Summer Adventures part 2

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#3 of Summer Adventures

Authors note: Ok heres part two same disclamers as lat time underage sex with two or more minors coming soon don't read if you don't like and if it's ilegal in your region. all constructive critisism is welcomed.

_ AJ was terrified the cat and the bear were just staring at him with looks of pure shock. The cat looked over at the bear and said something the bear just nodded and started to walk towards the fox kit with the cat right behind him._

"Oh god their coming towards me, what am I going to do their probably going to kick my ass oh geez why did this have to happen to me?" AJ just set there as the pair of cubs walked towards him. As they approached me the bear sniffed the air and exclaimed,

"Man, someone really got excited huh tuck?"

"Oh don't be mean Tyler he wasn't hurting no one," urged the small cat boy. AJ just sat there listening to the two cubs talk about him like he wasn't there. From what he was able to hear he gathered that the small cat boy was named Tuck and now that he was able to look closely at him noticed that his fur was completely black except for a small patch of white on his chest and white glove like fur on his paws. The bear on the other hand just seemed to be your average grizzly bear he was a bit chubby and his stomach jiggled a little when he walked but AJ could also tell that he did have a bit of muscle around his arms.

"Hey kid what's your name anyway," asked the Bear.

"Umm... m my name's AJ," stammered the poor fox. The bear just laughed and looked at the cat.

"Well AJ my name is Tyler and this here is Tucker but I call him Tuck for short.

"Hi there," smiled the cat boy, Extending a hand out to help AJ up. AJ accepted the hand and stood up his pants were still halfway down. As he stood he noticed that he was at least four inches taller than the Tucker.

"Umm I'm really sorry," exclaimed AJ.

"Sorry For what?" the bear looked confused. Now AJ was confused weren't they mad at him?

"Aren't you mad at me?"

"Why on earth would we be mad," laughed the bear, "you were just jacking off there aint nothing wrong with that is there Tuck?"

"Nope," answered the cat boy who just laughed along with his bigger friend.

"We do it all the time," bragged the bear "me and Tuck here have been doing it together for two years aint that right Tuck?" Poor Tucker just blushed and looked away from AJ. AJ was amazed he'd never met anyone else who did it with someone else before.

"Really you guys do it together, like at the same time?"

"Heck yeah all the time Tuck here is my best friend ever." Tyler was now looking at the small cat with a strange look on his face hat AJ had never seen a guy have when he looked at another guy before.

"Anyway," interjected Tuck, "no that our part of the story is over why don't you tell us who you are?"

"Oh well my names AJ I just moved here with my dad from fur York I'm 13 and I like playing video games."

"Really well Tuck and I love games we should hangout some time," said the bear, "what street do you live on anyway?"

"I live just a couple blocks from here down Second Street."

"Really we do to!" claimed the cat, "you should defiantly come over to my house later on were going to play my brothers Xbox."

"Yeah you defiantly have to come," agreed the Tyler.

"Umm sure guys I just have to ask my dad for permission," explained AJ

"Oh ok we'll come with you that way we can go straight to my house," said Tuck

"Awesome it's a plan!" exclaimed a very excited Tyler, "let's go now!"

"Yeah," agreed AJ, "let's go now."

"Umm AJ..."

"Yeah Tuck?"

"Well umm aren't you going to pull your pants up?" giggled the small cat.

"Oh!" AJ hadn't noticed that his pants had been down the whole time he'd been talking to the other cubs, "yeah, ha-ha" he laughed nervously. So AJ followed the two cubs back to the edge of the lake in order to get their clothes. Once dressed the three cubs joked and laughed all the way to AJ's house the awkwardness of the earlier incident completely forgotten by the three cubs. They talked about everything that they liked and disliked. AJ noticed that Tuck was the quieter of the two cubs but when ever he talked Tyler always paid attention. Tyler on the other hand was just a jolly and happy cub who loved to brag and roughhouse. AJ was having a lot of fun with his new friends when he got to his house he walked in with the other two in tow.

"Hey dad where are you," yelled AJ looking through his house he finally made his way into the kitchen where he found a written note from his father telling him that he had gone to work and that he wouldn't be back till tomorrow morning.

"Ok guys I guess I can go to your house since my dad isn't home."

_"That's cool that means you can stay late with us to play more games," exclaimed Tyler, with a mischievous grin on his face. AJ didn't know why but he had a feeling that tonight was going to be a night he would never forget. _

Summer Adventure part 3

_Authors note: Ok then here's part three, from here on out the stories will begin to get longer and longer the stuff you guys have all been waiting so patiently for is coming in the next part. I'm so excited :3 disclaimer: This story series will...

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Summer Adventure

_Authors note: I have been around this site ever since this was the original yiffstar I love a lot of stories here and I finally thought I'd take a hand at writing one. This is my first story so please take it easy on me but all constructive criticism...

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