Summer Adventure part 3

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#1 of Summer Adventures

Authors note: Ok then here's part three, from here on out the stories will begin to get longer and longer the stuff you guys have all been waiting so patiently for is coming in the next part. I'm so excited :3 disclaimer: This story series will contain sexual acts between two or more underage cubs it will also eventually contain fetishes so yeah you have that to look forward to ;) just don't read this if you're underage or if his stuff is illegal in your region. All constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.

_ AJ was having a great time, after going to his house and finding the note form his father it had been decided that all three cubs would spend the night at the fox's house. After a half-hour the other cubs met back at AJ's sleeping bags and video games in tow._

"Man this is going to be great, I bet we could stay up all night and eat all the junk food we want," said a very excited Tyler.

"Tyler this isn't our house were guests here tonight, and anyway I was kind of hoping if we could figure out if AJ would like to play some other types of games tonight," interjected a blushing Tuck. Tyler just giggled and rang the door bell to AJ's house, after a couple seconds AJ answered the door with a phone to his ear he was apparently talking to his father.

"yeah dad their right here now, yeah yeah I promise we wont burn down the house, yeah we'll make not to stay up to late' ok dad thanks I'll call you if anything happens alright bye." AJ hung up and smiled to his two new friends, "ok guys just got the ok from my dad he's also going to order us some pizzas so were all set."

"Wow your dad is so cool," exclaimed Tyler, "so me and Tuck here brought all the games we could carry are you ready to party!?" with that the three giggling cubs ran up the stairs and plugged in the games system and played video games for hours at around 7:30 pm the door bell rang'

"Oh that must be the pizza, I'll get it," said AJ as he ran for the door.

"Hey tuck you're right AJ really is cute let's see if he wants to fool around with us."

"Shhh! He could hear us don't talk so loud," whispered an exasperated kitten.

"Whaaaat? It was your idea to see if he was like us," whined Tyler.

"Yeah but I don't want to scare AJ. What if he doesn't like boys and you scare him then we could all get in trouble," reminded the kitten.

Yeah I guess you're right but what are we going to do to see if he likes boys then?" asked the bear cub.

"Don't worry I have an idea just fallow my lead ok." The bear just nodded, they could here AJ coming up the stairs with what seemed like hundreds of boxes of pizza.

"Ok guys I think my dad went a little over bored and ordered us six boxes of pizza, I hope that's alright," asked the fox.

"AJ I think I love your dad," said Tyler the cubs just giggled and dove in to the pizza. They ate and ate pizza until it seemed like they would never eat again.

"Man I've never eaten so much pizza," burped Tyler.

"Tyler that's rude don't burp in public," chided Tuck, "thanks for the pizza AJ you should really thank your dad for us tomorrow morning."

"Yeah sure no problem, but what do you guys want to do now?" asked AJ. He couldn't tell but he thought he saw a new gleam enter the kitten's eye when he asked the question but just ignored it.

"Well..., we could play a few more video games or we could play a game my older brother taught me," said Tuck. At this the bear's ears perked up and started staring at the kitten.

"Umm sure why don't we play the game your brother taught you," said AJ. At this the kitten smiled and started explaining the rules of the game, apparently the game was called spin the bottle and it sounded really interesting.

"Ok guys my brother said that he plays this game with his friends all the time at parties he said that all we need to play is a bottle," said Tuck. AJ reached over and grabbed one of the empty bottles that they had been drinking soda from. "Ok I got one," said AJ. Tuck took the bottle and told the other two cubs to make a circle with and placed the bottle in the center.

"Ok guys all we have to do is spin it and who ever it lands on has to pick truth or dare and then the game goes on form there," stated Tuck.

"Ok then so let's get started!" yelled Tyler who had been strangely quite throughout this entire time, "I'll go first." He spun the bottle and it landed on Tuck.

"Ok," the bear smiled, "truth or dare?" The kitten hesitated for a moment but then answered "dare."

"Ok then I dare you to spin around for 30 seconds," laughed the bear.

"Fine I will," said Tuck a little annoyed that things had not gone according to plan. Tuck got up and began to spin he knew this was a bad idea since he could still feel those last few pieces of pizza in the back of his throat, but after a while the kitten made it through the 30 seconds without incident.

"Ok then it's my turn now," said Tuck who spun the bottle and it landed on AJ. "Well AJ it seems that it's you, truth or dare?"

"Umm I think I'll go with truth," answered the fox cub. Tuck smiled he could work with this.

"Alright then," he started, "earlier today in the park when you were pawing off what were you pawing to?" AJ felt his heart skip a beat he had totally forgotten about the park and he had hope the others had too but apparently they hadn't. The other two cubs were now looking intently at him he couldn't help feeling that maybe this had been planned out ahead of time.

"Umm... I d don't know what you're talking about," he stammered.

"Now don't lie," said the cat, "you know the rules you have to tell the truth." AJ was really regretting choosing dare. He was afraid if he told them the truth that they would get mad at him and not be his friends anymore or worse they'd hit him, but he k new that there was no way around it now.

" today at the park when I was pawing off I was... um... thinking about... um... you," he pointed to Tyler and hid his face behind he was waiting for the screams of outrage or the punches and kicks that were sure to fallow. But all he heard was silence when he finally dared to take a look he noticed that the bear had gotten a lot closer and was looking straight at him.

"Really you were thinking of me?" he asked. All AJ could do was nod sheepishly, now he was really confused why wasn't the bear cub angry at him then he noticed that the kitten was smiling at him now too.

"So," the kitten asked, "does that mean you like boys then?" AJ just nodded and hid his blushing face. He had been shaking until he felt something soft on his forehead when he looked he saw that the Tyler had come right in front of him and was now kissing his head.

"There's no reason to be afraid of us we like boys too," said Tyler reassuringly

"Yeah," added the kitten that was now getting closer to the two cubs. AJ suddenly felt a ton of weight lift from his body he laughed and flung his arms around the bear cub.

"Really you guys aren't mad at me?" he asked almost on the verge of tears he just couldn't believe it he had told them hi darkest secret and they just accepted and told them that they liked buys too, this was just to good to be true.

"Of course we're not mad at you in reality I think you're kind of cute," said the now blushing Tuck.

"Really you think I'm cute?" asked a surprised AJ

"Yeah we both do," added Tyler, "we were kid of hoping you were like us so we could hangout more." Tuck just nodded he couldn't keep the huge smile that was working its way across his face, things had gone a lot better then he had planned.

"So AJ have you ever fooled around with another boy?" asked Tyler. AJ shook his head and blushed, "well do you want to try a couple things with Tuck and me?" AJ was taken a little off guard he hadn't expected them to be so direct, but then again he finally noticed the tents forming in both the bear cubs and the kittens pants. AJ nodded and the two other cubs smiled at each other and started to move towards the fox cub. This was going to be a fun night.

Oh yeah last note guys if you guys have any ideas about things the cubs should do or who they should meet then I'm totally open for suggestions just leave a comment below with your idea and ill see if I can work it into the story ok :3

Summer Adventures Part 4

Authors note: Wow guys it's been a really long time I'm really sorry for the delay but there was a lot of family drama and I really lost my muse for a while, but now I'm feeling a lot better and hope to continue this story on a regular basis. The same...

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Summer Adventures part 2

_Authors note: Ok heres part two same disclamers as lat time underage sex with two or more minors coming soon don't read if you don't like and if it's ilegal in your region. all constructive critisism is welcomed._ _ AJ was terrified the cat and the...

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Summer Adventure

_Authors note: I have been around this site ever since this was the original yiffstar I love a lot of stories here and I finally thought I'd take a hand at writing one. This is my first story so please take it easy on me but all constructive criticism...

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