Tyler's Interesting Day

Story by KairoTheDragon on SoFurry

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This story contains M/F dragon sex. Don't like? Don't read.

You might want to read First Meeting Tyler and Ivy first.

It had been many years since Ivy and I had first met. Almost immediately after she had saved me from drowning, we had become inseparable friends. Every once in a while, I would get those weird feelings for her that she didn't know I had had. I tried to ignore and suppress the notion that we were anything more than friends.

Even so, to others (so I hear), we seemed very content to be just that, really good friends. I could see how they could think that. We would go walking or flying to random spots throughout the vast forest, and spent hours simply enjoying each other's company, whether we were playing around in the lake or just walking through an interesting patch of woods. It is on one such journey that this story takes place. W warn you however, it is very embarrassing to tell, but my dad always told me that if I ever felt weird about something, I should write about it. It seems to be helping already and I hope I can finish this without too much trouble.

It was a bright morning, but I could sense a slight wind that would mean rain at night. But that is of lesser importance. Ahem let me try again... It was a bright morning, a slight cool breeze rolled comfortably over my scales as I followed my long-time friend, Ivy. It was a wonder to me how she still didn't have a mate. Her predominately dark gray scales contrasted with the bright morning sun, while the bright green, vine-like markings scattered about her body seemed to reflect it with such radiance I needed to avert my eyes every once in a while when the sun reflected in my direction.

It was a good thing too. I had admittedly caught myself looking at her a little more lovingly than a friend should be...more than once I might add. Even someone who wasn't secretly in love with her (which I would struggle to find a male who wasn't) would have admitted that she was quite a stunning dragoness. I risked a few looks as her tail moved side to side...I think you know where I am going with this.

Dragons are hardly body shy, but the mindset I was in didn't make me comfortable. Those areas of the body, while not "private" were more considered "sacred" than anything else. It wasn't like I had never seen her vent before. It had never been a big deal before, but for some reason it was stirring up my senses today. I started to feel weird and I looked away again, staring down at the grass in front of me. I continued to follow her until we got to a decent sized swamp.

It took me a moment to realize where we were, but when I did, I simply blushed. My red-scaled face darkened its hue as I did. She turned and grinned at me, knowing the spot held quite awkward memories. It was here that we first met. It was here in this swamp, where I almost drowned to death, and the strikingly colored dragoness saved my life. I was surprised that she would bring me here, but then again, who knows why females do the things they do anyway?

All this thinking had FINALLY distracted me from my thoughts on the female. I was thankful for that. If it hadn't, what happened next would have immediately become awkward....Suddenly a dark gray blur passed through my peripheral vision as Ivy leaped toward me. I tried to jump away but was way too late. She pinned me with relative ease, though I wasn't really TRYING to escape. I simply growled playfully and rolled over onto my stomach. When I did however, I yelped as something caught underneath me. It took me a few seconds but I blushed madly as I realized what it was.

For the record, it is not comfortable for a dragon to lay on his belly with a filling sheath. In fact, it hurts. However, trying to explain that to Ivy would hurt worse...at least psychologically. However, the inevitable question finally came...

"Are you all right?" my friend asked, genuinely concerned. It always surprised me just how much she actually cared. It was almost weird.

"Uh yeah," I said, still very uncomfortable.

"It wasn't me was it?"

"No it's me actually. But..." that pause in my speech was enough for her to sense something was up. The thing about friends as close as us is the fact that we don't hide secrets from one another (well other than the fact that I was falling madly in love with her).

"What do you mean? Come on you know you are going to have to tell me at some point." She simply grinned at just how true that statement was. Normally, even if I was reluctant to tell her something, I would do so by the end of the day.

"Well um...I...I know this female...we have been friends for a while, about as long as we have been friends, but I think...I think I am falling in love with her."

"Awe Tyler has a crush! Who is it? You simply must tell me!" She seemed genuinely excited for me. I was glad this was working so well. It wasn't a complete lie anyway.

I blushed and continued. "But what if I tell her and she doesn't like me back? What if it messes up the friendship that I already have with her?"

Ivy looked me right in the eye, as if trying to figure out what I was REALLY trying to say, but then seemed to ignore it for now. "I know this is gonna sound cliché but...If she is really your friend, then nothing will change, even if she doesn't like you that way back. But come on. I don't see how she wouldn't."

"Are-Are you sure?" I asked, knowing that if I stood up now, it would be a relief to my member but painfully obvious to Ivy why I had REALLY yelped...and that just wouldn't do. 'But she said it wouldn't change anything if we were truly friends...and I KNOW we are...can I trust it? She also said she didn't see why the female WOULDN'T like me...was that a hint?' Those thoughts ran through my head and distracted me just long enough for my body to do what I DIDN'T want it to do...I stood up.

I blushed madly as I realized that my fully erect, ridged dragon member was standing proud as could be below me. My body had simply had enough of me laying on it and had moved of its own accord. The only thing I could say was, "Um ivy...the female is you..."

She simply looked at me, as if she were contemplating what had just occurred. I never saw her eyes leave mind but I was sure she saw me for what I really was; a horny male dragon. I couldn't keep my eyes connected to hers and I looked down in shame and embarrassment, lowering my body in an utter show of self-pity. I started to turn around to walk away saying, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."

As I started to walk away, I felt a claw on my rump. I turned. It was Ivy, and she was...smiling? 'That is odd,' I thought. Finally she spoke. "Is it really me? Are you serious?"

I simply nodded; she simply grinned wider. Ivy walked forward, to stand beside me, never taking her left fore-claw off of my body. When she stopped, it was on my cheek (or what a dragon would call a cheek anyway). She smiled comfortingly at me then licked my snout. My eyes went wide, and probably rolled up to look into my skull from sheer shock.

"It's about time you tell me," she said. "I was beginning to worry you had really found another female. I was hoping you would say something like this one day."

"You mean...you love me too?"

"Of course silly; wow males are really clueless when it comes to love." She seemed to giggle at her own joke and I cracked a quick smile before nervously going back to my blank expression.

"I...I'm gonna go get rid of this," I said, gesturing to my obnoxious extremity. She giggled and before I knew it I was on my back. "Wha? Hey! Why did you push me?"

"You aren't going anywhere," she said looking me straight in the eyes with a look that could only be the most unnatural mix of evil and love. "I don't mind this," she said running the back of her claw over my sensitive shaft, making me shiver, and squeak in surprise.

"Um I do...it isn't comfortable," I said. "That's why I yelped when I rolled over. You were tickling me and it started to poke out and it doesn't feel good to lay on it." I rolled away from her and curled up as much as I could. It was still a bit weird for het to see me like this, let alone actually touch me like that.

"Okay," she said seeming to calm down some. She stroked my side and lay down next to me, letting her wing fall over my body like a blanket. "I understand."

I sighed. "No...trust me. You don't. I need to do something about it."

She smiled and gently prodded my rear end with her claw. "I have an idea..."

"Oh no" I said sarcastically. "This can only mean trouble."

"Only if you think pleasure and trouble are synonymous," she replied.

I didn't know what she meant by that, but I was sure I'd find out soon enough. Instead of dwelling on that I replied with a witty comment of my own. "No but pleasure does seem to come right before trouble!"

"Oh but this will be worth it," she said, walking so her face was in front of mine, seemingly upside-down as her body was facing the opposite direction mine was. I barely had time to give her a puzzled look before she rolled me onto my back, making sure my wings were tucked in. She licked my snout and smiled. "Just relax'" she said happily, before planting small licks all over my face, then my neck... I sighed, a bit unnerved at being in such a vulnerable position. But the more I thought about it, the more I knew I trusted Ivy with my life. She had already saved it once, and at the time she didn't even know me.

A sweet, citrusy scent woke me from my thoughts. Ivy had moved her licking to my belly. I blushed as I opened my eyes and saw clearly what I had been sneaking peeks at earlier...her vent. It was right above my face, and her scent was intoxicating. Even though I knew she wasn't old enough to be in a true heat, I knew that some young females, such as her, have false heats. This makes them smell like they are in heat when they actually are not reproductively receptive. This had to be it. 'I didn't smell this before though,' I thought. I blushed as I thought that I could have just brought her into it.

My thoughts were interrupted again as her snout bumped my shaft. I squirmed a little at the unexpected contact, but Ivy just kept giving me soft little licks along my belly and sheath. This surprised me greatly. I had never heard of any of this being done. All I knew about mating was what instinct told me. She obviously had other things in mind. I whimpered as her tongue traveled from my scaly sheath to the smooth maleness protruding from it.

Her smell finally cracked my hesitance and I lifted my head so that my snout was inches away from her vent. My nostrils twitched at the delightful, earthy, and slightly spicy scent that filled them. My tongue, already lolling out of my mouth from the pleasurable experience Ivy was sharing with me, went to work, licking the moist slit. The tiny scales around her opening were so small that they created a very smooth, soft surface. I pulled my tongue back to fully taste her juices. This was either the biggest mistake, or the best thing that I could have possibly done. My brain went into a sort of sexual frenzy as I liked around her slightly parted tunnel. My tongue decided that wasn't good enough and that it wanted more. I heard and felt the beautiful female purr over me, the vibrations causing an electric sensation to shoot up my now impossibly hard dragonhood.

I was becoming increasingly aroused, but as soon as I felt myself about to blow, she stopped her stimulation, stepping forward so that my tongue slipped out of her delicious vent. I whimpered and pulled my forepaws up, begging as cutely and pitifully as I could. "Why did you stop? Did you change your mind?"

"No," she said simply.

The glint in her eye said she wasn't done yet. I watched as she turned away from me, and lowered her head and front half of her body. It didn't register in my mind what she was doing until she spread her hind legs a bit and lifted her tail. She looked back with the most needy, begging expression...at least I would imagine so. I wasn't paying too much attention to her face. My eyes were locked on her leaking slit, and my body was now acting on autopilot. I stood up, maleness bobbing underneath me as I walked up behind my soon to be mate. I buried my muzzle under her tail, taking in her rich, spicy scent. After getting a suitable face full of pheromones, I licked her one more time before rising onto my hind legs and placing my forelegs on her back. Moving forward, I aligned my impressive length up with her waiting, warm tunnel. My tip touched her sensitive lips, drawing moans from both of us.

"Breed me. Claim me as yours," said Ivy, obviously letting her sex do the talking.

I couldn't resist her. My mind didn't want to and my body couldn't. At her request, I stepped forward, slipping myself inside. The felling was incredible. Such warm, tight, wetness on my sensitive flesh was overwhelming my senses. My body took over and I began to thrust into her warm vent. Both of us were moaning, and Ivy would shiver every once in a while, signaling that my maleness had found a particularly sensitive spot. I continued ramming into her, shoving more and more of myself into the beautiful female below me. "um...I'm gonna..."

"Do it...so...close..."

The ground around us exploded into flames and I let out a roar as I buried myself into her. The swamp water rippled as I expelled my seed deep into my lover, filling her with my warm cum. I bit down on her neck as I shoved in as far as I could go, and my ridges expanded into the grooves inside of her tunnel, locking us together. She shook as she was held in my tight grasp, and filled.

My ridges still locked us together via the slots in her vent, but I released her from my jaws from her shoulder. I was a bit shocked when I realized what I had done. A few holes marked where my teeth had penetrated her scales; blood seeped slowly from the cuts. "I...I am so sorry...I didn't mean to..."

Ivy turned to look at me but did not seem fazed at all by it. In fact, she looked quite satisfied. "What? I did ask you to claim me as yours."

"um okay...we should probably get back," I said nervously as I realized that it was starting to get dark.

"I'll walk you home. But you have to um...get off."

"I thought I just did that," I joked. Taking the hint I pulled out, my ridges having shrunken enough to allow me to slip out. My maleness was already almost completely back into its home when we left.

My dad was lying outside, soaking up the last rays of the sun when we got back. He looked at me and smiled. "Have fun?" he asked, glancing at me, and then he looked a little longer at Ivy.

We both nodded and smiled. We gave each other one last glance before I went into the lair, and Ivy took off back to her home at Gale's lair.

"I knew it," Mark said to himself as he walked inside as well.