, and where exactly it had planned to take him. With little else to say, the drake acted in impromptu "If we just stay calm and follow the plan we should be fine."

"Follow the plan? You say that so casually like we aren't about to break into some multi-national corporation? This is not like any job we've done before, Luck-Tooth. The more I think about this the more I realize it's some serious shit we are about to do. "

"Arven, locate my position and try to see if you can decipher where we are going to." Luck-Tooth spoke to Arven.

"Alright, looking into it now." Arven responded before contacting Clark, "Hey Boss, something serious is going down. You might want to get online for this."

"What is it?" Clark said, sounding somewhat dismantled.

"Stop worrying. Smarten up and get your mind in the right place. I don't need a coward for a second in command." Luck-Tooth snapped, just as the real Luck-Tooth would have done.

"What if the rest of the DLA doesn't follow through? We could be sitting ducks!" Silver-Thorn looked at the two guards on either side of him. From underneath the van's bench both of them had pulled out a metal crate. The DLA logo, a line-figure dragon breaking a sword in his mouth, was spray painted in yellow on its front side.

"They'll pull through. Now silence yourself-- I told you to stop your bitching. It is giving me a headache."

"Hey Zombie, I was analyzing your path and I think I've figured out your possible destination. If they are going after Techtrip, then judging by your route most likely they are planning to strike at Techtrip's Downtown office." Exclaimed Arven, "Those offices are mostly for their central information processing, archiving and database. It has some laboratories but nothing major goes down in that office except data processing. The only other things it's used for is customer interaction and form filling."

"Then this is an extraction mission, perhaps information pirating?" Clark interjected, "What is the current threat level?"

Luck-Tooth looked at the three drakes in front of him. From out of their metal crates, the two aquatic drakes had pulled out a morph-suit and begun to change into them. These suits were originally designed for military purposes and used similar technology to Zombie's own micro-holographic projectors. Once activated the suits could be configured to make the wearer change his appearance into any form. For now, it appeared as a clear almost plastic looking suit with near transparent circuitry all throughout its material. On the chest of the suit, a black device shaped like a pentagon was modified onto it.

As the two guards slipped into the suits, Silver-Thorn, having only now grabbed the crate under his seat, held the box between two shaking claws. He was hesitating to open it.

"Morph-Suits? Where the hell did they get those? Patch in Vollar Kano!" Clark spoke.

"If they are part of the DLA, then they could be relics that they kept from the war." The male cheetah, Vollar Kano, commented. An everlasting confidence in his voice, he was an expert in weapons and historical technologies and the head of Grid-Securities Armoury Storage. "I'm guessing from the look they are first generation suits. I also am not seeing any visual lens modifications or alternate power cells. That means that not only are they extremely susceptible to holo-detectors or holo-disrupters even, they don't even have the lens technology to detect any sort of holo-defenses, and on top of that, they have about an hour of suit charge time max. It would appear that the only modification the suit does have is those personally implemented external shielding plates-- Those black pentagon devices you are seeing. That is most likely a fail-safe program for if the operation goes sour. "

"Fair enough but that psi-tech freak-- you know, that boy there? With the power he posses they wouldn't even need an hour before they could shut down the whole places security and hack into whatever information they needed." Arven interrupted Vollar Kano's assured informational monologue.

"Are you going to put your suit on boss?" Silver-Thorn wondered as Luck-Tooth listened in on Grid-Securities conversation. Silver-Thorn's own box was still within his claws, "And what about you fuck-toy?" Silver-Thorn grumpily addressed the kid, "You going to put on your suit, too?"

Luck-Tooth began to snarl at Silver-Thorn for insulting the boy so directly but the boy interrupted before he could snap at him, "I'm sitting this one out. I'm afraid I won't have much use in this mission. With Techtrip's failsafe programming their securities are constructed to be completely defended against their own creations. Especially, including those creations made from any of their psychic and techno-mind experiments. This time I really am useless."

"Liar! You are just too scared!"

The van hit a bump as a violent shake hit the interior of the cabin.

"You have not put on your suit either Silver-Thorn." Luck-Tooth observed, "Seems like my boy is not the only yellow belly in this van."

"Go ahead, keep siding with that boy." Silver-Tooth grumbled as he opened his crate, pulling out the morph-suit from within. Luck-Tooth, pulling his crate out from beneath his seat, did the same. The guards, already dressed in their suits which fit over their body like a clear plastic hooded rain coat, pulled on two hooked rings located in the center of the cabin's floor. As they pulled up on the rings a hidden panel became detached out of the van's floor. Now no longer concealed was an assortment of weaponry. One guard picked up a lever-action shotgun with added burst-laser charge pack and the other picked up two fully-automatic machine-gun pistols. When Silver-Thorn finished putting on his suit, he picked up what Luck-Tooth recognized as the militarized variant of the semi-automatic EP-46 precision rifle. What Luck-Tooth did not recognize was the weapons attachment, a long thin black box at the end of the gun's rifle.

"Looks to me like a cutter bayonet on that one, Zombie. It uses the thermal variance of the cutting ray technology. A bayonet that comes in the form of a constant beam of energy, most commonly it was used in the war by special operations for slicing through metals, welding things, or in self defence. Each cutter bayonet has three different selectable sizes, Dagger, Sword, and Spear. On an EP-46 Precision Rifle, I can assume that the spear size will be most useful. Although it has the shortest charge time, and can quite easily burn out a cutter bayonet's power cell, snipers would use them to slice through armoured vehicles from great distances. At the longest distance, the ray is not as powerful as its shortest distance, but it could be enough to burn a crack into a decent armoured vehicles hull. It could also most certainly be used to burn the neck off of anyone caught in its path. "

Vollar Kano, sipping a coffee quite audibly over the comm. continued to rant, "What is really impressive about that gun though is that it's an EP-46. Using an electro-pulse round, not only can a central hit decimate the armour of any guard who gets shot by its electro-bullet, the after wave from the pulse-round can also incapacitate any guards around the original target. With typical cell-pack and ammo-charger, he can round-off 4 shots before needing a minute time to recharge."

"I do not like to hear that the DLA has such technology." Clark proclaimed, "Vollar Kano, could this be attributed to a possible involvement with Ourborus?"

"I think so. I'll search the database and try to find out more."

The van stopped abruptly just as everyone in the van finished checking their weapons. Luck-Tooth, still only having his pistol, scanned amongst the arsenal of weapons below him, the majority of them was designed for absolute human decimation. Silver-Thorn looked at Luck-Tooth, who seemed to be having trouble picking out a gun,

"Go ahead and pick the EP-47 Ice-Sickle, I know it is your favourite." Silver-Thorn's smile was almost sadistic as he pointed it out. The EP-47 Ice-Sickle, named for it the thin blue energy burst it shot, was a medium to long-ranged assault rifle, particularly accurate and excessively lethal. Used most commonly by terrorists, in negotiable situations in sheer intimidation alone the gun always gave the upper hand.

"Take that gun, Zombie. Energy weapons can always be quickly rewired to stun or suppressant power." The cheetah suggested, "That way, if you do have to fire, you don't have to worry about killing them."

"I agree. I'm thinking that if forced into the option that you have to fire upon anyone in that building, it will be preferable that you do not kill anyone." Clark sighed sounding remorseful as the gang around Luck-Tooth activated their suits and morphed into the image of Black Panthers. Each image of the Black Panthers wore matching white suits and white face masks.

"You got a pass?" A grizzly sounding fur asked, talking to the van's driver from outside of the cabin.

"Yea, right here. We were called in for repairs." The driver responded.

"You need a crew of TWO vans for repairs?"

"I heard it was a pretty big mess."

Over the comm. Clark continued, "I expect you to continue following these men in their operations even if the threat level seems a bit high right now. We have sent an anonymous alert to Techtrip about your guys coming arrival but we have yet to receive a response. That is all the intervention I'm allowing to give right now. Although not the most favourable option, having our forces intervene at this time might stop us from finding out more about what exactly the DLA is planning. In attacking this building it seems they only want information and that has me thinking there is something bigger going on."

Luck-Tooth and Silver-Fang were last to morph as they exited the van leaving the boy behind. Just before leaving however, Silver-Fang starred down the boy. His long stare instantly translating into, "Don't try anything stupid."

Still Clark spoke through the comm."Try as best as you can to prevent casualties but in no means should you compromise your mission. Right now the primary directive is to find out what information they are seeking and who they are seeking the information for. I will only call in the city authorities and offer Grid-Security aid when I feel that the primary directory has been secured enough."

"Sir, I do not mean to undermine your order, but we ARE putting lives at stake here. I'm detecting multiple civilian bodies within the building. Call in the order now, we'll apprehend them and place them in to questioning." Argued Arven.

Outside their van, the group now sat inside an underground parking lot under a tall office skyscraper located somewhere within the downtown area. As they assembled outside the van, they placed their weapons under the morph-suits and suddenly the weapons were out of sight. Not fitting under his jacket, the rifle that had prior been slung over Silver-Thorn's back now became hidden under an exterior button flap. From behind them another van, exactly like the van they had previously been in, parked itself beside them. Five more panthers jumped out from within the van.

"We cannot show our face to the DLA just yet." Clark responded to Arven, "Sometimes, like in war, it pays to stay in hiding just so that you may only observe your enemies..."

The group met in the underground area, hurdling into a group. Except for voice, it became hard to distinguish which panther was who under their morph-suit disguises.

Silver-Thorn, began to organize the group, "Luck-Tooth and I are Alpha 1 and Alpha 2. Our two others, Alpha 3 and Alpha 4."

"...Like the sniper that lets the patrol-man pass..." Clark persisted over the comm.

Addressing the other team Silver-Thorn continued, "You are Beta 1, You are Beta 2, You are Beta 3, you are Beta 4, and you are Beta 5. We all know the signals. We all know the plan-- Now let's do it."

"...so he can get a clear shot at the general." Clark's voice fell silent at the comm.

As the group wandered off towards the parking lot's exit, Luck-Tooth staggered behind for a brief moment. Turning his shell soft, two cords come twisting from out of his wrist. Holding his revolver in one paw, the cords from the other paw connect into the gun's charge-cell and reduce it to a stun setting. He then died the same to his rifle. Just as Luck-Tooth was going to catch up to join the group, the boy opened the back door of the van,

"Good luck." The boy said, a deep worry had turned into sadness behind the boy's eyes, "If we become separate, please come find me."

"...Please come find me."

It was now 3:00 PM.

Exiting his limo, Counsellor Bronze, a brown dragon, looked at his watch after pulling up his suit sleeve. The dragon as a naturally large creature had to have his limo specially fixed to fit his specific size, but even with the added modifications during the entire drive he still had to crouch within it. As he cracked the uncomfortable stiffness out of his back, he knew the fault was of the designers who had not taken in his wing-span and neck-length when they took in the dragon's measurements. The suit the dragon wore had no back and was specifically designed so that his wings were not constricted behind any fabric. As he protruded his wings outward, they were fully free to expand in the open air of the large compound's parking lot. He groans ecstatically in finally letting both his neck and wings stretch. Ever year, he dreaded coming to Techtrip's central compound. It was this simple task of delivering an hour long speech that was hindering him away from more important duties. Fixing the spectacles that rested on his long-snout he grabbed his briefcase from within the limo.

The time was now, 3:10 P.M.

The group of black panthers climbed the underground parking lots' back stairs and came up to a door that lead straight to the office's main lobby. A circular window on the door allowed one of the dragons to peer inside as a sign on the stairwell's concrete wall beside them read, "Holographic technologies are strictly prohibited on the premise. Any use of holographic technologies will be detected and disrupted. Use of Holographic Technologies in these offices may lead to further police investigations. Thank you for your compliance."

"Alpha 1!" A voice that Alpha 1 (the character that Luck-Tooth had now become) did not recognize was looking out the window; his eyes just peering over the edge of the circular frame. "Left-Corner, Holographic detector, about 2 inches away from the roof. Center room, Holographic disrupter turret, suspended from the ceiling."

Alpha-1 had already seen them using his internal x-ray scanners and disrupter detector but had not expected that his fellow panther would have had seen them, "How did you--?" the black panther asked before being immediately cut off,

"I used my eye. You can see them right there quite blatantly." The panther chuckled reaching under his holo-suit and pulling out a grenade. The small circular black sphere was a black-out grenade. An Electric inhibitor, when thrown it would shut down all technology in its wake all the while sending out a bright flash that temporarily blinds anyone in the room. Rarely it was fatal but in some cases it had been known to cause seizures if the flash was caught directly in the eye.

Vollar yelled out, "Shit! That's a Black-Out Grenade. They plan on shutting down all the technology in the room. Those morons! Sure it'll shut down the holographic disrupters but with Techtrips back-up safeties it'll also lock them out of the back offices."

The Black Panther opened the door slightly and rolled the grenade out into the lobby. For a while it remained unnoticed within the large, expansive, and aesthetically bureaucratic stone room as it rolled across the floor. Only when it stopped rolling did a lion cub point to it with a long paw-finger,

"Mommy! What's that?"

"Wait a minute is that a child's voice?" Arven questioned.

A shrill humming sound escaped the small sphere as a flash burst from within its center. The lights turned off and the alarm sounded immediately. The child fell on her rump covering her eyes in shock; blood welling out from behind her fingers the flash had hit her full in face. She cried in terrible pain as the room exploded into a screaming frenzied panic. Some people blind, others just disoriented, a mother gone hysterical felt around the floor for her child. The only light was now coming from the windowed frame of the entrance's main door located in the front of the building, the sun just barely lighting up the chamber. Bursting through the lobbies side door the group of black panthers flooded into the room.

Two of the beta team members pulled out riot-class electro-rifles from under their suits and began taking down the hostages, single-shot, within the sparely lit room. Streaks of blue energy gave brief instances of light, as the power of the rifle shot did not kill the panicked civilians but instead forced them to fall on the ground, giving them enough pain so they would not try to stand again. These two Beta Panther's were the crowd control.

Alpha 2 and another Beta team member ran to the circular front desk, pushing through the crowd as furs all around them started to fall. Alpha 2 and the other Beta Team member, who had a similar rifle, whipped out their guns from behind their back. Using the butt of the gun, Alpha-2 knocked out the receptionist employee at the desk as she fell to the floor. Quickly, he set up his gun at the side of the circular desk that faced the back of the room, as the other did the same aiming the scope out towards the door. They take a look-out position.

Alpha 3, Alpha 4 and Alpha 1, ran to the front desks. The segmented stations, stretching across the room like a teller line, separate the employee section and the lobby with a waist high wooden wall and a long and thick glass barrier. Employee's here dealt with the queries of customers, helped customers gain access to the archived information that was publically accessible, or provided any files and forms people requested as investors, employees, or members of government. Behind the line and within the employee's zone there was a couple of sectioned cubicles, two other rooms, a large office and then a large metal door at the very back of the area. Alpha 2 charged his Thermal Cutter and sent a beam of thermal energy across the room. Cutting the door that stood between the two areas into halves, Alpha 3 and Alpha 4 burst into the room and began apprehending the employees behind the desks. A uniformed security guard, a pink skinned pig, just now finding the courage to defend the lobby busted out through one of the offices whipping out his suppressant-class pistol. He gets off two shots that miss before Alpha 1 whips out his pistol and hits him with a stun shot. After the employee section was clear, and two more security officers were downed, Alpha 2 pushed the employees into the lobby with the rest of the hostages while Alpha 3 moved towards the secured door with Alpha 1 following close behind. They are the operatives.

The two remaining Beta Panthers secure the offices that sat divided along the sides of the large building's lobby. Weaving in and out of all five side offices, they then join in helping with crowd control. They are the floaters, the back-up.

"What now?" Alpha 1 asks. Even from way behind in the employee's area he could hear the screams of the child that continued to cry out, the sound almost distracting his thoughts as a peculiar feeling bubbled from within the cyborg.

At the front desk, Alpha 2 and the Beta panther with him, grabbed their rifles and moved to take a covering position behind the employee zone's line of desks. Sitting at either end of the line they both aimed their gun at the door, scopes looking out through the entrance's window's frames as they waited for the authorities to arrive.

In responding to Alpha 1's question, Alpha 3 spoke, "You know the plan, boss. They'll receive the spike; get the door back online and out of the lockdown and guide us from there."

"Wait, Spike? What spike?" Clark wondered.

In twenty minutes, hostages were secured, the area was in lockdown, and the police had not arrived-- yet. It was now 3:30.

Counsellor Bronze is guided through a building within the Techtrip Compound by a Dalmatian secretary. Even though she was particularly cheerful and particularly chatty, the secretary's social skills did not surpass an ability to only produce trivial small talk. Evidently hired for not her social skills, but other more physical attributes, the dragon did not mind her company at all. His eyes all too easily dropped to her gargantuan breasts which remained barely concealed in the purple open top shirt she chose to wear that day. Having recently just gone through a divorce, an ache unsatisfied corrupted his mind think so that he could only think of the lustful things he could do to her tiny body. When she talked to the dragon she would often run her fingers through her head fur and at times even sent him the odd wink. As he watched her closely the old counsellor started to become more confident in believing she might just be flirting.

Stopping within a far stretching row of office cubicles, the counsellor grabs the Dalmatian by the shoulder as he looked down on her. Standing quite tall he had to lower his neck so that his head did not scrape along the roof of the building. He rubbed his claw fingers on her shoulder and gave her a kind smile,

"Can we stop for a bit?"

The Dalmatian paused to look at the claw fingers that played with her shoulder delicately. Apparently oblivious to the intent of the fingers, she smiled and gave him an innocent sounding, "Sure was'up?"

"What are you doing tonight? After this meeting....I mean after work?"

"Oh me and my boyfriend are going to the club tonight!" She laughs as the dragon turns his head away from her, "Why?"

"Oh." The dragon cleared his throat as he readjusted his spectacles, "No reason. Just wanting to know what young folks did these days." The lonely dragon awkwardly chuckled.

"Oh. Well. That's what we do then." The young pup exclaims quickly shrugging her shoulders in an excited move that made her breasts rise and fall, "Shall we continue then?"

It was now 3:35

"Where the hell is the spike?" Alpha 3 wondered as Alpha 1 continued to listen to the child cry in the next room. The mother, still blinded as well, had found her child and now held the cub so that the daughter's head was over her shoulder. Along the child's back the mother ran a soothing paw but it did little to quell the daughter's pain.

"Sir, that kid back there is really hurt." One of the Beta panther's ran up to Alpha 1, "Like, that kid needs to get an ambulance."

"We can't stop the heist because some child got hurt. Try to find some bandages or something to keep the kid from bleeding all over the place." Alpha 1 ordered as 45-Z-16's psychological profile programming still had him acting as Luck-Tooth. Still, even though his programming had him act one way, something inside of him was wanting and was calling him to act differently. The odd bubbling sensation returning it seemed to infect 45-Z-16's programming as though some sort of malware had snuck its way into his system.

"The spike should have hit by now! Fuck man!" Alpha 3 said looking at the holographic watch that rested on his panther's fur, "What if he did not make it to the door?"

Alpha 1, not responding to Alpha 3, began to walk towards the child; constraint between two metaphysical walls, a strange directive took over his programming and in his mind there was only one direction he could now go. In the centre of the gloomy room a blind lioness held her child as the cub began to violently shake in her arms. Seeing Alpha 1 leave his post Alpha 2 called out to Alpha 1 from behind his desk cover,

"Alpha 1, get back at the door! What are you doing?"

"Zombie? What ARE you doing?" Arven and Clark seemed to speak in unison.

One of the Beta panthers held a pack of band aids in his paws. A sense of futility in his eyes as he panicked, "It is all I could find."

"That child sounds hurt. Somebody help it!" A random civilian held hostage in the building spoke out.

"Shut up!" One of the beta panthers growled.

The mother was forced to let go of the child as it continued to violently shake and shiver. Its arms and limbs flying out in wild epilepsy as its blood filled eyes rolled to the back of its head. Her breaths had turned erratic as her body fought to control the spasms she was going through, she had gone into shock.

Alpha 1 leant down, as Luck-Tooth peered onto the child with Zombie's eyes who tried to speak but only could listen to a voice that did not come from 45-Z-16's programming but somewhere deeper within. And as the layers of 45-Z-16's opened their ears simultaneously to what the inner voice tried to say, the layers heard nothing. Instead they could only hear the sound of a whispered silence...

"Zombie...Your signal is fading. Zombie?" Arven's frantic voice began to fade.

... For a second, as though stuck in an odd daydream, a wolf reaches for the door of an old run down beach house. But before he can turn the knob in the distance, somewhere well beyond the world hidden behind the wolf's dreamed stars a child dies....

"...Please come find me."

"Zombie! Your link went down for a second. What happened?" Arven said sounding relieved.

Alpha 1 looked at the child as it stopped moving, paused for a second, and then walked back to the secured door. The mother continued as her hands came to rest on the fleshy fur of her daughter once again only this time the child had stopped moving. Suddenly the mother's screams stop.

It is now 3:40

Counsellor Bronze walked with the Dalmatian, his mind mind held heavy by the awkward encounter he had just previously felt with her. As he looked at her as she guided him through the halls, in his mind he still craved her body, to feel her naked self upon his own body was a desire that became heated within its own growing flame. He knew she said she had a boyfriend, however in his mind he desired for things to be different. As he thought within himself, he craved for her to be single, for him to be younger, for him to not be a dragon. Involuntarily letting out a sigh, the Dalmatian turned her head towards the dragon as he loudly exhaled air into her head-fur.

"Something wrong counsellor?"

"No, it's fine." The counsellor grumbled, keeping his eyes away from the always bright Dalmatian.

"Just swipe your security card through the door here and we'll be on our way." The Dalmatian instructed just as they reached a large metal door in the back of the long office filled hallway that they had been traveling through.

"Thank you, you have been most helpful--" A boost in confidence suddenly surged through the dragon, "Seriously, I really enjoyed your company. I would like to see you again." The Dalmatian seemed taken aback by the brash comment; the dragon found he had to quickly correct his wording, "As friends I mean. See you again as friends. Nothing more, I just think you would be an interesting friend."

"Oh really, that's super cool! For my dissertation I am totally writing a retrospective on the histories of Draco and Fur-Nations in relation to their modern cultures' mutually felt stigmas and I would totally love some of your input on the subject. Come see me after work and we can like grab a coffee or something, okay?"

"Sure. I look forward to it." The dragon smiled at the young Dalmatian as he swiped his keycard through the access lock.

A spark bursts within the programming of the access lock and it began to burn its way into the system. Finding the server link, the spark fizzled along a cybernetic highway passing undetected through many systems. Following the programming of its clever design, it successfully passed from out of TechTrip Central and divided itself among many paths as it engaged a computerized spider-web of connectivity. One head of the hydra-like spark suddenly found itself connected to the downtown's main offices, where the tail, which all this time had been stretching in the opposite direction reached back towards its creator.

Far away from the Central City, "Connection Established" appeared suddenly on a computer monitor.

The time was now 3:50

"Holy shit! Somebody just spiked the system!" Arven exclaimed.

Alpha 3's panic relented as the previously offline re-enforced door opened suddenly. Wasting no time, Alpha 1 and 3 ran into the following room which was just a long hallway with an elevator at the end. As they ran to the end of the hallway, a holographic projection appeared beside the pair,

"Hello, Welcome to TechTrip-Trip-Trip-Tri." A welcoming female voice, suddenly turned cold and robotic, "Please insert://warning override detected://Re-Routing Feed: //<accessing>" The Hologram that was once a female orange and translucent tiger, turned into a cloud of pixelized bursts before momentarily returning to shape, "<://Unknown parameters:>>" The tiger's feminized voice returned, "Hello Welcome to TechTrip Downtown Offices. The information you are currently seeking is on the 10thfloor, Secure-Wing AB-45, Computer module 42-42.47-42.5."

"I'm monitoring their administrative systems right now but this little program is running like a ghost. As far as I can tell, somebody has taken full administrative control over the whole building and we have no idea who it is." Arven became panicked once again.

"Thanks?" Alpha 3 said addressing the hologram.

The female's voice turned cold and computerized once again, "Security protocols in effect. Secure-Lockdown is in effect. Stream-Block is in effect. Employee evacuation is at 60% success, 70% success, 80% success, employee evacuation is a success. Warning, Security turrets are active-- currently running at Red Level. <<Warning://Overide://Offline.> "

"Stream Block? Good. That will stop the authorities from beaming in." Alpha 1 stated.

"Yea, but we don't know how long our hacker here can keep the system under his control. That's most likely why he's activated the security turrets and shut down their override function."

When they called the elevator it was already on the ground floor and the two quickly jumped in and rode it to the 10thfloor. Exiting the elevator as the doors parted, they were suddenly in a cross shaped hallway. The hallways divided the area into four large rooms that were bordered by thick blue glass. In each room there were many rows of computerized columns that were covered from floor to roof in panels, monitors and many flickering lights. Disinfecting booths sat in the entrance of each room, the air tight areas seemed to be securely quarantined.

In the middle of the cross, the holographic tiger appeared once again. Not saying anything, the tiger instead just raised her paw and pointed towards the room to the left and farthest from the pair within the elevator. As Alpha 1 and Alpha 3 walked towards the room Alpha 3's phone began to vibrate. He had received a text and Alpha 1 quickly linked himself to the cellular device so he could see into the conversation,

"Cops r Here. U got d stuff? Hlding hstges secure till u do. :)"

Alpha 3, then texted back, "We're on the 10thfloor now about to grab the info. Whoever our hacker is he's got stream block activate in the building. They won't be able to stream in. Hold them off for a bit longer then we'll meet you at the evac. point."

"K. Plz hurry. :("

When they entered the quarantine doors of the room's disinfected booth, the booth did not activate but instead the inside door just opened immediately. Entering the secured room, all except one of the many computerized columns shut down simultaneously. The one column that remained online flashed its monitor invitingly as Alpha 3 approached it. Then his phone vibrated again,

"HC on roof!"

"A Hover-Copter has just landed on the roof. Looks like they are trying to surround us." Alpha 3 said as he connected his cellular device into the column via an external wire. His breathing heavy, he agitatedly surfed through the information within the column as he summoned a holographic display in front of him, waving his paw through the column's stored information, "Where is it? Where is it?" He wondered aloud.

"Compressed File created by <://Errorr> placed in, Secure Folder: Admin4. Warning, Turrets on 22ndfloor have been activated." A tiger's voice spoke from outside the room as Alpha 3 continued to cycle through the holographic display using his fingers to navigate the digital space.

"Got it!" He exclaimed as he grabbed a folder called, DL-Truth and exported the compressed folder into his cell-phone. Alpha 1 through his link to the device now had access to the folder as well. However, as he tried to copy the file over into his system an electrical burst shot through his body disrupting his systems.

"Ahh--" Alpha One screamed, his internal systems flickering as the electric burst shot out 45-Z-16's body and caused his Morph-Suit to malfunction in an energized frenzy. He fought to remain online as the Morph-suit suddenly acted like a net of dangerous surging electric energy around his body as the image of the Black Panther shimmered away. Wide-eyed, Alpha 3 looked onto his partner in pure horror,

"Boss? Holy shit!"

Zombie's own holographic emitters had gone offline as well, and now under the transparent material of Morph-Suit his cybernetic body was full exposed. Struggling to break free from the containing suit, the morph suit had become like the fabled crown of thorns, the more he tried to break free from it the worse the suit damaged him. As Zombie fought to rip the suit off his body, Alpha 3 lifted his shotgun and let out a blast towards Zombie. The electro-blast of the shotgun disrupted the electric net of suit long enough so that Zombie was able to just rip off the suit from his body. Alpha 3 attempted to fire off another shot, but Zombie charged at the panther and sliced the hidden blade from within his arm across the panther's neck. As the panther's own head left his shoulders, the drake's morph suit flicked a while until the panther's body faded until only the drake's headless body was seen. In the wake of the quick decapitation, a vicious blood splatter decorated the many columns.

"Z-Z-Zombie?" The link between HQ and Zombie was briefly lapsed as Arven tried to re-establish a connection, "What happened?"

"I do not know." Zombie said as he quickly searched through his system. The morph-suit had done its fair share of damage and his power level had been greatly reduced. Furthermore, there was no trace of the file he copied from the cellular device or the virus which seemed to have attacked his system, "I think somebody had implanted a virus designed especially for me and attached it to the file that Alpha 3 had recovered. When I tried to access the file, the virus caused my system to send out an external burst of energy that frenzied my Morph-Suit. Both the information and the virus are gone. As well as that my holo-emitters are now offline."

"That virus was designed specifically to bypass your systems. It must have been some sort of trap which means somebody knows about you. Get out of there and return to HQ as soon as you can." Clark interrupted.

"I am shutting off my link to HQ to conserve energy. Try and get their streaming labs online, I will transport directly back to HQ."

"Alright Zombie, Tech-Trip has re-taken control of the systems anyways so just get to the stream labs and get the hell out of there. Report directly to my office when you arrive for repairs and external diagnosis."

Grabbing the Drake's cellphone, Zombie exited the archival room and entered the hallway, "Tech-Trip has control over the systems again? How did they get it back so quickly?"

"Don't ask me. The hacker just relinquished control." Arven responded.

"Maybe to make it harder for us to track them? They got what they wanted anyways. I'm severing our link now." Zombie looked at the display on the cell phone. On a blank screen, the words, "We know who you are. -Ouroborus" appeared flashing. Zombie dropped the cell-phone into a pocketed compartment in his thigh and ran towards the elevator. He pressed the call button but the elevator was offline.

With one strong punch he dented one of the elevator doors inwards, just enough so that he could grab one of the doors and push it to the side giving him a crack to escape from. Just as he entered the elevator shaft the holographic tiger appeared behind him once again,

"We will be seeing you soon." Her voice was not that of a tiger, but instead of a very male dragon, his voice deep and with the strange distinction of almost sounding serpentine.

Ridding himself of Luck-Tooth's clothes and weapons, which had become badly scorched due to the frenzied morph suit, and throwing them down the shaft, he turned his head towards the tiger, "Ha-funny according to my Intel you left this building a long time ago. Did you leave a little pre-recorded message for me perhaps? "

"We know who you are." The female tiger's voice returned just as Zombie entered the elevator shaft.

As though he was able to bounce off the walls, Zombie traveled up the elevator shaft moving in quick bursts from wall to wall. Like a squirrel jumping between tree branches, he acrobatically ascended the elevator shaft until he got to the 18thfloor.

Separating the elevator doors just as he had done before, Zombie entered a straight hallway within the 18thfloor. Two doors on one side of the hallway were marked as, "Electro-Streaming" and "Streaming-Command" While on the other side of the hallway there was one door marked as, "Work-Stations Beta-Z." Zombie ran for the door marked "Streaming Command" and slide it open.

"Who the hell are you?" A panther spoke standing in-front of an outstretched computer console as a holographic display appeared on the glass barrier in-front of it. According to the holographic display the stream had just been fully-synchronized and within the next room beyond the glass barrier, the stream beam connected two boxes that sat on metal podiums. The panther grabbed his gun from behind his back it was EP-46 precision rifle, "What the hell are you?"

Zombie charged with his arm blade exposed but just as he lunged towards the panther's neck the panther blocked the strike with the side of his gun. Twisting the gun around, he activated his thermal bayonet (dagger mode) and slashed upwards at Zombie. The extremely hot thermal beam cut zombie deeply across the side of his face as he tried to avoid the attack, damaging one of his optical orbs within the long slash. Recovering from the damaging strike quickly, he raised his blade and jabbed it into the gut of the panther. The blade stuck right through him, popping itself out from behind the panther. Zombie retracted his blade from within the panther and he dropped his gun stumbling backwards grasping the wound in both paws. As the morph-suit fizzled away the panther image, a desert-drake looked up at Zombie with young eyes. Somewhere deep within his own self, feelings of regret seeped out from loose cracks and dripped onto his programming. The young drake reminded him so much of The Boy and almost came to resemble what The Boy would have looked like if he had never been psycho-technologically enhanced. In seeing The Boy within his victim something from inside him forced him to watch with one eye as the life left the little desert drake.

In the next room, just before jumping into the stream himself, the other panther with the EP-46, Alpha-2 looked through the glass to see his partner killed. When Zombie looked up to see who was watching him the Panther had already jumped into the stream. Accessing the computer panel he first traced where the Drake's stream went and then quickly synchronized his own stream back to HQ.

Back in Arven's office, Zombie after a brief external diagnosis from Arven and a quick recharge suddenly came back online. Standing in front of Arven, he stood within a holographic orange cube as informational boxes appeared on the surface of the hologram's display. Sitting in an office chair, Arven who was wearing a pair of specialized goggles, poked and prodded parts of Zombie's body penetrating the holographic display with a tubular device. Lightly guiding the device slowly over Zombie's body, the end of it sparked and fizzled as it came into contact with his robotic shell. The holo-emitters on the lower half of his body had been repaired, and now 45-Z-16 was stuck between being half Luck-Tooth and Half-Zombie.

"That morph-suit did its fair share of damage." Arven commented, "Your Holo-emitters are pretty bad here. It's going to take all night to fully restore them."In a sarcastic tone he continued, "But don't worry, I have plenty of coffee."

"I managed to find out where the drake's gang streamed to, and I have the cell phone of one of their fallen gang members--Once repaired I can rejoin them at their stream location. The cell-phone may be fried but I wish to examine it anyways. "

Arven Paused, lifting the device off of Zombie and resting it in his lap, "I'm afraid that you are off the case for the while, Mr. Zombie."

"I'm sorry?" Zombie dropped his head to look directly at Arven.

"Somebody in Ouroborus knows who you are. You no longer can directly operate within the DLA."

"I do not understand." A heated anger, an emotion that became felt as all too real, began to boil within Zombie.

"It's not just that. But while you were offline I ran a scan through your systems and it seems that shadow corruption is at nearly 60%. I've talked to Clark and," Arven gave himself pause as he tried to find the courage to say the next words, "this unfortunately means you will have to undergo a system restart and a memory wipe to be safe."

"A system restart?" Boiling anger became extinguished by a feeling of a cold fear, "You cannot be serious."

"I tracked through your log record of today's events and on more than one occasion your programming had become corrupted by your own shadow. On more than one occasion, you have experienced emotion beyond the parameters of your programming. "

"You will restart my memory because I can feel?"

"Such external influences from your shadow will only damage you further, Zombie. You have to understand that. If you continue like this you can damage your programming beyond repair. " Arven lifted up a paw and tapped on one of the information boxes on the holographic display. From that box appeared a red box. Waving his paw, Arven then expanded the red box so it became a multi-faceted display, "I'm going to start the process now. It won't take long."

"Please do not do this." Zombie pleaded by Arven ignored him as he pressed a button on the red display. A glowing white circle appeared above Zombie's head and began to lower and spin, its cycles gradually picking up on speed. A quick anger hit Zombie and he became overwhelmed by it, "You're just FUCKING jealous. Fucking Jealous of that Boy I fucked!" Fighting the emotion back inside of him Zombie continued to plead, "Please stop."

"I'm sorry; you'll feel better when this is all done." With much difficulty in his voice Arven spoke. He pressed another button on the display.

"Ah- I can feel it Arven." Zombie tried to raise a paw to his head but his body had suddenly become paralyzed, "It hurts, Arven. Please stop."

"It will be over soon enough, Zombie. Just try to relax." Arven brought over one of the orange displays and dropped it into the larger red one. He then clicked a few more icons within the red display.

"Please Arven. I do not want to lose these things I have begun to feel." The white circle spun faster as spokes of light began to appear within the inner ring connecting Zombie's head to the outer spinning rim, "I know you've had feelings for me. Feelings I before could not understand. But now, I know them. I can recognize how you feel."

"Stop talking, Zombie. I have to do this, okay?" Arven conflicted turned his head away from the display, clenching his paws in frustration.

"I feel for you too Arven. I feel the same way. I see love, Arven. I feel love. I love you Arven."

Slowly turning his head back to face Zombie, Arven's hand hovered over the red display. His heart suddenly skipped a beat, "You love me?" Arven shook his head, breaking himself from the spell, "No. It's just your shadow. It is developing some sort of defence mechanism, I'm sure."

"No. It is just me. We have been within each other's presence for so long. You labour over me day and night, missing countless hours of sleep as you devote your life to me. I could not understand what drove you to such hardship but I now know, as I feel, I know it's because you love me."

Arven closed his eyes shaking his head, "Stop, Zombie. If I don't fix this it could really damage you."

"Turn it off. Release me. Let me show you."


"Arven-- Trust me."

"Shit" Arven sighed lowering his head as a reluctant paw waved the red box away. Zombie mobility was suddenly restored as the glowing ring immediately vanished. Kneeling down he placed his head in Arven's lap. His body shivering as his one working optical orb tried to paradoxically produce tear drops that could never form within his robotic mask.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Zombie repeated over and over again as he slowly raised his head off of Arven's lap and towards Arven's neck. As he began to rub his metal muzzle along the neck of Arven, a warming reassurance overcame Arven as he placed two paws on Zombie's face and began to rub his cold metal exterior with both of his paws. The nuzzling action, a slow and sensual deed, Arven could feel the apparent truth in Zombie confession for his love for Arven.

"...Please come find me."

His metal muzzle caressed the cat's neck as a robotic paw now danced up under Arven's shirt and began to feel his short-furred chest. Circular motions gently petted him under his shirt, as Zombie continued to tenderly move his head up and down the side of Arven's neck. What first came out as a euphoric moan, turned into a low and deep purr as his feline natural instincts took over. Closing his eyes, he lifted Zombie's metal head away from his neck and pressed his lips against the cybernetic mask of Zombie. Organic lips pressed where Zombie's lips would have been if he had them. The purr that vibrated through Arven's body, now vibrated against Zombie's pretend lips as the feline kissed him.

Joining the one paw, Zombie raised his other paw under Arven's shirt as he glided both of his paws further upwards. He pushed Arven's white t-shirt upwards until Arven was forced to quickly take off his shirt. For a nerd, his body was well maintained, his physique coming from spontaneous moments of office aerobics whenever he was given the chance to break from his job.

Still with locked lips, Zombie continued to explore the cat in front of him. Still on his own two feet he leaned his face towards Arven as exploratory paws surveyed the body in front of him. As he felt the vibrations of Arven's purs, as Zombie felt the body before him, his arousal began to escape out of Luck-Tooth's slit. The tip now poked out from the slit and Arven was quick to notice it as he raised a compassionate paw towards the exposed head. His feline paw now played with genital, accepting its length as it grew into his paw. Breaking his lips away from Zombie momentarily, Arven huffed a deep breath as he spoke,

"Now that's what I call good programming!"

When Arven broke the kiss, Zombie let one of his paws fall onto to the pants of Arven where he grasped at the feline's arousal. Massaging the bit of cat he felt under the pants, Arven let out a deep feline moan, "Oh god yes." He said in enjoyment, as Zombie's robotic grip rose up and down the cat's pants, the arousal growing underneath the pants quickly tented in his crotch.

"We should probably take this into my personal work quarters." Arven, breaking from the spell of the teasing rubs, confessed as he dropped his eyes away from Zombie.

Stealthily navigating out of his office, into the hallway, and then into next room the feline and the fully aroused, half-drake, half- Zombie entered Arven's quarters. The small room within slanted ceiling was closet sized at best. The room itself consisted of a single bed, a few hanging holographic posters of various shirtless male celebrities and a bed side table with lube dispenser and alarm clock. A small bathroom accompanied the bedroom in the next room, and barely contained inside of that room was a shower and toilet.

Navigating the small space, Arven removed himself of his bottom clothes. Now standing completely naked for Zombie to see, his fully erect member was but of average size, deep purple in colour and had a barbed head. Below the base of his penis two black furred testicles hung loosely. Pressing his larger member against Arven's smaller one Zombie grabbed both shafts and began to rub them together in a single paw. Arven wrapped his two arms around Zombie as he leaned into him, the holographic genital of Luck-Tooth feeling all too real against his own.

"You can feel the pleasure, can't you?" Arven whimpers as the pumping paw grinds his cock against the drake's.

"Yes. I love the way you feel."

"Take me on my bed, please." Arven begged, slowly rocking his body back and forth to the rhythm of the lower paw that continued to bring him pleasure.

"Show me your tail hole, lean on the bed for me."

"...Please come find me."

Arven did as instructed and crawled himself onto the single bed, his purr still persistent as he raised his tail waving it invitingly for Zombie to take him. Crawling onto the bed himself, Zombie first reached for the lubricant at the bed-side table, slathered some onto his own genital, and then gave another healthy dose onto the tail-hole of Arven. An excited shudder escaped through Arven's body as the robotic paw fingers played with his hole, his heart beat pounding rapidly as it became harder and harder to accept the reality around him. It had to be a dream; he began to think to himself.

Zombie grabbed the base of Luck-Tooth's cock and began to guide the lubricated triangle tip into the hole of Arven, as Arven's tightness clenched around the penetrating organ. As the tool slowly dove deeper into him, he began to feel the size of the drake cock that pushed apart the walls of his innards. Discomfort being muted by growing pleasure, Luck-Tooth's base hit the rump of Arven who let out a gasp when he felt that Zombie was all the way inside of him.

Pulling himself out of Arven Halfway, when he pushed back into the cat he put a bit more strength into the thrust. Doing this again, and again, his speed and rhythm increased hungrily as he gave himself into the hole of the black feline that could now only let out uncontrolled purrs as pleasure dominated his mind.

Strong robotic paws grasped Arven on the sides, as Zombie lowered his head onto the back of the feline, rubbing a metal mask against the back of his neck. The fur there stood up on end, the spot always sensitive for felines during thralls of sexual passion. Arven's own erection bouncing up and down as he was pounded from behind, he cried for Zombie to give him some attention.

The base of Luck-Tooth's own genital began to swell as the ballooning end began to press itself against the rim of Arven's anus. At first, Arven was not sure whether the drake's penis would fit inside of him but he knew that eventually Zombie would force himself in. For now, it just pressed itself against him, each coming hump bringing it closer to inserting itself within Arven. As the base of the cock did this, Zombie heard Arven's cries for attention, and wrapped a paw around Arven's own cock. With his back arched down into Arven's back, he stroked the feline's cock to the same rhythm of his own visceral and passion-filled thrusts. His hand forcing Arven to hunger in lustful need as much as his own cock was demanding it's silky release.

"Ugh!" Arven exclaimed in a sigh of passion as the swollen part of Luck-Tooth's base finally popped inside the feline's body. The sensation of it finally entering him drove him to a new level of excitement as he found himself losing control of his own release. Arousal conquering his willpower, the reach around paw that pleasured his cock, forced him to shoot jets of white stream onto the blankets below him. Unrelenting even when Arven found his release, Zombie continued his pumping. From the base of the emotional threshold he had just learned he had, a grunt was escaping him as he pushed harder and harder into the feline. His release finally came when the base of his cock swelled to its last inch and as holographic ejaculate shot deep within Arven. The white-wash sensation overtaking him he arched his head to the ceiling and let out a primal howl.

In that one last great thrust he pushed Arven's body onto the bed and the two fell over into a spooning position. Caught within his own exhaustion Arven immediately fell asleep in the arms of the robotic fur.

"I'm singing in the rain...."

Arven opens a tired eye as he hears a singing voice from within his bathroom. Mumbling for a second he pauses to collect his thoughts in the morning. Half of his brain not ready to accept the fact he had just spent the night making love to his robotic companion.

"I'm s-s-s-singing-ing-ing in the rain..."

Arven heard that the shower was running in the next room. Its sizzling sounds accompanied by the increasingly fragmented voice of Zombie. Mumbling to himself he thinks out loud in the morning, "Ha, Zombie is taking a shower." Wide-eyes give no time for pause, "Oh shit!"

"S-s-s-s-s-s-s-singing-ing-ing-ing ing." Zombie broke off into a broken record.

Springing out of bed and directly turning to look into his bathroom he dropped to his knees as he saw Zombie sitting in the shower with his back against the inner wall, body twitching as sparks and electric bolts rose from out of his neck. A strange smoke bellowed from out of the robot, as the robotic circuitry of Zombie became waterlogged. The shower had been running for quite some time letting the robot voluntarily expose his body to dangerous levels of water. Arven felt a flush drain through his body as he spoke into his paws,

"Oh god what have I done."

"Oh h-h-hello Arven." Zombie struggled to speak, "I can feel it, Arven, I can feel the shower...

I can feel the shower,

I can feel it,

I can feel it..."

Author Notes:

I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter, but I feel a compulsive need to upload it anyways before Skyrim takes over my life. Being ultimately exhausted from the gym today, I edited this chapter more lazily then usual and there are a lot of parts in the story that I think I failed to develop to its full potential. I do like this chapter, in solely the story it tells, but I fear it may not be the best of my work.

So why am I uploading it? Well to get it out of the way. For one, my muse and I have been at each other's throats trying to fix this chapter and it just needs to be left alone for a while. For two, it also just way to long and I think the longer of stories I write the harder they become for me to work on continuously. I cut some parts out of the story and managed to reduce it by a few pages but still I fear that this chapter is just WAY to long.

I think the plan is right now to finish this story off in 3 more chapters. After that I'm going to try and re-edit the whole story and then leave THAT as the finalized project on my profile. After I finish the story, judging on the popularity of the story I might write shorter spin off stories concerning secondary characters, stories about the Draco-Fur War or new stories just set in the same universe. But that is solely dependent on if I feel like it's a project worth pursuing. Possibly after the 3rdchapter however I will write up a character sheet for the characters featured in the story. Although not everyone has been introduced yet.

On a final note, this chapter feels like it's going to be the weaker chapter of the series. It's not that I don't like this chapter, it's just I'm frustrated with it.